
"Guys, guys. Did you see that? Did you see that?"


"Out the window. Hurry."

"Kids, Kids.....please calm down and come back to your seats. What can me more precious than School?"

"Uhhhhh...….A Dragon."

"Go to Dropfarra. They are everywhere."

"No. A real Dragon. Not a copy."

"Let me see."

"See, right there. We are not making it up."

"Where? All I see is the....ohhhh. There it is."

"Told you we are not making it up.

Wonder why it came? Usually when they come they have something in order to complete a task."

"But not this Dragon."

"I saw him. All he did was swoop in, do a loop; and then fly away."

"Almost as if he was thanking someone for something."

"Or showing off and flaunting his power."

"Wish we could ask him and see."

"Dragons can't talk, Genius."


"Ouch. What was that for?"

"Even Ruby cannot read their thoughts. Only the Secret Bearer."

"The 'Secret Bearer'. Yeah right? They probably don't even exist."

"You didn't think Dragons did."

"Well. I.....I...…."

"Speechless, I see."

"Class, can you please take your seat now?"

"I wish I could see a Dragon everyday, but they come and go so fast."

"You will have plenty of time to sightsee and gorge from your Dorms."

"What do you mean?"

"Natysh's eyes have been open. She is willing and thinks it is time to release her Dragons. That way, all the Kingdoms will be graced by their presence. We will be full again."

"Wonder what changed her mind?"

"Yeah. You don't just go from suspicious to giving without getting knocked on the head."

"Dragons are not pets. Cloned or otherwise. So, whatever knocked her must have been big."

"....Kyle, this is big."

"You still sure about this?"

"If it stops people from exploring the Truth.....then yes.

Ready, Ladies and Gents?"


"More than ready, Natysh."

" 'This Document you all are seeing is not a plea of Entrapment, nor of freedom. All personnel hereby states that they will do their best to abide by, respect, and honor each other's boundaries unless they feel their is a need to interfere, or lend a helping hand.

This Document states that in the danger one of my Dragons harms aother, you are free to 'trap' the Dragon, but not kill. No Civilian is too….."

"We are here. We are here. We are here."

"Welcome Elwin, Ruby, Kain. I hope nothing has overkept you."



"Nothing at all."

"Just a good night's sleep. Might have slept in. That's all."

"Riiiiiiiight? I'm glad you could make it, and I hope you enjoyed your....pillows.

I was just telling the other Kings and Queens here how important this Document is to not only us, and the Creatures above the land, but also below the.....Do you...….know how important this Document is?"


"Elwin, are you ok?"

"Evander, I'm fine.

Yes, yes I know how important this Document is."


"I do too."


"As do I."


'These Creatures shall not be mistreated, nor harmed without a case. If you find one asleep...…Do not wake it unless it is obscuring others. Don't play with them or..."

"Question. "We're Adults, but what about Kids?"



'Play...…at your own...risk.'



"Do Dragons understand these rights? How do we fight them if they break a rule?"

"Rosa, have you not been paying attention? Someone, please take that pen out of her hand because she is clearly not fit to sign."

"Wait...wai…..wait. I am. I...…I can sign."


Does anyone else need help understanding?"





"Then please...….before you sign your names, take a good long look into your Dragons eyes and feel their heart. This Document signifies that you are one, but you also need to believe it in here. If not, then these are just words on a page."

"Natysh, may I….."

"What do you need, Ruby?"

"You just brought all these people to war by kickin out Rainbow, but….."

"Ruby, as far as everyone is concerned; we won; and our signing this Treaty to prove it.

Elwin, for once your Father was a good man."

"You're no different. Covering up layer after layer."

"And you'll do your best to keep the Onion intact. If not, then your 'Good Deed' will be its last."

"Yes, Natysh."

"Glad we understand one another."