A Trip to Naruto

Clone POV:

I stepped out of the portal and took a quick look at my surroundings.

I'm inside a deep forest and the sun only shines through a few holes in the canopy.

The forest looks old and not as if it's being used by humans.

"Hmm, Qi and Mana is almost equal, a little bit more Qi. The instructions for the transfer were relatively simple. Qi and Mana, as well as humans and healthy surroundings. The rest was undefined.

Then let's go, maybe I can find something interesting for Origin," I mumbled and changed from Clair into Reaper Dex.

"It's better to look like this, when I'm in a different world. There might be people, who can transfer between worlds like me and I don't want to be recognized. Not for the things I might do," I said and began to walk in a random direction.

It didn't take long before I sensed a giant ball of Mana that quickly flew in my direction, it passed over me. A few seconds after a gigantic explosion came from behind me, and the blast wave threw me in the air, where I sprouted my wings to slow down.

I looked in the direction, from where I came and the horizon was filled with a mushroom cloud. As large as a mountain.

"Okay, that is strange, or is it normal for this world to have Mana atom bombs flying around?" I said out loud and turned around again. In the far distance I sensed Mana and not the normal Mana in the atmosphere. No, enough Mana to overshadow everything else, located in a single spot.

"Interesting," I said and flew towards this Mana. I noticed a few more Mana balls, which exploded in different locations. I came nearer and was now also able to sense Qi, Qi that was located in many different people. It felt like most of the Qi was the same, only overshadowing the Qi under it. Like a coat. A few minutes and a few big explosions later I was finally able to see a red oblong. That raised gen sky. (ED: I didn't change anything here since I haven't read Naruto, sorry.)

The Qi signatures grew stronger and I felt more and more of these coated people. And then the oblong stretched to the inside and vanished.

"This world might be really interesting!" I shouted and raised my speed.

The moment I arrived thousands of explosions erupted on a single spot and a giant toad and a lot of people were surrounding the explosions.

"Da fuck?" I shouted and a guy clad in black-yellow light, who stood on the head of the toad noticed my shout.

"Who's that?" He asked a second guy, this one was clad in orange-yellow light.

They speak Japanese?

I looked close and saw that he looked like...like Minato?

"Really a Naruto world? Well that is to be expected with the multiverse theory and all that," I said and stopped over them.

Suddenly someone moved towards me and stopped with a sword at my throat.

"Who are you? Are you an ally of Madara?" Asked the guy and I looked at him, it was Sasuke.

"So I'm in a time period of the fourth great ninja war," I said to myself.

"Answer!" Demanded Sasuke. I never liked him, teme or bastard was the right name for him.

"Äh, my name is Dex. And no I'm not an ally of Madara," I said but he didn't retract his sword.

"You might lie," he said and I simply activated my seals and rushed to Naruto, who was now also looking at me.

"Huh?" Naruto shouted and Minato jumped between us both, his three-pronged kunai in his hand.

"Hi, ähm, did you already beat Obito? I can't see the Juubi, so he must already be the Jinchuriki of it. Madara would have immobilized the second and fourth if you had already beaten Obito. So I assume that Obito only recently turned into the Jinchuriki," I said and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"Wha...what? Who are you and what is with this creepy mask?" Naruto asked.

"First this mask isn't creepy and second the explosions stopped and I think that the one inside them isn't too wounded," I said and true to my words, Obito, in all his now white and mindless glory, stood in the air. His Mana reserves were high, really high. He had Mana in all his cells and it flowed through him like a river. This must be really taxing for his body.

The third instantly attacked him and Obito retaliated.

"Say, may I help if I get some jutsus from you?" I asked them and Minato looked at me warily.

"Help? You don't have any Chakra, how will you help us?" Asked Sasuke who was now on the toad again.

"Easy, Naruto look at me in sage mode," I said and Naruto closed his eyes to go into sage mode. If I'm right then sage chakra or natural energy is nothing but Mana. I mean, the giant Mana thing was the Juubi and now Obito is also mostly Mana.

Naruto opened his eyes, just to close them again. He groaned and then puked on the head of the toad. Minato instantly rushed at me and tried to stab me with his Kunai.

(ED: Come on, who can take someone puking on their head, that toad should be pissed by now.)

"Easy, he isn't wounded," I said and evaded him. He isn't allowed to touch me, his teleportation jutsu would track me down.

