The Heroes

lair POV:

I flew alongside Drull to our destination. The border fortress that was under siege and unsurprisingly still is. They're already fighting over that fortress for a month. I listened in on some reports and it seems like it's a pretty important position. It's between two rivers and as such pretty much makes it already a natural border. They further increased this natural border by making the river longer. In combination with a fortress between both and you'll have an easy to defend position that is both, a good defence and a bridge for further attacks.

It doesn't help Kirk and Raska that most of the border is surrounded by deep forests with strong monster. Some of them Tier 4. There are only a handful of positions that are large enough for large armies and those are all protected by fortresses and other means of defence.

Tragon may only have a couple of hundred thousand soldiers, but those are in good positions.

The problem for me is that the fortress is already under attack. This makes my hope of a defence fight impossible. It would look too suspicious if I simply pop up inside of the fortress with enough troops to hold the position.

But I think the army hasn't reached the current attacking troops. So I might be able to breach the lines of the attackers and go inside the fortress with my troops. The attackers will know of my presence and I have to attack the heroes before they come up with the plan to wait for them.

There is the possibility that they won't attack without the heroes, but I might be able to sell them false information, by only using a few soldiers. They surely will think I have not enough to really make a difference.

Drull and a few thousand bowman and a small guard for both me and the bowman should be enough to breach their lines.

I won't be able to retake any fallen troops during this fight, but it will give me the chance to have a defence siege.

Turonis was simply not built for one, however, this fortress is.

"Drull?" I said.

"Yes, Master?" He asked expectantly.

"I've decided, we will use a few thousand bowmen and a couple hundred heavy infantry to rush through the attackers and then bunker in inside the fortress. I want to play a defence siege. You will be allowed to rampage on the battlefield, but clean yourself before you come to us inside the fortress. You would only instil fear in our own troops. And don't use your demon form. Demons aren't really looked upon in this part of the world.

We will then go out and play with the heroes while we wait for the main attacking force. You are only allowed to watch. Under no circumstances are you allowed to do anything to them. I have something special planned," I said and explained my plans.

"Yes Master, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to let loose, it kinda gets boring if you don't slaughter something once or twice in a week. Aeron is simply too peaceful," he said with a grin.

"You could have killed some monster. There still are a lot of them in the forest," Me

"But those are boring Master. Monster doesn't have the necessary intelligence. They lack the expression of fear, hopelessness, terror and the oh so beautiful look of resignation you get from your own certain death. I simply love that expression," Drull said and began to chuckle evilly.

"You could hunt Tier 4 monster, they are intelligent enough, well most of them," I responded.

"But those are few in numbers and it would be a sin to hunt the remaining down," he said in a surprisingly earnest tone.

"You, you of all people I know, think about the dwindling population of any sentient being? I thought you like slaughter," I said, clearly shocked. Drull never seemed like a tree hugger.

"Don't get me, wrong Master, I do like to kill. But these Tier 4 monster are kinda like me and my family. Only a few in number and hunted or feared by almost everyone," he said solemnly and after a short pause continued, "you know Master, the past years with you Ilza and sometimes even Lilia were some of the best of my life. No one condemned me for what I am, you aren't frightened by my appearance or behaviour. Heck, you Master are even going along with my antics."

An unpleasant silence came up.

"Why so sentimental, are you frightened you might die in the coming skirmish? If so I can hold your hand," I mused and tried to break the silence.

"Of course not Master. I will slaughter everyone who will come to us," he said and added a silent, "thanks," at the end.

"Good, the bowmen will manage the mages, so that you won't be hindered by magic inhibitors. You can simply rush in and make us a path," I said and raised the tempo a little.

The rest of the flight passed in silence and we reached the border fortress around 1 pm.

The forces from Raska and Kirk, I think thy are calling themselves Holy Army of Siria. I think I'll name them HAS for simplifying. But then how will I call our troops? Golems are enough for me but what if we have a joint battle? Tragon, Aeron and Solo, so TAS? Well sounds okay for me.

Anyway, the fortress is as reported between two rivers. The front of the fortress, the side that points to Kirk, is heavily reinforced. Spikes, pitfalls, some waterways and other obstacles.

Most of them are as of now broken or already made unusable. The HAS troops have set their camp a few kilometre away from the fortress. They amount up to roughly 40.000. Not enough to conquer a country, but enough to take this fortress and then hold it until reinforcements arrive. Their camp is near a, now cut down, forest. They used the wood for siege weapons. Mostly catapults and things that eerily reminds you of the Roman scorpion.

