A little biology and a new house.


Forging was funny, we smelted some ore and had to smite them into ingots. No one expected me to be so good at it, with my small frame.

And monster theology was a simple lecture about the more common monsters.

I fetched Malinda after the lesson and we are now walking to the orphanage.

"Why are you living in an orphanage, which is in the slums?" Malinda

"Cause I wanted to help the caretaker, you can ask her later." Me

"Isn´t it dirty?" Malinda

"It doesn't have to be dirty, just because it´s in the slums." Me

"You´re right but it´s normal for buildings in the slums to be run down, especially an orphanage, which is not supported by the church." Malinda

"Church? There´s a religion?" Me

"You didn´t know? We have two major churches in the human lands and there are some more important in the world.

The humans have:

The Church of the Four great Elements. Which has it´s foundation on Ifrit, Sylphiette, Tubarin and Aspirinudo and worships them as gods. They say that everything depends on these four gods and that we have to believe in them.

And the Church of Light, with Siria as its goddess. They believe in the purifying light of Siria and are in a constant war against the believer of Dubrendal. They often purge demons or people which they consider demons. You would be in their target zone.

Most of them are in Raska and they are in a constant war against Duren.

Which brings me to the next church.

The Church of Darkness which worships Dubrendal, most of his followers are in Duren, but we have some smaller factions here and there. " Malinda said. And I interrupted.

"Is the Church of Darkness one of these sacrifice and demon worshipper churches?" Me

"No, they´re not, they believe in chaos and the dark side of nature. There are some smaller factions which are necromancers or demon worshippers but the main church is not dangerous.

The followers of the Church of Light do more often gruesome stuff, they believe humans are above everyone and hunt non-humans. Be wary of their inquisition.

Then there are the beastkin and dwarfs who don´t believe in the divinity of the seven gods and believe in their deceased ancestry. Never ridicule one of their ancestors, they would hunt you down.

And last but not at least the Gaia Cult. Elfs and farys are worshipping the said mother of the other six gods. They stand for peace and preservation of nature. But they are not some tree loving idiots, they hunt down whoever destroys their territory.

They don´t like humans for their slavery, they think every living being has the right to live in freedom. "Malinda finishes her explanation.

"And, in what do you believe?" Me

"Me? Don´t know I think a mix of Gaia Cult and the Church of the Four Elements would be good. What about you?" Malinda

"There is no god, just beings who are so strong that normal people think they´re gods." Me

"But you said you met the true god." Malinda

"Don´t know if I´m allowed to speak about it, sorry," I said and showed her my toung.

"Not fair," She said with a childish voice.

"We´re near the wall, so were´s the orphanage?" She continued.

"There," I said and pointed at the large stone house on the end of the street.

"That´s more like a mansion than an orphanage." Malinda

"I made it myself." Me

"Your magic is such a cheat," Malinda said without any emotions.

"You don´t seem impressed." Me

"I saw your status, there´s not much left, that could impress me," Malinda said in a defeated tone.

"We´ll see.... Come I have to introduce your student, her name is Ilza." I said and motioned her inside.

"Someone here?!" I shouted and we could hear, shortly after, many tapa tapa sounds. Three children came running down, diving right into me and I had to fall down. I didn´t want to hurt them.

"Clair-neesan" Child one.

"You´re back, play with us." Child two

"Yeah come play." Child three

"Sorry, I have no time, tomorrow okay? Where is Ilza?" Me

"She´s upstairs, we´ll bring here. " Child two said and they all ran off.

"They like you," Malinda stated.

"Yeah, I like to play with children, it´s funny." Me

"I thought you´re 23," Malinda said mockingly.

"I am, but where´s the fun if you become a boring adult." Me

"Hm, true." Malinda

Ilza came down, pulled by the three children who said in unison.

""We´ve brought her ""

"Thank you, I´ll make something nice for dinner tomorrow." Me

"" Yeah! "" They screamed and run upstairs.

"Hello, my name is Ilza, nice to meet you," Ilza said and bowed deeply to Malinda.

