Family Take Over

The next family Valentine and his army was going to target was more of a company than a clan. His main target for this was their connections than anything else. To gain all of the "Tian" family's connections, he needed to completely murder them.

From all the rumors and history around this family, they were known to be very business oriented. The only thing they cared about was if you were worth them investing in. They weren't cold to their business partners, but there were no real feelings between them.

Valentine believed that if he took over the Tian family, he could hijack their connections with better offers. Actually taking them over however, was a completely different problem.

The Tian family had over 1500 guards protecting their company. They weren't the cocky type, and knew how enviable their company was.

But what did they specialize in, you may ask. They specialize in making and selling weapons. It sounds pretty basic in a world where you can bend elements, but these weapons were tools that could amplify your attacks.

While you could use your qi to strengthen your body, actual qi based attacks require you to focus where you want to attack, and where. With weapons all you need to do is focus your qi at your weapon and aim said weapon. This, combined with the fact that weapons help release qi more destructively, makes weapons essential in high level based combat.

What would happen if the people who made such needed weapons, were replaced with someone who could sell even deadlier weapons? Naturally, the spotlight would immediately be put on this new person.

Valentine wanted two things from this. Recognition and power. These two factors were exactly what he needed to get into the political scene.

Valentine pov:

"Everyone will recover for now! For the next battle, I want group one to take out their guns. The rest of you will defend group one as they shoot at our enemies. It is imperative we take out the Tian family! We shall trample them how we did to the Huan family! I promise you a bright future for you and all your families waiting for you back at home!", I rallied my army.

"I will meet you in the Tian family in 5 minutes. I expect you to all be ready and in position!", I ordered.

I needed to pick up Fun from the academy. He should've gotten out of his first class right now. I used D4C to teleport near his dorm. I instructed him to be near the exit gates of the school.

On my way there I noticed some fighting. I sighed as I recognized the person who was actually in this fight. It was Fun facing off against 3 other disciples. Behind him was a beautiful girl with a cold expression on her face.

"You better just leaving my future wife alone before I make you bed you plebeian.", said a snarky disciple.

"Fuck off.", said Fun. It was a simple statement that held all his hostility.

I was extremely angry. Instead of coming to the location he's fooling around in a love quarrel! When did he become so out of line? I started to approach them.

"What did you say to me?! My wife, don't worry. I should kill him for his blatant disrespect towards us!", the disciple yelled.

His "wife" didn't bother to care and just stood and stared at the scenario. I could see Fun ready to take out his sword. Of course I intervened and stood between them facing Fun.

I glared at him, making sure to show my anger towards him. He seemed to understand, and slowly put his hands to the side. I motioned for him to walk with me, as I hurriedly left the scene.

"Are you leaving already, you coward? I guess your father actually has some good sense, so I'll let you leave", he said victoriously.

"Now come and give me a kiss, my lovely wife", he continued, talking to the beautiful girl I saw earlier.

I could see Fun tense, as he was already turning to strike the rude disciple. I couldn't care less though. I held him by the shoulder and pulled him away from there. I took us through an alley, where I used D4C to teleport us to the Tian family.

"I would scold you severely for the scene you caused there, but for now we have urgent matters", I told him.

Most of my army was already in position. The Tian's family estate is actually combined with their company. I read that it makes it easier for them to manage it.

The guards had superior armor then the Huan family. They also were in constant patrol, always extremely alert of their surroundings. They were trained to the bone, with good weaponry. I assume the city's army gave them guards.

I was at a complete disadvantage, except for one extreme fact. I had far better weapons than them. They've probably never faced off against weapons that could kill and maim multiple of them in a short and fast interval. This is where I was going to abuse this fact.

"Fun, your mission right now is to join my army and kill as many people as you can. You see that revolver I gave you. I want you to use it to its full extent without holding back", I ordered him.

Do I believe only guns can pull this off? Of course not. Once they break though, they'll completely slaughter my men. I have a secret weapon that'll kill enough of their men to give my army a chance.

This city has a gladiator arena for some of their criminals. Like the Romans, this was mostly used for entertainment. They even had dangerous demons there to face off against the gladiators.

This was exactly what I needed. I used D4C again to teleport where they held the demons. It wasn't difficult choosing which demon I wanted to use against the Tian family.

I decided to borrow a famous grade 5 demon. It was a minotaur. The minotaur was feared in Greek mythology, and it still is in this arena. He was completely chained, which just made my job a lot easier.

After using a large blanket to teleport it, I simply dropped him in the middle of Tian's estate. An aggressive minotaur could be extremely aggravated when it's woken up by crashing into the ground.

Chaos ensued as the minotaur killed all the nearby guards. The guards proved to be extremely capable, as they quickly surrounded the minotaur, and tried to attack him on all sides. They fought hard and efficiently, but a lot of them still died to the minotaurs powerful attacks.

Right when the minotaur was dying due to its injuries, I ordered my men to attack. They quickly managed to divide their attention between my army and the dying minotaur.

Of course what they didn't expect was them to be shot down by my 120 gun men. Admittedly they didn't even know what a gun was.

Anyways, my plan was working quite well. I could see Fun killing all of them at extreme speeds. He was using his sword to shield and parry attacks, while his gun instantly murdered anyone it was aimed at.

