A New Voyage Part 2

Macai and his team rapidly advance toward the main harbor facility. They see a massive brown wooden complex with several Earth Kingdom flags on it. There are four towers around it, and each has an archer. A loud boom is heard, and several ignited catapults are fired from the shore. There are also several soldiers on patrol around the facility.

Two inflamed projectiles hit the two front archer towers and break them to pieces. Another catapult lands between two guards and blows them to dust. A fourth catapult lands between three Earth Kingdom troopers and dispatches them. The sirens go off and troopers start shouting.

Macai commands, "Sonna, cover us with archer fire! I'm going in, there is no time to waste."

Ronin: "What about those two remaining archer towers?!"

Macai: "Asad's team should be facing those towers. Hopefully, his men are clear and will assist us."

Captain Onazi shakes as he hears the explosions in his office. Captain Onazi: "We're under attack! Deploy the defense garrison!"

Lieutenant Dongo: "Yes sir! Would you like to evacuate? Our forces detect about three enemy squads nearby and one is closing in on our position."

Captain Onazi: "Did they attack our base?"

Lieutenant Dongo: "There have been no direct hits on this facility but, several on the defenses around it."

Captain Onazi: "Then they are not here by accident, looks like they planned this out. Is there any clear exit?"

Lieutenant Dongo: "There is one route that they aren't coming from, but I've just gotten a report that the naval vessel is bombarding that route. Looks like they want to keep us from using it."

Captain Onazi: "Let's prepare our men. They are coming. Let's try to take out at least one of those squads before we consider running."

Ryse: Son of Rome- Main Theme- YouTube (music starts)

While this is happening, Lieutenant Asad and Dade are fighting incoming Earth Kingdom troopers as they are trying to make it towards the enemy facility. Asad looks forward as two Earth Kingdom troopers descend toward him. Asad kicks his right leg and fires a flame into the stomach of the trooper on the right. The trooper on his left has a sword and Asad swiftly pivots his body and throws a ball of fire into his chest.

The trooper falls forward and a trooper with a spear rushes Dade with a lunge at his stomach. Dade diagonally thrusts his sword down to the left and knocks the spear in the left direction. Dade steps forward and slits the trooper's throat. Another trooper with a sword gallops at Dade from behind and the marine swiftly turns and lashes his sword into across the man's midsection.

Dade turns around again and notices an earthbender leap forward about five feet towards Dade. One Fire Nation soldier with a sword and bender move in to intercept the bender. The Earthbender thrusts both of his hands and launches rectangles of stone into both of them, knocking both soldiers back several feet.

Dade turns around and the earthbender thrusts his right arm and tosses a log at Dade. Dade ducks and rolls then leaps back on his feet. The bender lifts his hands causing the ground below Dade to shift up and this knocks Dade five feet in the air. Then the Earthbender uses his bending to fire several sharp projectiles at Dade.

Dade gathers himself and uses his sword to swat each projectile aside. Then Dade falls hard on the ground and moans. Asad leaps a few feet away from the Earthbender. The Earthbender turns his head and taunts, "Another one, good. I've been waiting for this."

The bender pushes his hands forward and fires several projectiles at Asad. Asad shifts his hands and launches a stream of fire into the projectiles. Asad lowers both of his hands then pulls them up and creates a fire barrier on the ground below. Asad rotates his right hand forward and sends a payload of flames flying toward the bender from the ground below.

The bender leaps in the air to the right direction then shifts his right arm and chucks a large rectangular block of stone into Asad's chest. Asad shouts, "Ahhh!" Then he flies three feet backward and rolls unconscious in the dirt. Another Fire Nation soldier with a spear advances toward the bender and tosses his spear at him.

The bender turns and lifts his left hand. A wall of stone rises and knocks the spear aside. Then the bender zips his left hand and launches the stone into the firebender, knocking him out. Dade hastily gets up and shouts, "Hey ugly, I'm still here!"

The bender turns and taunts, "Oh, you still want more? I guess you don't learn."

