A curtain of Infinite Change

Third pov:

Fun's life took a dramatic turn the moment that girl entered his life. Now instead of sleeping in history class, he talks with her. Very dramatic change.

He learned that her name was Bingchi Mia. Somehow, they forgot to properly introduce themselves when they first met.

The class was going normally, with the teacher rambling about another psychopath, war mongering immortal, when the door to the classroom suddenly crashed open. To Fun's surprise it was Tengu.

"Who do you think you are barging in like that?!", yelled the teacher angrily.

Faster than the teacher could react, he was slammed into the wall with a hand choking him.

"I think I'm the person with enough balls to break open this door!", Tengu said.

The teacher's utter fear changed into confusion when Tengu started to hug and caress him.

"I'm sooooo sorry! You must've had it rough as a teacher right? Don't worry big brother Tengu is here!", he yelled crazily.

Tengu was already half crazy, and the alcohol definitely wasn't helping him. He let go of the teacher and faced Fun.

"What are you doing! We have to go one an adventure!", Tengu yelled.

He quickly leaped at Fun. Fun managed to dodge to the side, hitting some desks. He still couldn't out speed Tengu though, as Tengu turned around and grabbed a hold of him.

He leaped out of the window and started to run off in a random direction with Fun still in hand.

"Where are we going?", asked Fun calmly.

"I was thinking of gathering you and Valentine for a night out!", giggled Tengu.

"But it's the morning?", questioned Fun.

Instead of responding, Tengu kept laughing as he ran. They eventually ran to the Tian company where Valentine was busy working at his office. Tengu lept towards where he felt Valentine's qi, leaving cracks on the ground.

He broke the window and landed on top of Valentine's desk. He threw Fun at the ground and started to drink a bottle of sake he got from his inventory ring.

"What do you think you're doing?", asked Valentine sternly.

"We're going to party! I finally got my awesome qi weapon! Let's go drink and screw some ladies!", he said enthusiastically.

"I'm currently busy with more important affairs, but I will allow you to take Fun with you, just don't cause any problems for me", Valentine sighed.

"I really don't want-"

"Fine! We'll have a bunch of fun without you. Let's go Fun!", Tengu cut Fun off.

As Tengu jumped out of the broken window with Fun, Valentine sighed. He couldn't afford to deal with them. They were quickly turning into a liability for him.

Right now he was going to meet with the mafia boss, Snake, for negotiations. Now that he had a huge income and an army, he could work on equal ground with her.

Of course, he only wanted to use her to gain connections and support from her allies. The moment he met with the elders, he knew he needed more than just cultivation. The elders' qi was overwhelming for him, not even mentioning the founder's qi.

If he wanted a chance at taking over this city, he needed powerful allies, love train, and better cultivation. He knew that no matter how much work he puts into cultivation, it would take far too long for him to actually take over this city.

As he was thinking this, someone started knocking at his door. He quickly used a blanket to clean up the broken glass on the floor. Unfortunately, he couldn't fix the broken window.

Snake entered with another man. The man had a suitcase and a suit. He was actually Snake's assistance.

"Good morning Ms. Snake. I'll save the pleasantries for later, since I'm sure we're both pretty busy", Valentine greeted.

"I do love men who get to the point. My assistant here already has a contract ready for you. You can look over the contract and see what you want to alter", Snake said as she signaled her assistance to hand over the contract.

The fake smile Valentine had turned into a troubled expression. He looked over the contract in a few minutes. He ripped up the contract, much to the shock of Snake.

"Before you ask why, allow me to explain my actions. I ripped up the contract because of this world. The law of this world definitely isn't moral, so people like us wouldn't hesitate to stab each other in the back, which is why I propose we build this relationship on trust", explained Valentine.

"Funny you say that. How do I know that you aren't signing the contract so that no one knows you're involved with me if you ever betray me?", asked Snake.

"If I ever betray you, rest assured, I would've made sure my public image wouldn't be ruined. A contract is indeed useless. All I want is to have trust between us. I'm not worried about you betraying me though. You're an extremely smart and talented individual. Enough for me to trust you", Valentine said calmly.

She wanted to believe him, she really did, but there was something telling her that Valentine wasn't as genuine as he seemed. All her life she's only experienced liars. Whether they wanted to use her or look down on her, she's seen mostly everything.

Valentine was an enigma to her. He was kind and respectable, while still putting himself as an equal to her, and kept a business relationship with her. She refused to believe there was someone like this in this world without having some evil intentions.

"Before I put my trust in you, I just want to know one thing", Snake said.

"And what could that be?"

"What are your true intentions? I refuse to believe a man like you has completely pure intentions!"

Valentine paused for a few seconds. He knew she would question him eventually, but he didn't have a full grasp on her morals.

"If you insist. My overall goal is to eventually take over this city. I'm not foolish enough to try and rush my way to the top. This is why it's important that I need your trust. Of course I won't ask you to directly support my goals, but I wish for you to at least aid me", Valentine said.

Even though she was shocked, she knew she shouldn't be. There was no way a man like Valentine wouldn't have grand aspirations, but even she was shocked he would want to target one of the grand cities.

"But that's clearly treachery to the grand elders! We'll be executed!"

"Of course I know that! But what I desire is change! No one else in this world will provide us the change we need to stop this cruel world from stomping on the weak! While there's demons murdering our kind, immortals are killing off the unfortunate of this world! You see it everyday don't you? Every day you can see a child being killed by another casually! Criminals are being protected by the cruel laws that are being exhibited! Aren't you tired of using your powers to trample others, just so you can survive another day? These elders are clearly tyrants who only value others based on what they were born with! Let's turn this city into the greatest place alive! Regardless of your birth right, I know everyone has the right to power. I know I can lead this city to greatness. Join me, and I can show you a world of infinite possibilities!", Valentine declared.

Right now the only thing that could describe what's going on in Snake's head is war. War between her rationale and emotions.

She knew this was an impossibility, but yet she felt like she needed to just try! She knows that the only emotion that ever guided her was the feeling of wanting to stay alive, but now she felt something much more. It was like she was in the presence of a god.

Valentine got up and went to his window. He raised his curtain with his arm while looking back at her.

"Step into the curtain, and I'll show you a world of infinite possibilities", He stated.

D4C slowly appeared behind his back. As if today wasn't enough of a shock for Snake, another extreme anomaly appeared in her life. She realized how tiring logic was. She was tired of thinking for any logical explanation to the being known as Valentine.

Instead she went for the feeling of belief and trust. She didn't care anymore. Snake was going to risk it all and put her trust in this man. She slowly got up and walked towards Valentine.

Without speaking a word, she looked into his eyes. Valentine could see all her insecurities in the brief moment their eyes connected. He knew he gained her true trust.

Slowly she stepped into the curtain. An infinite world of change is what appeared. A place where infinite worlds were ever changing.

"This is the world of D4C"