Unscrupulous Animal

"What are we gonna do now?!", asked Tengu.

I was about to calm him down, until I noticed that huge smile of excitement on his face. It seemed like he was more excited about going into a battle of death than I was.

"How did you use that technique? This is imperative to our fight" , I asked.

"It's a special technique that uses qi to move the air and amplify it. What I did was gather the air, make it bigger, and then I released it all at once" , he described his technique.

He could move and make the air 'bigger'? If this was the case, we can beat the enemy right now.

"Can you also make wind with this technique?", I asked.

"Ohhhhhhh. Now I get what you're trying to plan. I can do exactly what you're planning, but what are we gonna do about the acid and secret attacks? My attacks also affect the entire area severely.", he said.

"What I want you to do is more complicated than what you're thinking. I want you to create a barrier of wind that redirects things. Then no matter what the enemy plans you'll be safe", I fully explained.

"The 'air proteigner' technique isn't supposed to be in constant use like that. At most I'll only be able to do that for 2 minutes. I also don't have as much qi in me because I'm currently creating my spirit weapon", he explained.

Spirit weapon? 2 minutes is more than enough, but it could still be risky, especially if he doesn't find the enemy fast enough. I didn't want to lose him either, as he was my most useful pawn so far.

"You're too much of a valuable asset to lose, but we need to beat this enemy. You'll go by yourself, while me and the child find an opportunity to attack. I want you to investigate that receptionist though. If you feel something off about her kill her immediately", I ordered.

Why would a receptionist tell strangers where one of her guests live? Perhaps she was tricked? Bribed too? Anything was possible, but she was the only suspect I had.

"Only use the wind barrier in the very last second. You need to get close enough and catch them off guard", I said.

"Well that's the plan! This is gonna be awesome!", he screamed with excitement.

Deciding to ignore his weird behavior, I used D4C to teleport Tengu at the entrance of the Hotel. I also gave my sword to the child. I didn't want him to be completely useless. Then I teleported me and the child under some stairs. We were still halfway into the wall though incase we ever needed to retreat.

As he walked into the receptionist desk, she was standing in front of it. This confirms all of my suspicions. This wasn't the same receptionist that's always working here, and why would she still be here when a hole was blasted in the second floor?

"So you finally arrived. I can't believe you made me wait so much for you! Does your absolute greed know no bounds?" she said.

"...well you aren't what I imagined to be at all" , said Tengu with shock and some disappointment.

"See! You get exactly how I feel! Just do your best to kill me. And to put me at a disadvantage I'll admit that this whole place has no mold or mushrooms. Furthermore, I decided to waste a total of 45% of my qi when I was testing you guys back there. You should be at a huge advantage no?" , she said condescendly.

"Why would you want such a big advantage?" Tengu asked.

"Oh well normally people wouldn't normally ask me such things since, you know, they're gonna die, but I guess I could tell you. You see it all started when I was a chi-" she was cut off by the sound of gushing blood.

The child sneaked up on her and managed to stab her lower back with his knife! When did he get there? This completely turned the situation! He must've a strucken nerve in her spine too! She was laying on her back completely unable to move her legs!

To my great disturbance and Tengu's noticeable boner, she started moaning?

"Yessssss! I absolutely love this! Fungus God please forgive my awful lust! I shall quench it by killing these men who are in a stronger position! I will show them that they don't have power over one of your children!" she exclaimed in delight.

The child was already next to me again when he noticed she wasn't in any pain at all. I thought she was like Ringo, and only wanted a fair fight to improve, but this could only be defined as insanity.

"Hey, you alright there?" Tengu asked.

She started to giggle as mold started to form all over the floor around her. Soon enough, a gas started to come out of them.

Tengu started to run to her as fast as he could when he realized what she was doing. He activated his wind barrier, and jumped to her ready to strike!

Tengu pov:

This is awesome! I get to beat up a masochistic, crippled, smoking hot lady! My day couldn't be better!

Wait… Where is she! I know I jumped directly where she was, but she's completely gone now! How can a damn cripple , that could control mold, disappear like that! Did she really use the mold to escape!?

I felt something shove me to the ground. I was about to activate my "wind barrier", until I recognized who pushed me. It was the kid! And he saved me from the acid shower that was gonna land on me!

I looked up to see the hot lady sitting on the ceiling! This day is just full of surprises. I-is she leaking? She's leaking some spores! I quickly took the brat and started to run away! Screw fighting that freak! I wanted excitement not death!

"Why are you running away. Isn't this the only shot you have to kill her?" the stupid brat said.

"Then you go kill her! She's sitting on the damm ceiling while leaking spores! She's just gonna move the moment I get near!", I yelled at him.

"Big si-Valentine said to lead her outside", he told me. What was he about to call him?

"Wait so… I already knew about his plan! I was just testing if you knew!", I said while bravely running for my life. This really is the most addrediline I experienced naturally.