Dade sprints with his sword ready. The earthbender moves his right hand and causes a shake in the ground, causing Dade to stumble and fall. Earthbender: "You are no match for me boy." Dade leaps up, but not completely on his feet. Instead, he jumps is a crouched position. Dade chucks his right sword low and through the bender's right leg.

Earthbender: "Aiyyye!" The bender falls backward and Dade sprints forward unarmed. Dade closes in on the bender and swiftly rips the sword out of the bender's leg. His blade is covered with blood and a loud snap is heard as he does. The bender winces in pain.

Earthbender: "Gahh! Wait, I surrender." Dade doesn't trust the earthbender. Dade inserts his weapon into the man's chest. Earthbender: "Ahhhh!" The man briefly struggles and then becomes still.

The earthbender coughs, "I see you are doing just as they taught you (coughs again). I can see why. Maybe you aren't so bad, just doing your duty like I am. Oh, this war has made monsters out of us all." Dade rips the blade out of the man's chest, and he dies.

Asad slowly gets up and rubs his head, "Well done Dade. We should press on and aid Macai's team. You have earned my respect, doing what must be done to win. You are a real soldier now."

Dade shakes his head, "We need to hurry up. How many of our warriors are still functional?"

Asad turns and notices that a few are still conscious. One of the soldiers has a sword in his chest and is clearly dead. Dade checks the pulse of one of the swordsmen, "Looks like he was knocked in the air by an earthbender and when he fell his skull cracked. He's gone."

Asad: "Squad report!" The archer of the team moves in behind them. As well as one of the firebenders who are recently knocked out and a swordswoman who was recently sparked unconscious. One of the soldiers scrambles back to his feet and gets his spear. One of the benders who wasn't knocked out meets with the team.

Dade: "Looks like Egar is still asleep from that hit he took. We can meet with him later, but we have a mission to complete. For now."

(music stops)

Dade and Asad advance with the archer, a swordsman, and a firebender. They notice two towers; one tower is across from Macai's advancing team which are heading to the large Earth Kingdom facility. Dade: "We'll need to archer to take out that archer on the right that's facing Macai."

Asad responds, "That will leave our archer exposed and open to be flanked by their other archer on the lower left corner. Macai chose to take that risk, so let's see how he handles it. We need to wait until after Kanna's team arrives to reinforce us or attack the lower left tower."

Dade shouts, "We can't wait and leave them exposed! We need to help since we are here."

Asad yells, "No! We will wait and if Kanna's team attacks them in time then we will strike."

Dade: "Kanna's team is further from the base than us."

Asad: "Oh well."

Meanwhile, Macai rushes into battle with Sonna on his left and Cosal on his right with his sword drawn. Three Earth Kingdom troopers rush toward them. The one in the center is a bender. Sonna rapidly fires an arrow into the throat of the trooper across her.

Macai leaps and presses both of his hands together; releasing a condensed rectangle of white fire into the bender's chest. Macai turns and kicks a white flame into the chest of the trooper on his right and sends him flying three feet back.

Another two earthbenders launch themselves in front of Macai. Macai extends his right arm and knocks them aside with a whip of fire. An archer from the tower left of them aims at Sonna, but an arrow is launched into the left side of his neck, and he falls forward out of the tower.

Asad turns around and looks at the archer in his team. Asad: "I said wait until Kanna's team arrives. Now the other archer sees us!"

Archer: "Oh well, like Dade said we leave no man behind. Sonna is one of our best archers!"

Asad's face turns red, and he exclaims, "Get down!"

Sonna looks up and notices another earthbender on the left side of the entrance door and fires an arrow in his chest. Another earthbender on the right side of the door quickly propels several rocks at Macai. Macai swiftly punches multiple white flames into those rocks then Macai pulls his right arm up and ignites the ground with a cascade of white flames. The white fire swiftly flows from Macai's position to that of the earthbender.

The earthbender is blinded by the luminous flames as they approach and is quickly consumed by them.

