Valentine pov:
Two months have passed fairly quickly. We received no more attacks from the Fungus Factions. The warning I gave the guards must've made them cautious. Right now the guards were more alert than ever.
Of course, they weren't on alert solely because of an alleged secret terrorist group of cultists. There's also outrage from the nobles of this city because of a thief who's been stealing their family treasure.
No one has seen this thief, and no matter how much security they have, the thief always manages to steal their treasure. Of course this is actually me.
I really wanted to gain Love Train as fast as possible from this token, but the qi it needs is vast. I also stored extra treasure I stole for a better use, which brings me to my next point.
The people of this city severely underestimate the plebians. They view themselves as superior to the people in the slums, but they fail to realize something humongous. Each and every person in this city has the potential to be a cultivator.
This means that with enough training and cultivation they can be a strong army. This is exactly what the british failed to realize in the revolutionary war.
The amount of money I had was comparable to some of the wealthy merchants of this city. This made some of the people wary of me since I'm an unknown variable. To them, I gained immense wealth quickly and out of nowhere.
Anyways, I used the money I got from businesses and stealing from nobles to take over the slums. I had to kill all of the gang leaders that were pushing the slums even further into chaos.
With all their leaders dead it was fairly easy to convince them to join me. I offered shelter, food, and protection to the slums. Some gangs decided to join me too. After that it wasn't hard killing any defying people who wanted to keep the slums the stain it was.
It took some weeks to fix parts of the slums. I prioritized the strongest people first. I created a sort of militia from the remaining gangsters. I wanted to figure out how to make them stronger at a fast pace, so I started to experiment with the stone that had infinite qi.
I wanted to find out how I could store qi into other things that my men could use for cultivation. After some experimenting I found out that I could store the qi from the rock into water. Water's qi is spread enough to store some more qi in it. The more qi in water the denser it is.
I fed my small army this qi filled water every time they cultivated. The effects were clear. Most of them were able to circulate their qi. Of course it wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing.
Training these men and fixing the slum took over most of my time. Some of the smart merchants and nobles were becoming suspicious of my movements. For now I didn't have Tengu to cover my tracks with his own nobility.
Tengu was currency in isolation to craft his qi weapon. Apparently if you fully integrate your own qi into a weapon it binds itself to you. This lets you release qi attacks into it, which is an immense boost in battle, but it's very difficult to get a weapon to accept your qi depending on the material.
My first subordinate was currently attending the academy as an inner disciple. He was strong enough to skip being an outer disciple. He provided us with techniques from the academy. This greatly boosted my men's skillset.
He also gained another peculiar habit now that he's more comfortable with me. When we're alone he calls me "big sister" because of the way I remind him of his own sister. From our conversations, she was the only one who ever cared about him. She also had curly blonde hair.
I decided to give him a name. I couldn't keep calling him "child". After some contemplation, I decided to call him Fun Valentine. I wanted people to think he was related to me. This way they would always target him, giving me a chance to respond to an attack. He also loved the name. Annoyingly enough, he's getting attached to me.
Right now, I'm meeting with a certain noble woman. She was more of a gangster herself than a noble. They just simply called her "Snake". At first people used this name to insult her because of all the scams, backstabs, and manipulations she's caused. She later adopted this name as her own.
Third pov:
We can see a brunette woman in a velvet dress sitting on a gold chair. In front of her was a table full of expensive food. She had her leg over her other one waiting impatiently.
"Is Valentine at the front gate already?", she asked one of her maids.
"No leader, he still hasn't been seen anywhere", the maid responded.
"Dammit! What's taking him so long!", she said impatiently.
She heard a door creak from behind her. She turned around ready to yell at whichever of her subordinates entered the room. To her shock it was actually valentine!
'How did he get in here? The door he came from leads to my bedroom and nothing else…', she thought.
"Sorry for my tardiness, Snake. It was not my intention to keep someone so important waiting", Valentine apologized.
Snake knew what type of man this was. He was a rare type that she's only heard of, but she could immediately tell what type of man he was. He held himself like a noble, but he looked at her as an equal, and he even apologized for being late.
The next noticeable thing about him was his eyes. His eyes held ambition. For Snake, his eyes were that of a noble thirsting for revenge after their pride is insulted, but this man was craving for something more. He didn't care about something like revenge, he wanted something more.
She's only met this man for a few seconds, but he already completely caught her attention because of just how he carried himself. She never thought she would meet such an interesting, and dangerous, person.
"I actually wanted to make you join me, but now that I look at you, you wouldn't settle for just that. Instead, I want to form an alliance with you", she stated.
"They weren't lying when they said you were perceptive. I actually have a plan that I wish to discuss with you", Valentine said.
"Well sit down and eat. We can discuss this over some food", she offered.
He took a seat directly across from her. He started to eat with manners, only speaking when he ate a bite of food.
"I'm actually planning on being a part of this city's government. I want to change this city for the better. As you can see I'm already fixing the slums, but I still need support to change the city itself. I want this city to be the best in the world!", Valentine said passionately.
'So he's also a good guy. There's no way someone this perfect could exist right?', Snake thought.
"I'll consider it. I still can't give you support until you actually bring results, but I'll be the first one to do so if you show results", she responded.
"That's exactly why I have come here. I plan to make my move this week, so keep watch. With that being said, I need to leave in preparation", Valentine excused himself.
Snake was enthralled to find out what he would accomplish. On the other hand, Valentine was returning to his army. He was going to cause a big splash in the hierarchy of this city.
He gathered his whole army outside. He was going to use him in his future plans.
"I have gathered all of you here for something important. Why do you think the slums were in it's previous situation?", he asked.
"It's because the nobles abandoned all of you! In this world everyone is selfish and only craves for power, but this is clearly only causing suffering! No nobles are going to help us in our endeavour. We have to take the first step and show all of them we matter!," he explained.
I want everyone in this county to be treated with equality regardless of title! Everyone of you is born the same way, so why do they believe they are superior to us! It's because you let them believe so. If all of you can prove to the nobles that you aren't worthless, then you can rise up for equality!", he encouraged his army. They were already worked up and yelling in agreement.
"There's actually a family who's clearly berated the slums and looked down on all of you. The Huan family! They openly killed commoners and the homeless. This is why tomorrow we're going to murder all of them and take over their position! This is our chance to rise up, and make people recognize us! All of you prepare for tomorrow. We will strike them at sunrise!", Valentine declared, finishing his long speech. Tomorrow was only going to be a bloodbath.