About Qi Cultivation

Clone POV:

A bright light enveloped me, the moment I stepped inside the summoning circle. And I found myself inside a forest, as it subsided. Birds sang their chirped songs and the mossy smell of an old forest flowed inside my nose. Old trees stood around me and it was clear that they grew naturally as they were partially crooked or tall.

"The exit point is not the same, let's see,°status°," I muttered and the window popped up in front of me.

Name: Clon of Clair/Dex Schmiedehand

Gender: /

Age: 1 min

Level: 676

Profession: Clone

Rank: G

Title: /

Health: 1.500.500(+999.999.999) [HP: Regeneration 500(+999.999.999) / instant]

Mana: 999.999.999(+999.999.999) [MP: Regeneration 100.000(+999.999.999)/ instant]

Stamina: 25.000.500(+999.999.999)

Stamina: Regeneration 5.000(+999.999.999)/instant

Strength: 75.500(+999.999.999)

Intelligence: 106.000(+999.999.999)

Agility: 88.000(+999.999.999)

Wisdom: 165.000(+999.999.999)

Class: Tier 10 Spell

This Clone is a spell product of the being named Clair. You may pet and hug it, but not as much as the original.

Race: Shadow Elemental

There are a few differences between us clones and Origin, we don't have skill points, only half of the stats and skill LV of Origin and we don't have an inventory.

My hypothesis of Qi and Mana in every world seems to be true. This world has mana, even though not much. It's around 1.000 times lesser than in the other world, however, the Qi is ten thousand times richer here.

My tasks are as followed: Find a good or the best cultivation method, train in it, if possible, find some good items and then use the beacon rune to get summoned back.

First thing, finding some kind of civilisation.

I began to walk leisurely with a speed of 50 km/h through the beautiful forest.

Shortly after I found the first live form. It growled at me and looked like an oversized wolf-pig mix.

The head was that of a normal pig with large tusks but the body was that of a five metre long and three-metre tall wolf. The claws were as long as daggers and saliva dripped from its open mouth.

"So you are an omnivore?" I asked but the only reaction I got was a mix between a howl and an oink. It kinda sounded like whouink, strange monster.

Name: Porcus de Lupus or commonly known as Whouink

This mix between a pig and wolf is common in the Dire Forests. Whouinks eat everything, but its favourite is meat. The males are lone wanderer, while the females live in groups of ten to twenty. Whouinks are earth cultivators. This Whouink is currently an Apprentice Rank monster.

"Thought it," I said and evaded its rush. The Whouink crashed into a tree and split it in two.

It then turned around and looked at me with hateful eyes.

His stare clearly said: " How dare you to evade," It began a new rush but this time it also leaked Qi in its surroundings and the earth began to tremble. It produced a small earthquake to bring me out of balance.

"Sorry Mr. Bacon, I ain't no time for that," I said, jumped over the Whouink and used my sword to cut at the neck of this soon to be food. However the force I used was not enough and the blade was blocked, only a few inches inside of its neck.

"That is strong, I used a strength of around 10.000," I muttered out loud and stood on the back of the Whouink, which frantically tried to throw me off.

"Yehaa," I shouted happily and rammed my sword like a handle in the shoulder blades of the Whouink.

"QUIIIIE!" was its answer and it seemed like I cut the nerves to its right front legs. It still tried to throw me off but it was a lot slower and without any real strength.

"Let's end this," Me

I grabbed the neck of the Whouink and used raw strength to break the spine. A loud crack and a few whimpered °quiie° were the last things the Whouink made before it died.

"Let's see, do these things have a core?" Me

I cut its head open and really found a brown marble with a diameter of 3 centimetres inside the head.

"I might be able to use them at a later time," Me

I put the Whouink inside the dimensional pocket I got from Origin and continued my stroll.

A monster called Rattle Serpent was the only other monster I found before it got nighttime. The Rattle Serpent is a 10 metre long, green snake that hunts like an anaconda.

I made a small stone hut for my night camp and roasted the Rattle Serpent over a fire.

Snake tastes funny, not really describable. A little like crocodile, without the mud flavour.

The night was peaceful if you ignore the five bear like monster who thought of me in my hut as some kind of canned food.

I continued my stroll on the next day, around midday I heard other things than monsters.

It kinda sounded like grunting, sobbing and pleading, so I sneaked nearer.