"What did you do to my son?" He asked angrily.

"Nothing," I said and pointed at Naruto who was trying to stand up.

"It's ok dad, it was just too much to see," he said.

"What did you see?" Asked Sasuke in his annoying voice.

"He has sage chakra, a lot. More than the Juubi," said Naruto and they all looked at me with wide eyes.

"Hehe, yeah, what you're calling sage Chakra is known as Mana to me. I kinda have a lot," I said and Sasuke put is sword back to my throat.

"Explain!" He demanded.

"Shut up teme, you're as annoying as I've imagined it. And I know of your plan," I said and his eyes turned into the Mangekyou Sharingan. He looked me in the eyes and I turned them into my dragon form. He looked shocked, then warily and then angry.

"Why am I not able to put you in a genejutsu? And what do you know?" He asked.

"First put that sword down or I'm going to force you. And your question is easy. A genejutsu manipulates the chakra in a person. Well I don't have any Chakra inside of me, so no genejutsu," I said.

"Hn, force me? You can't force me," he said arrogantly.

I just grabbed the blade of his sword and moved it away from me, his resistance was easily broken under the usage of my runes.

Naruto winced as he saw my bleeding hand.

"See I forced you. Now Naruto, you're something like the leader of this army. Do you promise me some jutsus if I help you fight Obito and Madara? And I can promise that Obito would be a real problem without me," I said and Naruto looked at me. Probably judging me with his strange good/bad sight.

"The dobe the leader? Ha," said Sasuke. He really is annoying.

"I can't see if you're good or bad. What are your real intentions?" He asked after a pause.

"You see, I'm something like your Shadow Clones and my Boss, I call him Origin wants knowledge and wisdom, this includes knowledge about Qi and other things. Qi is the same as Chakra. Origin isn't able to use chakra because it would kill him, but he still wants to know more about it. So he sent me to this world for knowledge," I said and noticed that Sarutobi was beaten and Obito looked at us.

"Now does anyone have a plan to beat Obito? I mean I can probably beat him, but then what? Can you seal him?" I asked, I looked around and stopped my gaze on Minato in the end.

"I think we can trust him, for now," came a voice from the side. I turned around and saw the second Hokake who was busy with his reassembling.

"Trust him?" Asked Sasuke angrily.

"Look, he's clearly fast enough to move without us noticing and he had the chance to kill Naruto. He didn't and this brings us to the conclusion that he is on our side for now," said the second Hokage.

"Or he's just planning on backstabbing us!" Said Sasuke.

"You are a master in backstabbing, I can't compare myself to you in that occupation," I said in a sarcastic tone and ignored his evil glare.

"I trust the second Hokage," said Minato and moved to the side.

Obito jumped in the air and suddenly the Mana in his body expanded and he turned into a fat blob.

"Hahaha, he can't handle the Mana. Hey, Obito will stay like this mindless thing for a few minutes and then turn into a giant white blob. He will then overcome the mind marauding Juubi and come back to his senses. Do you people want to wait or do you want to fight now?" I asked and they looked at me as if I am out of my mind. I'm only as crazy as Origin... ok, I am probably insane.

"How do you want to know that?" Asked the second Hokage.

"Easy, I kinda know the future," I said.

"Liar," said Sasuke.

"Really? Then should I say what you're planning after this war?" I asked him.

"As if you know what I would do," he said disbelievingly.

"Okay, then let me tell you something Naruto. Your friend Duckbutt here, plans to kill all the Kages to be the single evil being on this planet. He wants to put all the hate of this world on himself and bring peace trough a common evil," I said and Sasukes eyes went wide. Minato and the second Hokage noticed this, but Naruto did not.

"That can't be true Sasuke wouldn't kill Baa-chan," Naruto said in denial and looked at Sasuke, who didn't look into his eyes.

"You wouldn't would you?" He asked hopefully.

"He's lying," said Sasuke. However, he didn't sound too convincing.

"No... no! Sasuke!" Naruto shouted and rushed at Sasuke. I grabbed his collar and noticed that his Qi is burning my hand. He must not regard me as an ally.

"Calm down. Sasuke isn't completely convinced with his plan. You're still able to change his mind with your plan," I said, and a look of shock was visible on Sasukes face.