You know these weapons that shoot spears, like an oversized crossbow. They also built a lot of ladders and are in the process of building three siege towers. The towers are mostly finished.

Their troops consist out of footsoldiers of all kinds. Mostly light or middle heavy armour. A few hundred magicians and around 20% of the whole force are bowman. They probably plan to retreat with the normal soldiers, while the bowman and magicians bunker up in the fortress, once they manage to take over it. And they don't even need to look out for the damage they do with the catapults. The fortress doesn't let anyone through from this side. Which also brings us to the downside of their plan. The fortress isn't nearly as good fortification on the other side as it is on the now attacked side. Still, it would probably be enough until their main force arrives.

The FAS is currently attacking. It's a slow attack and has most likely the only goal to take out the remaining obstacles.

Roughly 3.000 soldiers with raised shields are slowly advancing on the wall. Magicians between them are filling pitfalls and destroying spikes here and there, while some of them block any spell that is howled at them. The incoming arrows are blocked by the shields.

They got hit once or twice but a magician quickly heals them and a different soldier takes over in the meantime. Those guys are well trained and know what they should do.

They definitely know what they do. The whole army is also under one banner, which points to one commander and as such no one who will go against him in his commands.

The defenders are on a roughly 70 metres high wall. The wall has protrusions so that they can shoot from the sides as well. The wall itself is packed with bowman and magicians are ready to intercept anything that would come up to them, while at the same time occasionally shooting a spell down.

Attackers might be good, but they are still losing people on their side, while the defenders haven't even got a single attack in their direction.

"Drull, what would you do in such a situation?" I asked him. We both were currently hovering over the battlefield and have a good view of the whole thing.

"Master, do you want to know what I would have done as a defender, attacker or a person in our position, who wants to help?" Drull asked.

"Hmm, all?" I said with a smile and he sighed before he started.

"There is nothing wrong with both the defending side and the attacking side. I would have used a few more spells, trying to see if I can overpower the defence, so that their formation breaks. And then use a focused arrow attack to further increase the gab in their formation. It would be easier for them to take them out, if the attacking side has to focus on the front, side and the middle.

As for the attacking side, they can't do much. They could have used their catapults or these ballista things from the distance. This would deplete the mana from the enemy magicians and could damage the wall. But this is the only most efficient way for disarming the obstacles between them and the wall.

And in our case, am I alone or do I have troops at my disposal? And if so how many and which kind?"

"You have 1.000 heavy infantry, 2.000 normal infantry, 1.000 bowman and 500 magicians of different elemental affinity," I said.

"Let me think..., okay, I would have used the mages to attack in a big joint attack at the wall side. This way they have to manage a hole on an already attacked side. The mages would then shoot spells randomly in their ranks so that their mages are occupied and not able to focus on both sides at the same time.

My bowman would then start to shoot at every possible opportunity. Do I have to look out for my back or can I assume that the main army won't come to help?" He then stopped and asked.

"They will come to help, but only after maybe 40 minutes," I said.

"I would then order my troops to move forward in an arrow position. I would be at the head, so that it won't get taken down. Each soldier has a fresh one behind him, so that the wounded and exhausted can pull back. The bowman would follow and concentrate their fire on both flanks. The enemy won't get a pause this way and they will be easier taken down when they don't get any rest.

I think it would be easy to take them out this way," Drull said and ended with a proud look at me.

"Good, we will land and you can do exactly what you've said," I said. Happy that I didn't have to come up with a good plan for this.

(Author Note; not you but I had to...)

Change POV: New POV Third Person:

Drull and Clair quickly descended from their viewing point and landed near the shore of one of the two rivers. Clair then took said amount of soldiers out of her inventory and they went in formation. Drull, as he said, was at the front, while Clair stood in the middle. She would block any spell that would be deemed too strong for them. Just a precaution in case they get unwanted attention from the main enemy camp.

Clair then passed the command to Drull, who took a black sword out, and they began to march forward.

It didn't take the defenders much time to notice them, but the attackers were too occupied to stay alive and march forward. This made it easy for Drull to use a joint magic attack.

He gave the command to the magician golems and they conjured hundreds of fireballs that shot out of their staves. These fireballs overleaped mid-flight and created one giant fireball which exploded directly over the centre of the attacking formation. Their shields melted and their flesh burned.