"°Sob°please stop," A woman, who was forcibly stripped from her clothes pleaded.

Three men stood around her, a fourth pinned her down and was currently raping her.

I sneaked behind them and asked.

"Is rape a normal hobby in this area?"

They jumped in shock and pulled their weapons out. Even the humping guy grabbed his weapon. He didn't hassle to pull his pants up.

"Sooo tiny," I mused.

"Who the fuck are you?" Guy 1 asked.

"What is this creepy mask?" Guy 3

"My mask isn't creepy. °Sigh° Say does anyone know the way to the next bigger city?" I asked while ignoring the crying woman on the ground

"Piss off or we'll kill you," Guy 2 threatened.

"Hey miss, will you tell me the way to the next town if I help you?" I asked the woman, this time ignoring the angry four guys.

"Please, please save my village," she pleaded and crawled to me.

"You fucker, you think you can fight us?" Guy 3 asked and tried to cleave me in two with his axe.

I activated my regeneration runes and took the hit, the axe cleaved in my right shoulder and cut to the bone. The blood splashed on the face of the crying woman.

"Fuck that hurts without [Insensitivity to Pain] on LV 10," Me

"Heh, serves you right, trying to play hero," Guy 4

"Noo, please don't die," the woman said frantically.

"I should use [Body Enhancement] from now on," I said and activated the skill. This pushed the axe out of my shoulder and the regeneration closed it instantly.

"Huh?" Guy 3 asked perplexed.

"I'll accept the offer of the lady," I said and grabbed the head of the third guy.

"What?" He asked but I gave his head a quick twist and broke his neck.

"He killed Larry, Die! °Flame Cut°" Guy 2 screamed and made the same motion as the wuxia guy. Only this time a crescent cut of flames rushed at me.

I used a wall of water to block it and then made a water beam of the same water, which cut him in half.

"He killed Musk in one hit," Guy 1 said disbelievingly.

"Musk was our third strongest man, he was an Apprentice Rank," Guy 4 said and then who fell down.

"Sorry guys but the lady said something about a village," I said and impaled the remaining two guys with earth spikes.

The bloody woman looked up and me and asked in a pleading tone, "Please Mister Cultivator, please help my village."

"Okay, here is my mantle. Now lead the way," I said and gave her the Reaper Dex mantle. I have to wash it later.

"This way, we got attacked. I fear that bandits will enslave all the women and children, our men aren't strong enough. It's half an hour in this direction," she said and began to run, however, it was painstakingly slow and her legs trembled from the shock and pain of the previous rape.

"Come," I said and picked her up in a princess carry.

"Which way?" I asked.

"T..this way," she said and pointed in the opposite direction from which I came.

"KYAA!!" She screamed, as I jumped through the canopy and sprouted my wings.

"Hold on tight," I said and flew in the direction of a smoke pillar.

A few seconds later we were over the village. It was a massacre, women were raped, children cuffed and men tortured.

"Hey, fuckers!" I screamed down and everyone looked up to me.

"That...that is a humanoid monster, RUN!" Someone shouted and everyone tried to run away, even the cuffed and raped.

°Sigh° "Why do they have to run?" I asked and conjured stone arrows that began to pierce the bandits. But not everyone died through them, four of them survived. These must be of the so-called Apprentice Rank. I used metal spikes to kill them.

I looked at the woman in my arms, who had a pale face and only looked at my wings.

"Hey lady," Me

"Y..yes?" She asked fearfully.

"Tell your fellow villagers to stop running, the bandits are dead," I said and she looked down.

"It's me, Rina, I'm with this men, he won't harm us. He rescued us, stop running!" She shouted and I descended.

The villagers really stopped fleeing and came back, well those who were able to flee stopped.

"[Massen Heilung]" I muttered and healed the people around me. They shouted in wonder and looked at me in fear and caution.

"What? I healed you," I said and put Rina down.

"T...thank you Mister Cultivator, thank you for helping and even healing us. My granddaughter would have died from the wounds without your help. May we know your name Mister Cultivator?" An elderly man asked. He had a small, bloody and unconscious girl in his arms, most of the blood came from between her legs.

"I'm Dex, don't freed over the small things. The lady here," I pointed at the bloody, raped girl, who's now also trembling, next to me, " promised to show me the way to the next bigger town if I help you. I'm not from around here, can you tell me some common knowledge?" Me

"I'll help Mister Dex. We'll gladly help you, just please don't eat us" the elderly man said full of fear.

