
"........You're welcome, Jacklyn. Until next time."

"Do I have to walk in my Balett shoes wherever I go?"

"Only until you feel comfortable with them."

"Then will I get my old shoes back?"



"Tomorrow I will teach you how to spin and roll."

"What happens if I miss a class because I am sick?"

"...Go home and rest.


"Yes, Claw?"

"You are a traveling teacher, not a Citizen. If you can teach Jacklyn everything that I have taught you...…..then I will put in a good word with Rosa so you can see your family again."

"Thanks, Claw.

From Arms Dealer to Broker. From Father to Husband. Too losing my children, and gaining seven hundred more. Now I am entrusted to teach One all that I know.

I won't let you down."

"I know you won't.

I'll see you both early and atem."

" 'Yes, Teacher.' "

"So, Theo. What do you want to show me first? You have lived here longer than I."

"You may be the Celebrity on top, but I can assure you that there are way more hands on bottom holding you up. Starting with…..your recollection."

"What about it?"

"Ruby can only see far back as a Seed, but you can look even farther?"

"Thank you."

"It wasn't a compliment. You're so focused up here, that you don't know what to look for down here.If it breathes it bleeds."

"If it breathes it bleeds."

"Jacklyn, you are the only one who can see a Dragon when they go topspeed invisible."

"Well, I wouldn't know about 'see' persay, but…"

"Ruby can only teleport. With Ghostly powers or not, but as a plant; all Plants bloom. Ruby can never stay invisible for a long time for plants always sprout and she always has to come back. But for you, wind is everywhere, and it is nowhere."

"How do you know it's everywhere, and how do you know so much about anything?"

"Jacklyn, I am not the guy who is blowing up left and right. That's the Godfather. I was just the one supplying his ammo, so trust me when I say I have traveled everywhere to deliver. In fact...you could say I am basically, 'Fairo.' the Fairy who delivers ammo and weapons to all in need."

"You just made that up didn't you, 'Fairo?"

"When you're on the road for several days and don't see your family, you gotta find solace where you can.

And if I can craft your abilities, then maybe you and I could be our own Delivery Fairies."

"Theo, you may be the teacher and I the Student, but listen to me. I know how badly you want to take your Family and run, but please.....this is not the way."

"An emotional wreck, teaching a perfect A student."

"I promise you, I am far from perfect. We may not go to your House, but we can check in on some others."

"It feels like you want me to not pass you."



"Nice shoes, but…."

"How are you to run in them?"

"My Bro makes the best custom Basketball shoes. Code name, Air."

"Can I have them please?"

"......On second thought, wearing them would be cheating. I'll give you them as a reward for your passing. Your first ever not metal sole insert shoes. I am sure your feet thank you."

"I....am actually going from these to Skates."

"And then back to Basketball? You are the Girl."

"I am a Girl."


"I don't know."

"Huh!!!!!! No, no, no, no, no. You said that dancing was too hard for there is nothing you can hide. Basketball shoes are big enough to hide things in."

"Maybe I don't want to hide anymore. Every Kid returns home, right?"


"Uhhh…..just to get clothes out of their old Bedroom and then leave. It's never Permanent."


"Yes, Jacklyn?"

"Tell my Coach I'll have to miss the next game. Undergoing a new training exercise."

"On second thought, you could show up."

"That's impossible. Lolli, you are a robot. You should not be having emotion in this."

"Jacklyn, it's not emotion. She wants to see you thrive, so giving your Coach a bad report is not benefactory."

"Their is no way I can train in time. That's.....that's.....that's impossible."

"Jacklyn, look at me."

"Yes, Theo?"

"Nothing is impossible. We all have motivation. It's up to you to give it value. Do you want to get better for you, or do you want to get better for the one thing you care about?"

"I...I just want to come home and make my parents proud. See them smile. I know they want me to follow my dreams, but secretly, they wish I stayed. I know."

"Then show them when you left, you did not turn weak. Side by Side."

"Hand in hand....…Let's do this thing. Coaches think I am weak. Teachers think I am weak, and my Trainers think I am weak. Just a toy in the Public's eye. But I AM NOT…a toy!!! I am a SYMBOL.

...…And Symbols....... never burn out!!!!!!!!"