First 'Trial'

When I woke up, I could still see parts of the moon outside. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and then had a short bath. I went downstairs, where my dinner room was. I was currently living in a nice two story house.

As I took a seat at the dinner table, some maids came in to deliver my breakfast. The breakfast was only some meat with rice. It wasn't much, but it was viable.

It was peaceful. Just silence. If only all battles could start this peacefully? I knew that I was going to cause huge controversies with my action. Most will definitely not see what the greater purpose is of my actions and sacrifices.

Well it was about time to get ready. I shouldn't distract myself with these things. For now, I have a duty I need to carry out. I got under the dinner table and left to see my army.

I arrived at the location my army normally sleeps at. It took a while to get them all fully woken up. We did our daily exercises and ate our normal breakfast. In total I had 1,200 men ready to mobilize.

"Men, without a doubt in my heart, I know we can win this battle. You have proven yourselves worthy of a greater purpose. And for that, I'll award you these military clothes to represent our cause. Each suit has the symbol that represents us and our fight for equality!", I declared, ending my small speech.

Of course this symbol was the American flag. It was fitting. It was the flag that my country earned because of our fight for independence. As sad as it is that I can't serve it anymore, it doesn't mean that I can't revive it somewhere else.

He handed them all american military uniforms. He molded them to be strong, fearless, and tethered to his cause.

Before I realized it, it was already sunrise. The Huan family was located near the east wall, with only about 600 of their own men protecting it's estate. Their soldiers were still better trained than my men, and probably had better cultivation, but the gap wasn't too big.

They were formidable opponents which is precisely why I chose them. They would weed out the weak in my own army.

I decided to break my men into four groups. This would make them less easily detected by anyone. It only took about 40 minutes to reach the Huan estate. Their guards were mostly lazing around.

I ordered my men to surround the estate. I didn't want any of these people to escape and tell people information about my army.

After making sure everything was in order, I finally made the order to attack. Trials demanded sacrifice and would always end up in bloodshed. May God bless us all.

Third pov:

The guards were all thinking one thing, 'When is our shift going to be over?'. They were all ready to go home to their families and pass out on their beds.

Unfortunately, fate was a cruel goddess.

"Hey don't fall asleep yet moron", one of the gate guards said to the other.

"Could you get that stick from your ass? It would definitely help me fall asleep easier", the other guard 'kindly' suggested.

"You sound just like my wife…", the first guard sighed.

"Tell me about it.... My own wife always wants to spoil our brat of a child even more... Well when your cow gives birth I guess you have to feed them both...", he said sadly.

Both of them talked about their wives, work, and many other things everyday. Typical guy stuff. For them it was just pointless rambling to pass the time.

They didn't really hate their family. Their work was just exhausting, and maybe they wanted to have some time to themselves, but of course they never do.

Their peaceful and normal day was interrupted by a scream. They've been in this job enough to realize that they're being attacked. Their specific role wasn't to alert anyone, but to guard and defend against intruders.

"Here we go again", they both said.

The second guard decided to go first. He was running towards the screams, which were only becoming louder. He suddenly heard a scream directly behind him.

Fearing the worst, he turned around only to find his co-worker for five years dead on the ground. Before he could even scream at the perpetrator, he felt his skull get crushed. In his final moments he saw a doll-like figure with giant horns?

"Now that the guards are distracted, I'll be sure to find the head of the Huan family", Valentine said.

He was walking in the halls of the Huan estate. Valentine was following the biggest qi he felt in the building. Valentine knew he could put up a good fight, and possibly win with the amount of cultivation he's been doing, but he knew how to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Any guard he met was swiftly killed with D4C. The more qi Valentine generated and used to power D4C, the more incredibly stronger it was. Right now he could definitely face Diego in his dinosaur form.

He turned the corner and saw two guards protecting a door. He could hear panicked yelling coming from the door.

'So this is where they're hiding', thought Valentine.

He went under the floor carpet and used D4C. He found a space between a curtain and a wall he could teleport into the room from. He decided to only pop his head out and listen to their conversation.

"DAMMIT!!!", yelled an older man. He was a mixture of rage, panic, and confusion.

He didn't know who these people were, or what they wanted from him, but they still dared to attack him! He had no idea what he did to deserve this.

His wife was arguing with his son on what to do. They hadn't even woken up when the attack happened. His son was urging to retreat, while his wife wanted to stay and murder their invaders.

He knew it was his job on what to do, but could he truly do it? He didn't know. His life was peaceful, except for the occasional dispute between families.

He wanted his son and wife to experience the comfortable life he never had, but now it was all going to topple.

"Ok I've made a decision! I will stay here and fight while you two are escorted away from here. My decision is final!", he declared.

"Father you can't possibly stay here! Please come with us!", his son argued.

"It's the head of this family's duty to protect the family until the bitter end! In return they shall not be defied in their decision. My decision is final, and I promise you that I will save our home!", the man exclaimed.

"It's a shame that you have to make empty promises to your own child, but I find your conviction to your family admirable", Valentine said appearing behind the curtains.

"Who in the gods' name are you?!", questioned the man's wife.

"I am the man that ordered this attack, and I'm here to give you an offer. I'll order my men to stop their attack if you hand ownership to everything you own towards me", Valentine said, pulling out a contract.

"I would rather die than accept this clear insult towards everything I built!", declared the man with conviction.

He immediately attacked Valentine. He was already preparing to deliver one of the Huan family techniques with his qi weapon. He charged with all his qi towards Valentine hoping to settle this in one strike.


And then silence. It was only a second of silence, but it felt like an eternity. The 'eternity' finally ended when the door was flung open. The two guards rushed in when they heard the loud sound.

What they found truly shocked them to their core. The head of the Huan Family laid dead with a single hole in his head. The man who did this had a weird metal object in his hand.

"As you can see, this object in my hands can kill any of you instantly. Please surrender quietly. I want to honor the head of the Huan family's death", he said calmly.

The son was the first to step up.

"I-if we sign this. Will you really stop your attack?", he said nervously.

Valentine just gave a small nod.

No one stopped the son as he 'peacefully' signed the contract. After having it signed, Valentine used D4C behind the curtains again.

When he teleported outside, it could be described as nothing but bloodshed. His men had surrounded the remaining guards, and it was a nasty fight.

Even though most of Valentine's own army still used the US military techniques he taught them, some of them returned to their own former fighting style. Because of this the trained guards managed to find a small opening in his army to counterattack.

His men were struggling to form back and correctly stop them. Blood, guts, and libs were being thrown everywhere.

"The Huan family has officially surrendered!", yelled Valentine, gaining everyone's attention.

It took awhile for everyone to process. Then, the silence was cut by the immense cheering of his men.

For now, Valentine had to fix everything up and take care of assimilating his army to the Huan estate. Only about 300 of his men died.

His goals today were accomplished, but this wasn't the end of it. There was a specific reason why he wanted to do this so early into the day.

He was also planning on killing another clan. Now that his men had gotten a taste for victory, they were ready for another one. He had to do this in a short time period because the rest of the clans would hear news of this quickly.

This time however, he was going to bring 'Fun', his first subordinate in this world. He's grown a lot, and needed live subjects to test his powers. This new clan was even more powerful than the Huan Family.

His deeds could be considered dirty, but not without purpose.