


"What about our Bears?"

"What Bears?"

"You know...….Our Bears?


We can't just leave them."

"She's right. They are just like the Pegasus'. They have done nothing wrong. Only what we led them to do."

"............Pegasus approaching. Pegasus approaching. First one of the day."


"What do we do?"

"Everyone hold. It's the Girls."


"I'll handle this."

"Ruby, down there. I think I found our Bears. They're riding them."

"How? Lolli doesn't know about our Bears."

"Darius does."

"HEY, UP HERE. YEAH. HEY. HI!!!!!!!"





"Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!"




"Dragon, let us pass. Is this the Border protection now?"


I...am the Border Protection."


"Wha...where's Natysh?"

"At home…..resting. Like she ought.

We're going to have Guards periodically shift out, as well as Dragons; all thanks to you lovely ladies. You...….understand?"

"Of course. Just don't scare them off. We want them to feel welcomed. Not to feel trapped."

"Don't tell me how to run my ways, and I won't tell you yours."


"I am truly happy you are home. Not because you are needed at your roles, but truly...…welcome back."

"Thank you."

"Now. I've come on behalf of Natysh to evaluate if you can return or not, par last time."

"That was the past."

"And this is the present. Your point? Nobody wants their past dug up, but the only way to help your future and not prevent what happened 'in the past'....we need to deal with...…. 'The past.'"


"How long is this inspection going to take?"

"Because I have some boys waiting for me."

"And I have Mermaids."

"And I.......what do I have again?"

"A second chance.

So, I suggest you start counting."

"I count. You......watch your hand."

".......Come on. Where'd she go? I saw them. I swear it. What's...…"


"It's complicated."

"Thankfully, you're all residents so you're okay."






"Not too tight, remember?"

"Elwin, let off some steam. They're ok. It's just the Normals you have to worry about. They only have one layer."

"But aren't you all also Residents?"

"I told you...Complicated."

"Good to be home?"

"Feels like we haven't left."

"I'm sure glad she is."


"Leading's hard. How do you do it? What's your secret? I only have two hands. Do all Girls really have a third eye? Needless to say....I missed you so much."

"That...….was a lot of words just came out of your little mouth. I missed you too."

"So, to answer your questions. 'Yes', I am happy to be home. We all are."