Hell Dungeon

Dex POV:

"Whoop,Whoop dungeon," I shout enthusiastically, while dancing a weird dance and earned some views that deem me crazy.

"Master you're embarrassing," Drull said and tried to hide his face.

"I think it's okay, my first dungeon. What do you think it will feel like?" Ilza said also enthusiastically and copied my dance.

"I can remember someone who said he's over 20, not even six years ago," Lilia said embarrassed.

"That was that and this is this," I said and walked through the entrance of the dungeon.

Stairs led us underground and opened up in a wide area with grass and trees. Critters of all kind were roaming the area, rabbits with horns, pigs, slimes and even some small wolfs.

"Kinda looks like a field," Ilza said as we walked through the hordes of adventurers, who hacked at the critters.

"No one really knows why, but dungeons normally start their upper level with small critters, then a few traps and later with all kind of riddles and other stuff," Drull explained.

"Well this area is too boring, let's skip it," I said and looked at a rabbit. Said rabbit stopped moving, began to shake and then simply fell to the side.

"What did you do?" Ilza asked and picked the rabbit up.

"It's dead," She added.

"Maybe my title? I'm feared by all kinds of rabbits," I said with a shrug.

"Poor thing," Ilza said and stroked its fur, before putting it inside her dimensional pocket.

We continued our way through hordes of dead rabbits and confused adventurers until we found another stair that led downwards.

"The book says that the second floor is some kind of swamp with insect monster," Lilia said as she skimmed through the book.

"You think we can simply burn the whole floor?" Ilza asked with goosebumps.

"The book advised against the use of fire magic, there were cases of suffocating after excessive use of fire. That and we would kill all of the adventurers," Lilia said in denial.

"I think it won't be so bad," I said with a grin and went down.

It was bad.

"HII!" I screamed up as a 20 cm large spider fell on my shoulder. And swept at it reflexively. Thank god, the runes weren't activated. I broke my own shoulder, killed the spider and the mud water around me was sprayed in the faces of Drull, Ilza and Lilia.

"I never thought that Master is afraid of spiders," Drull said as he wiped the mud out of his face.

"I...I'm not afraid, they are just ugly, harry and which natural, not demonic animal needs eight legs and eyes?" I refuted.

"It's okay, everyone has something to fear," Lilia said, trying to reassure me.

"Ähm Dex?" Ilza asked in a stiff voice.

"Yes?" I asked and turned around. Ilza looked up into a tree.


"Please don't tell me that there are more of them over me!" I said, hoped, pleaded, even demanded.

She just smiled wryly, while Drull suddenly got an evil grin.

"You won't," I said while looking at him.

His grin grew larger and he raised his leg and then stomped down. A small shock wave travelled through the ground and the trees began to shake.

"Fuck you!" I shouted as the first spiders began to fall down. I quickly created a pillar of fire and the screeches of hundreds of dyeing spiders, who burned to death, were audible.

It took me a minute to burn all the spiders, it must have been hundreds of them. The fire pillar vanished and I saw Drull laughing his ass off.

I glared at him and said, "I'll remember that Drull, this is almost as bad as stealing my chicken."

He instantly stopped and gulped. And now Ilza began to laugh.

"I'm sorry Master, please," he began to plead but I ignored him.

I burned every tree I saw, during the trip through the floor. I made oxygen after burning a tree, so there won't be a problem with the breathable air. The adventurer who saw us made some protests, but I ignored them.

"What's the next floor?" I asked as we followed the stairs down.

"A cave system with bats and traps. It's the first floor with traps and they will get more deadly from with each new floor," Lilia said.

"Drull, come here for a moment," I said.

"Ähm, I'm okay here," Drull said.

"Drull!" I said a little more sternly.

"Please," he said, but still came over.

I grabbed his arm and inscribed the rune of regeneration.

"What rune is this Master?" He asked while inspecting the rune.

"It's the regeneration rune," I simply said.

"Why?" He asked.

"We need a safety measure against traps," I said with a grin and he went pale.

"You don't mean?" He asked, fearful of my answer.

"Oh yes, you're going to walk at the front from now on," I said with a grin.

"Don't you have a skill for trap detection?" Lilia asked.

"I don't know what you mean," I said in a childish voice and pushed Drull to the front.

The next floors were relatively normal, traps, monster, Drull's pleas for forgiveness and a few adventures with looks of pity were the only things we saw or heard.