"How do you know all this?" Asked Sasuke and pointed his sword at me.

"I'll tell you after the fight, now look what we've done. Obito is in his final phase and now has control over his body again," said and pointed at Obito who shot something at us.

"Shit, I will teleport it away," said Minato and got ready.

I absorbed the mana in his attack and it vanished.

"What happened? His attack vanished," asked Minato.

"This guy, Dex? The nature energy in Obito's attack, it...it was absorbed by him," said Naruto in disbelief.

"Told ya it would be hard without me," I said and Sasuke grunted in denial and then rushed at Obito.

"He's really stupid for a prodigy isn't he?" I asked the others and saw as his Ameterasu didn't hurt Obito the slightest bit.

I quickly rushed to Sasuke and threw him back, before Obitos black pole was able to hit him.

"Step back for a moment, I need to talk with Obito!" I shout so that everyone can hear me.

"Who are you?" Asked Obito.

"I'm Dex, I want a few jutsus and I am currently helping Naruto win this battle. Oh and one question, why aren't you fighting Madara?" I answered him.

"Why should I fight my ally?" He asked.

"Duh, did you forget that he tried to use you for his resurrection? He and Black Setzu will try it again, the moment you are weakened. So why not fight him now, at the moment where you are unwounded and strong enough to easily beat him, and then fight us after that?" I asked, and he really looked stunned by my argument.

"I mean you surely noticed that he tried to use the White Setzu cells in you to control you, didn't you?" I added and Obito stepped back.

"True, I think you are right. But how can I be sure that you won't attack me when I'm occupied with Madara?" Obito asked.

"Well the others don't know how to wound you as of now. And I don't want you to die. I know that you aren't really the evil guy. Madara manipulated you into it," I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked me, still wary of me, but now also doubting Madara.

"You remember Rin's death?" I asked and he winced at the memory.

"What do you know about Rin?" He asked angrily.

"I know that she was kidnapped and then used as a Junchuriki time bomb. Kakashi tried to rescue her and she jumped into his Raikiri so that she won't release the Three Tail in Konoha. I also know that you know that. But do you know that Madara controlled the Mizukake through a genjutsu so that they will kidnap Rin? Or that he used the ninja in your mission. So that you will be buried under all the rubble?" I said and he looked me directly in the eye, searching for a lie.

"And wasn't it strange that Setzu knew of Rin and her dire situation? And that you reached them in the exactly right time to see her dying? And why wasn't Minato there to help them? Simple, they knew that he won't be there, the whole thing was planned by Madara to use you. He just wanted to manipulate you, so that you will revive him. He originally wanted to use Nagato for that, but he switched sides. So now he waits for you to lose against Naruto, so that Black Setzu can use your body to form the jutsu," I said and Obito looked shocked. His eyes wide and realization visible in them. He then began to cry.

"No, no... it can't be true. Rin died for my manipulation? It can't be right, but... but it makes sense, so much sense," he mumbled and then looked back to me.

"Okay, I will help you and we will then see what will happen after that!" He said resolute.

"Good, come with me to the other three and ignore Sasuke, he's annoying as fuck," I said and turned around, walking back to the group. Obito followed me.

They got ready for a fight but I waved to them.

"Hey, I convinced Obito to help us," I said cheerfully and they looked at me as if I am crazy. I'm not crazy, I'm insane. There's a difference, I think.

"What do you mean?" Asked Minato.

"This guy, Dex, he told me the truth about Rin, about our mission. And about Madara's manipulation. I agreed to first seal Madara, before we finish what happened here," Obito said.

"So you will fight us after we seal Madara?" Asked Sasuke.

"Maybe, I don't know, I have to think," said Obito and then turned to Minato.

"Sensei, we have to stop him, my orbs can hinder him from reconstructing but he still has his perfect Susanno. Are you able to seal him?" Obito asked and Minato smiled.

"Yes, if he's wounded enough, good to have you back Obito. And I'm sorry for what happened," Minato said.

Obito said nothing and simply turned around.

"You are a strange man Dex," said the second Hokage.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"You easily turned this battle around and know things that should be impossible to be known," he explained.

"Oh yeah, I'll explain that later. I also have to tell you something about Black Setzu. We have to kill him first, he is also manipulating Madara," I said and again they looked shocked. They surely think about how it's possible for Madara to be manipulated.