"Hi, I´m Malinda Lilia, I´m going to live with you two, and teach you some magic." Malinda

"Thank you, miss." Ilza

"You don´t have to be so formal, ah yes Clair that also counts for you. We´re going to live together, so I think you can call me Lilia from now on." Malinda Lilia

"Thank you." Ilza

"Thanks, I´ll stay with Malinda during school." Me

"I would appreciate it." Lilia

"I´ve got a question, why are you called Malinda when it´s your first name? " I said and led both to the dining room.

"We don´t have a first or last name, your family name and your name are both your first name. You can choose which you´d like to have in the public and use the other for friends. I choose Malinda as my public name and Lilia as my name for friends." Lilia

"Okay, but I don´t want to use Schmiedehand in the public, there might be some people who´ll target my foster parents. "Me

"That´s no problem when you´re friends knew of it. It might cause some confusion between bystanders but that is negligible ." Lilia

"Ilza, what is your other name?" Me

"I... I don´t have one, slaves aren´t allowed to have two names." Ilza said with hanging shoulders.

"Then we just need to make one," Me

"Huh?" Ilza

"I mean, I left my whole name in my old world, my whole name is chosen by myself." Me

"Okay, then what do you think, should I name myself?" Ilza

"Don´t know, do you want to choose Ilza for public usage or the other one?" Me

"I think Ilza will be my normal one and for public... what do you think of Bose?" Ilza

"Okay, then from now on your Ilza Bose, sounds good." I said, and Ilza smiled.

"You both can continue to call me Ilza." Ilza

"Sure" I said and Malinda nodded.

"Okay, I heard that I have to teach you magic, what do you know about it?" Lilia

"Nothing," Ilza

"That´s not much," Lilia

"We´ll you just have to teach her the foundations, I don´t know how I should explain them, but I can continue from then on. I have the teaching skill, it speeds the whole thing up." Me

"How much does it speed your teaching?" Lilia asked.

"Don´t know, but Lina my roommate, leveled from Mana Manipulation LV 1 to LV 2 in a week." Me

"That´s fast, does it say something about a limit?" Lilia

"Yeah, I can´t teach more than my own level, but ten is already the highest, so it´s not really a problem." Me

"So you could also teach me?" Lilia asked with sparkling eyes.

"Yeah, but I´ll only start when Ilza is on the same level as you." I said and she pouted.

"That might take years." Lilia

"Then you just have to come along on our journey, I´ll stay four years here, that might be enough for Ilza to reach LV 5 or 6 in mana manipulation and there are other things which you both don´t know.

Which reminds me, I don´t know your status Ilza." Me

"I don´t have a status plate." Ilza said sadly.

"No problem we´ll register you later. For now, show status Ilza, share status Ilza." I said and we all could see her status.

Name: Ilza Bose

Profession: Caretaker of Clair

Age: 15

Class: None

Title: Ex-Slave

LV: 2

Health: 1.000 [HP regeneration 0,02/sec]

Mana: 1.000 [MP regeneration 1/sec]

Strength: 14

Intelligence: 23

Gender: Female

Agility: 24

Wisdom: 21

Race: Elf

This timid girl was abused in her childhood, until she was saved by a being named Clair. She grew up as a slave and never had any friends. Now she would do anything for her sole friend Clair.

"Hoh, anything?" I mused and Ilza got beet red.

"Don´t play with her, "Lilia scolded.

"Okay, okay, what do you think of her status Lilia? I have no one I can compare to her.

"She has enough mana to become a mage, the rest is normal, her strength is a little under the norm.

But we can work on that." Lilia

"Ilza? I thought you´re 14 or 13 like me. " Me

"No, why do you think that?" Ilza

"Cause you don´t look like 15. This might be because you had not enough food, during your early teens and childhood." Me

"Why food?" Ilza

"The body needs a lot of different minerals, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates during his puberty." Me

"Why minerals and what are proteins and vitamins and carbohydrates?" Lilia

"Carbohydrates are, in a simple way, sugar and minerals are thinks like calcium and fluorine, they are for your bones and teeth, there's also iron." Me

"You jest, we have iron in us?" Lilia

"Yes, it´s in our blood, do you know why we breath?" Me

"Because we need air?" Ilza

"Not really, we only need a small portion of the things which are in the air, it´s called oxygen. Just 20% of the air is oxygen. And we need this oxygen for our cells." Me

"Cells?" Lilia

"Whoa, this world's biology is seriously not up to date, are you not researching your own body?" Me

"It´s not allowed to dissect the dead and you can´t see much from the outside." Lilia

"That explains it. Anyway, we are made out of many, many, many cells. And there are a lot of different cells.