The Earth Kingdom archer on the rear left tower fires an arrow at the Fire Nation Archer's head. The archer rolls left of the shot and Asad's team takes cover. They are quickly pinned down by the archer, but Macai's team enters the facility.

A few seconds later the archer is shot in the back of his head and falls off the platform. Kanna's team has arrived from the lower left flank. Dade slowly lifts his head, "See, it worked."

Asad: "You took an unnecessary risk."

Dade: "I didn't fire the arrow, I'm not trained in archery. Risks come with the battlefield, but if we always have each other's back it will pay off more than screwing each other over."

Asad: "Orders are orders."

Dade: "Then it's a good thing Macai is the commanding officer. His approval trumps yours."

Macai charges inside of the structure with his allies right behind him. Sonna stays on Macai's left and Cosal is on his right. Ronin and another four Fire Nation soldiers move in behind Macai. As they advance they notice three earthbenders waiting for them.

All of the earthbenders raise their arms and pull the floor up then launch it toward Macai's team. Macai presses his hands forward and fires a massive white flame at the floor. The floor is burned to ashes and smoke flows from the explosion. Macai nods his head and Sonna fires her arrow through the smoke.

Sonna's arrow hits one of the benders in his forehead. Macai: "Code 431." Macai leaps to the left direction and Ronin flips to his right. Both of the earthbenders refocus as the smoke clears and fires several fragments at Macai and Ronin. Macai shoots his flames side to side as he struggles to blast several fragments. Macai bobs his head as he evades a brick.

Macai flicks a shot low and blasts the bender in right kneecap. Ronin blasts several incoming projectiles and has his hands full. Sonna takes aim again, but the bender throws an object at her face. Sonna swiftly ducks and Ronin sprints ahead.

The bender hurls a stream of objects at Ronin. Ronin runs against the wall and performs a spinning flip off it. Ronin lands a few feet behind the earthbender. The bender launches a large piece of the wall at Ronin and Ronin dives on the floor but catches himself.

Ronin readjusts his body and rotates his legs. Ronin fires a burst of orange flames into the earthbender's stomach. The bender glides backward and hits his head against the wall. Macai and his team advance into a large white room. They notice Captain Onazi and two earthbenders. Macai: "Captain Onazi, you're under arrest."

Onazi greets his enemy, "I don't know who you are, but you must be the boy with the white fire that I've heard about. That is an impressive display, but you will soon discover that you are outmatched." Onazi claps his hands, and the ceiling opens. Two earthbenders land on the left and right side of the room. The ceiling also opens at the rear of the building and another three earthbenders leap down that side of the building.

Onazi: "It is you who are under arrest. What's your name?"

Macai: "Macai." Macai buzzes off the floor while launching both of his legs toward Onazi. A glistering rod of white fire flows from his feet and hits Onazi in his chest.

Onazi: "Ahhhh!" Onazi screams at the top of his lungs and flies three feet in the air hits the top of the open door behind him. Onazi falls unconsciously. The earthbender right of Macai pulls his right hand down and sends a piece of the ceiling flying toward Macai. The 31st captain rolls right and leaps back on his feet. Macai shifts his right hand forward and throws a ball of fire into the bender's left shoulder.

The bender left of Macai shifts his left hand forward and launches a piece of the floor at Macai's chest. Macai shifts his left arm forward and into the object. The fragments break in half and Macai is unharmed. Macai shifts his body and kicks a flame into the bender's gut.

Cosal rushes toward one of the benders on the right flank. The bender claps his hands, and two walls slam against Cosal. The walls break into several fragments but, Cosal is badly wounded and falls forward asleep. Macai shouts in rage, "raaah!"

Macai kicks a white flame in the bender's nose. Macai shifts both of his hands forward and fires a white beam of fire into the other earthbender on the right flank. The flame violently knocks the bender against the wall.

