How Do You Do?

Clair POV:

"Hi Aaron," I said with a smile and he looked at me, slightly confused. He then looked down and noticed his own wet attire and the bucket in my hands.

"Hello," was his reply, nothing more.

"Well, I'm sure you want to know why you're here, why I haven't killed you and why I know your name," I said with a grin.

"I have a few guesses," he said and stood up. It's kinda annoying to look up at him. Sure he was taller than me back on earth, but only by a few centimeters. Now, he is almost fifty centimeters taller.

"Please elaborate, I will tell you if you're right," I said and took out two chairs from my storage. I sat on one and motioned him to sit on the other one. Drull stood behind me. Aaron raised and eyebrow but sat down nonetheless.

"Okay, I'm here because you want to speak with me. I'm not dead because you are either interested in me or you are unlike the rumors say you are. Currently, I would say you are interested in me, because you know my name. My question is why?" He said and then he kept quiet.

"I am interested in you. More like, I like you," I said and he raised his eyebrow again.

"Not that kind of 'liking'. I like your behavior, your attitude and on top of all, your mentality," I said.

"Why do you think you know my mentality?" He asked.

"It's easy, let me tell you what you probably did since arrived on this world. You've changed your outfit, you stayed away from the heroes, watched the summoners actions, tried to get information on the supposed demons, kept the extent of your abilities hidden and searched for possible ways to escape those obvious fanatics," I said with a grin. Aaron had a slightly surprised expression on his face at that point.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him and continued, "And now for the reasons behind your actions. You feel more natural in these clothes. You don't like religion and especially fanaticism. It's stupid in your opinion, which supposedly forgiving and friendly god would accept the constant suffering of countless people, eh?

This brought you to the conclusion that your summoners, might not be as justified as they say they are. So you tried to get information on your supposed enemy, me. Which probably didn't go well. I mean, firstly they don't have any old records on me and secondly, my actions in this world can hardly be called evil. Heck, for all they know I just popped into existence a few years ago.

So you came up with the idea to see it for yourself. This is why you searched for a way out. And about your skills and why you didn't associate with the other heroes, you are naturally suspicious of other humans. They're stupid and greedy. You probably thought that the chances of someone betraying you were fairly high, so you stayed silent. Did I forget something?" I asked.

"Hmm, you sure got a grasp on my character. How'd ya do it?" He asked with squinted eyes.

"Guess!" I said smirking.

"I'm an open book?" He asked a bit jokingly but with his face turned serious.

"The most likely answer, but no," I said.

"You can either determine people's attitudes with some strange magic, or you know me well?" he said, with a thoughtful face.

"Someone told me," I said.

"Who?" He asked.

"You," I simply said my grin widening.

"So a future me," he deduced.

"Nope, a past you," I said.

"In the past, I lived on earth, I've never even seen you before today," he said, as he tightly furrowed his brows.

"Hehehe, you did. Let me ask, what was the one thing you wished for and what did happen to you. With whom did you speak about that wish?" I asked.

"I only entrusted my wish to one person... And..., hell that's not possible, is it? You can't really be...

you darn bastard!" he said in realization, took a few steps forward and examined me.

"You can't be Steffen, can you?" He took a short breath and continued.

"I mean, you died. Your death was horrible... for me..." His face showed a torn expression.

"So I died? Well, the pop-up asked if I would do it even if I would die," I mumbled.

Aaron's expression changed greatly and he was smiling brightly as he fully realized that, the astounding beauty in front of him, really was the person he trusted the most.

"So Steffen, why do you look like your perfect idea of a woman?" He asked after a few seconds of thinking and a moment of hesitation, he started investigating my appearance again...

"Oh you know, meeting the self-proclaimed true god, getting crazy skills from him and then acting out our fantasy," I said.

"Ridiculous, I don't know if I want to brag about your actions or want to bitch slap you, to satisfy my anger. You left me just like that, for years I didn't hear anything from you. All the unimportant stuff aside, I want to see your current skills." His facial expression changed to one a kid visiting a toy store for the first time would have.

"I'm able to change my gender and age at will. I also got version of this worlds system like a gamer would love it and a really, really huge amount of mana. And most importantly, you know how I would get when I'm around humans," I said.