Our blood has cells in it, which makes it red, and these red cells have iron in it.

The iron helps to transport the oxygen into other cells, where it´s used for energy production.

The reason we die from suffocating is because we can´t bring the needed oxygen to these cells and they die and we die with them.

That´s the really easy explanation, did you understand?" I asked and Lilia nodded slowly but Ilza looked confused.

"And what is with these so called protein and vitamins ?" Lilia

"We have hormones and enzymes, they control our whole body. For example, do you know why you like to smell someone and other not?" Me

"I like to smell you!" Ilza blurted out and quickly got red.

"Thanks, this is a result of a hormone. We produce them without any stop, 24/7.

We like to smell someone because this person is really different, with his or her genes, from us." Me

"Genes?" Lilia

"The blueprints of our body.

The offspring of two different persons who like to smell each other are more likely to survive in nature. They get not as often sick and other illnesses are more seldom."Me

"So this hormone that lets you smell good, says us, that we have to have kids with each other ?" Lila

"Exactly," I said and Ilza got redder.

"But what have they to do with Ilza´s lack of growth?" Lilia

"Woman produces a hormone called oestrogen, this hormone ensures the growth of the hips and breasts, as well as your period and some other things which I don´t know. It starts to produce oestrogens on mass with your first period and we need proteins and vitamins to build such hormones.

The easiest way to get proteins is with meat.

Vitamins are in many different things, you can get most of them with fruits and vegetables but there is one which is only in meat and one that you only get with the sun." Me

"The sun?" Lilia asked unbelievingly.

"Yeah, your skin changes some of the sun rays into a vitamin. But back to the topic, I suspect that Ilza didn´t get enough food as well as sun rays in her childhood and early teens, so now she suffers from the lack." Me

"What could happen to me?" Ilza asked, not really understanding but nonetheless frightened.

"Depends, hard starved women can lose their ability to get children, your bones might be less dense than normal and there are some other illnesses which might come," I said and she began to cry.

I patted her back and said.

"But you´re lucky, that I found you now and not in three years."

"Sniff...why?" Ilza

"Cause puberty is, at least for humans, until the 18th year. Lilia when did you stop to grow? Especially your breasts?" Me

"W..w..w why d..d do you ask?" Lilia asked flustered.

"It can hint us when Ilza will stop growing." Me

"I think with 20... what about you?" Lilia

"20 is good, we have 5 more years then, Ilza you´re going to get a diet from me," I said and her face brightened up.

"How should a diet help her?" Lilia

"A diet just means an adjustment in your eating habits, she´s going to eat potatoes, many fruits, fish, and milk." Me

"What's with meat and why fish? And you did not answer my question." Lilia

"Milk and eggs also have the needed proteins and vitamins which are in meat and fish have a lot of good fat. Which question?" Me

"What is with you, how long will you grow? And good fat? Argh, there´s soooo much new stuff, you're a treasure trove of knowledge." Lilia

"I can show you how tall I´m going to become in the bath and there are many different kinds of fat, the same with vitamins, hormones, proteins, and minerals." Me

"How do you know all this?" Ilza

"I said that I´m from another world, we didn´t have magic but we´re more advanced in our normal technology. And I learned this at school, some of the said things are basic knowledge in my world." Me

"You have to teach me more of this." Lilia pleaded.

"Sure but later, I have to meet the property seller. You can use the time and get to know each other" I said and left.

I reached the real estate shop and was promptly led to another room, which was occupied by the reception woman, an elderly man, and a couple.

"Ah miss Clair, it´s nice to meet you, I´m the owner of this shop, my name is Ralphonso." He said and gave me his hand. He continued and introduced the couple.

"This is the Maraburg couple, they don´t want to sell and we thought we might solve this problem with a conversation. Please sit down."

