
"Honey, I'm home. It's sad that Lion had to kill his Hyrbirds, but thankfully that has opened up Hunting again; so me and the Boys went out and...….what's... going on here?"


*Ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting*






"Have I turned invisible?"

"Sorry, Honey. We were just practicing. I was teaching Darius how to hone his skills and block out distractions."


"We...might have gotten carried away."

"Oh, Evander; it was awful."

"He's lying."

"First, she took over as Moes spot and started firing at me....non-stop."

"Oh my."

"Then she threw Axes at me and tested my reflexes.

Thankfuly, I blocked them.

I was tired, beaten and bruised, but while I was focused on her, she winked at one of your men, who then proceeded to stab me in the back."


"As deep as he could go.

But could I get some rest? No, sir; not me. I am a Healer, but I guess not fast enough. Before my abilities could come in I was forced to pick up a weapon and defend myself for she attacked."

"Took advantage of your weakness?"


I was resting. I call unfair violation."

"Darius, you don't have coaches and refs in a Fight."

"You do in a game?"


"Why are you laughing, Sir? This isn't funny. I could have gotten hurt, and although she is a Royal, I don't think she should be exempt from Jury."

"Exempt from Jury?"


…And Moe to."

"What did I do?"

"You lured me here."

"You missing your soft cushiony pads back at home at One Pearl's training course?"


"Would you like to go back there? Get rid of these physical stand ins and go back to fake fighting?"

"Fighting is fighting, whether you are defending, evading, or simply running."



"Evander, your....your hand is blocking the door. You said I could go home? Why are you stopping me?"

"My Wife said I can't let you leave."

"And you listen?"

"Darius, you are too young to understand.....but the answer is yes....and always.

Moe, take him to his room."

"I can't fit in a Dwarf house? I need luxury, I need comfy, I need a bed...that actually fits my head. Something that reminds me of home, you know?"

"I'll give you somethign that reminds you of home."

"You will? Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"It's called School Work."


"Elwin called me before you arrived and told all your teachers to send your daily work over here. You can still zoom in through Lollis connected network, and she will in turn bring your Papers."

"Why can't I never escape school? All of the Girls never had to go to school. Well, besides Jacklyn. I hate my….



"Don't you dare say you hate your teachers. Teachers and parents are the best thing that has ever happened to you. You have what none of them ever have nor will be able to get back."

"What's that?"


The Girls will have to go back to school in order to learn how to use the Basics, but you will be a step ahead for you have already gone. Think of Rainbow."

"Don't say that name."

"Where would she be without School? She did her best to run away from a Princess's life, but you can't run away from your Teachers. You think she learned everything on her own?"


"It's a loaded question, Kid."

"I mean…no."


Thanks for the workout."

"Workout? I nearly died."

"That's what rest is for. Moe, take Darius home. I need to talk to your mom...…in Private."

"Of course, Father."

"Thank you."