I looked around, saw a burned down house and conjured a stone house on its place.

"Come inside," I said and walked to the new house, the elderly men followed me inside.

"You can wash yourself and your granddaughter in the bath and then lay her in one of the beds, doesn't matter which room," I said and pointed to the bath.

"Thank you," he said and left.

"Ähm, Mister Dex?" Rina asked, still trembling.

"Yes?" I asked and sat down on a chair.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked, but her eyes clearly showed fear and that she wants to be outside, far away from me.

"You can go, just bring my mantle back," I said and took some snake jerky out of the dimensional pocket.

"Thank you very much Mister Dex," She said with a bow and then hurriedly left. She came 5 minutes later with a cleaned, but still wet, mantle and then again left.

I could hear the sobbing and mourning of the villagers as I waited for the elderly man,

He came after 10 minutes and sat on the opposite of me.

He sweated a lot and tried not to look me in the eyes.

"Okay, first what happened and who are you?" I asked and he flinched.

"Two hours ago the village was attacked by bandits. We weren't able to fight them and they killed most of our hunters. They surely planned to sell our children and woman into slavery. Again thank you for rescuing us." He bowed deeply," My name is Hor, I'm the village chief of this small village."

"Okay, then why are you so afraid of me?" I asked, remembering the plea of not eating them.

"Ähm...well... it's...it's because you are a humanoid monster," he stuttered.

"What is a humanoid monster?" I asked and he looked confused.

"Mister Dex, a humanoid monster is a monster that is able to change its appearance into that of a human. They are at least of the Saint-Rank and feared for their savage behaviour and brutality," He said in a humble tone.

"Off course, such a noble Cultivator as you Mister Dex is the opposite," he quickly added at the end.

"I already said that I'm not from around here, so I also don't know about such things. Please tell me about the different Ranks of cultivation, the currency and the country we're in," Me

"Of course. The cultivation Ranks are divided into seven different Ranks, each Rank is again split into low, middle and upper classes. The Ranks are, from bottom to top, Initiate, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, Saint, Heaven and then Ancient. An Initiate Rank cultivator has twice the strength of a normal man and the strength only rises with each Rank. Cultivators from the Master Rank can even fly and it is said that Ancient Ranks can travel the worlds. However, I don't know of any further Ranks, even a Saint Rank cultivator is rare in our country.

The currency is copper for us, normal people. Silver is only used for expensive things and gold is only used by nobility. But I heard that cultivators often use pills and other cultivation helping things as currency.

As for this country, we're living in Sun Low country. It is one of three middle-sized countries under the large Empire of Hin. There are no other countries on this continent than the Empire of Hin. But there is the Frontier, an endless forest with countless of monster inside of it.

Is there anything else you want to know Mister Dex?" He said.

"Tell me, how do you cultivate," Me

"I'm sure Mister Dex already has profound cultivation methods ," He said confused.

"As I said, I'm not from around here, so I'm also not in the possession of cultivation methods," I said and he looked more confused, but then began to speak.

"Well, I'm sorry to say that, but we don't have a cultivation method, our village is too poor for such a thing. Only families of cultivators have such techniques. You might be able to buy one in the city or acquire one through a school."

"Thanks, then where is the next city?" Me

"The next city larger city is three-month by horse to the north-east. It's called Freu" Elderly Man.

"Thanks, I'll be on my way then," I said and put a hundred silver on the desk.

"Thank you," He said as he saw the money and bowed as I left.

I walked out of the house, people were mourning over their dead family members or trying to help bury them. They noticed me and looked at me in fear.

I should stop using my wings.

I used wind to lift off and then flew north-east.

It took me a day to reach the boundaries of the city. It's a normal city, there is wall, however, they are not taller than 20 metres, probably only for the entrance fee or animals.

I got in line at the gate and 20 minutes later I was inside. Again, normal city. Some vendors, some beggars, a lot of people roaming around and some stores on the sides.

"Monster meat of the Initiate Rank, only 2 silver each pound," A vendor said from the side.

"New weapons of the finest quality, will pierce monster hide of the Apprentice Rank like butter," a second one said.

I walked up to a guard looking guy and asked,

"Excuse me, sir, does this town have a library?"

