One dimensional

New pov:

Do you ever wake up in the morning and realize how free you are?

By freedom, I don't mean the freedom of the weak. I mean the freedom you experience when everything is completely perfect. Nothing is out of place.

Of course the occasional problem will happen, but that's what keeps you in line. Everything has a perfect line it can be placed in.

I truly believe that the overall goal in our lives is to keep ourselves in line.

And I'm living perfectly in that line. I'm an elder in one of the top 5 cities, I'm respected, have a lot of power, and money. The perfect line.

As I was sitting in my fancy office, writing papers that don't actually do anything, but make me seem busy, a royal messenger barged in.

"What do you think you're doing barging into my office!", I yelled surprised.

"I'm sorry elder, but an emergency meeting is taken place at the royal court!", he explained as he bowed.

"Then I'll head there immediately. Leave before I kill you!", I commanded.

He fortunately left after that. Luckily he didn't see my female disciple doing her "job" from under my desk. I really deserve more credit. After all, how can a man put on a face of calmness when he's so high up!

Thankfully, I put everything back in line. I'm definitely not looking forward to this meeting that could potentially place me out of line.

After getting ready, I flew to the royal court. There were already some fellow elders sitting in their grand chairs. Some of them were fighting with the same people about the same thing. Others were talking about politics and other social things.

Everything was perfectly in line.

Then the founder came in. The formulaic talking quickly fell silent in his presence. He was the man I respected the most. He put everyone in line because he held the power too.

No that's incorrect. He created the line, and molded this city to fit into his line. A line in which I'm perfectly content with never changing.

He sat on his throne and signaled the meeting to start. One of the royal servants came in front of us to relay the topic for this meeting.

"The founder has gathered the elders into the royal court to dictate what should be done with a man by the name of Funny Valentine. His crime was killing the Huan and Tian family. Witnesses reported he ordered an army, who we believe to be residents from the slums", the servant declared.

Oh dear gods. Is this world playing with me? Of course my biggest fear happened! The Tian family were extremely important to this city. With them gone, it's gonna completely mess up the economic balance, along with the power balance. Then we're going to have to go through this whole process before everything goes back in line.

The thing I hate the most is when a random variable bends the line that has been set in place. I swear I'm going to kill whoever did this!

After a bit of whispering going around the elders, the founder again signaled them to stop talking.

"Bring him here", his booming voice commanded. It was barely more than a whisper, but it held enough power to make me feel it.

The last thing I expected from the man who rounded up low life from the slums, and killed two clans, was long blonde, curly hair and a pink suit. If it wasn't for his face I would've claimed they got the gender wrong.

"You will have a few minutes to answer for your crimes, as the elders judge you and decide what your punishment is", informed the royal servant.

After he sat down, one of the elders immediately asked him for his motive.

"First, I would like to explain that my actions aren't one of terrorism. The Huan family has given me their noble title", He responded. He pulled out a scroll from his pocket.

A royal servant took the letter to inspect it.

"This is indeed a genuine scroll that states Huan passing their title to Funny Valentine", the royal servant said.

"So then why did you kill the major supplier of weapons this city had?!", another elder said angrily.

This meeting was probably held because of this. No one really cared about the Huan family, but the Tian family was an essential part of our military. They were good at their job, but not powerful enough to be a huge problem.

"I believe that I can supply you with revolutionary weapons at mass", Valentine answered. He pulled out a weird object from his pocket.

How the hell could this be considered a weapon? At most it seemed like a defected dagger with no blade.

He lifted this so-called "weapon" at one of the servants. A monstrous sound was heard throughout the room. All the elders were immediately on guard with their qi weapon. Even I pulled out my qi weapon.

All that was left was a dead servant! How did he even die? How could such a weapon exist! It killed in less than a second!

"I saw it! That weapon propelled a qi rock at the servant at incredible speeds!", one of the elders exclaimed.

"You said you could mass produce this weapon?", the founder asked, intrigued.

"I can start producing them as fast as possible. I only wish to help this city achieve its full potential. All I've been doing is helping the potential assets of this city, while cutting out the weak", Valentine stated.

