Duke, Huru, Trainer much to do

I went upstairs and began to help Lilia and Ilza to sort the books.

"Lilia do you have a trainings plan for Ilza?" Me

"I have one for magic, but not for her physical training." Lilia

"Okay, then I´m going to hand in a request at the adventurers guild, for a tutor." Me

"What kind of training awaits me?" Ilza

"For magic reading and many logic and maths tests, it raises your intelligence and wisdom stats.

Then magic casting, casting time reduction, mana manipulation and mana sensing." Lilia

"And normal body training, weapons training, body enhancement and spars might be your training with the future tutor." Me

"You´ve said that you´ll enhance me, when does that happen?" Ilza asked me and Lilia looked to me.

"You can´t do that Clair, body enhancements, which were lasting, never succeed," Lilia said worriedly.

"I test it on Hurus, there are three in the second floor of the basement, one is enhanced with runes, one with mana manipulation and the third will get both when I know how much they can handle." Me

"How strong is the Huru with the runes?" Lilia asked, worried to hear the answer.

"Around 20.000 in strength and agility, it also has more health and mana, oh and its HP regeneration is 1000 per second." Me

"You´ve just made a Huru the third strongest being in this whole city." Lilia

"Don´t worry, I cut the mana supply to the runes, a rampaging Huru is not what I want.

That reminds me, Ilza you´re going to get a rune set, that´ll grow with you, you also have to get the skill sensitivity." Me

"Why? " Lilia

"I crashed into a mountain as I tried to jump without it, I have it constantly on LV 8 I would destroy everything if I were to sneeze." Me

"You jest." Lilia

"Nope, tried it once, ripped thirty trees out of the ground. " Me

Ilza looked worried and asked.

"Are you sure I can handle that?"

"Why not? I´m going to teach you, I think you might get to the fifth level in most of your skills in four years. And it´s not like you´ll get as strong as me." Me

"You do realize how utterly non-logical that is?" Lilia

I smiled and said.

"Yup, but it´s fun." Me

"You would do everything if it is fun, wouldn´t you?" Lilia

"Sure, why not? I never could do what I wanted before." Me

"Well, as long as you don´t do something too unreasonable like killing a whole race... oh wait you did," Lilia said sarcastically.

Ilza looked puzzled and asked.

"You killed a whole race?"

"Yeah, the dragons. The village of the women is in their old land." Me

"Village?" Lilia asked.

"Clair saved a group of women, as she rescued me." Ilza

"What did you do?!" She asked with slightly, narrowed eyes.

"I killed the duke, lord or whatever of a town." Me

"WHY!?" Lilia screamed and the book in her hands fell down.

"He bought Ilza and whipped her." Me

"And you killed him?" Lilia

"Yup." Me

"I have to ensure, to keep an eye on you in the future," Lilia mumbled as she picks the book up.

°Knock knock° sounded from the door.

"Yes?" Me

"Mistress, there is a messenger, who wants to speak with you," René said from behind the door.

you know that you can open it?

"I´ll come." Me

"Who could that be?" Ilza

"Surely someone with influence, who wants to know why there´s a whole mansion in his front yard." Lilia

"We´ll see." I said and went down, following René, to the entrance of the mansion.

A man stood there, with a frightened look. Behind him were two of my guards.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" I asked.

"G..good day madam, the Duke, Halvo Jeremaia Gustav von Highlorn has sent me.

He want´s to meet the owner of this mansion and wants to know why and how it was built." Messenger

"When?" Me

"As fast as possible." Messenger

"I´ll inform my brother, please wait a moment." I said and René looked at me with a face that almost screamed "Brother?".

"Yes, I´ll wait." The messenger said and I went back upstairs, to Lilia and Ilza.

"And?" Lilia

"The duke wants to meet me, I´ll go as Dex." Me

"I´ll come along." Lilia

"Why?" Me

"I don´t want you to kill him." Lilia

Hey, that´s rude, I only killed one duke and one gang boss up till now.

"I expected to see some emotions, of disagreement, on your face." Lilia

"Oh, I have the skill poker face, I won´t show anything with this skill if I don´t want to." Me

"It might let you look emotionless," Lilia warned.

"Might be, but the opposite party can´t read me." Me

"Please suppress your skill when you are with us, I want to see your real laugh and smile without acting. " Ilza

"I´ll try, Lilia, as what do you want to accompany me?" Me

"Huh?" Lilia

"I mean, they asked for me, not for you, you have to be something like my wife to accompany me," I said with a teasing tone.

Lilia got red and stuttered.

"R..r..r..right, I..I forgot, then please be careful."

"Sure." I said and changed to Dex and went back down.

"Hello my name is Dex, my sister said the baron wants to meet me?" I said and saw René blushing, with an open mouth, as well as a puzzled look.

She never saw me as Dex.

"René, could you please bring some tea for miss Malinda. " I said and smiled at her.

"Äh...ehm yes, I´ll make some." she said and hurriedly left.

"Thanks, now then, please lead the way." I said and followed the messenger to a carriage.

We drove a few minutes and finally stopped in front of a large mansion in the second wall district.