Cries of shock and pain silenced any other sound and the enemy fell in disorder.

Of course Drull used that moment to further hit the enemy. A shout from him let a volley of hundreds of arrows loose. None of these arrows was targeted at a specific enemy, but they didn't have to, their number alone made up for the inaccuracy. The arrows hit everything, the floor, shields, arms, legs, heads, torsos, everything was turned into a pincushion and got either wounded or died. Those who weren't hit were lucky and only had this luck because their front men hadn't as much as them.

Drull gave another command and the golems began to move forward. The heavy infantry got to the front, normal infantry with spears directly behind them and the bowman as well as the magicians behind those. They looked like an arrowhead if you would watch them from the sky.

They clashed with the unprepared enemy and began to kill. The heavy infantry was short enough for the infantry to use their spears over their head. And the now defending enemy troops had problems to even get into a formation.

The defending Tragonig troops obviously noticed the sudden and unexpected aid and increased their efforts to keep the attackers at bay.

Now, in dismay and attacked from two sides, the HAS troops began to flee. Forgotten was the training, forgotten was their duty to serve their country. Their only thought was to survive this onslaught of axes, spears, arrows and spells.

But only those who had the luck to stand at the side were able to flee. The rest was simply mowed down by Clair's golems and Drull, naturally with Drull at the front.

Drull's face was ecstatic. He beheaded and maimed those who came in front of him. Anyone who wasn't as lucky as them was then hit by his darkness spells. These spells weren't as friendly as a fast death by his sword through beheading. No these spells were corrosive. They corroded through wood, metal, clothes and naturally flesh.

The already pungent smell of burned flesh was further enhanced by the smell of rotten human flesh.

Truly these darkness spells were the worst. They didn't even kill instantly if you didn't get hit by a headshot. Those who got hit on the arms or legs were able to watch their limbs rotting down to bones and those who were hit on the torso had a hard time to keep their intestines from spilling put.

Yes today was truly a funny day for Drull. But sad as life is, anything had come to an end. And the end of this fight was not even 15 minutes after it started.

The surviving HAS troops were running back to their camp and the defenders opened the gates to let their reinforcements in.

POV change, Clair;

"Well this was fun," said Drull as we walked in. He already cleaned himself with a water spell.

"Quite interesting, what was that spell you've used? It looked like it was corroding whatever it hit," I said and looked at a corpse with a rotten face. Only a couple of teeth were remaining and the nose has had no longer any flesh.

"It's called [Zerfall] and basically corrodes metal and rots organic things. It isn't effective against stone and things with an light enhancement. But anything else will get corroded. A really good spell against moral," Drull said and put his sword back in his dimensional pocket and then stepped behind me.

My troops began to kill the surviving soldiers while we walked inside. The fortress has a large plaza with a training field and tents, probably for the lowest soldiers. It further has five buildings. One small barn, a larger warehouse, a castle keep and a large building. The latest probable houses the kitchen, dining hall and rooms for the leading officers.

The Tragonian troops watched us while wee walked inside. Gawking and slightly fearful. At least those who stood on the ramparts. They saw our fight and as such also saw Drull's fight.

We were barely inside as a man came to us. He wasn't running, but also not walking, I would say a slow jog. He is around 30, has brown hair, a muscular build and was dressed in a better armour.

Four other soldiers followed him, a woman and three men. All of them held a bit of distance to him and carried specialised weapons.

"My name is Zeher von Xaldro, may I know your name and why you've helped us?" He said as he reached us. His bearings were friendly but also wary.

"Hello Zeher, my name is Clair and this is Drull. The envoy from your country told the queen of Aeron that you might need help. So here we are," I said with a smile and the soldier began to whisper between each other.

"Aeron sent help?" "Clair? Does that mean she is the Goddess of Carring?" "No way?" "My brother was once in Aeron, he said it's a beautiful country" "Did you see the magic of this Drull?" "Yeah, brutal and effective"

Zeher sighed in relieve and then said, "Glad to hear that. We were in a miserable situation. Let us speak inside. Would you follow me?"

"Sure," I said and ordered my golems to come inside and man the walls.

"My troops will help you with the defence," I said.

"Thanks, please follow me," he said and we walked inside the larger building. Followed by his four guards and Drull.

He led us into an office. A table stood in the middle, a map with blocks was on it. A few chairs stood around the table.