"You know the history of Chakra?" I asked.

A Naruto clone popped up and it turned into a Kurama version.

"You mean that Juubi is the origin of all Chakra?" asked Kurama.

"Ah Kurama, nice to meet you. I'm a big fan of you," I said.

"Heh, of course you are. But explain," Kurama said smugly.

"Well, do you know about Kaguya?" I asked.

"Kaguya?" Repeated Naruto.

"Kaguya was the first Jinchuriki of the Juubi and the mother of the Senin of the Six Paths. How do you know her name? It should have been lost in the passing of time," said Kurama.

"Well, Kaguya had a second son and he somehow survived, at least his will. He tries to use Madara to revive Kaguya. He will kill Madara, when he is the Jinchuriki of the Juubi. Madara will then be used as a focus for the revival of Kaguya. So we have to Kill Black Setzu first, so that he can't recreate this whole mess. Black Setzu even changed the Uchiha Tablet," I said.

"How do you know about the Uchiha Tablet?" Asked Sasuke.

"You should have realized that I know a lot by now. Anyway, Black Setzu must be killed, does anyone know where he is?" I asked.

"He might be by Madara," Obito said.

"Naruto, can you feel him? I am able to sense all the Chakra signatures around me, but I'm not able to differentiate between them, before I meet the person," I said and looked at Naruto.

"Yes, he is a few kilometres to the north, near Madara and under the ground," Naruto said after a moment.

I looked to the north and quickly found a Qi source underground. It was moving around.

"Okay, I memorised his signature. I'll bring him up and you use a Rasen Shuriken to kill him. Good?" I asked.

"Yes," Naruto agreed.

"Good. The rest of you can help the fourth Hokage with Madara. They are currently fighting and I think that Madara doesn't know of Obito. So Obito can bakcstab him," I further said.

"Sounds good, then let's move out," said the second Hokage and we all rushed to Madara's fighting place.

"I'll bring Setzu up!" I shouted and used a silent spell to push the earth around Setzu in the air, where I then used gravity to hold him.

Naruto in the meantime formed a Rasen Shuriken and threw it at the unmoving block of earth, in which Setzu was trapped.

I moved Setzu in the direction of the attack, out of the earth and pushed him directly in the Rasen Shuriken, shortly before it hit.

Setzu screamed in pain and disintegrated into dust. I searched around for his Qi signature, but couldn't find him. He is either dead or was able to flee.

"OKAY!" Shouted Naruto. We turned around and saw Madara, who had lost an arm from Obito's sneak attack.

We ran to them and arrived at the moment in which Minato used a seal to tap Matara. He then teleported Obito behind Madara, where Obito used his black orb to behead Madara.

"Obito! You traitor!" Madara shouted from the ground.

"You are the traitor, you orchestrated Rin's death and nearly killed me!" Shouted Obito.

Madara began to laugh his typical maniac laugh and then said, " Hahaha, so you know? Who told you?" Obito glanced at me and Madara noticed, " You told him? Who are you? I like your mask," he said.

"Someone likes my mask? Finally, that is almost good enough to help you with your plan, if it would have worked to begin with," I said happily and everyone jumped back from me as they heard about my thoughts of betrayal.

"What do you mean won't work? The Infinite Sukujomy will work," said Madara.

"Oh yeah, it would put everyone into a genjutsu. But it will also turn everyone into a White Setzu and with that being equal to the death of every human on this world. And the death of everyone is surely the only way to stop any pain. Such a good plan really," I said sarcastically.

"You're lying, the genjutsu would put everyone in their perfect world and the tree will keep them alive!" Shouted Madara.

"Nope, the Uchiha Tablet is faked, Black Setzu manipulated you to revive Kaguya. And these White Setzus you've used in the war are the remains of Kaguya's last reign. You would have only killed every human on this planet," I said.

"Lie, that is a lie!" Madara shouted.

"I can only speak the truth, well then. Minato would you seal him?" I said and looked at the people who are surrounding me.

"Is that true? Would the Infinite Sukujomy turn everyone into a Setzu?" Asked Obito, shocked. He too wanted to use it.

"Yes," I simply said and waited for Minato to seal Madara, who kept screaming.

The seal was placed and Madara silenced.