"Good evening, my name is Clair, where is the problem?" I said and sat down.

"An elf?" The man asked in an aggressive tone.

"Yes I´m an elf, is there a problem?" I said and released a little mana.

"N..no, it´s just unusual." The man said, less aggressive.

"So where´s the problem?" I repeated.

"We don´t want to sell our home." The man.

"Why?" Me

"Because we´ve lived there for more than three generations." The man

"A good argument, then how much do you want from me?" Me

"Huh?" The man

"I mean how much do I have to pay you for your plot of land?" Me

"We don´t want to sell it." The man

I looked at his wife and asked.

"What´s your occupation?"

"I´m a carpenter and my wife is a housewife." The man answered.

"So how much did they offer?" Me

"We offered each household 7 gold." Ralphonso

"So 7 gold is not enough? How much do you earn in a month?" Me

"That´s not important, we don´t want to sell our home." The man

"Do you want to work?" I asked the woman.

"There is no work for me." She said sadly.

"Oh, there is, I need someone who can clean my estate." Me

"What does that have to do with our home?" The man

"Well, I could buy your home, build a new one and employ your wife as a maid." Me

His eyes narrowed and he asked.

"How much and why would you do that?"

"I need someone who´ll clean my home and you would live next door. As for the payment, what do you say to 50 silver?" Me

"Honey, we could take a good usage of 50 silver more per year." Said his wife.

"Certainly...." The man said, in deep, though.

"Who said a year, I meant per month," I said and they made wide eyes.

"A..a month?" His wife repeated.

"Yeah, what do you say? 7 gold, you get a new house and your wife works as my maid for 50 silver per month?" Me

"Hmm... okay, I´ll sell." The man said.

"Good, then please went home and bring all your stuff outside, I´ll be there in one or two hours." Me

"Why?" His wife asked.

"I said that I´ll build you a new house, so I have to remove the old one." Me

"You can do such a think?" The man

"Yes, I´ll use magic. Is there something else Mr. Ralphonso?" I asked.

"No, we already subtracted our fee, here are your documents." Ralphonso

"Good, I´ll excuse myself then. It was a pleasure to do business with you." I said, took them and left.

I fetched Lilia and Ilza and we put all of the belongings from Lilia in my inventory, we then walked to my property and found the family. They have a small daughter, which is around 7 years old.

"Ilza, Lilia this is the Maraburg family, the woman will be our maid and they´ll life in a separate house," I explained.

"Nice to meet you, my name is René, I hope for a good future, this is my husband Frank and our daughter Uri." René (the wife.)

"Hello." Frank

"Niche to meetcha,." Said Uri, and grinned, some teeth were missing.

"Is everything outside?" I asked.

"We were not able to move everything in this short amount of time." René

"No problem, I can store it in my dimensional pocket." Me

"That would be a great hel," René said and led me through the house.

I stored everything and we´re standing outside.

"Good, I´ll sense for any living being on my property and will begin when there´s none," I said and tried to sense the mana from the people but there was none.

They already moved out, the people here sure are fast.

I then "deleted" all the houses and flattened the ground.

"By Tubarin, such magic." Frank

"Okay, I´ll place your house on the side so that you´re able to invite friends," I said and a six-meter high wall rose from the ground around my whole property, leaving a 60m² free space.

I continued with their house it has a ground floor and one upper floor. The ground floor has a kitchen, a storage room, a living room and a dining room. And the upper floor has four bedrooms and one room for work.

"Okay, here is your new house, please look through it and say where I have to put your furniture," I said and turned around.

I saw many spectators and all of them had an open mouth, even Lilia.

"See you´re impressed," I said and poked her with my elbow.

"Yeah, something like this is.....How much mana did all this cost?" Lilia

"Just 200.000, our house will cost more," I said and looked ad Uri who worriedly looked at her mum.

"Watch wrong wich mommy?" She asked.

"Nothing sweety, she is just not used to something like this," I said and patted her head.

"Did you make thich?" She asked me.

"Yup, come you have a new bedroom," I said, while picking Uri up and pulling René inside.

René snapped out of her daze and asked.

