
"I'm sorry. Didn't know that…"

"It's ok.

'Reverse time.'


There. Good as new."

"How did you do that?"


Just try to be more careful next time."

"So, this is the real you?"

"Raven, we both know people would find out sooner or later."

"Why haven't you done so during the Game?"

"....Friendly fire?"

"Nice try.

Come on."


"We brought some stuff from home to leave with you. It's in the ca...I mean…."

"I know what you mean, and will be right there."

"So this means no tomorrow?

*Tug, tug*

"Why wait tomorrow…


For what you can do today?"



"Now go play while I talk with nice Elwin here about something."



Mommy. Mommy. Mommy; Jacklyn is here. Jacklyn is here."

"...What'd you find?"



".....Why does it seem like I am the only one who cares about Ruby?"

"What do you mean?"

"Jacklyn, you weren't there. We saw with our own eyes the Dragon carrying off Ruby….



And we all know what happens next."

"Did you physically see the Dragon split her up?"



"Jacklyn, Dragons don't need a reason."

"Seems you do."

"Yes, we are all sad and heartbroken; but look at all of this. Look at this together. We are all one, thanks to her."

"But what if she is not missing? Just...lost."

"Uhhhh...….Jacklyn, I'm sorry; but this picture proves nothing."

"Where did you even get it?"

"How....did you even get it?"

"That's not matter. What matters is I got it. So, what do you think of it?"

".....I think we all realize she was a greater impact than any of us could have imagined."

"And that we all grieve in our own way."



"Hey, what was that for? We were looking at it."

"Just like that, you believe she is gone? She's not in Rosa's palace for a few weeks? Or…or…..Chopped for a few months? What makes this time different?"

".........You weren't there."

"Sorry, but I have to go. People to see and lots to do. Jacklyn, I as well as everyone else also deeply want her to be alive, but no law and no one is above the Dragons. It's futile to even try to get in their mind."

"Elwin, wait. Elwin, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait."

"Jacklyn, nobody wants her back more then I.

That's why I have told Darius that she is resting after helping us so; and will be back later.

He understood, but I am starting to worry that that 'later' is going to be a never. One Wish stopped. Another started."

"But it doesn't have to be that way. If I can just…"

"Here's what I'll do. Most say they have to see to beleive with their own eyes, but if she is alive and with a Dragon; that means none of us can draw near."

"So you have been thinking this through?"

"Get me a better picture and maybe I will be convinced."

"Yes, Ma'am. I won't rest...…till I am at my best, and she is here right by my chest."

"Thanks, Jacklyn."

"For the poetry; or the dedication?



She wants proof? Then I'll give her proof. And I know just the right time to do it."