"Why do you keep protecting your flailing pride when it's so obvious how pathetic you are?" , the little brat brutally destroyed my confidence.

Before I could beat him, I kept trying to dodge all of the acid and spores getting thrown at me. Why does she have to keep on laughing? It's so distracting. I was about to reach the entrance! I hope Valentine actually has a plan!

"Dodge the right!" , the brat yelled urgently.

I have no clue why I listened to him, but this was a matter of life and death. When I dodged I looked at what could only be described as insane. She was using the spores to propel her forward! She was completely blocking the entrance now!

"Why are you running? Don't you have the clear advantage. I also wasted even more qi now! At least hit me!", she said more disappointed than cocky.

"Ok kid looks like this is our final stand! Let's at least damage her until Valentine arrives!", I ordered the small brat. And like the brat he was, he opposed me!

"No. We have to get her outside. It's the only chance we have. I believe in Valentine" , he stated.

Well I guess doing is better than dying. I think i understand how this new world works now. In order for me to fully integrate into this world, I need a better perspective.

As much as I loved to manipulate people's emotions, I knew I always ran on logic. I made people feel the way I wanted them to with logic. If I did this, they would react like that, based on this. That's how I always operated.

I need to fully let go of logic here. I can't rely on it now. Even though it seems completely unlikely that we can beat her with Valentine's plan, I have to try. That's my current goal.

I only noticed until now, but the kid's leg was burnt severely. He probably got acid on him when he saved me. Well crap, now I'm at a bigger disadvantage.

I put the kid on my back and got ready to charge. He had his sword on my shoulder ready to pierce her. This was almost like jousting. Finishing my inner monologue for character development, I ran.

She threw acid after acid, spore after spore. I had the wind barrier fully blocking all the hits. When I was 15 meters near her, she started to gather the spores into a cyclone! It was completely surrounding the barrier, blocking my vision.

Instead of charging forward, I burst my barrier at all the spores. The moment I did I kept charging at her. I only had 30 seconds left of the barrier! She already had an attack prepped up for me!

It was a large mushroom that was leaking acid. She also started to gather spores at her sides. She was completely guarded! Even If I killed her I would die. She clearly notices it. This maniac just wants to prove that she's actually willing to die!

But I had an idea! I threw the kid at her! Now that brat is gonna die, and take her with him. And I'll be safe and sound. My genius is truly revolutionary!

Third pov:

The child was thrown into the air, and even though he was shocked, he had no intentions of stopping. He didn't like that coward, but he was willing to die as much as the enemy.

The "receptionist" knew better though. As much as she would gladly die taking such a daring opponent for the Fungus God. She didn't want Tengu to walk out alive. She quickly released the spores she hid from where they came from, in case valentine started to follow them. This would block out the exit, or deplete Tengu's qi if he used his barrier.

What surprised her, was the fact that Tengu wasn't using this chance to escape, or charge at her. He was using that technique he did to blow the mold away. She knew she wouldn't die from it, so why would he do that? That move would deplete his qi. Was it to save his friend?

She wasn't going to let him have his way. She completely focused on killing the boy, aiming the giant mushroom at him. Again she was surprised by the events that occurred. The boy used the sword to stab the ceiling!

Before she could attack, a severe burst of wind blew her away. She was outside now, with some trivial wounds, but she was mostly fine. Then the two came out, trying to escape her deadly spores.

"I don't know what you were trying with that, but sadly this is your end. Unfortunately, you definitely weren't the strongest opponents I faced, but maybe Valentine will sneak attack me to save you!", she said cheerfully.

She loved playing with her opponents. It was a sadistic habit of hers. Most people would believe her to be a masochist, but in reality she was a cruel sadist. She never viewed herself good enough for her god.

That's why she always puts herself at a disadvantage. If she suffers the same amount of sufferment she wants her victims to experience, then wouldn't it be fair?

She deserved to be like this, but if even a monster like her could kill people more powerful than her, then wouldn't it make her god happy?

With a huge grin, she launched herself at the two. She wanted to rip them apart personally. It was her reward. She earned this!

Tengu and the boy stayed where they were. They knew that they could only trust in Valentine's plan, or else they were dead. They could only have faith…

The attack that they braced for never came.

"WHAT!?!?!?", the lady screamed in disbelief.

Multiple swords were impaling her into the ground. She didn't even have enough qi to react. She was still confused on what happened!

"Yes guards, this was the criminal who blew up the hotel and attacked me. She said she was from some cult. Please alert the rest of the guards that terrorists are here", Valentine said.

The leader of the guards said. "You do not have the right to remain silent. You will tell us everything you know, or you will get tortured" , he said.

They anticlimactically took her away without resistance. She was still shocked to her core about this loss. She wouldn't, couldn't accept the fact that she lost.

Tengu quickly hugged Valentine in a moment of joy.

"Thank god you called for help! I always knew you had a great plan!" he praised.

The boy poked him with his sword, annoyed. Another terrifying opponent was defeated.

To be continued...