He looked at me, frowned and then said," Piss off."

Rude, but I did as he said, I want some cultivation methods and it would be stupid of me to get on the bad side with the government.

I started to stroll around, looking here and there, until I found a run-down store in a side alley.

A lot of these stores have hidden treasures, at least in stories, so I went inside and was greeted by dusty shelves with books and a sleeping old woman at the counter.

Yup, looks like I'm right.

I coughed, so that she wakes up, however, she slept like a rock.

"Ähem, Mam?" I asked. No reaction, except for a slight snoring.

I bended down and started to poke her cheek.


The third poke woke her up and she opened her eyes, looking directly at my mask and my almost glowing green eyes.

"HIII!!" She screamed, then stopped and fell over.

I think she got a hard attack....

"Okaaayy, what now?" I said out loud and cast a healing spell, in hope that it will heal her.

It sure helped, she's back alive, however, she's again sleeping.


Again her eyes opened, this time, I was ready. I had stopped before she opened them and she only had a slightly panicked expression.

"Sorry," I said and helped her up.

"What happened?" She asked and then looked down at her legs.

"I'm able to stand straight?" She asked in wonder and touched her legs.

"Ah yes, you got a heart attack, so I healed you. It seems like I also healed your legs," I said as an explanation.

"Thank you Mister Cultivator, but I don't have enough money for your payment," She said, a little fearful of me, that I demand something.

"It was my fault to begin with, I don't want any reward," I said and she breathed out in relieve.

"Thank you, Mister Cultivator. What can I do for you?" She then asked.

"I'd like to know where I can get some kind of cultivation method. Any kind would be good enough, oh and I'm searching for a school and the requirements of enrolment. I'm not from around here and want to learn," I said, in hope for information.

"I do have a cultivation method, however, it's one of the worst you can find. It's thought of a cultivation method for the masses and not really useful for higher Ranks than the Apprentice Rank. And even that is not easily achieved," She said, trying to help me in any way.

"Is it possible to change the cultivation methods?" I asked.

"It is possible, just seldom done, most methods aren't compatible. This makes all of your previous cultivation unstable and you have a lot of problems in stabilising the previous acquired Qi. Most cultivators simply stay with one method or forsake the previous Qi through a special pill. This pill is commonly used as a means to destroy one's cultivation, but can also be used for this," She explained.

"So I could cultivate in your method until I find a better method and then use this said pill to get a blank page?" I asked. This might be a way for me.

"Yes, but I would not recommend this method. It's easier to buy a better cultivation method and stick with it," she said and then recommended something else.

"Then do you know where I can buy one?" I asked.

"You could ask merchants, the best ones are safeguarded by the schools, sects and the royal family," She said.

"Hmm, okay, where would I find the best merchants?" I then asked.

"The best would be in the capital. But it's far away, so the best in this city would be Rembrand. He sells skills and cultivation methods, he surely has some," She said.

"Thank you, then about the schools?" I asked, coming to the next topic.

"There are some ways to enter a school. The most used way is the yearly entrance test. Most schools use to test for their students, some even training fights or other means. Outside of the yearly entrance test would be by recommendation. The third way would be through a special test, these tests are tasks that are put in order by the school. Like finding a specific cultivation medicine or gifting the school a scroll that it doesn't has. These are the only ways I know of," She said.

��Okay, then the next thing would be your books, I'd like to buy them," I said. Lilia surely would like to read them and they might help Origin. At least, they will interest Origin.

"What book do you want?" She asked a little confused.

"All of them, how much?" I asked with a smile.

"Äh, ehm, that would be 100 gold coins, they might not be expensive in itself but I have a lot," she said.

"Here are 200, the hundred extra are payment for the information, oh and one more question, do you know the direction to the capital?" I asked and already started to put the books inside the dimensional pocket.

She just looked at me dumbfounded and then at the money back.

"The capital is in the east, a year away by carriage. And are you sure Mister Cultivator? I mean these books are old and not really rare," she asked.

"No normal merchant would ask the buyer to not buy his goods," I said with a laugh.

"Yes, but this is enough money until the end of my life and some more," she said.

"Take it, I don't need it and I like books I haven't read yet," I said and finished stowing the books.

"Thank you Mister Cultivator, truly thank you," she said with a few tears in her eyes.

"Take care of you," I said and then left.