"Okay. That is that, now what do you want Obito and Sasuke? Do you want to continue with your fight or do you want to go with Naruto's plan, and unify all villages, so that there aren't any wars between them? I can promise you that you won't be able to stop the killing or pain on this world. Death and violence is natural for humans, it can't be stopped without killing every human. It also won't be stopped by a single enemy. They will simply ignore you after a few years and you would be forced to kill everyone until none are left. It would be easier to form alliances, so that large wars won't happen and the villages will then kill bandits and other criminals. Wars can be stopped this way. The people just have to talk and help each other," I said.

"Dex, I think you have put it in a realistic way. Pain isn't unavoidable, it's a part of life," said the second Hokage.

"He is right, and this war already showed us that we can cooperate," said Shikamaru, who came over as we sealed Madara. The Kages also arrived and are watching us from a distance.

"What do you say?" Naruto asked Obito and Sasuke.

Obito looked down and then said," I think I will see if you are able to bring this kind of peace. But be wary, I will stop everyone who wants to start a new war."

We all looked at Sasuke.

"I... I need time to think this over. I think I will travel the world and look over the results of this plan. I will see you when I have an answer," Sasuke said and turned around to leave.

"Sasuke, come back to Konoha!" shouted Naruto.

Sasuke stopped and looked back.

"Konoha isn't my home. It's yours, I won't come back," he then said and kept walking. His three companions and Orochimaru following him.

Naruto looked heartbroken and dropped to the ground.

"But I might visit you sometimes," Sasuke said, without looking back.

Naruto's face instantly brightened and he quickly shouted, "Yes, I'll wait for you!"

"So can anyone explain what happened?" Asked Tsunade after Sasuke was gone.

"I'd like to know that too," said Shikamaru and they all looked at me.

"Well, you see. Can we talk about that after we helped the wounded and buried the dead?" I said and they all remembered the people they lost in this war.

"I promise I won't run," I added and then looked at them.

"He is right, other things are more important as of now," said the Raikage and we began to manage the aftermath of this war.

Three weeks later; Clone POV; Konoha, Hokage Tower.

The aftermath was a sad thing for many. They released the Kages from the jutsu and they are dead again. A lot of people and their friends died or were wounded for life. But they managed and started to move on. Obito was declared as non compos mentis. He now gets psychological help and is a resident of Konoha. There weren't many infrastructural damages.

So life quickly continued like nothing ever happened. The five nations united and are now one large nation. The smaller ones are already negotiating for alliances. We are now in Konoha and it's time for me to explain what happened. All the Kages, Obito, Naruto and some other important people are present.

"Okay, let me explain. Your whole world is a story in my original world. A guy wrote something like a book about anything that happened in this world. I was sent by my Master, whom I call Origin, to search for knowledge about Mana, Chakra or other things.

So I found myself here in this world, directly in the middle of the fourth great ninja war and with the knowledge about it.

I did the first thing I came up with and tried to end this war, so that I'm able to get the jutsus I want to have. Namely the forbidden scroll of Konoha and the other scrolls of each hidden village. They surely are existent.

Do you understand?" I said and they looked at me with their mouths open.

I am almost at good as Origin when it comes to jaw dropping.

"Wait, so you mean to say, that everything is just a story to you? That nothing is real?" Asked Tsunade.

"No, everything is real. At least in this world. It's just a story in my old world. Look, there is a theory about different universes. This theory says that there is an infinite amount of universes, each one slightly different or almost the same. Everything that happened could have happened differently in another universe. This theory makes it possible for me to be here and for you to be something non-fictional," I said.

"I don't get it," said Naruto.

"But I do, it's possible, at least theoretically," said Shikamaru.

"Any questions?" I asked.

"What happens now?" Asked Tsunade.

"Don't know, I changed the world with my actions and the story only went on until shortly after the war. The normal story went like this. Obito betrayed Madara because Naruto convinced him of the wrongs in Madara's plan. Black Setzu would have used Obito to revive Madara, who then would have become the Jinchuriki of the Juubi.

Naruto and Sasuke would then have met the Sennin of the Six Path and each one of them would have gotten some power from him.

They would have fought Madara and Black Setzu would have betrayed Madara before you were able to win. Madara would have turned into Kaguya. Naruto and Sasuke would have fought her and sealed her again. Sasuke would then try to kill all the Kages. Naruto would stop him and convince him to trust him with his plan. Naruto's plan is the unification of each village. The story then makes a time skip of a few years and shows that Naruto's plan worked. That's it in short," I said and they looked at me in awe.

