Avatar: Macai's Journey

Avatar: Macai's Journey

Anime & Comics77 Chapters809.9K Views
Author: Brian_Hanes_117
Table of Contents

This is a fanon spin-off of the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Macai's Journey takes readers deeper into the world of the Fire Nation as they explore the legendary life of Macai, a young gifted firebender. This is a great treat for Avatar fans, Eastern fans, and it's a good introduction into the franchise.

Note: Unofficial music soundtracks have been added to chapters.

60 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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A really new take on Avatar, seriously the characters have been developed so well that I was fully immersed in it. really good writing. waiting for more.

3 years ago

what in the... This is one of the most well written fan fic I've seen in my entire life in webnovrl😳😳 Usually fan fics written like this dont get to the top, but they sure keep up a good story!! I truly wish this author goodluck, cause it's quite the good read🥴🥴

3 years ago

A very splendid fan fiction. The author has a good grasp of the language and the choice of words were accurate. A perk of being a native speaker and an avid fan of the Avatar series. This was a good take on the genre that was applaudable when it comes to the execution. Kudos and good luck!

3 years ago

Since at the time of my review, there was only one chapter. I cannot say much about the world or plot yet. Maybe at a later time when the author posts more chapters is when I can alter my review once more. However, I will say it is a bit difficult for me to imagine the world even from the prologue. Mainly due to the reason that I do not know Avatar that well, but even then, as a reader, I should be able to picture the world a bit more, so I would suggest adding more of the world rather than dialogue in the prologue. Grammar errors are few, yet I can still spot some misplaced commas and run-on sentences, which can be corrected. Last but not least, I found the flow to be somewhat stiff. The only advice I can give you is the vary the way you started your sentences. So instead of saying ‘Macai’, try using ‘he’ or ‘young boy’ to describe the mc. Hopefully my advice is helpful enough, and keep up the good work, Author !

4 years ago

A story filled with diverse and creative personalities, a tale of action and adventure. One that follows the leader of the 31st regiment, Macai, a firebender who wields white fire. Along with his allies which are the likes of Azula, Rosh, and Kett among others. Read as Macai grows up and shares a romantic interest in Azula. The execution of this story has improved from the beginning, and I am proud of the development of the writer and his story. Updates are quite constant, the worldbuilding has gotten better over time. This AU alone can enrich the reader in something new.

3 years ago

As fan fiction goes, this is well written and very compelling. It blends so well with the original to the point that it makes the readers think it’s part of it. Which right now, it very much is. Great work author!

3 years ago

Oh, wait! This is a fanfiction! I thought it was an original. My scoring will be higher than the one I made before! Sorry about that! Anyway, the story is nice when this is a fan fiction of the avatar! I really love the series, and you're exploring the world in the fire nation! (again, sorry for posting the previous review I made! I deleted that and made the rating higher for this!) the only thing that i'd like to point out is the dialogue tags. It is better to add dialogue tags instead of colons since you are making a novel, not a script. It helps readers know what they are doing and how are they telling those dialogues to the person they're talking. Besides that, kudos for the author!

3 years ago

Avatar story . You have my curiosity and now you have my attention. Great story. Give it read [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

a year ago

Absolutely incredible story and superb writing ability. I will continue to be a fan and read!!! Brian Hanes is an icon. Do you have any other content I can support?

2 years ago

This book is awesome. The novel way developed than the original form itself. Such a great plot. Nice way of writing too. Good work, excellent plot. And top of that nice title too

2 years ago

I really liked the story, its captivating and interesting......the discription itself is vivid and author did a great job.... i hope the growth of your book

3 years ago

Character developpements, plot developpement, writing style, DEVELOPPENTS in general, author's good narrations and well THE GOOD STORY i've been wanting to set my eyes on. It's no lie that this is surely one of the most well written and thought out books (at least that i've read so far) Great book, love it. [img=recommend]

3 years ago

Simply put if you are a fan of Avatar then you are going to like this, the first chapter shows a nice spin on it while keeping the story unique and interesting. Overall read it!

3 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

3 years ago

Firstly, I think I should point out that I am a lover of Avatar. It brings back nostalgia and I do have a slight bias to stories that make fan-fics from it lol. I'll explain my thoughts step-by-step: Book Cover: If it's one thing that I have learned while writing, it's that your book cover can be an essential part of attracting readers. So I would recommend the author to find a cover that works. Synopsis: Enough said. Given that it's a fanfic, not much needs to be said aside from the new character, Macai. So good job. Writing Quality: Very good. Very readable. Your grammar flows well with the premise of the story. If I were to mark you down, there isn't much that I could attack you for. The only issues I saw were with punctuation. Some sentences had unnecessary punctuation marks while others were missing needed punctuations. It's far from bad though. I'm sure readers can get through this book without complaining about grammar. Story Development: I'm loving it so far. I added it to my collections as something that I might read when bored. I liked how you at least gave a brief explanation about what the series of Avatar was initially about. I've seen fanfics that dive into the story thinking that the reader will be aware of the series the fanfic is writing from. The truth is that though you'd expect most people to know what the Avatar is, not everyone will. So I liked that you gave a little information so that readers who have no idea what the Avatar is about will have a better idea of it so they can understand your story better. Character Design: Quite Stunning honestly. You can see where the author places effort into being descriptive. I could fluidly imagine the image that the author is trying to make the reader see. Very good descriptive writing. Keep it up, author! I won't comment on your updating stability since I'm not sure how often you update the book (Kinda forgot to look, and would be a pain to delete all of this just to check lol). I will say the same for World Background given that it's already established due to being taken from the Avatar. However, I will try to keep an eye out to see the changes you will/might make further down in the story. Overall, great job author! Full 5 from me and I think you deserve it. Keep up the good work! You've got talent!!

3 years ago