The deeper we went the lesser adventurers we saw. We haven't seen anyone, since the twentieth floor, and are now in the passage to the thirtieth floor.

"You think we can make a pause?" Ilza asked. We were walking for hours.

"A pause would be good," The pitiful appearance named Drull said. His clothes were ripped or dissolved by acid. His face was full of dirt and his body bloody, however, he had not a single wound.

"Let's sleep, we never saw even one monster between the floors and the book also said that it's a save place, so I think we should sleep here," Lilia said and took some blankets out of her dimensional pocket.

"Finally some rest," Drull said and plopped down like a sack of potatoes and instantly fell asleep.

"The monster really got strong," Ilza said while cutting ingredients for a ragout.

"Last time I identified them their overall stats were around 20.000," I said and started to cook.

"No wonder no one got deeper than the 30th floor," Lilia mumbled and put a blanket over Drull.

"How strong do you think they will become?" Lilia asked a little worried.

"Depends on the depth of the dungeon, I think each 30 floors 20.000, don't really know. More importantly, what do you think will be on the last floor?" I said.

"Normally the equipment of the adventurers and the dungeon heart," Lilia said and took a plate of rabbit ragout.

"I hope there won't be any mazes or labyrinths, I'm bad with them," I said.

"I can imagine," Ilza said and Lilia gave an affirmed nod.

"Huh? Why?" I asked.

"Well, you need patience in a labyrinth and that is one think you lack above all," Lilia said knowingly.

"Hey, I have patience," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, patience. You've instantly killed every dragon in the world, just so that you can level up faster and don't have to learn. You haven't trained even one skill, each of your skills is raised through skill points and the only thing you're doing without shortcuts or cheat abilities is eating. And even that is not done for the means of saturation, you only eat out of habit and lust," Lilia said in a fast pace.

"Muu..., I'm learning to use my magic skills without cheats," I said after trying to find an excuse.

"Not really, your clones try to learn the things behind your magic. Lilia is right, you're only lazing around and eat," Ilza said, deepening the mental wounds.

"Not fair," I said and drew, with my finger, circles in the ground.

Ilza just patted my head but continued to eat her fill.

"Well I think it's okay. I mean I have the strength do do it like this. I would train if it would be faster," I said, trying to comfort myself and then ate with gusto.

We went to bed and continued to go deeper into the dungeon. Drull was released from his trap spotting duty and I deactivated the traps on our way.

We travelled 40 floors this way and the monster got stronger by a wide margin. On floor 70 they were stat-wise around 80.000. No normal person on this planet could kill them and even Drull, Lilia and Ilza had problems with a group of them.

It came as it had to and we reached a labyrinth.

"A labyrinth? Here? Why?" I asked at the entrance.

"Looks interesting," Drull said and went inside. We followed him and shortly after got lost.

"How did we got lost? I mean I have a map function?" I said frustratedly and punched a monster that jumped at me. They rush at us since we stepped into this damn thing.

"Help please," Ilza said while running away from a trio of wolfs with tentacles.

"Oh, I watched enough hentai to know where this will lead," I said with a grin. Sadly these wolfs aren't as perverted as I want to and only try to kill her. So I had to rip their tentacles out of their backs and chocked them with them to death.

We continued our way and the monster got more and more annoying, so I started to kill them with mana pressure. Now without any attacking monster, we only had to find a way out.

Three days later we found a larger room, it was one of these riddle rooms. A stone was in the middle.

It was a large stone obelisk with these words inscribed on it. Behind the obelisk were moveable stones, on them were letters on Pralabra and it seems like we have to order them, so that a solution word comes to place. A round door like thing was behind all this on the opposite wall.

"I never was, am always to be,

No one ever saw me, nor ever will

And yet I am the confidence of all

To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball."

"I can't read that," Ilza said.

"It's on Pralara. I never was, am always to be, no one ever saw me, nor ever will, and yet I am the confidence of all, to live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. Does anyone know what is meant?" Drull said slowly.

"I never was, am always to be? The Future?" Lilia speculated.

"True, it's also something that no one ever saw. However it's not the confidence of all, to live and breath. I mean people in a war have no confidence in the future," Drull said and denied Lilia's speculation.

"You'll also see the future, you just have to remember back or act according to assumptions," Lilia said.

"What do you say Dex?" Drull asked and looked at me.

"Don't know, don't care," I said and walked to the door.

"What are you planning?" Lilia asked a little panicked.

"I'll hit the door so that we can continue," I said and raised my hand.