I needed two days to reach the capital. It's a giant city, giant walls, giant houses, giant amounts of people. I think at least 10 million people are living inside of this city. How are they even able to feed them? I mean the technology is not any higher than the medieval time. Or does it something have to do with the Qi in the environment? Do crops grow faster with Qi?

Anyway, I landed near a gate and waited until I was allowed to go in. It sure was crowded, a lot more than in the previous city.

And as it was already dawn I checked in an inn in.

I sat on a desk and ate as a commotion broke out. This must be the legendary drunkard who touches the wife/girlfriend/sister of someone other. And indeed, as I looked up I saw a group of three drunkards who were arguing with a young man. A pretty young woman stood behind him and tried to hide.

"Hehehe, come on, the little miss will surely like it," the main drunkard said with a lewd expression.

"Min stay behind me," the young man said and then looked at the three men.

"Leaf us alone or die trying," he said with hateful eyes.

"We're of the Journeyman Rank, do you really think you can fight us all?" One of the other two said with a grin.

"So what? You think I don't dare?" the young man said and got ready.

"Come, let's go. It's not worth the trouble," said the third guy, he must be sober.

"He's just a brat," the first said and also got ready. However, he suddenly fell forward and the third guy put his hand down, the hand with which he only recently hit his friend unconscious.

"Grab him Jare, we're leaving. And sorry boy, he's normally not like this," the third guy said and helped his friend to carry the drunkard.

That didn't go like I expected. And here I thought the boy will kill them, well not everything went like you expect it to happen.

I finished eating and then went to sleep.

The next morning I asked the innkeeper for a good cultivation merchant and he recommended me to search in the Cultivation District, it's a part of the town purely for cultivators and their business.

I did as he said and went to the Cultivation District, it is fairly large and had a lot of merchants. It's possible to buy everything that is related to cultivation, herbs, pills, weapons, skills, monster meat and cores.

I also sold my cores, they were worth around 15 gold. It looks like cultivators have an expensive life. I asked for around for the best shop that sells cultivation methods and was told it's a shop named Barbars Cultivation. It's a fairly large building, clean, two guards at the front door and a pretty female sales clerk at the counter.

"Welcome to Barbars Cultivation esteemed Cultivator, how may I help you?" The woman asked as I came inside.

"How did you know I'm a cultivator?" I asked in a faked amused voice. I want to try to hide my non-existent cultivation.

"I'm of the Journeyman Rank and not able to sense your Qi, this fact, in combination with your clothes and the place we currently are. Let me come to the conclusion that esteemed Cultivator is either at the Saint Rank or a rich person," She explained with a business smile.

"Well then, I'd like to buy a cultivation method. Can you recommend one?" I said and got near to the counter.

She raised an eyebrow but said nothing to my lack of cultivation methods.

"Sure, we have a few, how much money do you have? They are not cheap," she then said, still with the business smile.

"Gold coins will do?" I asked and she nodded.

"Then let me first hear what kind of method you'll recommend," I said, knowing that she would raise the prize and also that she's now wary of my ability to pay. As I haven't said how much I have.

"Sure, does the Mister want to cultivate with utensils? In a specific element or on a stand-alone cultivation method?" She asked while dropping the esteemed cultivator part.

"Were are the differences?" I asked.

Her smile stiffened, but she told me either way.

"The method with utensils will be faster the more cultivation herbs or monster cores you have. It's possible to raise your Rank quickly though it's expensive.

The element method will be stronger early on, as you're able to use the element in your attacks. However, it's not as fast to cultivate in it than in the utensils method and you need the element in your environment to cultivate through Ranks.

While the stand alone cultivation takes the most time, it's possible to create your own element at a later time but is also harder to cultivate. There is no way to quicken the cultivation, then your own skill and experience," She said in a knowing tone.

"Hmm, how much for the best stand alone method you have? Or is there an element method with more than one element?" I asked after a quick thought. Origin isn't able to make utensils and surely won't want to play with only one element.

"Are you able to pay mister?" She asked, still wearing her smile. I can't blame her, I look like someone, who doesn't want to speak about money. My high-class armour and mask are probably the only reason they let me in.

"We'll see, I was once framed by a merchant as I told him the amount I'm willing to pay, so I don't want to let that happen again," I said in an apologetic tone.