"It is decided. Any possible crimes you may have committed are to be forgiven if you can produce these weapons. Remember Valentine, for now you are nothing more than a possible threat to this city until you have proven otherwise", the founder stated calmly.

I absolutely hate this. This Valentine individual just waltzed in and completely changed the line! If all of our army gains this weapon, then everyone would want to start a war! Unfortunately, the founder seems on board with this.

My perfect line is going to break! I silently glared at him as he headed out.

Valentine pov:

It seems like my plan actually worked. I have gained a connection to the powerfulest people in this country. From now one all I have to do is slowly gain their trust.

From now on I have to focus on making guns. With this, I'll gain more money and connections. Of course this comes with the downside of always being watched.

It took about 2 weeks for them to actually set up this meeting. In those 2 weeks, I already set up my men all around the Tian company. Most of them were actually back in the Huan estate to focus on their training.

Everything is perfectly lined up for my rising.

Fun pov:

I hated this academy. I hated the teachers. I hated the other disciples. I hated all of the problems that they caused. But I couldn't hate Valentine for putting me in this.

I wonder if he actually cares? I already accepted that I'm his tool, but even tools can be cared for right?

The girl I tried to save didn't care about me, and I didn't care about her either. Yet I still tried to help her from those disciples even though Valentine needed me.

I think I did it because of how she never paid attention to me. Everyone else paid attention to me in this academy, but she was different. She didn't see me with an ulterior motive, or any real signs of emotion.

Did I crave her attention, or the chasing of it? All of these were just ramblings.

I was stuck in my own head to escape this boring classroom. The teacher kept on speaking about the history of cultivators. It was all the same stories, with the same lessons and morals in them. "The strong eat the weak".

That phrase had been pushed into my life since the moment my father beat me. I didn't feel sad. I just felt bored. I used to fight to survive, but it never gave my life any real purpose. Valentine was the only one who had given me that purpose.

"So which king killed his 9 wives in a fit of lust?", the teacher questioned me, as he slammed his palm on my desk.

"I don't know", I responded simply.

The teacher glared at me as he answered his own question. He went on and on about how much of a failure I was going to be.

"Come one teacher don't yell at this stupid commoner. It's beneath us nobles to expect something out of these idiots!", that annoying guy I fought with said.

Everyone proceeded to laugh in order to flatter him. I didn't react. I didn't need to react.

After a few painful minutes, the class was finally dismissed. I headed for the training area. Of course I was stopped by that idiot and his goons.

"Where could you be going? The dumpsters the opposite way you filth", he insulted.

I stood still and did nothing. He kept barraging me with petty insults. Soon enough, he started to get angry at my unresponsive nature. Of course he tried to punch me.

One thing that I hated was being hit. It wasn't because I hated pain, it was the reason he did it. He did it to make himself superior. I never wanted to feel that type of pain again.

As I was about to counterattack him, his arm completely froze.

"Leave him alone", the girl I tried saving yesterday said threateningly.

I could see shock fill his face before he started to walk away.

"I thought I should try to repay you for trying to save me back then. Maybe we can even be friends?", she said.

I remember Tengu saying I should make friends with girls so I could get "laid". How could a noble be so vulgar?

"Why?", I questioned.

"You seem like you could use social stimulus. Well that's what my ulterior goal is. I believe we could benefit each other by interactions, so we could improve our personalities", she explained.

"Oh ok", I responded not knowing what the hell she was saying.

"Why didn't you say anything when they insulted you? Your cultivation is clearly stronger than theirs", she asked.

"Why would I let a dumbass' insults affect me?", I answered.

"It's beneficial to have the metaphorical thick skin, but a man should have pride. Your excuse is logical, but logic doesn't matter when it isn't guided by emotions", she said like a smartass.

"Oh ok", I said again.

"Oh! Sorry for using big words. I was always locked up in my house, so I read a lot of books", she said.

When did she get so talkative? I couldn't care less as I started to head to the training area again. I could hear her silently following me.

As the days followed, we only talked with each other. She always told me about stories or random facts. I wanted to hate it, but I simply disliked it.

This new line that Valentine has given me is very confusing.