"This is our field office, please have a seat," he said and sat down on a chair.

I followed suit, while Drull stayed standing. His guards also were standing, two on each side of the door and the other two behind him.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you, Miss Clair, I've heard much of you," he said.

"Is that so, I hope only good thing," I said with a small smile.

"Yes, for example how you've helped Turonis. I hope you can achieve such a thing here as well?" Zeher.

"We will see. I've brought 4.500 golems. Thousand of them are bowman and 500 are magicians. They are equal to the standard HAS soldier but don't need any rest and the bowmen are equipped with quivers which give an unlimited supply of arrows. Sadly those arrows are only usable by my golems. I further have a thousand heavy infantry soldiers and two thousand normal infantry soldiers," I said.

"That is nice to hear, but I fear that it won't be enough. We can't make a sally with these few soldiers. The enemy is also building siege weapons. Their catapults are already a hassle siege towers will be our death sentence," Zeher.

"I know about the siege towers. They are probably finished in a week. But there is more. HAS sends an army of a million soldiers and their heroes are coming as well," I said and he got pale.

"What? We can't stop such a force, please Miss Clair tell me that this is a lie," Zeher.

"I fear not, but support from Aeron will come. Drull and I will intercept their heroes and an army of golems will attack their main force. I came today to make sure that you will be able to hold out, so that we will be able to destroy their army and then come to help on this front. Do you think you will be able to hold out, if we were able to damage or even demolish their siege towers?" Me.

He started to think for a moment and then said with a resolute tone, " I think we would be able to hold out for three more weeks. But only if we get the support of your golems. Without them probably only a week. And this is only if the siege towers get destroyed."

"I will see to it, do you need supplies?" Me

"We are low on meat, bread and potatoes. We also need iron for repairs and arrows." Zeher

���I have a few barrels of salted pork, potatoes and a couple of loaves of my special bread. It's called pumpernickel," I said and took a loaf of pumpernickel out and gave it to him.

This bread is the best bread for times without much to eat. It looks dark and has a high amount of whole grains in it. It was used as the main food for war captives during the world war two. There is a legend about the Allied Forces who apparently didn't know pumpernickel and thought that it's made out of pressed garbage. Well it looks pretty dark and doesn't taste really good without anything on top. But as I said it's one of the best things you can eat in times of need. It also stays good for a long amount of time.

"You've called it pumpernickel?" He asked and took a bite.

"It may not taste good, but I assure you it's good for your body. It also stays good for a long time," I said but he waved his hand.

"No Miss Clair, it is edible and any help we can get is appreciated," he then said and gave each of his guards a piece.

"Good to hear. We are distributing this bread back in Aeron for those who don't have the money to buy other things. It's good in combination with marmalade and ham. I can give you a few glasses," I said and he nodded thankfully.

I can't thank my hamster mentally enough. My inventory doesn't have the flow of time, so it kinda became a habit to make food in high amounts and then put the rest in my inventory. The stock on any kinds of food grew over the years. And I also gave the order for war supplies over the last month. I'm basically able to supply an army of 40.000 for a month.

"Can you show me the warehouse?" I then asked and he led me to their warehouse, where I gave him his supplies. Iron, food, arrows. Enough for a month.

"My golems will hear to your command. I will now try to get rid of your siege tower problem and will then go on my way to intercept the heroes," I said while soldiers sorted the supplies and then went on the ramparts.

We were able to see the siege towers. That and a small army of 10.000 who are marching forward. They probably try to test us.

"Hmm, okay. I think I know what I'll use," I said and tried to come up with a good spell.

"Rechtschaffende Flammen des Himmels, lasse dein Feuer nieder auf die Erde der Ungläubigen und brenne sie hinfort mit deinen heiligen Flammen der Erlösung, [Meteor Schauer]!" Me

I finished my unnecessary chant and watched in fascination as the sky began to glow red. A few soldiers began to shout and then one pointed at the clouded sky over the siege towers. The glowing intensified and shortly after the clouds began to burst apart. A dozen burning rocks were coming through them and were all on course with the siege towers. A few booms were audible as they got faster than the sound and a dozen explosions came directly after that. Twelve red fireballs grew on and around the siege towers and a giant dust cloud ascended to the sky.

I turned around and looked at the fallen jaws of every soldier who saw what I did.

"Mister Zeher, I will now intercept the heroes. I hope this helped you. Stay safe and we will see each other in a few weeks. Hopefully after the destruction of the main army," I said and he was only to nod a few times.