"You don't have to worry about such a think, all prices are fixed and listed in our inventory book. I'll show it if you want," She said, she surely must think I will leave now.

"Okay, then what is the normal amount for a cultivation method? I don't want to take too little out," I said.

"Around 1.000 gold coins for a cultivation method that lets you easily cultivate up to the Journeyman Rank. Any higher Rank will be troublesome," She said.

"Are there cultivation methods without a limit?" I asked.

"There are, however, they are extremely expensive," she said.

"Okay, then would be 100.000.000 gold coins enough for such a cultivation method?" I asked, sadly my smirk wasn't visible by her.

Her smile vanished and she looked at me as if I'm joking.

"That... that would be enough," she then said.

"Good, should I take the money out before I see the method?" I asked and began to slowly stack money on the counter.

"I'm sorry esteemed cultivator, but could you show me 10.000 gold coins, so that I can get my boss? I'm not allowed to sell the method and am also not allowed to go to him without knowing that the customer has enough money for a major investment," She then said, got pale and even started to sweat.

"Sure," I said and took a large small mountain of gold coins out of my inventory. She got paler and then excused herself hurriedly.

This did also not went as I expected it, I hoped she would become angrier with my questions.

Ten minutes later the woman came back, a second woman in her 20ties was in front of her.

"Miss, this is the cultivator I spoke about, he wants to buy our best stand alone cultivation method," the first woman said with a bow.

Her boss scrutinised me and then said," Does the esteemed customer have a sack of holding or a different device to show me the amount of money? I'm terribly sorry to demand this, but we had thief's who tried to steal the method," She said, also with a business smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm using a special ring that allows me to store the money. Is there a place where I can take the money out, or could you lend me such a sack of holding?" I said.

"Sure, Rio, fetch a sack of holding from the storeroom," the woman said and the salesclerk left through a door.

"For what purpose does someone with so much money need a buyable cultivation method? I mean we are able to compete with the methods of a sect, however, it would be easier to get one through them," She asked as we waited.

"Well, I don't want to get in a camp with a sect, so this is easier," I answered and she looked as if she knows what I mean.

"That is a good reason," she simply said and we waited until the salesclerk.

I put the money inside the back and then gave it to her. She placed a hand on it and then made a surprised expression.

"The amount is truly 100.000.000," She said the moment she got over the surprise and then took a book out of nowhere.

I didn't felt anything as I had my hands on the sack, it felt like nothing.

"This is our best stand alone cultivation method, it's named °The Endless Training° it's confirmed that it's possible to cultivate at least until the Ancient Rank and even higher, however, we don't know it's true limit. It costs 75.000.000 gold coins and is one of the best methods you can find in this world. Only the top sects and the royal family has methods comparable or higher than this. I must warn you, it's not possible to read this method if you're already a cultivator. You have to start from scratch. And the book will also be bound to you the moment you open it. It will fuse with your soul and the knowledge will stay there for eternity.

As I already said, this is one of the best methods you can find. Is this method to your liking?" She said with a proud smile.

"I'll take it," I said and gave the sack of holding to her.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm not a cultivator, so I'm not able to take the money out of the sack," I said with a laugh and they looked at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"Then...then how do you have so much money? And it we need to go to a backyard if I want to give you the rest of the money," She said as she gave me the book.

"Well, I didn't say that I'm not able to use some kind of power," I said and made a small flame on my hand.

"I can't feel any Qi, may I know from where you are?" She asked aghast.

"Sure, from a different world," I said, amused about their expression, I already put the book in my inventory.

"You mean you are able to travel between worlds like an Ancestor Rank?" The salesclerk asked.

"Kinda," I said.

"So that's why I can't feel any Qi from you. But Mister, do you use mana?" The boss asked.

"Yes, how do you know?" I asked back.

"I'm also one of the few Ancient Rank cultivators in this world and travelled to a few different worlds. So I learned about mana. But I must tell you something bad," She then said.

"Heh, how high is the chance to meet one of you Ancestor Ranks?" I asked.

"Not really high, if you don't go to the best cultivation method shop in the whole world. But it pains me to say that it's not possible to have mana and Qi in your body at the same time, you'll die if you try," She said with an apologetic voice.

"Is that so? Well, shit happens. I won't demand my money back," I said with a laugh and they sighed in relieve.

