
" 'Dragons...….Magic...…Fairies.....Kingdoms? How have they been hiding this from us for too long? But fear not, because we have an eye witness who claims to know a backdoor into this whole hidden ring.

6N2 joins us now.'"

"Thank you. We are happy to be here."

"Now you have said that you claim to know how not to only get into this vast Kingdom, but also shut it down? Bring power back to the people?"

"That's right?"

"And how can we trust you?"


"Uhhhh….what's in the cage?"

"This is a Fairy. The Lifeblood of magic. Don't worry, as she stays in this cage, she is completely harmless. You would think the worlds most dangerous and secret Beings would be the most protected, hidden, and powerfullest?

They are…"


"Why are you showing us a dead flower?"

"Without these, they are nothing. And without these...Magic will slowly fall. It's the best time of any to attack. So draw your swords; ready your spears, and pray over your last meal; because tomorrow…..WE….WILL.....Claim back what is ours.

And if you find a small princess by the name of Rainbow....hear me now...….Please thank her. We coudn't have done this without you."


"...It was on two hours ago."

"But I wasn't even here. How did they know I would have escaped? You heard them, it's as if they knew I would escape and come here. Almost as if...…"

"They wanted you to escape."

"Quick, search for trackers or anything that transmits. Uhhh…a reflection. A flashing light. A…."

"Oooo…thatr tickles. I feel like I am getting searched. Wait, what are you…"


"Rainbow, please stand still and be quiet. They may be able to hear you and know something is up."


No bugs here."


"None on this side."

"Maybe they were kidding about saying thanks to me? Just wanted to factor us?"

"You only told them about the outside reaches, right?"


"Then how are they supposed to fight if they don't have a map?"

"...Of course."

"Of course, what?"

"They gave me a music box."

"May we see it?"

"Please.....don't break it apart."

"We'll try our best.

Go washup in the shower. Take this towel with you."

"Don't worry. I'll vaccum up later."

"You think the Mirror is the eye?"

"Looks natural to me. No blurries. Plus, how could they get their hands on 'Wish.'"

"So you have been listening."

"Ruby, their is a difference between listening with intent, and just hearing because their is nothing else to hear."

"And.....what else did you hear with those ears of yours?"


Hearing aids can pick up noise that nobody else can."

"What are you?"


"The tracker is under the dancer."

"Got it."

"Ruby, wait."


"You said the tracker is under the dancer."

"No. The tracker 'IS' the Dancer.

Batteries on them last only one year though, and with no plug; it's safe to say the mirror is the panel and when you turn the switch to listen to music, that in turn charges the Tracker."

"That's complex? But how would they know if Rainbow charges it everynight?"

"Most people need music to fall asleep. Others have to be read Bedtimes stories, but reading by yourself never helps. I know.

Wouldn't seem impossible for Rainbow to charge the Tracker everynight."

"She charges her own death warrent.

But how can they hear us?"

"They can't. Or...they shouldn't.

Solar powered doesn't charge as much as fast. They can track and see. That's about it."

"So they don't know what we are saying?"

"Unless they can read lips. Probably just think we wanted to see if there was a secret compartment and accidentally popped the Dancer off to our disappointment. Now we are arguing as to which glue would work best to put it back on."


"....I have wood glue, or paint and shine."

"....It's all good Boss. They just broke her and are figuring out how to put her back together before Rainbow sees."

"Well, they better. The head doesn't work without the body."

"So, which glue?"

"....I have a better idea."

"Need help sneaking out?"

"...Can you help me sneak in?"