"Hmm, hahaha, I can imagine the 'little game' you played here. I truly see that you didn't laze around in your time here. I mean look at your army and the way your worship you, did you become overly friendly during your time here? Compared to your normal *cough* behavior, the worship seems out of place." he said while trying to sweep my comment about my skills under the rug. I was still able to see that he was a little envious.

"Master's gotten all friendly?" Drull asked in disbelief.

"So, and who do we got here? Who's that fella?" Aaron asked.

"His name is Drull, I met him inside a dungeon. I freed him from his imprisonment there and now he's my butler," I answered.

"Aaron, could you please elaborate how Master has gotten all friendly? Master does have times in which he is friendly, but there's are also all the killing, torture and other brutalities he's been committing. How is that friendly?" Drull asked somewhat skeptical.

"What did he do?" Aaron asked.

"Master allowed me to hunt a human whom we ate together afterwards. He killed thousands of monster, bandits, and soldiers. He generally lacks empathy," Drull told him.

"You did what?" Aaron asked with a shocked expression

"You really ate a human??.... without me?? You bastard!" None the less Aarons was only mad about not able to take part in the human flesh barbecue.

"Wow, so from what I hear, he really went easy on his experimenting nature and you're sure he hasn't skinned a person with a rusty spoon?" Aaron turned his gaze towards Drull with a questioning facial complexion as if he couldn't believe that Steffen didn't behave any worse during the time he was absent.

"I thought it might be stupid. I mean, it would hinder my plan to explore this world, if everyone fears me. So I only did the minimum of necessary torture, human experiments, and other fun stuff," I answered.

"Master you are called the Goddess of Caring, you are at least publicly the opposite of evil," Drull said.

"PFT, Caring ahahaha? You really did play a fine one on the people of this world, eh?" Aaron asked with an expression of amusement as he gazed at me in disbelief.

"Idolization, some students thought I'm a god and because I helped some slaves they further assumed I am a god of caring. They called the church Carring, with two r's because it makes it easier to distinguish from the word. I kinda got stuck with it and am now the patron god of a country. Raska is heavily influenced by their racist religion. They started a coup and declared war on Aeron because I got friendly with their empress," I said.

"Let me guess, you totally ignored your followers and were too busy to notice that they started a religion with you as their god, such as a nice and caring deity," Aaron said.

"Pretty much yes, I also got the title [Goddess of Caring], so the system regards me as a god. At some point, I simply thought why not and went along with it. I mean it's different from earth so I won't complain," I said and shrugged.

"Hmm, okay. So what is going to happen now?" Aaron said and inquired about our future actions.

"First, we have to talk about our skills. And then we have to decimate an army of fanatics. I think it would be funny to see the faces of their leaders when they watch three people decimate an army of a million trained soldiers," I said and Aaron nodded with glee clearly visible on his face.

"Drull you're first," I said and Drull cleared his throat.

"Yes, Master. I'm an Archdemon and as such have big mana pool, I'm skilled in darkness magic and mana manipulation. Both are at LV 10. My stats are all near or already at 100.000. I'm also skilled with the sword and am able to fight with stats on 40.000 when under a magic suppressing barrier," Drull said proudly and Aaron whistled.

"Those are some great stats and skills. Now it's obvious why I got knocked out. Kinda sucks to be the weakest. Well, I have wind, fire, and void affinity. I'm using lightning as a mix of fire and wind, while I'm experimenting with void. There was no one who could teach me any void spells. I had to test them out for myself. I'm currently able to increase or decrease the gravity around me or on objects. I don't know by how much I increase gravity, but it's enough to turn a tree into toothpicks. My stats are all around 35.000. I think I'm slightly better than most of the other heroes. You both know that I haven't been in this world for a long time, so my skills are mostly marginal. LV 3 in swordsmanship and LV 4 in Mana Manipulation. We don't get skill points like the main hero. Must be because we are so many. Anyway, that's about it," Aaron said.

"Good, then it's my turn now. I have mana beyond what the system can display, I don't know how much. My physical stats are near 400.000 with my new weight training. While my intellectual stats are around 300.000.

I have an affinity for each element and are able to cast a spell with my imagination. Which allows me to do whatever I want, as long as I have enough mana and a clear picture of it.

