
"Where were you last night?"

"Ouch. That still hurts."

"You may be able to self-heal, but scars still remain. And by the looks of it, you have a lot of them. What kind of claw marks are these? They cut deep, and leave much. Run into any trouble?"

"Elwin and I searched the location where Rainbow had been shouting."


"Ooooo.....That wet towel feels so good."

"This Ointment should help the inflament. I know you fought a Dragon and lived, but how's Elwin?"




"Just hold still, and tell me where it hurts."

Natysh forced us to fight."

"Shame on her."

"I'm glad she did."

"Come again?"

"Knocked some sense into us. Although it was a baby dragon, we…."

"Baby? Imagine the Parents."

"Natysh kept them at bay.

Taught us that Dragons big or small are not to be trifled with at all."

"And why couldn't she just tell you?"

"Sometimes words are not enough."

"But is violence always the answer?"

".......Thanks for cleaning me up, Mrs. Heartchild."

"Wait. I didn't discharge you."

"...I know.

Next time you see me, Darius will be with me."


"Good day, Mrs."


"Good day to you too."



"........Good morning, Elwin. How'd you sleep?"

"Like a dream, thanks for asking."



"Excuse me a sec.


"Elwin, you up?"


"Now I am. How are you feeling?"

"I am much better now after what you did."

"After what I…."

"Look out the window. Quick."

"I'm going. I'm going. What is it?"

"Take a look, before He flies away.

Seems your kind deed has not gone unseen.


Came by to say thank you."

"I see him.

You are so so soo welcome."


"Take care, Kid. Take care."

"Elwin, what are you looking at out there? Why's the window open this early in the morning?"

"Ohhh….nothing. Just.....making sure everything is as it should."

"And is it?"

"I can confidently say... 'It is.

…..Thank you, Ruby."

"You're welcome, Elwin.

Least I could do for all that you did for me."