"What about traps?" Drull asked worriedly.

"Please let me think about it a little bit more," Lilia asked.

"Okay, I'll wait," I said with a sigh.

An hour later Lilia found the right answer, it was tomorrow. No one ever saw tomorrow, it's today if you step into it, it will always be and is the only assurance for living and breathing on the planet. Without an tomorrow you wouldn't be able to do it.

We placed the words in the right order and with a loud clonk the round door opened in a spiral way.

We went deeper into the labyrinth and then found a dead end with a chest.

"You think this is a trap?" Ilza asked.

"Yeah, definitely a trap," Lilia agreed.

"I think so too," Drull said.

"I can't see any traps with my skill," I said and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"You mean that it's not a trap?" Drull asked doubtingly.

"At least not a mechanical trap," I said.

"So, who's going to test it?" Ilza asked while stepping a little back. We followed her suit and only Drull was not fast enough.

"Oh, Drull, nice of you to volunteer!" I said excitingly.

"Huh? I didn't... oh dammit," He said and then noticed his position.

"Do I have to?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Okay, I'll be nice," I said and walked to the chest.

Please no mimic, please no mimic.

I activated my regeneration runes and opened the chest. I saw a lot of shiny things, sadly it wasn't gold.

°CHOMP° And my upper body was gone.

"IT'S A TRAP!" Ilza shouted in the way I told her and my legs fell down.

The rest of my body was already regenerated as they touched the ground.

"I hate mimics," I grumbled and kicked the now standing chest. The mimic flew into the wall and then fell down, blood flow out of its mouth, not the blood of the mimic, my blood.

I stood up and looked at the mimic.

"Looks dead," I said.

"Yup," Drull agreed.

I took a spear out of the inventory and threw it at the mimic. It hit and the mimic screamed up in pain.

"Isn't dead," I said.

"Yup," Drull agreed.

Five spears later and the mimic stopped moving.

"Is it dead?" Ilza asked.

"Looks dead," I said.

"Yup," Drull agreed.

Suddenly a fire pillar engulfed the mimic and reduced it to ash.

"It's dead," Lilia said satisfied. It seems like we annoyed her.

"Do you know the location of the exit?" Lilia then asked.

"Yes, roughly in that direction," I said and pointed at a wall.

"Then let's break the walls," she said and we looked at her with wide eyes.

"What?" She asked us.

"YOU are suggesting to break rules?" Drull asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Was Lilia changed by one of your clones Dex?" Ilza asked but I shook my head.

"I don't like this labyrinth. So Dex, would you please?" Lilia said annoyed and pointed at the wall.

I shrugged and started to punch through the walls. These things are really sturdy and it took us a day to reach the end.

We walked through the entrance of the next floor and found something not expected.

"Is that a dead monster?" Ilza asked.

Indeed, the remains of a dead monster were in front of us. A mangled corps of a mix between a snake and a cat.

"What is killing the monster this deep inside the dungeon?" Drull asked.

"A monster?" I asked.

"No, they don't kill each other, the dungeon is controlling them," Lilia said.

"We'll know if we follow the track of corpses," Ilza suggested and pointed at a second corps, near a corner.

"Then let's go," I said and we started to follow the track.

Soon after we began to hear the sound of fighting.

"Let's see who it is," I said and began to sprint.

I was faster than the others and came into an more open field and saw a demon fighting against a group of five monster. The monster were loosing, but not by a wide margin.

So I rushed to her and while doing so, threw two swords. They imbued itself into the head of a monster and only three were left alive as I reached them.

The demon reacted to my appearance and flew back, while I run into one of the three monster and killed it with my crash. I took two more swords out of my inventory and decapitated the other two monster.

I turned around and saw the now wary demon.

It was a woman, red skin, bat wings and a large horn on her head.

"Hi," I said and noticed the others, who caught up.

"Who are you?" She asked with squinted eyes, ready to attack me in one moment.

"Dria?" Drull asked baffled.

"" Dria? "" We all asked as well.

"Drull? You're not at the bottom of this dungeon?" The demon, or Dria, asked and turned around.

"Hey Drull, who's that?" I asked.

"Master, that is my older sister Dria," Drull said.

"Master? He's your master?" Dria asked and again, got wary of me.

"Eh yes, Master saved me from the dungeon in the town, now called Turonis," Drull said and then looked at me. His eyes seemed to say sorry.

"I'll challenge you to a duel!" Dria suddenly announced.