On the left flank, Sonna turns her head and fires an arrow in the bender's chest just as he is raising his arms. Ronin pops a flame at the other fire bender on the right flank and he raises his arms and blocks the flame with a wall of earth. The earthbender launches the flame toward Ronin and Ronin gallops over the wall a few inches in front of the bender.

The earthbender shifts his left arm forward and swings at Ronin. Ronin moves his head left and knees the earthbender in the stomach. The earthbender bends in agony. Ronin ignites his right fist and uppercuts the man.

On the rear, an earthbender raises a wall of earth and launches it at one of Macai's spear-wielding warriors. The Fire Nation soldier is knocked back. The firebender on the left hooks a flame into the earthbender across him. The last earthbender on the right raises a piece of the floor and launches it at the firebender.

The firebender kicks a rod of orange fire into the earthbender's body. Macai rushes toward Cosal. Cosal coughs up blood. Macai: "Cosal, stay with me."

Cosal coughs again, "I'm still kicking. But I need to rest, I can't make the run across here.

Macai looks at one of his swordsmen and one of the firebenders. Macai: "You two, stay with Cosal. Make sure he's safe. The rest of us will complete the mission."

Ronin: "One of our swordsmen was knocked out in the fight."

Macai: "That's fine. We still have enough people to finish the mission." Macai, Sonna, Ronin, and a spearman advance. Macai finds Onazi's unconscious body. Macai looks at the spearman, "Put him on your back and stay behind me. Sonna, stay next to him. We have to meet with the others. But we don't want to bring attention to Cosal, so let's leave out of the opposite side of the building. They will follow us wherever we go."

While Macai's team is moving forward, they notice an earthbender. He has an ally with a sword on his left and another ally with a spear to his right. Earthbender: "Defensive positions."

Earth swordsman, "Screw this." The swordsman ditches his allies and sprints away.

Earthbender (to the spearman): "Wait for my signal." The Earthbender launches the ground at Macai and Macai jumps forward. Macai lands five feet away from the earthbender.

The Earthbender crosses his arms and pulls wall fragments toward Macai. Macai hops over the fragments toward the earthbender. The earthbender raises the fragments toward Macai. Macai ignites his legs with a swirl of white fire, which burns all of the objects that move toward his feet. Macai rotates his legs and pulls them up in a flip, which fries more of the objects around him.

Just as gravity pulls Macai down, he pulls his right fist up and engulfs it with white flames. Macai swoops down toward the earthbender and spearman. He is heading between them but, the spearman runs toward Macai. Macai rotates his body and shifts it backward to avoid the spear.

Macai slams his right fist into the ground, creating a powerful white explosion. The blast immediately blinds the Earth Kingdom troopers and burns them to ashes. Sonna, Ronin, and the other Fire Nation soldiers stare in awe. Ronin: "When he rose those objects, I was worried for you. I had no idea how even you were going to get out of that. I thought you were going to get knocked out or worse."

Macai looks back at his friend, "It'll take more than that to stop me. Come on." Macai's team advances outside of the structure and they notice multiple Earth Kingdom troopers. One of them has a spear, the one on the right has a sword, and the one in the center is a sergeant.

Earth Kingdom sergeant (pointing): "They have Onazi, take them down!" Sonna fires an arrow in the officer's heart, which immediately breaks the squad's confidence. She then darts a second arrow into the chest of the trooper on the right. Ronin bobs forward and kicks a flame in the stomach of spearman's chest. Macai buzzes in front of the earthbender and presses both of his hands; launching a white flame into the bender and sending him flying several feet away.

Macai: "Now, let's find the others and make a glorious stand together."

Kanna and her team advance to the left and can hear a fight in the distance. Kanna: "Looks like that's Asad's team. Let's help them out." Kanna still has Gammal, a firebender, Basin (soldier with a long sword), a spearman, and a standard swordsman with her. Kedo still lays unconscious from a distance.

Gammal: "Affirmative."

