
"Did she just…."

"Rainbow, it's futile to go back in there. We'll just…....we'll find our own way."

"To clear my name?"

"Wait here. You need a new disguise."

"DeathPetal, it would be wise if you made yourself scarce."


"I can take care of myself. It's only temporary. Now go before they trace us."

"Rainbow, I got some clothes…..some sleeping bags and a…."

"Ruby, you don't have to do this. I got myself into this. No need to drag you down with me."

"You left, and came back. Now it's up to me to find you a home so you don't leave again."


If you see Rainbow walking the streets you are to immediately report her to the authorities and Lolli will escort her out. If you cannot find one, then you are to deliver her to your local Royals. Failure to abide will result in punishment. Anyone caught helping Rainbow will be labeled as harboring and aiding in a bedding. You will be tried at the full extent of the law.

.....Good day."

"So much for finding an easy home for the day. Now we really do have nothing."

"Sometimes the best times are when people are pushed against the wall."

"I feel like I am in the wall."

"RUBY, hi. Did you hear?"



"Oh, hi Elwin. Didn't see you there."

"That's because I came up behind you."

"What do you have?"

"This is my Kingdom, and these are my people. I have talked to my half of the others and we are all setting up our Barricades.

Why do you think Rainbow would be stupid enough to show back up here?"

"....Who says she's here? Natyh's message went to everyone."

"In that case, if you find her, you know what to do."

"And….what will you do if you find her?

Turn her over to her sisters, or…."

"Natysh has saved that girl's life time and time again growing up. If she had it her way she would just send Rainbow back to isolation, but the Dragons don't…"

"The Dragons. The Dragons. The Dragons!!! Why has it suddenly turned into a Winged show?"

"They are terrible at showing up to help, but when it comes to punishment; they are quick to act.

If I….."


Met one in real life. The one you have been hanging out with was a clone. Do you want to know the truth about how you died?"

"I know the truth, Sister. You don't have to remind me."

"Do you? It seems your memory is stil a little foggy."

"What do you know? Rainbow has been a close friend to all of us. You can't just throw her out. Elwin, out of all of us, you are....You can't say you fear them."

".....I don't like this more than you, but please....if you find her.....I hope you can make the right choice.


"Bye, Elwin. I hope you have a good one."

"......Is she gone?"

"She's gone."

"Why has my sister turned everyone against me? Does all she have in her heart is dirt?"

"Rainbow, it appears you are the one dirty."

"Yeah, cause you pushed me into the dumpster."

"Had to hide you fast. But now…..I think you could really use some clothes."

"A shower won't do?"

"You wanna be defenseless?"


"Then put these on and follow me. I said I would find you a home, and that is what I intend to do."

"How? Natysh has put the fear in everyone."

"Then we are going to have to go to a place where no one has even heard of magic."

"Oh no. No. I can't…..I can't stoop so low."

"You're not stooping, Rainbow. Just...bending over."

..........*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"I'm coming.


May I help you two...…oh, there you are."


"Please, nurse L, let us in."

"Remvoe your foot from the doorway before you cause a scene."

"I have Rainbow with me."

"Do you know what the Dragons would do to our little Orphanage if I were caught? Do you know what would happen to me? What are you even doing here?"

"All we need are beds....And possibly a shower?"

".........Get in here before anyone sees you."

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Stay away from the Kids."

"We'll be upstairs."

"Gone by morning?"

"Gone by morning. We'll repay you anyway we can. We just.....need to get to the bottom of this before bad goes to worse."

"I think it already did."