"Me?" I asked and pointed at my chest.

"Yes, you. If I win, you'll release Drull from his Master/Slave contract," she said.

"Dria, it's...." Drull began but Dria interrupted him and said, "Not a word little Dru, I'll handle him."

"Little Dru?" Ilza asked and began to laugh.

"If you win, I'll also serve you," Dria said confidently.

"Dira you really shouldn't...," Drull began again, however, again he was interupted.

"I can handle him," Dria said and then rushed at me. Naturally I evaded her claw like hand and then looked at Drull.

He said,"She won't listen," with an °I'm sorry° expression.

I sighed and grabbed her fists with my hands.

She looked stunned and tried to get away, but she had not enough strength, as I already used [Bodyenhancement].

"How?" She asked with wide eyes.

"A matter of stats," I said and kicked her chin with my knee. Only strong enough to knock her unconscious. She simply fell down.

"Well, Arch Demons aren't really a problem against our cheat," Lilia said with a wry smile.

"Was it the same with you, little Dru?" Ilza asked with a snicker.

"Don't call me that. It was similar, Master was not as... as gentle with me. He ripped my arms and legs out, then ripped my throat out and burned my stumps," Drull said with a small shudder.

"That is less gentle," Lilia commented and walked up to the sleeping demon.

"What now?" I asked. I don't want another companion, she looks like trouble.

"Well Dria was never good in body transformation, so she won't be able to follow us, at least not till we reach Duren," Drull said as if he knew my concerns.

"Let's wake her up," Ilza said and splashed some water on Dria's face, who jumped up from the sudden wetness.

"What happened?" She asked confused and then saw me. " So I lost?" She then said sadly.

"Ah yes, but Dria, I'm not in a Master/Slave contract," Drull said.

"You're not?" She asked and tilted her head.

"Yes, Master won against me in a fight and I pledged my servitude on my own will, it's more like I'm Masters pupil. But you, have just said that you'll serve Master. In this way, you're more like a slave than me," Drull said and Dria's eyes went wide.

"But... but I thought," She began, this time it was Drull's turn to interrupt her. "Like always you thought not enough."

"But, °sob°... But I...°hick°," She began but then started to cry like a child.

"Really?" I asked a little stunned.

"She didn't change, whenever something doesn't turns out like she wants to, she starts to cry. Father pampered her too much," Drull said and face palmed. He's clearly felt embarrassed for her.

"Ähm, Dria?" I asked and she looked up at me. Her eyes were already red, redder than her skin.

"°Hick° what?" She asked.

"You don't have the same conditions as Drull," I said. I can't say that she doesn't have to be in any contract with me. Drull said that it's a break of honour to not stay to his words.

"Really?" She asked, not believing me.

"Yes, you're allowed to do what you want, as long as you don't kill other people, who haven't harmed you beforehand. You're also not allowed to eat children and especially not my chicken," I said. These are mostly Drull's rules.

"Chicken?" She asked confused.

"Trust me, you don't want to know what happens if you do," Drull said with a pained expression and the others nodded furiously.

"Thank you," She then said and even hugged me.

"I'll serve you like Drull," She then said as she released the hug.

"But Dria, why are you here?" Drull asked the question we all had.

"To search you little Dru, I heard that you are inside a dungeon, so I looked for every hard dungeon. I'm inside of this one for around a hundred years. But I never found you. It seems like you found me," She said and laughed at the end.

"Who told you about the dungeon?" Drull asked.

"The daughter of the old elder elf queen, she's the last remaining elder elf," Dria said proudly.

"True, little Rin`Tu knew where I was sealed. But why did you not came to me? I mean she knew that I was inside the dungeon of Turon," Drull asked.

Dria fidgeted with her fingers, got a red face and then said," It might be that I hurriedly left, before she finished."

"Like always, you're not thinking and only acting," Drull said with another face palm.

"But she thought about you, so isn't it okay?" Lilia said and patted the back of the dejected Dria.

"Yes, thank you, sis," Drull then said with a smile and Dria also looked happy. It doesn't seem like Dria is the elder sister. More like a stupid younger one. Or a child.

"Can we go deeper? I want to see the dungeon heart," I asked.

"Deeper? I'm stuck on this floor for more than twenty years and you want to go deeper?!" Dria asked loudly.

"Why not?" I simply asked and began to walk.

"Don't mind him, his stats are way too high for this dungeon," Lilia said with a smile and pulled Dria along.