"What happens to us?" Asked the Thuchikage.

"Everyone except for Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke would have been trapped in the Infinite Tsukijomy until the fight was over. You all lived happily ever after after that," I answered.

"Did I become the sixth Hokage?" Naruto asked cheerfully.

"No," I said and he fell down.

"But the seventh," I added and he jumped up and began to cheer, until Sakura hit him.

"Do I get a copy of each scroll?" I asked.

"You helped us to win the war, so yes you get the scroll from us," said Tsunade.

"From us too," said the Raikage and the other Kage agreed as well.

"Thanks," I said.

"You have to wait for a week. We need to make a copy," Tsunade then said and I agreed.

A week later I got five scrolls. I asked to see the original scrolls to see if they are the correct ones and they agreed. They didn't cheat me and each jutsu was an exact copy.

"Thanks a lot. Now I have to send a beacon to my master, so that he picks me up," I said and started to activate the rune.

"What would you have done if we have cheated you or denied you the scroll?" Asked Tsunade, who was seeing me off, along with other people.

"I would have stolen it," I said truthfully.

"But you didn't know where it was," Shikamaru said.

"Yeah, so I would have used the Kages as hostages and would have killed their subjects until they would have told me," I said and finished activating the rune.

"You wouldn't," said Tsunade with a pale face.

The rune glowed and Origin stepped out of the rune as Clair. I saluted and said, "Origin, I report to have found a Naruto world and secured a copy of five different forbidden jutsu scrolls."

The others looked at Origin, their jaws like always, dropped.

"You said you are a clone! This is clearly a woman!" Shouted Naruto.

"I'm going to dispel you now," Origin said and I felt myself vanishing.

Clair POV:

It took me a moment to work my way though all the knowledge and then I turned to the onlookers.

"My clone didn't lie Tsunade, he would have done anything to fulfill his mission. But each clone first tries to go with the peaceful way. You did right in not cheating him, he would have been able to kill all of you easily," I said and they gulped audibly.

"But you did not and I'm thankful for that. I really like some of you. Oh and Naruto, could you please take Kurama out for a moment? I want to ask it something," I said and Naruto did as I asked. Even if he was still a bit baffled.

"Human woman you look good in this form. Who was that male if not you?" Kurama asked.

"That was Dex, I'm able to change my gender and I'm not a human. My race is called Aeron, something between a dragon and an... a being similar, but not the same as a human called, elf.

I want to ask you, what gender are you?" I asked and they all looked shocked.

"What do you mean gender? Kurama is male!" Shouted Naruto.

"HAHAHAHA, so you noticed? You are the first to notice," said Kurama while laughing.

"What do you mean Fuzzball? You are male aren't you?" Asked Naruto.

"Naruto, have you ever seen Kurama's genitals?" I asked and Naruto got red.

"Of course not! I am not a pervert so I don't look at stuff like that!" He shouted. Kurama only grinned.

"But you must have noticed something? Even if you don't look at them effectively. You should have seen them," I said with a smile and Naruto got pale.

"Y...you mean Kurama is a female?" He asked uncertainly.

"I didn't say that, I think Kurama is gender neutral. But Kura-chan is a good name if not," I said and Kurama growled at his nickname.

"She is right," Kurama said.

"What? You are female?��� Naruto asked in shock.

"No stupid, I'm gender neutral. I can choose which gender I want to be. I currently use the form of a female and the voice of a male. It's easier to move without the thing dangling down there. And the voice of a male is more awe inspiring than the high pitched voice of a vixen," Kurama said and everyone looked at him in shock.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, thanks. I wanted to know this for a long time now. Say what! I'll give you a clone and he will call me if you need any help. Is that okay?" I said after a good laugh.

"What would be his task?" Asked Tsunade.

"He won't have any, he is able to create any material you want and would simply play ninja under your command. He would live as long as I do and would simply life his life here as a citizen of this world," I said and conjured some gold, steel and stone while speaking.

"That...that would help," Tsunade said while watching my hands.

"Good, then here is a clone. I have to go now, thanks for the scrolls," I said. Put the scrolls in my inventory and made a new clone, before going back to my world. Heh natural energy is Mana. Who would have thought that.