A Less Boring World

New pov:

"This night was so much fun!", said the girl I slept with the night before.

We started hanging out, before I finally got her in my grasp. Virgins were always hard to catch at first.

"The only reason it was fun was because of you!", I responded back with the same enthusiasm as her. We parted ways since she still had to go to sleep, but it was nice being with such a sweetheart.

As I was walking in the academy, I saw the only real friend I had. I liked him so much because he spoke to me however he wanted, despite our vastly different backgrounds.

"Hey Quan. what's up?", I called him.

"Oh hey! What happened with the girl you were with?", he responded.

"I'm getting tired of virgins. They're so predictable ", I answered. It was true, virgins were just not that exciting. At first I went for them because I thought they would be difficult to get, but after I learned how to flatter their kind, it became too easy.

"You really are a big bastard?", he said with some jealousy. I just laughed it off. None of it really mattered.

"Well once I finish enchanting my axe, I'll get a nice shiny promotion. All those girls wouldn't be able to touch me then", I said with a sly smirk. Quan just grumbled and walked away in spite. He always got angry when life just placed itself on my hands like this.

Oh well. There was nothing he could hope to do. I decided to go on an adventure today! Getting cooped up in the academy wasn't doing good for my mind.

I only bring my servant with me to pick up the cores of the monsters I defeat. She was fairly stupid, but she looked bearable so I didn't judge her too much.

After a few hours of fighting grade 2 and 3 demons I finally decided to head back. It was early in the morning and I wanted to take a nap. As I was walking with my servant, I noticed a flare in qi.

Curious. I decided to approach it. What I was met with was with something truly indescribable. I mean, how could any sane man say that they saw a woman who could turn into mushrooms, and a man who could clone himself!

I saw the whole fight. It was completely alien from any techniques I heard about. I couldn't believe that there was a completely foriegn world right in front of me! As the man disappeared with the women, I faced my servant.

"W-what should we do, young master?!?! Should we inform the king?! T-they'll never believe us!", she started to panic. She truly was indeed stupid. I wonder if people care about what their finals words are? Well I guess this dumb servant wouldn't care too much, as her head was already rolling at my feet.

I couldn't let somebody spoil such a unique change for me! I wanted to, no I needed to experience this new world. All everyone cares about is power, but that's boring! This could be a chance for me to find a new purpose!

I watched as the man finally got out in between some of the rotten mushrooms. How did they rot though?

"Who's there?", said the man, looking straight at my direction. I wouldn't hide from this new world. I have to join it!

"Hello there", I said with a friendly smile.

"I was watching the whole battle, but I couldn't stop my curiosity. What are these powers? How did you teleport and heal yourself? Why could this woman turn into mushrooms?", I quickly questioned like a kid excited for their birthday.

"Why should I trust you?", he demanded. It felt weird. There was no skepticism in his voice about my character. It was like he was doing a job interview. It was the same exact tone my father used when recruiting maids for me.

"I want to join you", I said with seriousness. I almost never took anything seriously. Nothing was ever worth or demanded my seriousness.

This was the first time in my life where I really wanted something. This was the first time I wasn't certain I would get it. From what I saw from his fight, I knew I was fast enough to beat him, but that wouldn't tell me anything.

This was something special. I always liked to fight for my things because I was always handed them when I was younger. This didn't feel like it was a choice though. It felt like I needed to prove myself to this man, and serve under him.

"I want a new purpose. Every cultivator aims for power, but what's the point. Power without direction is pointless. I want to be a part of this new world!", I declared. Honestly, it surprised me that I could feel so passionately about this. Maybe it was only boredom? It didn't matter.

"If you follow my orders I will tell you more about this 'world'. Your first task is to find any information on the 'Fungus faction'. After you do so, come to this address", he said. He wrote down the address on a piece of paper he pulled from his ring. After that he went behind a few trees and disappeared.

Even though this wasn't much, this could be a new start into my life. I wonder what ridiculous secret fanfiction is named after fungus? I decided to head home and ask for some favours. I can't wait to meet the man again!

Oh wait! I never got his name…

Pov change:

This new person could be of use to me. This was a gamble letting him live with the knowledge of my stand, but I could tell he's powerful. His qi circulation is extremely fast, and that's him doing it passively.

I needed more information and time. I had to take my cultivation more seriously. The fight had shown me just how essential and versitial qi could be.

The following days I started to cultivate with the stone. Unfortunately, the stone couldn't give the token and me, qi at the same time. I also started to do spars with my subordinate. That reminded me. He needed a name. I would think about it later.

I needed to contact my new subordinate quickly. After a bit of searching I found out more about him. His name was Teng Pinu, and he was someone who had a powerful family backing. This meant that he had a lot of connections that I could use.

What I worried about most, was this "Fungus faction". How did they see me use my abilities? I always made sure that no one ever came near to me. Unless... they could see through mushrooms. This made sense.

I needed to be even more careful. I had to remain in the shadows. Now they had more information about me, and I still barely knew enough about them. This was a highly unfavorable match up, but now I could progress more and more.

Next time I meet with this Fungus faction I will be prepared. For now I decided to stop hunting and stay more hidden. I still trained my subordinate, but I could tell he was getting reckless.

He definitely had more meat and muscles than before, but he was more bloodthirsty. Each time they sparred he was more ferocious than before. I had to fix that. I needed a proper subject that I can use, not some animal.

"You need to stop acting like an animal. Remember your training, and stop trying to only fight on instinct", I scolded him.

"If it works normally it's fine", the ungrateful bas-child responded.

"What will you do when it inevitably doesn't? Stop being stubborn and follow what I say", I said keeping composure. It seems like he didn't really listen to me.

"It seems like you still don't respect or trust me", I told him. He just stared at me.

"I won't pretend like I care for your well being, but I do care about how you perform. I want you to become powerful, but you're still sticking to your savage ways. What you are now is completely different from what you once were", I said.

With that I left him again. I couldn't stand people who were directly disobedient to me, but I still saw potential in him. The moment I mentioned his past in the slums his eyes lit up. I know he could still be of use.

Later in the night I started cultivating with the gem again, until I found out something shocking. I reached the limit of qi my body could hold! Wouldn't this normally take a long time? This gem was truly amazing.

I could feel the power of qi all over my body. I felt the same high I felt when I first started to cultivate.

A world centered around power was interesting.