"Are you sure we can have all this mistress Clair?"

"Sure, where do you want your furniture?" I said and we began to furnish her new house, I just changed a few things, like the beds, wardrobes, bookshelves, chairs and desks.

We finished after 40 minutes and I said.

"Good, please come from tomorrow on, when has your husband closing time, free time and holidays?" I asked.

"He´s back home in the evening, but he doesn't have free days and holidays." René

"That´s not good for your health, then you're going to work for eight hours each day and you have two days a week off, let´s say Tuesday and Thursday. Say it when you want to have a holiday, you have 30 days per year, which you can distribute like you wish."

"This is too much mistress Clair, I can´t work only for eight hours a day and get 50 silver a month. And why do I get days off? " René protested unexpectedly.

"You can work as long as you wish, I just wanted to say that eight hours is the minimum per day. And I want you to use your days off for your daughter, play with her, buy something nice.

It wouldn´t be good for her to be alone the whole day." I said.

René suddenly grabbed my hand and said while shaking it.

"Thank you mistress Clair, I´ll work hard for you."

"I don´t like this mistress, call me just Clair." Me

"I would never do such a thing," René said and made a face that showed me that she would not step back on this topic.

"Okay... I´m going to build my house, please come with me and you to Uri." I said and they followed me to an entrance for my property.

"I´m going to build some guards and I need some of your blood so that they can recognise you booth, they won´t attack you, when you go on my ground and would even protect you," I said and made 14 standing crocodiles with a sword and a shield, all are obsidian black and have red eyes.

"Tchey look mean." Uri

"They have to protect my house," I said and began to enchant them with the usual enchantments.

A few minutes later,

"Good, you two guard the entrance, send a message when someone wants to enter if you know what you have to do if they want to enter forcefully," I said to two of the crocodiles and they bowed.

"The rest will follow me." I continued and they stepped in line.

"Hey!" ???

I turned around and saw a group of city guards.

"We´ve got a report that said that walls were sprouting from the ground." Guard

"Ah yes, I´m building my house, the ground is my property." Me

"Please show me the necessary documents." The guard said and I handed them over. He looked over them and said.

"Okay, but please inform us next time."

"I´ll do that, were going to build some more, is that right?" Me

"As long as it stays inside these walls." Said the guard and they left.

"Good, now please come with us René and Uri, I have to enhance the doors so that you´re able to use them."

I said and began with building my new mansion.

I finished an hour later because it has many details.


There is a giant garden, which will have flowers and fruit trees in the future.

And an extra house with a complete forge, a laboratory for alchemy, a tailor workshop, a furrier workshop and a joinery workshop.

Then a barn and a large greenhouse for vegetables and fruits.

The House:

It has two floors over the ground floor.

Ground Floor:

The ground floor has a large entrance hall with a staircase to the first and second floor.

To the right is a large living room with a chimney.

The left side has a door to the cellar with a large storage room.

The front has a corridor, which leads to the dining room, one the left side of the dining room is the kitchen.

The kitchen is large enough for four cooks and has a door, which also leads to the cellar, but to a different storage room.

The left side of the dining room has a door, which leads to a "play" room, it has a bar, a billiard desk and a small atelier for pottery and other things.

First Floor:

This floor has only three rooms.

One room for my toys, which will be build in the future.

An extremely large library, it uses 50% of the whole floor.

And a large bath in a fantasy Roman style. With lion-heads and fountains, who will spew water, when I activate the enchantments on them.

Second Floor:

The second floor has three large bedrooms for each of us and three more for guests.

Each bedroom has a king sized bed, a giant wardrobe, and a working desk.

The property is guarded against the remaining twelve crocodiles and each of them is in a strategic position, four on the roof, one on each house corner and four are patrolling in the garden.

"What do you think?��� I asked the group of four, as we finished the tour.

"This is a mansion, not a house and this library will certainly become larger than my own." Lilia

"It´s bigger than anything I´ve ever seen." Ilza

"Your houch ich pretty." Uri

"This´ll be a lot of work." René

"If you have some friends, who´re searching for a job, bring them around.