"Way too high? I saw his stats, none was higher than 30.000," Dria asked confused.

"Do you really think someone with stats lesser than 99.000 can beat you?" Drull asked and Dria made an °AHA° expression.

"Then how high are his stats?" She asked.

"Too high," Drull simply said.

"Huh?" Dira said in confusion.

"His original stats are around 200.000, now they exceed the limit of the system," Lilia said with a wry smile.

"But that's above the physical limit," Dria said.

"Against the physical limit of this worlds population," I said.

"You mean Master is not from this world?" She asked, now already at the Master stage.

"Yes, he isn't," Lilia said.

"Cool," Dria simply said and then went quiet. I felt her gaze on my back for the whole time we needed to reach the bottom of the floor. It weren't many more floors, the dungeon had 75 in total.

The last room had a network of pulsating black veins. With a round object in the middle. The identification said that it's the dungeon heart and that it's older than 80.000 years.

"What now?" Ilza asked and poked the heart, it twitched in reaction.

"Do we kill it?" Lilia asked.

"No, we let it be, the town above us needs the dungeon and the monster don't come out of it, so there won't be any harm if we let it alive," I said.

"Then why did we came down her to begin with?" Drull asked.

"I wanted to see a dungeon heart. It would be a waste to kill it," I said and turned around to leave.

The veins suddenly started to pulsate in a rapid fashion and the room began to hum in a strange sound.

"Is that the heart?" Ilza asked.

"Seems like it," Dria said, she followed us to the end.


"It can talk?" Lilia asked dumbfounded

"Don't mind it," I said and left, the others followed me silently.

Not one monster attacked us on the way back and no trap activated on our way back. Like this, we reached the surface in only a few days and were able to see the sun again.

"So Dria, we're going to travel around the world. This includes Duren, you can either learn [Bodytransformation] or meet us in Duren," I said to Dria, who wore a wide robe to hide her appearance.

"Master, I would like to meet you in Duren. I'm not good in transforming my body. That and I want to see mom, I left 1700 years ago and she must be worried," Dria said.

"Good, see you then," I said and stepped to the side.

"See you then sis," Drull said.

"Until then little Dru," Dria said and gave Drull a strong hug.

""See you "" Lilia and Ilza said and Dria then flew off. Many people around us panicked by the sudden appearance of a demon, but we ignored them.

"Let's go," I said and we started our way to Schwarzwald.

A few days later, it was already evening and we prepared for dinner, I got a signal from one of my Qi-clones, however, it were two signals.

"I'll have to summon a clone, and he's bringing a guest, Ilza could you set the table for one more?" I asked as I walked to the living room.

"Sure," She replied from the kitchen.

I summoned them and two people came out of the light, one was the clone without his mask, the other was a woman. She was in her twenties, looked rather good and was strong, way stronger than this Lu Tai. Her stats were around 400.000, but only in strength and agility.

"Greetings Origin, this is Qui Lo, an Ancient Rank cultivator like Lu Tai. She's here to help you with his ring," the clone said.

"Hi, my name is either Clair or Dex. It depends on my appearance. May I ask why you're way stronger than Lu Tai?" I said with a small smile.

"Äh, I didn't expect a girl to be Origin. It's to meet you and I understand now why Lu Tai tried to buy you. As for the strength, what do you mean? Lu Tai should be stronger than me," she said.

"I'm able to tell the rough strength of someone, in numbers his strength was around 100.000 while yours are higher than 400.000," I said.

"Is it possible that you met Lu Tai directly after his transfer to this world?" She asked.

"Yes, we met him the moment he stepped out of a rift. Why?" I asked.

"Because a world transfer is very taxing for our bodies and we are severely weakened. It doesn't take much Qi to traverse between worlds, but it still weakens our body. I'm not weakened because you brought me here," She explained.

"Is that so, thanks for the explanation. Do you want to eat with us?" I asked and gestured for the clone to give me his dimensional pocket.

"I'd like to," she said with a smile.

"Follow me," I said and dispelled the clone. He was not long gone, so I took all of his memories directly. Hmm, a village, an old woman and then her.

She jumped a little as the clone vanished and then looked at me warily.

"He was a clone, I took his memories, I must say, your Rio is a nice employee. She didn't send him out even with his strange behaviour," I said with a smile and went to the kitchen. She followed me slowly.

"This is Qui Lo, she will eat with us. This is Ilza, there are two more people in this house, a man named Drull and a woman named Lilia. Do you want something special to eat?" I asked and walked up to the cooking place.

