A new Family

I followed George out of the so called school. While we walked many greeted George and looked questioningly at me while George always greeted back and told them to assemble at the school and they should also tell this to the other villagers.

We reached our destination, it was a small house with nothing special at the outside. George motioned me to go in and as we went inside he said.

"Alice are you there?"

The interior was full with fabrics and half-finished clothes. It looked cramped.

A petite woman came in front of a mountain of clothes and looked sleepy. She has hazelnut brown hair, a cute little nose, and sleepy brown eyes.

"Huh? Yeah yeah I am here why did you wake me up, George?" Alice

"It's noon now Alice, why do you always sleep? But that is not important now, I have a guest and she needs something to wear. Apparently she is naked under her robe. So could you find something for her? When you are finished bring her to the school. Clair, I have to go, this dawdler will give you some cloths ok?" George

"Ok" Clair

Just now Alice notices me and looks puzzled at me. While George already went outside.

"So little one who are you? and what did George mean with that you are naked?" Alice

"I am Clair and it is as he said, I only have my robe to wear at the moment miss." Clair

Alice's eyes got wide and she nearly rammed me over as she jumped to me.

"How can you be so calm when you are naked, quick come we have to find something!" Alice

Her sleepy look is gone and she did not let me respond, she picked me up and hurried in the back of the store, where she began to undress me while muttering something like "How is this possible" or things like "Such soft and white skin". As I stood there naked in front of a tailor, I asked myself what I am going to do from now on?

It is probably possible to life here, I could also move on after a few questions regarding the world and search for something interesting. But I think I will stay here for a week or if it is interesting a couple of months.

And there is also the issue with my skills, am I interested in being perfect at everything?

And there it is, I stated a stupid question. Of course I want to be perfect, who don't wish to be so?

But at the same time I have to stay a little low until I know how things are around here. For example common knowledge. Or the worth of money. It looks like a Gold coin is a giant sum for a villager, but is it much for a noble?

I also want to learn some things about forging. Because I need a weapon I like, like a Katana, those are cool, or a Glave.

As well as a bow and a cool armour. I hope the forge here is good enough if not I have to look for a Dwarf city....

While I thought of my future plans Alice measured me and put me in a dress and gave me a pair of small shoes.

Oh, I never wore a dress, feels kinda breezy, I don't understand why women want to wear this, but I have no right to complain, the dress isn't mine and I need something to wear. Good that I don't have any hairs on my legs, that would look creepy.

She inspected me one last time and nodded with a smile while she said.

"Jep, Jep you look cute almost too cute as if you was created just to look like that."

If you only knew ^^.

"Ok, now let's go to the school George is probably waiting for you."

I gave her a nod and followed her outside.

We walked side by side to the school. It took some time to get dressed and the sun started to go down. As we reached the school I could see a few adults who were going inside. We followed them and took our shoes off like they did.

The classroom was full of adults and they all sat on the benches. In the front stood George waiting and we walked to him.

I could hear whispers like "Who is that girl next to Alice?", "She looks cute" and other things like "When is this finished I want to go home".




It is mostly interesting what other people have to say and with this skill you can hear them ALL LV 1

Can become convenient, let's put it just to 3, I don't want to hear every single word in the village.

We reached the front and George looked over me with a smile.

"Thanks, Alice, if you could sit down we all have to consult about something. Clair, can you wait next to me?" George

"Ok I can already imagine our topic today," said Alice

I walked behind George and waited a few minutes until it got quiet.

"My dear fellow villagers, I asked for your attendance today because I came across a sad story of a little girl called Clair. She stumbled for days in the forest and lost her parents to a bandit raid."

A few voices got loud. "Bandits!? Where are they close? " other where just some sounds of pity or dismay about my story.

"Don't panic, apparently the bandits are already dead while Clair fled as they got eaten by a monster. But this monster is not the problem now, the problem is Clair and her well being, is there someone here who wants to adopt her and take her as their daughter?" Georg

It got silent, no one said something and I played with the thought of leaving as a man and a woman, in the last line, stood up.

"We would like to take her, I am not able to bear a child and we wished for a kid since our wedding," said the woman.

"Thank you, Maia. That would be it for today ,thank you for your attendance. Maia and Kurt could you please come?" said Georg

The people went outside and soon only me, Georg and the couple were left.

The woman was pretty and blond, she has green eyes and looked like a beauty while the man looked like a typical muscle head, giant forearms with a muscular chest. He has a few scars in his face and I don't know how such a woman would choose such a man, must be his "personality".

" So this girl is Claire, she came today from the woods with only a robe and a few apples into our town.

And these two are Maia and Kurt Schmiedehand. Kurt is the blacksmith of our town and Maia is our healer. I will leave to let you have some time together. " he bent down to me and whispered. " They are booth nice people but if something happens, come to me." After this, he wished us a good night and went out.

Maia squatted and said with a motherly tone " Hi Clair, I'm Maia and we hope we can become good parents for you, will you come with us? "

"Uhu, I am Clair nice to meet you" was my reply but I did not forget to say it timidly.

"Haha, what a cute little one, I'm Kurt. I hope we get along " he said while he gave me his hand to hold while Maia gave me her hand for my other one. I took both and we went outside.

Jackpot, these parents are awesome, I can learn to forge my own things while I can also learn healing magic. The best thing is they are nice and are trying hard to be parents.

Their house is as I thought, the smithy. It has two floors and the first one is the forge, with the kitchen. While the second one is for the bedrooms and a small armoury.

"Well we haven't prepared a room for you so we both are going to sleep in a bed and Kurt will sleep on a plank bed in the forge " Maia

"Why can't I sleep with you two?" was Kurt's reply at his sudden loss of his bed.

"Because it would be cramped and I don't want to scare Clair with your snoring." was her answer.

He sighed and went to the forge while his shoulders where down.

"Now let's go up it is late." Maia

I followed her into a small room and she started to undress and dressed into a nightgown.

I just stood there and did nothing, it is good to be a girl, my soon to be mom looks good even when she is naked.

But apparently she will be my mom and that is a no go.

"Why are you not undressing Clair?" Maia

"I don't have a nightgown" was my answer in a small voice. I can not thank the actor skill enough.

"That's not a problem, we just have to cuddle to not get cold so let's get you out of it" was her answer while she pulled the dress over my head.

Now I stand here in a room, with a woman naked... this line in itself is disturbing, but the real problem was that she picked me up and went to bed with me as a hug pillow....