Oh, and you have to warn them, the guards are able to see if you brought something out of the house, and will restrain you if you want to take it outside without Lilia´s, my or Ilza´s permission." Me

"Thanks for the information. How much will you pay them?" René

"The same as for you, but they have to work, I don´t pay so much for nothing. And do you know a good gardener?" Me

"I have a friend who´s a gardener in the second wall, he get´s 30 silver a month." René

"Whoa, I didn´t know that I´ll pay you so much," I said and she closed her eyes, expecting me to reduce her pay.

"Well, say him he gets 75 silver a month from me if he changes his employer ." Me

"Huh?" René

"You thought I would reduce your payment?" I asked smirking.

"N..no, no," she said but I stared at her, " Yes..." René

"I said 50 silver and won´t change it if you work properly," I said and she was visibly relieved.

"That´s it then." Me

"Don´t you need some cooks?" René asked.

"No, I like to cook for myself and with friends." Me

"Then have a nice day, we´ll see us tomorrow René.

Uri, you can come and visit us whenever you want."

"Tchankch, " Uri said with a beaming smile.

"I´m going to start my work tomorrow morning and ask some of my more trusted friends in the afternoon." Said René and went home with Uri on her hand.

"That was nice, who´s for a bath?" I said and smiled at Ilza and Lilia.

"Me!" Ilza

"Okay," Lilia

We all went to the bath and got naked.

"He, you said you´re going to show us how you´ll look like." Lilia

"Do you want to see me as a woman or man?" Me

"Woman!" Ilza

"Both," said Lilia with a smirk.

"Then Lilia, you have to visit me in the night if you want to see me as a man," I said and grinned at Lilia, who got a little red.

I changed and looked at both of them.

Ilza is still too thin but has all the foundations for a pretty body.

Lilia sure looks good, sporty, the right proportions on the right places and a large bust.

Her skin is slightly tanned and her butt is apple shaped and looks firm.

Well a large bust is not everything, it has to be firm and yet soft.

"What?" Lilian asked me.

"You look good," I said and she blushed.

"You too Clair," said Ilza

I am currently a 1.5 m white, almost pale, skinned woman, with upper B-Cup large breasts.

My ass looks like a tomato ass.

(AutorNote: This form really exists, 45% of all women have one.)

My hair now reaches my ass and there is not one mole or another blemish on my skin.

I sneaked behind Ilza and grabbed her, while saying.

"We have to get these larger." and began to fondle Ilzas breasts.

"KYAA" Ilza screamed and flailed with her legs.

But soon stopped and began to rub her thighs together, she also started to pant.

"Uuhh Clair, hmmm...please huf...uuh.. stop.." squeezed Ilza out, she was beet red and her tongue was slightly sticking out.

"Now I know what Mr. Guligo meant." Said Lilian with a red face.

I looked up, directly in her face and a smirk crept on my own face.

I let Ilza down, she slumbered under the water and I slowly walked to Lilia.

"Oh no! No, no, noooue.... Hii... why...uhhhhhh...doech...it aaaahhh..feeel..sooouu..goood?" Lilia

She tried to struggle but it was futile, I had her after a few moments and fondled her thighs, breasts, and neck. But I never went down to her crotch or touched her nipples .

Her expression changed from a slightly frightened to a frightened and then into one of pure pleasure.

But the mean thing is that I stopped, every single time, before she had an orgasm.

"WHYehhhh?" She asked but I just said, with a grin.

"Orgasms are only allowed during sex, this is teasing between girls," and continued.

I let her go after 10 minutes, she was a panting mess. I turned around and went back to Ilza, who laid on the bathtub side.

"Come Ilza, we have to clean ourselves."Me

"Please..." came it weakly from her.

"I won´t do anything, I´ll restrain the skill to level 3 so that it only feels good when I soak your hair.

Now come." I said and picked her up.

I washed her hair and she did the same with me, Lilia was still a mess as we finished so I washed her hair and carried her to her room.

We went to our won rooms, but Ilza came shortly after I made my light out.

"Clair? Can I sleep with you?" Ilza

"Sure, but we have to stop when I get a girlfriend or you have to join," I said teasingly, she got red but did not reject. She crawled in my bed and I used her as a hug pillow....