
"Okay, one last hug as your friend before I return as your Queen."

"Elwin, you are always our friend; and welcomed anytime."


"Thank you. I missed you so much.


"Why didn't you kiss me like that?"

"Let's leave the Kids and maybe I will."


Bye, Kids."

"Bye Elwin."

"Bye, Kain."

"Bye, Scarlett."


"Unless what?"

"You do have a Swimming Pool here, don't you?"

"Donwstairs. Why?"

"Come on. Who wants to see a Mermaid up close and personal? I'll even let you pet my scales."

"You should've started with that."

".......And then there were two."



"Sorry if we disrupted your Classes, unannounced."

"No need to apologize. I know the Kids loved the Welcome.

Walk with me."

"Alright. How far we walking?"

"Just to the….."

"Mayor Rogue; I mean....Principle Rogue."

"How did you enjoy your experience, Ruby?"

"Well, I mean...not well. Well, for Jacklyn that is."

"Stop saying well. I may run a school and not a dictionary, but I expect better."


That's why I had Lolli come replace us with yours. Should've asked first though, or at the very least told their parents."

"Yes, you should've. But what so if they miss one game of Jacklyns? Their will be plenty more. Reason why they were tarty is because their parents gave them a send off. But why...are you tarty?"

"I'll explain later."

"You know where to find me."

"So, Jalapeno; what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Nothing. Just.....When Humans start to cross, please don't have them bring Rap along. For the Kids, it's okay because they know no better. Country.....I can teach. Rap, I cannot."

"That's surprising knowing you. I thought…."

"Ruby, doing and teaching are two totally different things."

"I can't promise, but I'll try my best."

"That's all I ask."

"Is that all?"



"Don't be mad, but just because you can help someone doesn't mean you should."


"You can't force anything on anyone, and that goes for us."

"......How is Chris?"

"He's hanging in there, and his Wheelchair hasn't broken down...…yet. Definitely got heart."

"And the others?"

"Supportive as always, but…."

"Chris is very independent."

"Yeeee..yaaah. He's still figuring out how to ask for help without feeling down."

"Understandable. Magic can only cure outside, you know. Souls are their own other matter. It's like giving a kid a popsicle when they are hungry. They will eat it, but they will still be hungry after. Nothing changed."

"Glad you're on board with this Program."


Jalapeno, we can't just enter everyone."

"What happened to 'we are all Tykes under the Rainbow?'"

"I mean....we still have to think about safety. The more these Kids evolve their other sides; the more dangerous. These tests are designed to deal with their danger level against outsiders, but what are you doing for protecting them from each other?"


"I'm glad you asked because that is another thing we should talk about, and no...it does not have to do with separation; or the tank pods we put the Kids in."

"Is...that....the solution up there?"

"Oh good. You found Stephanies mirror over the door. Took a bit convincing her to give it up, but I am surprised you found it so easily. After what she did with you, we convinced her to do it here."

"And Guardian is ok with it?What about the delay?"

"Fear of getting stuck? Not a chance. Guardian has so many mirrors, he has kindly lent one for us to use. Can't hurt anyone when you are just a Reflection."

"I'm not even going to ask how you managed to do all that because I am sure Natysh and everyone had a say, but I am impressed. I'm just curious...…do the others know that...."

"They always step into a completely different reality? Of course they do. They are smarter than you think, Ruby."

"Just promise me it's not an excuse for rough housing."

"Oh. They still get taught a lesson if they disobey. Trust me."