
"Can we keep this Fairy?"

"That's awfully a lot of work for one Fairy."

"We won't have her work. Just teach us. So that when you do come back, we'll be ready. Keep us motivated."

".....I don't mind."

"As long as she says yes, then I'll say yes. Call this a trial one. Show you can take care of her; I will come back with a lot."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

"With our work here done; ready to hit it?"

"We're not done, yet. Before we leave, we have to make sure we have everything."

"And that's where I come in."






Ready for the Tour?"

"I think us two should help the Kids with the Paint."

"I'll help them mix."

"And I'll help make sure...they don't go anywhere."

"Oh. ok.

Elwin, Jacklyn; follow me."

"Thsi Spaceship doesn't look like much from the outside."

"It's the Emperials ship. Back when Travel actually meant something. Now people just want you to stay in your respected Balls. Only Messengers are flying too and fro.

You got the Tablet?"


"Cause that's the controller."

"I thought the Battery was the controller."

"Keep up, Elwin.

All batteries die."


"Shh, Secret Bearer."

"Right. Right. All Batteries die, but that's all they are. They charge things. They are not things in and of themself. We have a secret that other ships do not. Explain, Alexa."

"As Jacklyn was saying, we do have a secret others don't know. A backup generator you could say. 

Here is the indoor Garden."

"Why is it so massive?"

"A portion for giving, and a portion to keep on the ship. If the Batteries ever die, you wil always have Fairies who are able to fix them. Plus, everything created in Restaurants ninety-nine percent comes for a Garden, and you know how Serenity is. Shall I add more?"

"We know."

"Here is where Serenity will cook that delectable food. There are a few chairs for taste testers, for you never trust your own senses. Also, so she can teach others."

"Have you seen Serenity? She only expects perfection."


Come over here and this is the Dining hall.lounge room. Where Serenity will serve."

"Why isn't the Kitchen connected?"

"Would you want to make a Volcano, only to have an impatient customer accidentally taste test it while it's being made; and get sick?" We eat with our tongues, but we taste with our eyes."

"I see what you mean."

"If and when they ever do get sick, you can bring them to the back of the Ship where we have Sickbay."

"It doesn't look that big."

"I am hoping you only have to use it on a whim. This should be the last place you want brimming with activity.

........And this should be the first. The Sleeping Quarters."

"Individual rooms with self sliding doors. I like it."

"Looks cozy."

*Caclick. Caclick Caclick, caclick, caclick.

Seems to be in good shape."

"Alexa. Now that we no longer need a space for Lollibots, what did you fill the lower level with?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself just yet. I have to show you the meeting hall. It's very basic, but should provide everything you need. 

You got chairs, a Holo table, and best part.....built in cameras."

"Why do we need Cameras?"

"To study the Terrain before you embark."

"And who enters the Scout Pods? I don't know if you'd notice, but we are a bit short staffed still."


"What the? Why'd you bring Cats along?"

"They are not Cats."

"Uhhh….yes they are. They're not Dogs."

"I know that silly."


"This frisky little claw fighters are actually Pilots."

"How is that...a Pilot?"

"With this."

*Tap, tap*

"Lollis tablet?"

"It's just a Tablet, though. Not a Baby of the Supercomputer."

"Oh, but it is. Click that app right there."

"This one?"

"No. That's your Notes. One over."

"This one?"


There you go. 'Controller.'"



"Hello, and welcome to Pairing mode."


"The one and only. I see you found my mobile app. Control your animals on the go."

"I'm sorry. Control."

"The only thing you can't do is use my animals to fight. That's a no, no. Only I get to play with them. But….I will let you walk them when they have to go to the bathroom."


"And see what they're looking at. Talk with whom they are talking to."

"That's it?"

"Hey, I'm sharing part of my.....*Whoooooo…..Calm and relaxed. I am calm and relaxed."

"You can use your Cats to Pilot your Scout ships, and then link their cams to this Table to get a live view. That way, if a Planet has Patrol on high alert, and decides to fire; no human casualties.

You need to send down a Med ship; don't kill one of your own."

"I take it the Ships are downstairs?"

"And Elevator's to your left. Anything else, you can add them; but their is one drawback."

"What's that?"

"Unlike the School where you can build on top of each other; if you continue to build on this ship; that will require more power, and the longer it will take to reach Warp Speed, raise defenses; brace a shield, and all of that."


"What about weapons?"

"You said you don't want to kill, so why install a button to do just that?

Leave it to the Cats. If you are detected, deploy them. Rats are already in their Incubation chambers. The Range on your Tablet can only go so far, for it is mobile; but what is lacks in size, it makes up for in Portability. Now you can be boots on the ground; the moment your animals see anything.


"Where's the Bathrooms?"

"I have one."


".......Can I have the Keys, please?"