"If we hurry, we can make it by the skin of our teeth."

"You're not gonna let anything stop you at all."

"There it is. The Stadium. I can see it."

"That's not a Stadium. That's a Skyscraper."

"Whatever it far away do you think it is?"

"Please let it be close because I can barely see a thing."

"Just follow the lights.


"With pleasure."

"Nothing the Bears. They know the way."

"I should call the Heartchilds and tell them that we are safely on the ground. I did so last time."



Haven't you forgotten. Nothing in......…nothing out."

"Well, that complicates things."


"As I said. I leave everything the moment I step off the plane."

"You mean the Bear?

We're here."


"Hey, you can't just leave us."

"Then keep up. I can't be late."

"What about the Apartment?"

"We'll look into that later.

The Dragons put us behind a bunch, but..."

".......Has anyone seen Jacklyn? She is usually never late."

"Slept in?"

"Long flight?"

"Maybe she's..."

"I guess it will just be the nine of you. Inspectioner will be arriving any second to pass our time and give us the schedule. After that, it's over."



Don't quit me."

"Uhhhhhh...Jacklyn, what happened to you?"

"Coach, meet my friends. Elwin, Scarlett, and Ru....and Ru.....and….."

"Ruby. Nice to meet you, Sir."

"Jacklyn, you know the rules. No one in before gameday."

"But Coach. I wouldn't be here without them."

"Then explain."


"From the beginning."


"......Coach, whatever she may have done, blame it on her young will."


"Look at her. When we all go out celebrating a victory, who is the one who is always there to calm us down and make sure we get home."


"And what about on time?"


"Or keeping us organized with...."

"Okay. Okay. I get it. ........But don't make a habit of this."

"Yes, sir."

"The Inspectioner is coming with our papers, so excuse me. I have to go introduce us."


"Thank you, Girls. Really. You didn't have to, but you did."

"Just looking out for a friend. What you would have done for us."

"But that is no excuse for what I did."

"And.......what exactly did you do?"

"We fought Dragons!!!!!!!!!"


"Oh...….Was I not supposed to tell them that?"

"You're not supposed to tell anyone that."

"But you...........I am so confused who to tell and who not to tell."

"So our little girl is a Rider?"

"She's actually a Fighter."


".....I'm confused too."

"She helps keep the fuse lit, and the glue hot."


"I see."

"You...….you do?"

"That our secret girl is both a Star on the court and off of it. Glad you aren't the exact opposite of who you show to us."

"Actually, these girls are the true heroes. As they said, I just hold them together."

"Don't sell yourself short, Jacklyn."

"But I am short. Every time I get a Sponsor that is exactly what I do. Sell myself...short."

"You're not short. Just fit so that your people can easily see your heart."

"And that, my girl......Is a big one."