"Hi, I'm Qui Lo," she said to Ilza, who also introduced herself and then said to me, "I'll eat what you make."

"Okay, you're eating meat?" I asked.

"Yes," was her reply and I started to make curry chicken.

"You're cooking for yourself?" She asked as I started.

"Yes, I like it and I think I'm good at it," I replied.

"She's godlike," came from the side and we saw Drull as he came in.

"My name is Drull, Masters servant," he said with a bow.

"Shouldn't a servant be more like, I don't know a servant and help his master?" Qui Lo asked him.

"Our relationship is a bit different, Master ripped my arms and legs out, since then I'm her servant," Drull said and startled Qui Lo.

"What does he mean?" She asked me in a slightly strained voice.

"It's as he said, he attacked me, I stopped him and then he swore his allegiance to me. He's an arch demon, it's in their nature to attack people and then swear allegiance to the winner," I said and remembered Dria from today.

"That only applies to strong demons," Drull said.

"Yes, yes," I replied. Qui Lo was clearly overwhelmed with all this.

"What are you talking about?" Lilia asked as she came in.

"Just how Drull became my servant," I said.

"Hi, I'm Lilia," Lilia introduced herself to Qui Lo.

"I'm Qui Lo, don't take offence but your are not like I expected you to be," She said with a wry smile.

"I don't mind. Lilia I have a lot of new books, I'll translate them for you, so that we can add them to the library," I said.

"Thanks," She said. I prepared dinner and we started to eat.

"This is really delicious," Qui Lo said as she took the first spoon.

"Told you," Drull said.

"So you'll take the items out of Lu Tais's ring?" I asked as we finished.

"Yes," She said.

"Here," I said and tossed her the ring, while summoning a clone.

"The ring is full with countless different oddities and cultivation items," She said as she put the ring on.

"You can take every item that needs Qi to use," I said and gave the clone the lesser cultivation method.

"Thank you,�� She said with a grateful smile.

"Say, what exactly happens if a person with mana uses a Qi cultivation method?" I asked.

"The person will explode, both energies will fight and annihilate each other," she said.

"Even if the mana is way more powerful than the Qi?" I asked.

"Yes, it doesn't matter," she said and then looked at the clone who already began to absorb Qi.

"Well, then," I said with a smile. Qui Lo got pale and the clone started to shine in an oppressive bright light.

"Hmm, cancellation is not possible," I said.

"We have to leave, this much power will destroy the planet," Qui Lo said frightened.

"Nah," I said and took the clone at the collar. I carried him a few kilometre away from the house, jumped up, activated all my runes and then threw him away from the planet. This time truly with full force. A shock wave that destroyed everything around me and several booms were audible from the speed of the clone.

The bright light first faded a little in the night, and then was stronger than before. It grew larger and larger, until the whole sky was brighter than the day.

"By the gods, what power," Qui Lo said shocked. She must have followed me.

"Interesting result, but it seems like he's not far away enough," I said and the mana pressure hit us.

Qui Lo fell on her knees, which means that a lot of other living things have it way harder than her.

"How can it produce so much energy?" She asked terrified.

"That's only half of mine," I said and began to absorb the mana with [Ultra Ultimate Mana Manipulation]. The pressure rapidly sunk, even if the light not diminished in the slightest.

"The pressure is gone," Qui Lo noted.

"Yes, I'm absorbing it. And it seems like I have to absorb more than that what the clones emits. Otherwise we will stand here for days," I said and began to absorb the inner mana of the clone.

The light vanished, but it took me four hours to absorb all of his mana.

"That truly hurts," I said as I got the memories of the finally dead clone.

"What do you mean?" She asked a little worried, I'm her ticket back.

"The memories of the clone, this truly mana burn truly hurts," I said and took the good Qi cultivation method out.

"What are you planning?" She asked.

"I plan to let this book be engraved into my soul, I won't cultivate it. So don't worry," I said and opened it. A flash of light shined from the book and it was gone.

"Hmm, so this is how you cultivate?" I asked absent-mindedly. I instantly knew everything of the book and how to apply it's teachings. However I also learned that it would be deadly to cultivate with mana in your body.

"There is truly a top over the top," Qui Lo muttered defeated.

"There is," I said with a smile.

After that Qui Lo gave me the items of Lu Tai and was then sent back. She didn't want to explore this world in which beings like me roam around. I didn't care, so I sent her back without explaining her that I'm the only one like me in this world.