Meanwhile Asad has two earthbenders charging toward him. Asad shifts both of his hands forward, zapping a stream of fire into an incoming earthbender. Asad turns his body right and flicks a flame into another bender's chest. Dade is a few feet behind Asad and turns his back cuts down an enemy swordsman.

The archer keeps his distance and fires an arrow into the stomach of an advancing earthbender. Then one of the swordsmen on Asad's team advances toward an incoming earthbender. The bender launches several rocks into the soldier's armor and knocks him out.

The other firebender on the team notices this and kicks a flame into an incoming Earth Kingdom swordsman. Then he turns and fires two fireballs at the earthbender. The earthbender pulls his arms forward and pulls two arm guards over his arms. The bender blocks the flames with his new arm shields then shifts his arms forward and launches several projectiles in the earthbender; decking him.

Dade charges the earthbender and swings horizontally at his head. The earthbender dips then Dade swings horizontally a second time at his neck. The earthbender bulls both of his arms up and blocks the attack with his improvised arm guards. The earthbender then swats Dade's sword out of his hand with his left arm then he rushes toward Dade and thrusts his right fist into Dade's stomach.

Dade's stomach growls and he kneels. Then the earthbender backhands Dade and Dade falls to the ground and coughs. As the earthbender prepares to finish him Asad steps forward. Asad: "Enough, let's see if you can beat a real pro like me."

The earthbender smiles and shifts his hands forward. Several objects fly toward Asad and the 31st officer slides left past the attack. Asad pops several orange torpedoes of fire at the earthbender. The earthbender jumps right and kicks a low flame at the earthbender's knee. The earthbender slightly raises his knee and a small shield of fire thwarts the attack.

The earthbender then kicks his left leg and launches the object at Asad's lower right leg. Asad stumbles forward and steps over the object. The earthbender thrusts his right arm and launches a brick into his stomach. Asad backpedals in pain and the earthbender points his other arm and darts several projectiles at his face.

Asad lowers his head and advances. Asad kicks a flame at the earthbender's lower left leg. The earthbender quickly generates two leg guards on his left and right legs. His leg guard blocks the shot. Asad: "You are ridiculous." The earthbender folds his arms together and causes the ground within a ten-meter radius of Asad to cave in.

Asad dives in the air and lands a few feet away from the earthbender. The earthbender charges toward Asad and kicks his left leg at Asad. This sends an object flying low at Asad's right leg. Asad tilts his body right to avoid the attack then the earth bender rotates both of his arms as he launches a large square of stone into Asad's body.

Asad falls backward sore. The earthbender smiles and puts his hands on his hips, "I'm not impressed."

Another voice interrupts him, "Me neither." Kanna suddenly leaps right of his position and the earthbender shifts both of his hands forward. Causing the ground to cave in within her direction. Kanna leaps left and kicks a massive flame of dark orange fire at the earthbender. The earthbender holds both of his arms forward to block the shot, but it is too powerful. As eruption occurs on contact and the earthbender is sent flying eight feet backward unconscious.

Kanna slowly walks toward Asad's position and extends her right hand to help him up. Asad ignores the friendly gesture and gets up on his own. Kanna: "You're welcome." Kanna's team reinforces Asad's and a sore Dade slowly gets back on his feet. Kanna warns, "Looks like there are more Earth Kingdom troopers coming, get ready."

Several Earth Kingdom troopers charge toward Kanna and Asad's remaining forces. However, several white flames fly from the left direction and hit two of the benders. Ronin, Sonna, and a Fire Nation soldier with Onazi on his back rush behind Kanna and Asad's team.

Kanna looks back at Ronin, "You have the target?!"

Ronin: "That's right, it's time to go. Macai said, he'd hold them off briefly."

Kanna turns and sees Macai smack five Earth Kingdom troopers down with two whips of white fire. One Earth Kingdom trooper raises a shield of earth to block the flame then Macai launches a large white ball of fire into the wall, smashing it to pieces and blinding several distant Earth Kingdom troopers.

