Making an Entrance

The Prompt Adjudicator sails at sea yet again. The sky is light blue with a few scattered clouds and the water below is a deep blue color. Macai stands outside near the bridge of the ship and enjoys the view. Several marines stand guard and perform maintenance duties.

Kett walks behind Macai and pats him on the back, "So, what did Hazo tell you this time?"

Macai turns, "I'll give an official update when the time is right."

Kett teases his friend, "Oh come on Macai, what harm would it be to tell me now?"

Macai shrugs his shoulders, "We are going to be deployed to the Earth Kingdom port Sarchanna. It is located outside of a swamp."

Kett nods his head, "So we are annexing the city?"

Macai nods his head, "Yes, expect moderate resistance. They are going to use the environment to their advantage." The next day, Macai is once again standing in the conference room as he prepares to brief his team with Cosal and Ronin beside him.

Macai: "We are going to touch down in Sarchanna early in the morning hopefully, we can catch them off-guard. Make sure that you are all well-rested for the battle ahead."

Dade: "Do you expect any traps or guerrilla warfare?"

Macai answers, "Not as much as what we experienced with the Purple Burrays, however guerrilla warfare will likely be used. Always prepare for the worst."

Kett notices Kanna drawing a picture during the presentation and pokes her in the neck, "Hey, pay attention."

Kanna chirps, "I am paying attention. I am just keeping myself entertained as well. Look, I drew a garden." Kett looks at the drawing and notices several flows of various colors under a bright blue sky.

Kett: "Not bad, but I can do better. We need to have a writing contest at some point."

Kanna grins, "Bring it."

Basin creeps up behind them, "How about a cooking contest? No one can cook like me."

Kanna responds, "I'm not much of a cook. I've still gotta practice."

Kett darts his eyes at Basin, "I'm a beast in the kitchen. Don't embarrass yourself."

Basin: "Looks like that's a challenge."

Dade comments, "Looks like you have quite a few contests coming up, Kett.

Kett replies, "Don't worry, I'll beat you next at whatever contest you prefer."

Dade giggles, "Oh sure, big fella."

Macai points at Dade and Kett, "Hey you two, cut it out. Do you two think I don't see you whispering at each other?! Come on, set an example for our new recruits." Kett sighs.

Dade: "Sorry sir, won't happen again."

Later that day, the shock troopers meet with Macai in the armory. Kett asks, "What's the set-up this time boss?"

Macai: "We're going in hot and hard. I'm going to move the tanks in to cover our forces. We are going to hit their beachhead. It's a relatively small beachhead, so we won't be receiving assistance from any other ships. Our numbers may be roughly even to theirs's but they will have the defensive advantage. The enemy will be built up on a hill at the top of the beachhead, which will make it easier for them to fire down on us."

Dade comments, "Sounds a little terrifying."

Macai: "Our standard troopers will move in first. So that means our sword and spear-wielding troopers. The benders will move in directly behind them. We will be split into several squads as usual. Five squads will advance on the enemy for our first attack wave, then another five squads will move in to reinforce them. Each squad will consist of eight troopers and archers will be at the back of each squad."

Kedo: "Sounds intense, even for us."

Macai: "There will be two middle squads, but the most important squads will be the ones on the left, right, and center positions. The enemy will likely expect me to move up the middle position, so instead, I'm going to deploy on the left position. The squads will consist of two benders, two sword-wielding warriors, two spear warriors, and two archers."

Macai continues, "On the left, Dade, Cosal, and Kedo will be with me. I want Cosal as my second-in-command with his experience. On the right, Kanna will lead. With Basin, Sonna, and Cosier in her squad. On the Center, Ronin will lead with Arret on his team as the archer. But I'd also like one of our skilled new recruits to join your team (to Ronin)."

Ronin: "Yessir?"

Macai: "Well, she is not an entirely new recruit. She has fought in several battles with her former unit before she was transferred to the 31st. Her name is Samira." Samira steps forward. She has medium-length wavy dark brown hair, olive skin, deep brown eyes, round ears, small lips, a medium-length nose, and a thin yet muscular frame. She is nineteen years old.

Asad watches in the distance. Asad: "I take it I'm with the fleet."

Macai: "That's right and so is Kett."

Kett looks at Asad, "Looks like we get to know each other better."

Asad: "Oh joy."

Rosier looks at Samira, "What led to your departure from your old unit?"

Samira: "Political reasons, my unit didn't think I was the best fit for the work environment."

