

Girls, meet Elwin, Scarlett, and…."


So nice to meet you all. Jacklyn has told us so much about you and all her little adventures."


"Jacklyn, now I am over the moon confused."

"They don't believe any of my stories. Honest. But whenever they call, I can't tell them that I have no life, no friends, and nothing going for me."

"But you do have Friends."

"Friends I have to keep behind secrecy. That's why they told me to go with my new avenue of appearing on Kids books. Help the imagination."



"I think that's their way of saying you're crazy, without saying you are crazy."

"They would never. Right, Girls?"

"How'd you get here today?"

"The Bears were going to slow."

"Something happen to your plane again?"

"It cra.....I just wanted to take the girls through a new path."

"I see."

"You girls don't think I am crazy, do you?"

"What do you do now?"

"Teach Kids how to survive in a Magical world until they...oops."


You really are a strange one, but then again; you're not with us twenty four seven."

"We can change that. Just....pick some friendlier places to go."

"If we had it our way, we would. I would love to hear some more interesting, fabulous, and daring tales of your adventures and exploits."


"....The Coach is all about image, and since we are all under his care."

"He likes showing us off like Trophies."

"And Trophies...….always appear on the top shelf."

"I know."

"But we also know that you're the legs holding the shelf up."

"That's not what Coach thinks. He is always waiting for an excuse to drop me. I know it. I'm too small.....too young.....too inexperienced."

"Too inexperienced? Who told you that?"

"No one.

Just.....feels like they do."

"Unless you have magic powers that we don't, all we see are fans and friends that love you for you...…..nothing else."

"So screw what Haters says. We all know, 'In order to be my hater, you have to also be my biggest fan.'"

"You're right.

They're just fans that need to get to know the real me."

"And this Season.....we'll make sure everyone sees the real you. Here they come."

"How do I look?"

"Like you really did just get off a Bear.

You got sticks in your hair, fleas on your shirt, and...….*Squish*

What's that? Please don't tell me what I think it is."

"It's called blood.

Must have been the glass shard from the plane."

"Oh. I…..Jacklyn, why didn't you tell me. Let me heal you up."

"So there was a plane crash!!!!!!!"

"Yes, now please don't tell anyone."

"Raven, stall them. I need to get this girl cleaned up and looking like a model."

"Their isn't enough time. They are at the second set of door, looking right at us.

If their was only a way we could clone one of you to look like Jacklyn.

I look close, but Coach can tell."

"Can he?"

"Ruby, wait."


"Can someone pass me my remote control?"

"You're not, me."

"What was that? Please get this imposter out of here....."



"Right away, Jacklyn."

"Don't mess me up. He'll notice the slight height difference."

"I got this."

"But you don't even know what to say."

"I told you. I got this.

Now just hurry up and get ready. I don't like staying in Characters for too long. It itches like a hot suit."

"Say no more."

"You two, go wait outside."

"Ruby. I mean…"

"Please? We don't want Jacklyn to get in any more trouble than she is already in."

"Of course."

" my team. As you can see, we are all here."

"Pleased to meet you....."

"Extend your hand?"


"Let him shake your hand."

"Oh...Pleased to meet you, Sir."

"Ooo. So formal. I heard a lot about you, Jacklyn."

"All good things I hope."

"Only the best, and can't wait to see you rip it up on the court. I know you will kill it."


"We all good?"

"We're going to do things a little differently this time. Instead of all the weighing, running, and other nonsense; as my highschool swim teacher told me, 'Everything happens in the pool, so why aren't we training in it?'"

"You want us to Scrimmage, for you?"

"If you wouldn't mind. Need to see the girls in action before I can ok them to play."

"Yes, sir."

"Wait, that wasn't in the plan."

"You.....can play, can't you; Ruby?"

"Just a little.

I stole Jacklyns Jersey once, and didn't mean to."

"You stole it?"

"More like borrowed."

"You may be able to fit into her Jersey, and disquisge as her, but it's time to show that you are.


"Here's your Penies, Girls?"
