The dragon masker

The light became disappeared more and more until it was gone, and I was standing on top of a mountain, with a breathtaking few.

Under me was a valley with much movement, I think I can see a giant green, moving boulder.

As I squinted my eyes a window popped up.


Distant View

Gives you the ability to see a target in the distance. A good skill for peeking on out door onsens. LV: 0

Oh convenient, but at the current level not really a help. Now how do I activate my skill? I want to kill these lizards.

I have a hud and in the top right is a list with menu, inventory, skills, help and status.

Am I able to select them without a touch? I thought skills and a window opened.

Current Skills:

Apocalypse Max LV

No Limits Max LV

Prodigy over Prodigy's Max LV

Distant View LV 0

Hm Apocalypse and No Limits are unknown to me, let's check them both. Most games show the skills if I say show Skill + Name

"Show Skills Apocalypse, Prodigy over Prodigy's and No Limits!" Dex

Apocalypse Max LV

Is there something you want dead? If yes, then this skill is the epitome

of the possible ways to do it. Anything in a 100km² radius will die and be

transferred into your inventory. The transferred items will not be

damaged. Costs 100.000 mana.

No Limits Max LV

Your body knows no limits, you are able to work harder than others and you can get stronger

than all of them combined.

Prodigy over Prodigy's Max LV

You gain experience four times faster than the best prodigy who are

alive or already dead.

Sounds awesome!

Let's test it. I think I can activate the skills without a shout.

I thought °activate Apocalypse ° while I looked at the giant green boulder, I hope that is their god.....

Nothing happened and I began to think that something went wrong, then suddenly the clouds began to burst and countless of fire pillars started to rain over the valley. Could be that each one of these pillars is for one enemy, if so how many did I kill? Kinda looked like an orbital bombardment. And my view was suddenly filled with three windows.

You have killed:

Dragonling, Hydra, Dragon God, Dragon....

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled....

Loot index:

Fullbringer of death,

Dragon Egg,

Stone Spear

Magic Book of....

Ok exactly what I hoped for. Let's see how much I leveled, I think not more than a couple of hundred times.


Status: Name: Clair/Dex

Gender: Male/Female

Age: 20

Level: 1356 (next50%)

Profession: /

Rank: G


Holocaust bringer:

Health: 3.000.000. [HP Regeneration 1.000/sec]

Mana: 999.999.999. [MP Regeneration 100.000/sec]

Stamina: 50.000.000. [Stamina Regeneration 10.000/sec]

Strength: 150.000

Intelligence: 200.000

Agility: 175.000

Wisdom: 210.000

Class: Whatever you want

Description: /

Race: Aeron

Show Title Holocaust bringer!


Holocaust bringer:

Duo to your actions, a complete race is going extinct, feel happy for being inhumane.

Hm not really a good title, better find a way to hide my gigantic stats and titles as well as my gender, level, and age.

Let's see if there is something in the menu.

The menu opened and showed some lines like Sound, Music, Graphic, and Gameplay.

Should be gameplay. I opened it it and it showed me that I am able to change my name, age, titles, stats, level, skills and even gender.

Let's change it. Gender, female, name would be Clair, titles none, stats around 20, level 3 and no skills as well as my age into 10. I will look like a 10 year old girl. After changing, I overlooked my stats and behind every stat was a hidden. A new number was now displayed.

Now I have to see if I am able to use my normal stats while I hide them. I looked around and found a small boulder and tried to lift it. I had no hope to succeed and my hope was fulfilled. I completely crushed the whole boulder.... It did not even feel like I lifted anything. That will be troublesome and I have to learn how to control my strength.

With a goal in my mind, the goal to gain a skill which would allow me to control my strength, I tried to carefully lift some boulders and after a few destroyed ones, just 20...I succeeded in lifting one and an extremely pleasant sound went off in my head.




Controll your body like a hip hop dancer and beyond. LV 0

But LV 1 is not enough and I don't want to level this skill in a normal way. What was that in my Status? Skillpoints? Maybe I am able to distribute them for my skills and am able to increase them. I opened the Skill menu and there was an Icon, with the letters distribute Skillpoint, next to Sensitivity and Distant View. I pushed the button and after 10 times, each of it showed max.

After accepting the point distribution, I tried to see the position of the giant green boulder, but there was none now. Could have been a Dragon, now I can clearly see a giant valley with many, many scorch marks.

