"I can see that we have everything covered up here, but what happens when we are down there? We are all strong in our rights; but the moment we leave this Ship, the only thing that reminds us of home will be the clothes on our back."

"Jacklyn controls the Dragons. She'll help us."


"What about Lolli?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah."

"Her scope is limited. She cannot detect the identity of a Shapeshifter, nor find someone who is Invisible."

"Why would we ever need to be invisible?"

"If we find ourselves working backwards, and not forwards. At that point, Lolli is no longer our ally, but not yet our enemy."

"What do you mean?"

"The King's forces would be hunting us down and using every available Lollibot to do that. Since Lolli IS connected to the Lollibots, the moment we seek her help; the other Babies will know."

"Then what do we do? We can't just...….not talk to her."

"Very briefly.

Come here in this corner.

This Tablet is a Controller with limited range, but the Supercomputer has further range."


"For safety reasons. If anyone gets their hand on this, they will be very disappointed. If and when we do find we are not welcome, we are not leaving empty handed. I'll tell Lolli to get a message to an old friend...…B12. There, he can punch in, and manually control up to four animals of the same caliber to rescue us. Better yet, since his mind will be in the animals and not Lolli, the Bots won't be able to be any of the wiser.

But just like with the Sickbay, let's hope we don't have to make a habit of going that route."

"Got it."

"Got it."

"Got it."

"What are you Four talking about over there? Discussing our amazing work? Plan on making it better?"

"Or figuring out a way to let us down slowly?"


You guys really...…..really….."

"Did not draw inside the lines."


"....Eeeeeee. I...…What? You suffer with the same condition, Jacklyn. When then Masses take over, the Masses take over."

"Well, we'll definitely never be seen as a threat now."

"No more sneaking in."

"We stick out like a sore thumb."


".......Does it wash off?"

"The thing about this Paint It doesn't wash off."

"I don't know why Ships didn't think of this sooner. The only time you see Suns are when you orbit a Planet, but many are millions of Miles away."

"It's called Lightyear."


"Millions of Lightyears away."

"What's a Lightyear?"

"...Needless to say, Wind in and of itself will not peel off the paint."

"And since their is no gravity, their is no air."

"And since their is no air, their is no wind."

"And since their is no wind...….I…..I don't know what that means."

"That means we die, Kid."


"You need air to breathe. Without die. I know it's a bleak topic, but it doesn't get much worse then that."

"What about eternal torture?"

"Let's....gravitate towards a…..nicer topic, shall we? You are Rainbows after all, and since you can never see black, white, brown, nor gray; let's not talk as if they exist on our tongue. Thank you."

"Ooooo, the Teacher getting teached."

"It's taught."

"Jacklyn, remember; 'Hot Head?'"

"Yeah, yeah; don't remind me. Get in the Ship before I lose it."


"COME ON, JORDAN. I know you don't want to leave your Fairy, but every Flower has them."

"I know…..but Fairies aren't clones. They are their own unique individuals, and I..."

"Already gave her away. Now come on so she can sleep."

"Fine. Bye Everyone. The next time I see you, I hope to have an army of Fairies. So much so that you won't even see the Sky. They'll be in your hair. They'll be in your ears, and maybe even up your nose."


"Yeah. Ewwwwwwwwwww."

"Jordan, I know you like to talk about what really happens behind the scene and how even the yuck cannot suck.....but please hurry up before they puke.And stop with the analogies."







" Who wants to take our Bad girl for a test spin before we go home?"

"You even have to ask? The answer will always be yes. Now hit it."