It was a little smaller than my own and less symmetrical.

"Please follow me, the duke is in his work office." The messenger said and I followed him into the mansion.

We passed the entrance hall and walked trough a corridor with doors on the left and right, maids who were cleaning the rich looking furniture were watching us and the moment we reached the last door in a corridor it swung open and Mr. Chubby came out. He said, while leaving, something like"I want her daddy, please bring her.".

Oh yeah, he´s the son of this duke, this might get complicated, sorry Lilia.

Mr. Chubby walked past us and let a sneer out as he saw me.

The messenger bowed to him and led me inside.

The duke looked like an older version from Mr. Chubby, but with a Hitler-moustache. He was sitting in a large chair behind a desk, with a lot of documents on it.

"My lord, I´ve brought the owner of the mansion." The messenger introduced me and then remained standing beside the door.

"Thank you, Bern," He said without looking up.

He continued to write on a document and I could read something of its content.

" Philip investigate the current top first-year student of the magic academy, she is an elf and I want to know if you can abduct her, she..."

Oh abducting me?

He continued to write without looking at me, but I wasn´t able to read anything else, I didn´t want to look suspicious.

He finished and looked up, seeing my ears and made a disgusted face.

"So who are you, how did you build this mansion so fast and why are you in my town?" He asked rudely.

"My name is Dex, I made the mansion with Tier 9 magic and my sister Clair is here for study. I´ll just accompany her." Me

"Tier 9 magic...okay. Clair? Is your sister the student councils newcomer?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" Me

"I want to buy her," He said without a sliver of emotions.

"And why should I sell my own sister?" Me

"Because I have money, how much?" He

"I won´t sell my own sister." Me

"How about 100 gold?" He

"I don´t need money, we have enough. Is there anything else?" Me

"It won´t be good to refuse my proposal." He said, trying to sound intimidating, but was only able to wiggle with his three other chins.

"I don´t care, is there anything else?" Me

"You´ll regret this. And no, I wanted to know who build this mansion, but it seems it was an ugly pest of an elf. You can leave, keep your sister in good health." He said with a wicked smile and I left.

So Clair will get some kidnappers in the future, this might become funny.

I thought about the conversation while walking back.

I reached my house and was greeted by one of the new maids.

"Hello sir, are you antiquated to mistress Clair? " Kim

"Yes, how did you know?" Me

"Sir you have the same hair and eyes." Kim

"I´m her brother, are miss Malinda and Bose upstairs in the library?" Me

"Yes, they are." Kim

"Thank you, I´ll pay them a visit." I said and went upstairs.

They both were still sorting the books. And Lilia looked worriedly at me as I stepped inside.

"And?" Lilia

"They plan to abduct Clair and he even asked me to sell her." Me

"Disgusting." Ilza

"What will you do?" Lilia

"Nothing, I´ll wait until they make a move. If they attack this mansion, they´re going to get killed or I can interrogate them. I´ll do more after that." Me

"Please be careful." Lilia

"What could possibly happen?" Me

"They might target your friends or destroy your property." Lilia

"This mansion is magically enhanced, even the headmaster would have problems if he wants to destroy it. And he´ll first try to hurt me before he goes after my friends. And I´ll "warn" him before that happens." Me

"Warn?" Lilia

"Yeah, like cutting the fingers of his son off." Me

"That´s brutal. "Lilia

"I never said I´m friendly, fuck with me or my interests and you´re fucked." Me

"This might cause a lot of problems." Lilia

"You are free to go." I said and Ilza began to look worried.

Lilia breathed loudly out and said.

"No, I´ve made my mind as I saw your status, I´ll try to keep you in check. It´s also more fun, I left my family 50 years ago because it was so boring in Schwarzwald" Lilia

"Try if you can, and I plan to travel around the world, so you have to come along." Me

"When?" Lilia

"After the graduation in four years." Me

"I think about it. And please promise me you won't kill the duke or one of his family members." Lilia

"You´re going to regret it, but okay. I have to go to the Hurus, I need to know the limits of the enhancements." I said and went to the Hurus.

They were playing with each other, Huru One was nibbling on the ear of Huru Three and Huru Two liked the fur of Huru One.

"Hello, my dear Hurus." I said and they looked at me.

"Do you want some snacks?" I said and took some fish out of my inventory.

"" Meow "" They said and came to me, I gave each of them a fish and started.

I tried to enhance Huru One once more with mana manipulation, but it doesn´t work. It seemed like it´s already on the maximum effect. Huru Two got two more rune layers but suddenly lost its fur.

I now have a naked Huru with strength and agility in the 60.000.

This could become funny, I need to search for an underground pet tournament.

So I started with Huru Three, it got two layers of runes and the mana manipulation enhancement.

I also added a tracking rune, so that I know where they are.

Now I have to wait and see if they´ll change during the next week. I´m going to test this out with random bandits if nothing changes.

I also have to train them, they could become funny attack pets.

Imagine a cat with bunny ears that breaks the neck of a troll.

I went back upstairs and said that I´m going to head out to the adventurer guild, for Ilzas physical trainer.

