
"Step aside, sister. I can speak for myself."

"Okay. If you can take it, I'll give you the mic."


"Is it true that everytime a baby laughs, a fairy gets its wings?"

"And if so, how are they able to stay on you? Shouldn't they be too small for…"

"How fast can you fly?"

"Why are you so small?"

"What's your favorite color?"

"Do you really sleep in trees?"

"Are the Squirrels your pillow, or are you theirs?"

"What do you eat?"

"....Sparkle, remember. You wanted the Mic."

"Stephanie, I thought you were communicating with me to take you back to your High School."

"I was."

"And this is it?

You sure we didn's accidentally teleport to the wrong classroom?"

"Elementary is down the hall."

"Stephanie, I wasn't talking about physical age."


"I was talking about respect.

...My name is indeed Sparkles. I never much had a name before that because everyone else was so busy since none of you sleep, so neither do we. While it is not true that when a Baby laughs a fairy gets its wing; it is however close. Our wings are covered with the pixie dust from the Flowers we were born on. They bloom high and tall, we extract their pollen just like Bees do, and then spread it throughout. You being a Kid is what helps these flowers grow, and thus...helping us shower you with wishes.

I wouldn't say our wings are too small for us. They may look very transparent, but that is because they help us get the flight we need, and the flexibility we have; but I assure you....they are very strong. It doesn't matter how fast we fly, cause when we…"


"When we turn invisible, our world also turns from yours so we can work in a different time. I wouldn't say we are tiny, although Squirrels do look like Lions to us, and you look like Mountains. That's why we stay high in the trees. My favorite color is blue, and I like to eat.....hmmmm…..actually I don't know what I….oh yes. I like Berries."

"Any type?"

"Their is more than one type?"

"Follow us to Chef Gusto, and he'll introduce you."

"I don't want a magic berry. I want a merry berry."

"What's a Merry berry?"

"Guys and girls, I am sure you all have lots of questions and such, but sadly it doesn't matter who it is that visits us, we still have a class to run; and I think you are late for your next one."

"Oh, am I holding you up from something? I'm sorry."

"No. No.

Sparkle, you are amazing.

We just need to help remind them that they also have a spark inside them that ignites."


...You ate my Fairies!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Sparkle, that's not what we mean when we say you have a light inside of you."


Good. Cause I really like humans and would hate to find out that they were so cruel. We are not fireflies you know.

I know you all like eating weird, disgusting, and the darker the better types of such...but I promise you. We are not edible. We're too small to even be a snack.

You could eat all of us and we still wouldn't fit on a Donut."

"You want to be eaten?"



"Good, cause we would like to show you what we really value eating. Don't worry. It's not Fairies."

"Good. Cause if you did then I would sting you with my stinger."

"You have Stingers?"


"You guys really need to know what's serious and what's not."

"So you do, or you don't?"

"We're just gonna go now…..and let you decide for yourselves what you think. Okay? Ummm.....Byeeee!!!!!