Rosier: "And why is that?"

Kett comments, "You don't have to answer him."

Samira replies, "No, it's fine. He'd eventually figure out anyway."

Rosier: "I apologize, I didn't mean any offense."

Samira: "No, it's fine. My unit was selfish. It always put the interest of the leaders over that of the troopers. It did this more than the average unit. To the point that soldiers were needlessly sacrificed so the leaders could obtain greater glory. I spoke out against it and my commanding officer didn't like that. They used heavy favoritism when it came to promoting new officers."

Macai interrupts, "Ok, that's enough. Back on topic. Team, remember to stay sharp and remember why we are here. To honor our nation and take care of our families. Stick to the plan and follow orders. Do not attack until given the signal. Kanna's team will strike first then my team will hit. The center team will be the biggest target, so it is paramount that Ronin's unit holds out until the time is right. The two support units between the left, center, and right teams will provide support and serve as a distraction after the first attacks."

After the meeting, Kett looks at Macai, "Why did you dismiss the meeting before Samira finished?"

Macai: "I'm sure Samira's complaints were valid. Unfortunately, I can't allow those kinds of rumors to spread. That could fester a rivalry between us and Samira's former unit. It could lead to some serious competition in the future and we don't need that right now. If we want to build a strong name for our company then we should minimize as many unnecessary conflicts as possible. Some conflicts are unavoidable, but we can't fight with everyone."

Kett nods his head, "Ok, that makes sense. So now I have to work with Asad."

Macai: "I doubt you will be doing much besides giving us fire support. Use the range guns of the ship to bombard the southern positions of the enemy, until we move up to finish them off. These earthbenders won't go without a fight."

Kett: "Do you really think the tanks and the naval support are necessary?"

Macai: "The naval support will come first, then the tanks will strike. I will have two tanks deployed on the far left and right flanks. They are essential to punching a hole through enemy defenses and taking heat off our infantry. The naval support is only so accurate and can only work during the beginning of our assault. The tanks will offer us more precise and direct assistance. The enemies have some trenches at the beachhead, so the ships will not be able to accurately take them apart with their ranged volleys. We would waste resources if we sat and bombarded them for too long, we need to save some of our artillery shells for other battles."

Storming The Shore

Macai's shock troopers put their armor and helmets on. Troopers sharpen their blades, ready their arrows, and tighten their belts. As the Prompt Adjudicator sails close to the Sarchanna shores, the crew can hear several artillery shells fired in the distance.

Kett, Asad, Hazo, and Aiya stand in the bridge as they react to the attacks. Asad shouts, "It looks like the enemies have ranged artillery guns! They are firing several three-meter-long projectiles at us."

Hazo responds, "To make matters worse, they seem to be rigged with explosives."

Kett: "Set all power to the engines for swift evasive maneuvers. We need to fire a third of our cannons at a time at incoming projectiles. As well as a third of our cannons at the furthest enemy positions, leave a third for firing at will to respond to enemy attacks."

Aiya smiles, "Using our classic tactics I see."

Kett replies, "There is no better way to do it."

Hazo: "After you have fired your first shots at the enemy position. Remember to cease our fire after taking down the enemy cannons. Our marines will be taking fire from enemy archers who will be partially hidden and protected by the trenches. Our marines will only be able to sit for so long before they'll need to advance on the enemy."

The Prompt Adjudicator fires several artillery fire blasts into incoming projectiles. The ship also sways away from a few distant projectiles. One projectile pelts the ship and blasts a room of Naval Fire Nation troopers. The ship shakes from the hit. Kett, Aiya, and Asad stumble. Hazo holds onto the ship.

The PA returns fire and blasts three distant Earth Kingdom artillery cannons. The ship also gets hit a second time by an artillery blast, which kills two Fire Nation naval troopers and maims another. The ship latch opens and the marine squads rapidly rush across the beachhead.

Several arrows are fired into the sky and rapidly descend toward the incoming Fire Nation shock troopers. On the left flank, Macai, Dade, Cosal, Kedo, and four other marines advance into battle. One arrow flies through the neck of a young spearman. His head snaps back and his body falls forward.

Macai shouts, "Get down!" The marines crouch down and get slow as several arrows land near them. One of the marine squads across Macai, suffers two casualties as troopers are pelted with arrows.

