
"Enjoying the first day of a new Partonage, Jacklyn?"

"Rain, are you spying on me?"

"Just keeping the peace happy."

"At least one of us is happy."

"Whatcha got there? Can I see that?"

"Some say she is dead. Others say she is alive. Most have hope, others...…not even know what that word is."

"And you?"

"Everyone claims to have seen the Dragon fly off; one with Lollis body, and one with Ruby's; but no one has seen them pick them up off the ground. Almost as if…

You were there, weren't you?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Your face.

Spill it.

Who, and why?

...….. 'Trust.'"

"How'd you?"

"Before I ask who said that word and who that word was said to, let me say this. I can only hear what was traveling on the wind, and what will be...but never to who. This was the last word said in the vicinity of Rubys body before one of you turned away. The Dragon grunted, and that's that.

Now…..why would a Dragon grunt so closely to a human?"


"After...that person said 'trust'."

"If you're the Wind, tell me."

"Ruby wasn't breathing. She had a faint heartbeat, but...….from this Photo I found, I tracked Dragon all the way to space and then 'No Gravity' stopped me from pursuing further.

Then this shows up on Ariel's planet.

Best guess.

....Ruby fell ill....Dragon came and said I can take the body. You agreed; gave Him the body. While He was flying away, He was trying his best to revive her, but after no hope; he flew off and had her buried at Ariel's Plan.

Is there anything I am missing?"

"That may be the way the Wind carried her, but do you believe that?"

"You asking me to doubt my own powers, Sir?"

"No. question. Where'd Ruby go between this planet and that?"

"I told you. Dragon jumped."


"Look; if you know something I don't know, please tell me....….before I go down a rabbit hole I cannot get up from."

"In your Kingdom, none of you believe in evidence before trial for you can gather it all; but where I am from; if you got no body...….then case is still open."

"You saying she is alive?"

"I'm saying, don't let the case run cold."

"Space is really cold.

What do you do when you can't find something?"

"Retrace your steps and then start walking again."

"Simple as that?"

"Simple as that."

"What do I tell her when I find her?"

"Usually, we say 'What do I tell her parents, when I find her?' Not…'what do I tell Her?'"

"Keep an open mind."

"And maybe a bottle."

"I'm too young for a Bottle. That's a sign of giving up anyways, and I..."

"I know what you're going to say."

"So, where should we start?

We can start in the.....Rain?


Where'd you go?


Guess you don't need magic after all to disappear.

Ruby...….wherever you are, and whatever the reason why are you doing all off this…..please.....just give me a sign. Any sign."