I couldn't help but feel my pride swell up for him. He was just a tool for the future I will create, but at least he grew up to be somewhat capable. Hopefully he doesn't attract trivial problems to me.

Well now, I had to do the dirty work. The Tian family was way bigger than the Huan family. I sensed a huge amount of qi being led outside the estate. I used D4C to reach it. Instead of the Tian family, it was a bunch of workers trying to escape.

The workers were being escorted by some guards. I took out my revolver and instantly killed 3 of them. The last 4 went into formation, protecting each other's back. I used D4C again to come half way out of one of the guard's back.

Before they could notice me on their comrade's back, I managed to shoot 3 of them, leaving the guards I was on alive. He quickly turned around trying to search for me. One of the workers screamed a warning, but it was too late.


With that last shot, his brains were splattered on the floor. Multiple workers started to beg and cry for mercy.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I've only come for the Tian family", I calmly explained.

I knew the Tian family was hiding here. No other qi was in the estate, besides the fighting guards. They were cunning enough to hide in with the workers.

"I'll give you an ultimatum. I'll give you a chance to tell me which one of you is a Tian family member. If you expose one of them, you're free to go behind me and I won't hurt you. But for every minute all of you decide to say nothing, one of you will pay the price. If all 6 members of the Tian family aren't dead in 6 minutes, you will all die", I explained the scenario.

Once I said this there was complete silence. They were all nervously looking at each other. It was like a parent trying to find out which one of their children broke the vase. Slowly, they all decided to look for one of their workers for guidance.

She was a gentle but hardy looking woman. She had some dust on her, but underneath it, you would find an unremarkable beauty. The baggy clothes she wore didn't hide her equally fit and beautiful body.

After a few seconds of discussing, she came up to face me.

"I beg you to let all of them go! I swear to the gods, none of the Tian family are with us!", she begged.

I slowly raised the gun to her head. Surprisingly she grabbed the gun and pointed it against her head.

"You can do anything to me, but please spare these people! They have families and lives! They don't deserve this!", she begged further, tears dripping out of her eyes.

"I truly admire your conviction in your co-workers. Not many people are as selfless as you, especially someone as beautiful as you", I calmly stated.

Her beauty was extremely enchanting. And I couldn't deny how loyal she actually was.


Unfortunately, I didn't need another pawn, and she was the perfect target for this situation. Her death inspired true fear among the workers. Some of them cried and panicked. The calmer ones quickly got silent, paranoid and suspicious eyes looked all around them.

Suddenly one of the workers jumped from the crowd, ready to kill me with their qi charged hammer.

"How could you kill my sister! All she wanted was to save the workers that tried to hide us you bastard!", screamed the attacker with rage.

I quickly aimed and shot at him. Swiftly, he smashed his hammer into the ground, using the rubble to block the bullet!

He lifted his hammer and all the rubble quickly circled it. With a strong swing, all the rubble shot towards me. I quickly dodged to my right and shot at him again. The bullet was blocked by the shield of another Tian family member!

I sense qi coming from my left, and quickly circulated my qi to the max to dodge the attack. Yet another Tian family member was here shooting arrows at me. I saw another member come out of the crowd with dual axes.

I knew they were going to attack me, but I was hoping to stall them for a bit more. Looks like the last family member is still hiding in the crowd.

They continued their onslaught of attacks all at once. Unfortunately for them, I could use D4C between their attacks. I already knew Fun would come this way once he was done fighting outside.

I saw some of the workers try to escape through the open gate. I quickly intercepted them, using D4C to come out of the side of the gate door facing the wall. The moment they saw me they stopped dead in their tracks. This just made it easier for me to shoot them.

The Tian family members protected them before more of them could die. I quickly dodged more arrows, rocks, and air blades? The person with the dual axes could apparently throw air slashes.

Fortunately, I could sense Fun arriving with some soldiers following them. I start shooting them at random, while trying to dodge all of their attacks. I was wasting more and more of my qi, but I knew I only needed to last a bit more.

They were quickly closing in on me, giving me less time to react to their attacks. Fortunately one of them was foolish enough to attack me directly. The moment the person with the shield came in to rush at me, I summoned D4C.

His shield wasn't even an obstacle for a qi powered D4C. It completely tore through his shield and stomach. I lifted his body and used his blood to escape via D4C.

The moment I escaped, Fun came rushing in with a group of soldiers. Them arriving was the perfect distraction for me, as I appeared from the corner of a wall and shot the women with the bow.

Everyone started panicking as they realized resistance was futile. The remaining Tian family quickly gave up as they realized they were outnumbered. I ordered them to be tied up along with the rest of the workers.

"What will you do with us?", nervously asked the Tian member with the hammer.

"Execute the remaining Tian members", I coldly ordered the soldiers.

They hesitated, before they shot down or stabbed them.

"Please take them back to their working corders", I ordered, referring to the remaining workers.

They nodded and started to escort the workers, with Fun leading them. As I watched them go, I noticed a suspiciously short worker. Before they all left the room, I quietly grabbed the small worker with my hand over their mouth.

I waited until they all left to confirm my suspicions. I looked at the worker, only to see a small little boy. He only looked 5 or 6 years old. The only thing going through his eyes was utter fear. I let go of him and he fell on the floor.

"Am I going to die?", the little boy asked quietly.

I didn't answer him.