I also got the skill for runic enchantments and was able to further increase every stat above the systems display. These runes also gave me the ability to regenerate almost any wounds and absorb mana from my surroundings. Which gives me nearly infinite mana, on top of my already absurdly high mana reservoir. I'm able to create clones with half my strength and am currently searching with them through different worlds and dimensions. Oh, and my gamer system gives me 10 skill points with each level I gain. I have around 80 skills, all of them on LV ten and enough skill points to put another 1.200 on LV 10," I said with a smug smile.

"Pft, you cheater!" Said Aaron in a defeated tone.

"Oh and I'm also able to turn into a humanoid dragon or a true dragon, I never turned into a true dragon. But the humanoid form looks badass," I added.

"Tsk, whatever mod engine you are using, I think this 'God' had a very loose interpretation of what you meant by 'the system of a gamer'." Aaron simply said and kicked a pebble away.

"Well, I got summoned by someone who is as near to an all powerful being as it's possible, while you got summoned by some fanatics and a light elemental that isn't even very powerful," I said.

"Hmph, Amateurs? And though our summoner called himself 'god of magic' what a joke." he said and it was clear that the last part was filled with disdain.

"You know, as far as I know, everyone who calls himself a god is most likely only someone who has slightly more power than other people. Their hubris is only overshadowed by their own stupidity and narcissism. And as for "isn't even powerful" well, Siria is only a lower deity class light elemental. There are at least two classes above her and I have a light elemental summon that is way above her. Her name is Aurinko. You just have to push pure elemental mana into an elemental and it grows up," I said.

"Yeah, just push. Pure elemental mana is considered the hardest mana to manipulate. And you pushed more than a few billion mana into her," Drull scoffed.

"Thought as much, a true god wouldn't need our help. That or she just played a game, you know one of these "The god uses puny mortals for their fun" games. Do you also play them? I mean now that you're a god?" He said with sarcasm at the end.

"Of course I do, the whole freaking country believes I am someone that cares for their well-being. I could go into a shop and they would beg me to take their stuff for free. I have this form for the "good" side of mine and a second form for my real habits," I said.

"Which form?" Aaron asked.

"I call it Reaper Dex," I said and turned into Reaper Dex.

"Hoh, you seem to like handsomeness. If I were into males I would definitely go for you hahaah, but I like your mask. It kinda symbolizes your true nature hehe" Aaron chuckled and relieved his pent up emotions with a little laugh.

"But wasn't your favourite nickname Kestix? Why are you going for something like Dex?"

Aaron continued asking with his brows lightly furrowed

"You earthlings are strange, almost no one likes Masters mask," Drull said.

"Madara liked it, and I used Dex because I liked the name. You know Dex was the nickname of the Otzel in Jack and Dexter. It was one of my favourite games in my childhood," I said.

"Ah, yeah I remember. What's with Madara? It couldn't be the one I'm thinking of, would it?" Aaron asked with a hint of surprise on his face and turned his gaze towards me in an expecting manner.

"Yeah, I found a Naruto version, world. Interfered a little and then I took the forbidden scrolls for a possible Qi training," I said.

"Mhh, never liked Naruto, the plot always felt like a BL story to me. You know, him screaming for Sasuke and always wanting to save him, definitely nothing I would count as great work. And looking at Madara, he's just an over doted boy with a hubris complex. But the fights were okay, even though I only liked Pain and Orochimaru. We're able to use Qi?" Aaron casually spat his opinion and changed the topic again with a brimming smile.

"No, mana and Qi can't exist inside your body at the same time without blowing up. I used a clone for Qi training and he exploded, while Qi users turn into stone. I'm not able to experiment with it, because the clone nearly destroyed the planet," I said.

"What a letdown, I like the Wuxia stories and their Qi," Aaron commented with disappointment all over his face.

"Yeah, say do you want to change your name? I mean new world and all," I asked.

"Thought about it, but the status tablet we got from the church pronounced my name before I could say a different name," Aaron said.

"I know those, you can still change it. You just have to want it. These things work with your mana or blood and read some of your thoughts," I said.

"Okay, then I'll name myself Crypto," Aaron said.

"Good, remember I'm called Dex as a male and Clair as female. Now let's go, we have to destroy an army and for once I don't want to use my golem army, well not for everyone. I think 500.000 for the golems and the rest for us. And you still need mana and HP regeneration runes, as well as other runes. And don't use your void affinity near my golems, it's their only magical weakness," I said and Aaron nodded in agreement.

We left shortly after to intercept the army of HAS.