Pov change:
"My name is… Funny Valentine.", I said tasting the long forgotten words in my mouth.
She stared at me even more suspiciously. "I never heard of a family called funny? Is this some type of joke?", she said letting some impatience show this time.
'They probably go by different name orders based on her asian looks and her weird stare', he thought. "I'm sorry, I actually meant Valentine Funny. I'm not from around here, so I'm not used to this country's customs.", he apologized.
"So your real name is 'Funny'?", she said even more impatiently. "I'm not amused with your weird antics.", she said sternly. With one last suspicious glare she kept going where she last saw the boy.
I need more information about this world. There was no way she could have traveled for two miles without breaking any sweat. It definitely has something to do with the presence I feel everywhere. That girl also had that same presence, but it was barely any. She had even less presence than a rock!
This was done on purpose, but for what? Maybe she is trying to hide from other people who can sense the presence like him? There's just too many unknown variables that I just can't take into account.
I needed to interrogate someone and fast. A child, while easy to convince, might not know enough about this world. He decided to go for an adult.
After using D4C to get back to the village I notice that they've gone back to their usual routine. Some of them were sellers, others buyers, and the rest makers. I assumed that the rest of the villagers I didn't see, were busy protecting the village from what he could only assume to be creatures like that beast who attacked me.
After using D4C to jump around I found the perfect target. It was a young adult. She's just left her kids to what appears to be the school, and was heading back to her home. I decided to appear around the corner and bump into her.
I caught her before she could fall and helped her get up. "I'm so sorry sir! I must've been too lost in thought to notice you! I'll make it up to you, I'm very sorry!", she said immediately after recovering.
One phrase could tell a lot about someone. I could tell she was insecure and shy the moment she apologized and blamed herself. The men here were the ones who mostly protected this village, so they were probably seen as more valuable than females who stayed and raised the future of youth.
"Well it was just an accident on your part, but there might be something you can do to help me.", I said with a smiler of pure compassion. This would help her feel less guilty and help me too. "What could that b-be?", she asked.
"Well to tell you the truth, I was in a gruesome battle with some beast. You see, I always wanted to protect people so I decided to fight those monsters, but something went very wrong! I forgot all my memories in a battle so now I must wonder clueless about my past.", I grabbed her arm and pleaded, "Please help me find my memories so i can go back to my family and friends!".
She stared at me with disbelief, but I never let go of her arm. I kept staring at her eyes with resolve. To her it's resolve to find my memories, but to me it's to find out more about this world.
"P-please ask me anything! I will help you the best I can!", she exclaimed. Why would such an obvious lie work with her? It's simple. She's in a situation where she has the power that can help someone. Anyone will accept the chance to feel powerful if they are powerless enough, but helping someone who's done good deeds makes their moral and thirst for power over someone to cloud their judgement. In essence this is a form of flattery.
I must've been there for at least an hour. True to her word, she answered me in any of my questions. Of course she became more suspicious of me when the conversation ended, but I didn't need her anymore. I left her after that. She wouldn't affect me or my goals.
The most important thing I've learned is about qi. This is what this presence is and everything has this. Apparently you can assimilate this qi into your body, in order to make it suitable to absorb qi. Then you accumulate qi into a cycle in your body, and finally after learning how to continuously absorb and cycle qi, you are titled "immortal".
That's what the old man on the platform was, and immortal. The only reason they're deemed as immortal is because they can theoretically make qi faster than they can lose it, which expands their life span faster than they can die. The girl said that there were more stages, but mortals didn't have the luxury of knowing them.
I used D4C to travel to an empty bar. It was already late at night so the place was already closed up. I decided to try and make this "qi" enter my body and assimilate into it. This was the first step into my new goal.
I knew that I couldn't go back to my real country, but I knew that I must become strong and lead these mortals. I decided this when I realized just how powerful those immortals actually were. The woman told me stories of them wiping entire cities with only a few people, just because they could.
I wanted that power. With it I could protect my fellow mortals, and then no one would be able to face me or the people. I shall make all those immortals under my control! Then there could finally be peace in this world. What I couldn't manage with "Love Train" I will do with this world!
May no misfortune pass me and my just goal!