From the distance, Kanna can see the left and right positions of the earthbenders being destroyed by afar artillery shots from the shore. Macai falls back to Kanna's position. Macai: "Kanna, Dade; it's a pleasure to see you both again."

Dade: "I see you're showing off as usual."

Macai: "Well that is my job, and I just can't help it sometimes."

Kanna: "Looks like their forces are depleted, they don't have much left."

Macai: "That is true, but they might throw everything that they have left at us."

Kanna: "Then let's get ready to fight." The remaining Earth Kingdom troopers slowly advance then they drop their weapons, and the benders throw their hands up.

Ronin smiles (to Macai), "Well played my friend, well played."

Dade: "Did command expect the mission to be this difficult?"

Macai: "I think they had more forces than anticipated. It's definitely not a simple first mission, but we did it."

Dade: "That we did."

The team returns to their ship after the mission is completed with Onazi as a prisoner. A few days later two standard fire nation cruisers arrive to secure the Island and take the Earth Kingdom prisoners. One of the ships personally takes Onazi. The captain of the ship requests that Macai meets with him for a cup of tea before their departure.

The man has dark brown hair with shades of grey. He is in his late forties and is blind in his left eye. He also has a hazel right eye and yellow skin. His ears are small and pointy. His nose is plump, and he has a strong face. His name is Commander Yinpul.

The commander's office has maroon walls, a sand-colored floor, and a white ceiling. The commander is also smoking a tobacco pipe as he waits. His chairs are a red-brown color. Commander Yinpul: "Well, done young man. Well, done."

Macai: "Thank you. I do just as my father instructed and I have waited a long time for this opportunity."

Commander Yinpul: "Indeed, Kenshin will be proud when he hears of your performance. There were indeed more Earth Kingdom forces here than anticipated, but you did well, nonetheless. I can't imagine that I would have ever pulled a mission like this off at your age and you had few casualties."

Macai: "We had few deaths and serious injuries. However, many of my troops sustained minor injuries. It just was the nature of the fight. We did have the element of surprise and naval superiority on our side."

Commander Yinpul: "Even so, your accomplishment was very impressive. Especially for a new unit. This is the kind of mission that standard units perform only on their best days. Your team has proven itself to be elite, but this is just the beginning. There will be many more opportunities and I believe Ozai will also be impressed."

Macai: "Is that why you invited me here?"

Commander Yinpul: "You could say that. I was personally impressed with your performance. We need more leaders like you. Your career has quickly taken off and I'd love to work with you in the future. However, I will warn you." Macai nods his head.

The commander continues, "If you ever cross me or disobey direct orders, you will face my wrath. I doubt that you would ever do such a thing. You seem to be wise, but it's a common thing I say to young officers."

Macai: "Of course sir."

Commander Yinpul: "There may come a time that you will need to make a hard decision, but remember to always obey the hierarchy. If you do that, you'll be even further ahead than I am. My father was a commander like me. That helped, but your father was a General. You also have Ozai's personal interest, use that to your advantage and don't fail."

Macai: "Of course."

Commander Yinpul: "As long as you do well. But if you suffer a serious blunder, your career might go down even faster. If Ozai wants to forget about you and how you shamed his nation. So think very carefully about the decisions you make." Yinpul smirks.

Macai's eyes widen then dart to the floor, "Yes, of course, sir. I will not fail my nation."

Commander Yinpul: "For your sake, I hope not. But for now, enjoy your victory. You should be very proud, and your troopers should be proud of themselves. You are making our state look good and it is an honor to work with you."

Macai: "What are you going to do with the prisoners?"

Commander Yinpul: "Interrogate them and make some useful labor of them. But we have a special use with Captain Onazi, we will get a lot of good information out of him. We have a new way of extracting vital information from our enemies. We're going to test it on him."

Macai nods his head, "Thanks for the tea."

Commander Yinpul: "Of course, take some almond cookies. I have boxes for guests, but only take one box."

Macai: "Sure." Macai leaves and rejoins his crew. They set sail once again, determined to do whatever it takes to honor their nation and become legends.