"Drull," I said and used [Bodytransformation] to grow angel wings. Drull knew what I intended to and did the same. We then started to fly off and flew in the most likely direction of the heroes.

"This was a badass departure," Drull said while laughing as we flew over the burning remains of the siege towers. Soldiers were running around and tried to save the wounded and extinguish the fire.

"I know, I think I have a hang for the theatrical," I said equally amused.

"You think Master? You've led fire rain from the sky and then flew with white wings over the burning and screaming enemy soldiers. Their moral is probably so fucked up I think they might even run back to their main army in hope for safety. I really want to see their face, when they learn of the unfortunate encounter between you and their oh so strong heroes. Hahahaha, this will be fun!" Drull said with an evil grin.

"Okay, here is the plan...."

We had to fly for four hours to see them. 61 soldiers on horses. 30 of them had the armour of a paladin. The same armour of the elite troops from Raska. Those normally stay near the Church of Siria or guard high ranking personnel of the Church of Light. The other 31 had individual armours. Ranging from heavy plate mail to simple robes. But most of them wore robes.

"Master, I think these are the heroes and their escort," Dull said and we stopped mid-air.

"You are probably right. Let's greet them," I said and we flew closer. They noticed us and stopped and got in position. We stopped 20 metres over the ground and watched them.

"Who are you?" Asked the one in the lead, [Identification] says that he's the original hero. He's over LV 60 and has good stats. Strength and Agility were near 70.000, while the other two were near 30.000.

I looked over them and stopped as I saw one specific person. A man I never believed to see again, at least not before I search for him.

Why the fuck, is my best friend Aaron one of the heroes?

He didn't change much, he is around 1.95 metres tall, has dark blond hair, a beard and a heavy build. But his height lets it look natural. Slightly like a Viking.

He wears a black kimono and a straw hat. Both things he would get if he gets transported into a fantasy world. He even had something like a Nodachi on his back. I was only able to see his face because he has to look up to me.

"Drull, the man with a straw hat. Secure him, but don't kill or harm him. He is important. And I mean important," I said in a stern voice that doesn't accept any refusal or failure.

"Yes Master," he replied with a gulp.

"My name is Clair, and I offer you the opportunity to join my side. I'm even able to send you back to your world. Back to Earth. It might take some time, but I can assure you, you will be back," I said.

"So you are the demon god of Aeron? You don't look so strong," said the leader.

"What do you say?" I asked again. None of them replied, but a few looked thoughtful. Aaron looked at me without any emotion. But I know that he's thinking over my offer. We pretty much think alike and I'm sure he doesn't want to be a minion for any religious war. He hates religion, not the believe, more the way these organisations work.

"Shut your mouth evil wench. You won't lead us astray from Siria to your evil side!" shouted the leader. He then jumped down from his horse and drew his sword.

"Get ready soldiers, we have to kill this demon if we want to free humanity!" He commanded and everyone got from their horse. Some slower than the others. Aaron was at the back, a good position to watch the others. We weren't really social and mostly tried to stay away from other people.

"Drull, you've heard me and know the plan. Secure the guy with the straw hat and then wait for me," I said silently and descended.

"So you won't flee? It is your death," said the leader. He really is brainwashed. Well, he probably gets whatever he wants and doesn't want to loose it.

"Paladins attack!" He commanded and the 30 paladins rushed at me.

I took a double bladed glave out of my inventory and parried the first sword slash. These paladins might be strong, but they aren't very versatile. They only use close quarter fighting styles and aren't adept in magic. Well, no magic other than holy magic. They have enchanted armour and swords, but those only give them stat boosts, light affinity swords and a healing boost.

The heroes stood back. They are either not trained in close combat or are watching for an opportunity.

A kick from the back sent me flying and I landed in a tree.

"Hah, the demon god isn't as powerful as I thought," shouted the leader mockingly.

I ignored him and stood up. So good so far, everything is according to the plan.

I raised my glave and sprinted to the nearest paladin. He was fast enough to raise his shield, but it didn't help him. The shield and his head down to the rib cage was split in half.

"Stay wary, she is strong. Help each other and we will win!" Shouted one of the paladins and they began to guard each other.

"Hmph, you won't stand a chance," I said and rushed to a pair. I tried to slice diagonally, but the hit was deflected by his neighbour and him. They didn't block the hit, they guided it away. It's a good way against stronger opponents. But it won't help them against me.