"Can I buy another method? I also like to buy every book you have about history, monster, Qi, alchemy and so on. Let it be worth around 30.000.000 gold coins," I then said.

"Sure, but why do you need a second method?" She asked confused.

"I want to test some things and it would be bad if my good method vanishes," I answered.

"Okay, Rio, give this man every item we have that is not a cultivation method," she then said.

I raised and eyebrow in confusion and then asked, " Your shop is fairly large, do you mean that everything here is not worth 30.000.000 gold coins?"

"I'll keep the important things on myself. It's safer, you'll also get a few alchemy methods from me," she said and took a few books out of nothing.

"Thanks, say, I killed a guy named Lu Tai, he had a ring that I'm not able to open and I think it contains his items. Is there a way to get them out without qi?" I asked as we waited.

"There is no other way than to bind the ring with Qi. But Lu Tai, I think I heard that name," She said.

"Apparently he was some kind of psycho who sedated woman and used them as puppets," I said.

"You managed to kill the Collector of Woman?" She asked wide eyed.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"He kidnapped and killed countless woman throughout the worlds. Did he try to rape one you like?" She asked.

"Well he tried to buy me," I said and scratched my head. He wasn't so strong.

"Buy you? But you are a man," She said confused.

"He wasn't so strong," I said and ignored her comment.

"His physical strength may not be the strongest, however, he had deadly skills and a vast knowledge in poison. How did you kill him? And what was that about buy you?" She asked.

"I hit him twice. Say could I rent your Qi?" I asked.

"Only twice? Was he weakened? Also, please don't ignore my question about him buying you. And what do you mean about renting my Qi?" She said, a little angry. But it was only a playful angry.

"I want you to take the things out of his ring, so can you come with me back? I'll show you what I mean about buying if you do," I said.

"It takes an enormous amount of energy to travel between worlds. We'll be severely weakened," she said.

"That won't be a problem, Origin will take us back and then send you back. I place a beacon in this shop and Origin will send you back when we finished with the ring. You won't use an ounce of Qi. What do you say?" I asked.

"I have three demands," she said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"First, you'll tell me what you meant with buying you, second you'll take off your mask and third you'll swear a contract that you'll send me back," she said.

"Nothing else?" I asked.

"It's not often that I'm able to roam other worlds, without using my energy," she said with a smile.

"Okay, how do I swear this contract?" I asked.

"Repeat after me, Hereby I, then your name, swear to the heaven that I, again your name, will send Qui Lo back to her world, after showing her my face, telling her why Lu Tai wanted to buy me and after she took every item out of Lu Tai's dimensional ring," She said.

"Hereby I, Clone of Dex, swear that Origin, in the name of Clone of Dex, will send Qui Lo back to her world, after showing her my face, telling her why Lu Tai wanted to buy Origin and after she took every item out of Lu Tais's dimensional ring and gave them to Origin," I said.

"That was not what I said," she said confused and a little angry.

"I'm not the real me, the Origin I've spoken of, is the real one. I'll vanish when he wants it," I said and took my mask off.

"Origin will know everything I said when I vanish, so he will know what to do," I added.

"I understand and thank you for being earnest, but why the mask?" She simply asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"You look really good, why are you wearing such a creepy mask?" She specified.

"First, it's not creepy, it's cool and second because I like it," I said with a pout.

"If you say so, then why did Lu Tai try to buy you?" She asked.

"Origin will show you, I'm not as good as Origin and it would sound disturbing if I do it," I simply said.

"If you say so," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Mam I finished," Rio said and pointed at a giant mountain of goods. Books, pills and scrolls were piled on top of each other.

"Thanks, I'll leave for an unknown amount of time, here are 10 million gold coins, restock our inventory." Qui Lo said and gave Rio a sack of holding.

"Yes mam, " Rio said and took the sack.

"So how do you contact your Origin?" Qui Lo asked.

"First, I'll draw a rune on the floor so that you can come back at this place and not somewhere random on the planet. Then I'll place a tracking rune on you and then activate my own tracking rune. So do you want to get send inside this shop or somewhere else?" I said.

"My home would be good," She said and we left. Her home was a giant mansion directly next to the palace of the royal family.

I placed the rune in her bedroom and then a second beacon on her.

"I'll activate both, I hope Origin has time, " I said and activated both runes. Shortly after a light engulfed us and Origin stood, as Clair, in front of us, we were in a summoned house.