
"Jacklyn, since you all are leaving."

"And you don't want to blast your name everywhere saying you are the Elemntals."

"What name should we call you?"


"No. That's your name, but what is your name?

We can't necessarily call out, 'The Elementals are coming.' You Four are the strings that bind our Universe."

"Kind of like big Fairies."

"But unlike Dragons, you use your powers to pick sides; and combine sides."

"Not… whatever you want."


"Frostwing heard you."

"I know he did."

"All I am saying is that you are people. You are the Dragons emotions. You get hurt. You can die."

"And your powers can be reborn."

"Now do you see the safety of a name?"

"I was thinking....'The Invaders!!!!!!!'"


"What? When you slap 'The' in front of anything, it turns out to be cool."

"What about the Flowstate? Keep everyone in sync."

"Scarlett, you are the only Water."


"How about...The Ele…..Sentals. Cause they sent for us."

"Do none of you have any imagination whatsoever. The name needs to be simple, concise, not threatening; but convey our mission."

"As well as hide our face."

"How about the Rainbow?"

"Excuse me, Alexa."

"You know....Rainbow.

Rescue. Aid. Interrogate. Negotiate. But. Only. (If). Willing.

You can't help someone until they are willing to be helped."


All in favor of Scarletts?"




"What? It sounds cool."

"All in Favor of Darius'?"


"Looks like I win. At all the Kids eyes that is."

"Thankfully, Kids don't rule the Majority."

"That would be a Nightmare."

"Hey, that should be your name."

"How about Elwins?"


"Oh, come on Guys. You have to admit. My name is very straightforward to the point."

"It's not that we don't like your name…."

"Nor do we dislike your name."

"For it is very on the nose."

"And since you are a Queen, I love that trait about you is so...."

"On the nose."

"But let your creativity soar sometimes. Live a little."

"Ouch. I…..I'll keep that in mind."

"Sorry, Elwin.

All in favor of Alexa's name? Although she's not on the team....I'll allow it."


"That looks to be all the Adults on your side, Alexa. I guess it's a tie."

"Come on. Put your hands up."

"But I like Darius' name better. Please don't disown me if I don't obey my parents. He's just....more relateable, you know."

"I mean, there are two long sides of each Spaceship, like an Airplane; so we could technically write both...…Oooo…I see a hand. Is that a hand, young Man; or are you picking your nose?"


"Nope. Not picking my nose."

"Hey, I can control my hand, thank you very much; MOM."

"Then control it."

"........It is a hand raise. 

Frostwing, can you confirm he is lifting it not of his parents wishes, but his own?"

"...............I can confirm."

"Then Rainbow it is."



".....I'll go grab the paint brushes."

"We'll meet you at the Ship, with Parachute in tow. Thanks, Chipmunks and Squirells."
