
"Stephanie. Stephanie. Stephanie."

"Theresa, what are you…



I didn't forget you. Welcome back."

"I wasn't gone."

"I know, but…."




"Get off me, Kids. Let me breathe. Let me…."

"We missed you."

"I know you did."

"Did you miss us?"



"Your thoughts never crossed my mind.

…..…but....…they were in my heart."

"Nice save."

"Hi, guys."

"...You're forgiven, Stephanie. What's that?"

"And do we get one?"

"You're going to have to clear that with the girls above me.

Here you go, Sparkles."


"Oooo…a blueberry. My favorite.


What's in the bowl?"

"Fresh picked out back. You got berries for days.

Have a blackberry."

"They look more dark blue."

"The Darker the better."



"You like that?

I'll give you one more, and then these Kids will look after you as I have some things to do."

"Where are you going?"

"I won't be long. Promise.

Have a few Raspberries while you wait.

Kitty, here's the bowl."

"Thank you.

We'll do our best to respect your…..ummm…..what is she?"

"She's a Fairy, and don't let her size fool you. She can make you beg like a dog."

"But I'm a cat."

"Sparkles can change that.


Bye everyone. Be good."


"Okay. Stephanie, where were you really?"

"Theresa, I can't just be gone for a bit doing my own thing?"

"I have friends...and they like to talk and stomp.


"Recently, a storm passed through and I helped them find shelter.

.....In a cave....."


"Right by the water."


"You wouldn't happen to have seen them, did you? One of the babies got left behind and was in turn scared."

"I....hope he finds his Herd soon because...wait a second. Now that you do mention, I did see a pair of eyes looking at us. I thought they were just lights on a wall blinking, but I guess we had an admirer."

"And I see you do too.

Whatever is coming, just promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"Look before you leap."