I reached the guild and went inside. It was bustling with activity, some people were at the bar, drinking, some at a wall with notes on it and some at the counter or on chairs in the corner speaking with each other.

All of them had some kind of armour on, some better, some worse.

A few looked at me as I walked in and to the counter, but most of them ignored me after a quick glance.

"Hello dear." Said a young busty woman behind the counter.

Finally a busty receptionist.

"Hi, I want to announce a task." Me

"Did you lost your Huru?" She asked worried and with an older sister like smile.

"No, I want to search for a swordsmanship instructor for my friend." Me

"That might be expensive sweety." She

"I know, could you please tell me more about the requests?" Me

"Off course, you can announce any request you want but you have to hand in a set amount of money beforehand. 5 copper for an F-Rank, 20 for E, 1 silver for D, 50 silver for C, 1 gold for B, 10 gold for A, 50 gold for S and 100 gold for SS. You are allowed to pay more, but these are the minimum requirements. There is also the option with other payment, but these have no ranking and can be harder or easier than normal and everyone is allowed to do them if the client allows it." She explained in a business tone.

"What is with X-Rank missions?" I asked.

"There is no X-Rank mission, this rank only exists as a limit. An X-Rank mission would be: hunting a dragon. " She

"Okay, then how much would I have to pay for an S-Ranked mission which continues over four years?" Me

"That would cost at least 100 gold but mostly more expensive because this adventurer would be held here for four years. You have to choose a smaller rank." She said in an apologetic tone.

"Good, could I make a task that search for an LV7 or higher swordsman instructor?" Me

"Did you misheard me?" She asked.

"No, I have enough gold." I said and gave her a giant pouch with gold.

"These are at least more than 1000 gold!" She screamed shocked and a few of the adventures looked at us.

"So, how high are my chances for such an instructor? �� Me

"Are you kidding me?!" The now not so business like woman.

"Nope, is there a possibility to get this task known?" Me

"P...please wait a moment," She said and ran away.

"Hey Missy, I heard you´re searching for a swordsman?" A guy out of a group of four asked.

"Yeah, how high is your Swordmastery LV ?" I asked.

"LV 3, I can teach your friend," He said with a grin.

"Sorry, I search for someone with an LV of 7 or higher." I said and ignored him.

"Hey girl, you better not ignore him." Said one of his friends.

But I continued to ignore him, which angered them and one of them grabbed me.

"Did your mom not tell you to not touch other women without their consent? Hands off." Me

"You are hardly a woman," He said.

"Hands off or you´ll lose something important." I said coldly, but he ignored me.

I took his hand and snapped it back, breaking it.

He fell down and began to scream and the other two looked at him, then at me and back to him.

"Do you want to join him?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"Then take him with you and leave." I said and they helped him up and left.

"Hahahaha, you´re more than you seem little girl." A man said from behind me.

"Do you also want to touch me?" I asked.

"Not after this show, I´m Gerd and an S-Rank adventurer." Gerd

"Why are you here in this little town?" Me

"I brought my little brother to the warrior class of the academy and searched for a new job, in the meantime of his four years." Gerd

"So you want to get hired by me?" Me

"If it´s true what you said, yes. I´m an LV 8 swordsman and have trained my brother to the fourth Lvl until now, but he has to learn other things so he enlisted in the academy." Gerd

"Good, you´ll get a gold per month and 1000 more at the end of the four years if you manage to train my friend. Or I´ll make you a weapon." I said and grinned at the last sentence.

"Hoh, a weapon? Why would I want a weapon from a little girl?" Gerd

"Because I´m good." Me

"Hahahaha, I like you, okay deal, I'll teach your friend and take the weapon." Gerd

"Why not the gold?" Me

"I´m S-Ranked, I have enough gold, I do my jobs because they seem interesting or because they can help me train my brother." Gerd said and the woman came back with an old man.

"This man is the guild master, he manages all jobs of the S-Rank or higher." Woman

"Hello, I already found my instructor," I said.

"Hi, Phillip." Said Gerd.

"Oh Gerd, so you´ll take the job?" Phillip (Guild Master)

"Yes, it looks interesting." Gerd

"Good, then please fill in the document and your request will be finished," He said and left. The woman looked back and forth between them and finally said.

"Ähm here is the document."

I took it and filled in the things I had to fill, Name of the employer, description of the task and payment.

I gave it back to the woman and she looked over it, then handed it Gerd who also read it.

"Hm, I have to train a 15-year-old girl over the next four years?" Gerd

"Yes, you can start next week." Me

"Why not tomorrow?" Gerd

"Because I have to finish some preparations and these will take a week." Me

"Okay, where can I find you?" Gerd

"In the new mansion, this new building that came out of the ground on Friday." Me

"This gets more and more interesting. So you own this big thing?" Gerd

"Yes, please state your concerns to the crocodile guards, they might hurt you if you just trespass." Me

"Hurt me?!" He asked amused.

"You can spar with one if you want, but that has to wait till next week." Me

"Hmp, okay, see you next week." Gerd said and I left.