'Ok it is good that this skill does not hinder me, in seeing things that are near me.'

'What to do now?'

I scratched my head and looked down, there I saw it, or better I did not see it. I was naked. And a female child. You would clearly think how I did not realize such a thing and the answer for that is, I don't know. I did not feel my normal thing between my legs and I can't feel the cold, that in itself is odd.

I'm on a fucking mountain, it has to be cold. How is that possible? Think, think, think.



Calm Mind

Calm Down!

This Skill lets you calm down even if you're burning or slippingon a piece of banana. LV: 0

Ok let's put some points into that, max will be enough ^^.

Let's think this trough.... I am partly a Dragon and Dragons often live in mountains, as we have seen here.

So if they live in the mountains, they have to be resistant to cold, that must be it.

Next problem my clothes, I have none. Maybe I have some in my inventory.

I opened it and a gigantic flood of things were in there and in the bottom right were some numbers behind a symbol which was yellow and then a Silver one and a Copper symbol ,must be my money now that I got from all the Dragons, as they are now dead.

Hm not much Copper just 100 and 100 Silver but there is a gigantic sum of Gold nearly 748.000, or at least I think it is gigantic, I don't know the current value of Copper, Silver, and Gold. Most of the times it is 100 Copper>1 Silver 100 Silver >1 Gold

I also don't know if 1 Gold is much in this world. Let's first sort the things in my inventory.

I spent nearly the whole day in sorting my things, most of the them were daily life goods, like apples or pans.

I found the possibility to make folders and I started to sort them into different ones.

I now have a folder for Weapons, Armours, Clothes, Food, Goods, Ores, Alchemist things, Corpses, and Handicraft goods.

Apparently trees were living things and are now in the corps folder, as well as flowers.

I sorted the flowers into the Alchemist folder and the trees to Handicraft goods.

Ok after this is done, I have to find some good looking clothes.

There were some robes and a bunch of magic armours, they surely belonged to adventurers.

None was in my size. Which was obvious because I am a 1.2 m tall girl.

So I picked a robe and cut it into my size with a sword.

I now have to choose a weapon, but I don't really want to use one of my looted ones.

I want to craft my own armour and weapon in the future.

Until I find a blacksmith I have to go with what I have.

I took a normal looking sword out of my inventory and equipped it.

Next is my location I must have a map, at least I requested one....

In the menu, under gameplay was an on of switch for the map and an open button. I switched it on and opened it.

A window opened in my view and I could see an arrow, which has to be me, and a small field in front of me, that is the valley.

Around these two things where mountains.

And on the bottom left side, of the window was a menu button.

I opened it and got a few possibilities, to search for something in the map or mark someone or something.

There also was a 3d option. I even have a button for mapping with a 100.000 MP cost behind it.

If it is what I think it will map my surroundings when I click it.

Well, nothing to loose, hundred thousand is not much of my mana pool ^^.

I was right, my map quickly filled itself.

I scrolled out of my map to see how large it was and I must say it is gigantic, the distance from me to the valley is nearly 100 km.

But it is just a tiny dot on the map. It did not reach around the globe after I activated the 3d option.

It did not even fill a fifth of the globe.

How do I find Humans or other things in this giant world?

There was a search option.

Let's search for Humans, Beastkins, Dwarfs and Elf's.

A red dot appeared in the west and after a quick scroll I could see a village, with a few Humans.

So that is my destination, looks like it is a 10.000 km distance.

It would be is a little bit less than the distance from Hamburg, Germany to Nairobi, Kenya by a car.

I hope I am faster than a car with 175.000 Agility.

Well, nothing to gain here up and go.

I wanted to run with all my power in the direction, but it did not go as planned.

I started to run but was so fast that I flew from one side of the mountain to the other and crashed into it.

A window popped up and said I lost 100 HP.

"What if this crazy stunt only cost 100 HP how am I able to die? I flew 100 km from one side of the valley to the other side in 10 sek. that would be... 36.000 km/h "Clair




The skill that allows you to calculate.

1+1 is 3 isn't it?


"Cool I hate math, let's quickly put 10 points into it. But I even dived 30 meters into the mountain and that was just 100 HP? That is a really, really sturdy body" Dex

I dug myself out of the mountain and saw that my robe was still intact, has to be a really good robe. Ok I have to be me more cautious or I jump with all my might to my target. Let's jump...