I pointed my finger at him and only said a single word, "[Zerfall]!"

The spell activated instantly and a black beam hit him between his eyes. He began to scream as the spell did what he has to do. His skin started to turn grey and then black. An ally quickly began to chant, " Heilige Siria, helfe diesem armen Lamm und heile ihn von der Verschmutzung des Bösen, [Reiningung des Bösen]!"

My target stopped screaming as a light engulfed him. This [Reinigung des Bösen] must've been a spell against darkness spells. Could have known that they have spells and equipment against darkness spells. They are paladins....

"Well, then let's try something else, [Feuer Strahl]!" A second beam came out of my finger, this time it was a beam of red light. Made out of fire. It hit his neighbour and burned through his skull. He died almost instantly. The normal [Feuer Strahl] doesn't have the power to kill such a strong opponent so fast. But I only say the name for fun and use my versions of the spell. They are way stronger and use a lot more mana. But I have enough mana.

I then cut the first target, who hasn't fully overcome the pain of his rotting flesh, in two.

"Attack!" Shouted someone and three more rushed at me. This will get boring if I take one out after the other.

"Please die, you are only cannon fodder. [Erdnadeln]!" I said and ended with an earthen spell. Countless two metre long spikes shot out of the ground and impaled 20 of them. However, they weren't dead.

"[Stein Explosion]!" A second spell changed that. Each spike exploded and shot countless sharp splinters into the bodies of the before impaled paladins. Their bodies were ripped into tiny pieces.

"Okay, only seven remaining," I said mockingly and the remaining seven attacked at once. You might think they are cleverer than that. Well easier for me.

I jumped in the last moment and used my glave as a rotor to behead four more. The other three stabbed with their weapons at me. And I got impaled by a sword through my lower abdomen. A spear through my heart and a second sword through the eye.

"Hahahahaha, the demon god died through the hands of the holy paladins of Siria. You were strong, but not strong enough!" Shouted the leader and the paladins pulled their weapons out.

"Hehehehe, do you really think that?" I said while laughing and stood up.

"What?! How are you alive?!" He shouted and they watched as my body healed itself. The eye returned and the wounds closed.

"That you want to know, do you?" I said with a grin and noticed that Aaron was gone. Good.

"Let me show you something," I said and turned my hand into a claw.

"For Origin!" I then shouted and ripped my own heart out.

"She is crazy!" Said the leader.

"" Yes she might be, but it was an order from Origin "" said 50 Clairs at the same time. They all suddenly fell from the sky and surrounded the heroes and remaining paladins.

"Heh, you should see your face," I said and stood up. The gaping wound in my chest was already healing.

"What is this trickery?" Demanded the leader to know.

"This is no trickery, all these are as real as I am and they all are as strong as I. So let me ask again. Who wants to switch sides? But beware, I know when you are only trying to back stab me. The skill [Empathy] allows me to see your lies. You don't have to help me with the war, you only have to surrender and you will be handled like a normal citizen of Aeron. But you, the leader. You will die, I've heard from Yukina about you. You are a rapist and you called me wench. I don't like to be called a wench. Any last words?" I said with a grin and he turned pale.

"Die!" Were his last words and he managed to run three metres at me, before he turned with a °splatch° into a bloody puddle. [Mana Pressure] is such a good skill.

"So?" I asked and killed the remaining paladins in the same way.

Some of them began to cry, while others only quivered.

"We... we will surrender," said finally a man with brown hair and a war hammer on his back.

"Does the rest agree?" I asked and they all nodded. None of them lied and they all had the intention to not help HAS any longer.

"Good, then follow them. We will go to Nahar, where you get a house, until I can send you back. You might also help us or decided to live with us. But you have to life under the same rules as each other citizen. They are basically common sense on earth, so you won't have any problems. Now then follow them," I said and each clone grabbed a hero and they took flight to Aeron, while I dissolved. Origin will need to know what happened.

POV: Clair, Origin

I got the information from my clone and was, to say the least shocked about Aaron. Why is he a hero? Well, I will soon enough know about that, Drull is coming.

"Master, I got him. I thought it might be the easiest to simply knock him out," he said and put Aaron down.

"Thanks," I said and splashed Aaron some water in the face.

"Phua, what happened?" He asked and looked at me.

"Hi Aaron," I said with a smile.