Macai: "Archers, return fire!!" Kedo crouches and the archer beside him does the same. Kedo immediately launches an inflamed arrow through the neck of an enemy archer on the team's left flank. The other marine archer launches an arrow into the chest of an Earth Kingdom archer on the squad's right flank.

Macai crouches, "Dade, status report."

Dade briefly tilts his head and points, "Sir, our enemies are about thirty meters ahead of our position. This means that we still have some distance to cover. It seems there are still a few archers further into enemy lines, but our boys dealt with the ones that were immediately harassing us."

Macai responds, "Very well, we will wait for the next bombardment from our naval support. After the fire, we will advance for about thirty meters. Then we will take cover again. The rest of the squads will follow suit and imitate us. A second volley of artillery will be fired a couple of minutes after our second stop. Then our ship will be of no further support to us at that range. After that, you will wait for my signal."

Dade nods his head. Macai asks (to the rest of the squad), "Did you all get that?" The shock troopers nod their heads.

Meanwhile, Ronin's team takes heavy pressure on the Center Flank. An arrow penetrates the forehead of a firebender in Ronin's team. Firebender: "Ack!" The man collapses. Ronin takes cover. A spear-wielding warrior is shot in the chest by an arrow. Spearman: "No!" The man tumbles forward while holding his chest.

Ronin is immediately paralyzed with fear and starts shaking. Samira pats Ronin on the back, "Ronin, come on! What are your orders?!" Ronin takes a deep breath but is still trying to gather himself.

Samira realizes that the pressure is getting to his head. Samira looks at her squadmates, "Archers, give us some covering fire!"

Archer: "Yes mam!" Arret and the archer move behind the squad and Arret launches an arrow into the best of an enemy archer. The other archer launches an arrow between the eyes of an Earth Kingdom archer. A hostile archer bolts an arrow at Arret and the young woman rolls forward. The other marine archer launches the arrow into the stomach of the Earth Kingdom archer.

Arret looks at her ally and nods her head in gratitude, "We are clear, for now at least."

Ronin slowly tilts his head up then gets back down behind cover. Ronin takes another breath and looks at Arret, "I'm sorry. I just wasn't fully there yet."

Arret responds, "It's ok Ronin, that's why we're here together."

On the right flank, Kanna moves with Basin, Sonna, Rosier, and another four shock troopers. One arrow flies directly at Basin, Basin tilts his blade right and swats the projectile aside. Another arrow flies directly toward Kanna's nose, but she swiftly ducks. Kanna tilts her head back up and gets low for cover.

Kanna slowly tilts her head up and an enemy archer fires at her forehead. Kanna ducks again. Kanna: "Geez, these guys are persistent. Archers, take them out."

Sonna and the other archer immediately rise to fire at the enemy. The enemies predict this movement and take aim at them. Sonna is so fast with her bow, that she still manages to launch an arrow into the neck of an enemy archer on the far-right flank. The female archer on the left flank flings her arrow through the chest male archer beside Sonna.

Marine archer: "Ahhh!" The man falls backward. Sonna pounds an arrow at the enemy archer. The Earth Kingdom archer tries to duck, but Sonna darts her arrow so quickly that it still lands in her stomach when she crouches. The woman looks in awe at her fatal wound, knowing that most archers wouldn't have caught her in time.

Sonna is about to lower her bow when she notices another Earth Kingdom archer on the distant right flank. The archer immediately runs to a position to take aim and Sonna swiftly pulls her bow back up. Both archers aim at each other, but Sonna is faster. The girl immediately pops her arrow into the upper stomach of the Earth Kingdom sharpshooter, the man bends in pain and crumbles.

Kanna looks impressed and smiles, "You go, girl."

On the left flank, Macai's squad is still crouched behind cover. A barrage of inflamed torpedoes is launched from the Prompt Adjudicator into the enemy trenches. Massive explosions occur and several Earth Kingdom troopers are blown to bits. Macai signals, "Now!"

The Fire Nation squads charge while the archers provide covering fire as they move in behind their allies. Kedo notices an incoming enemy archer and shoots an ignited arrow into the hostile archer. The team gets back behind cover. Macai: "Now wait, for the tanks."

Ronin stands up when he notices Macai's team is advancing. Arret: "Are you ready to lead again."

Ronin: "Yes, charge!" Ronin takes the lead with Samira right behind him. The other troopers follow suit and the archers keep them covered with suppressive fire.

On the right flank, Kanna notices the signal. Kanna: "Alright, it's time. Sonna, cover us."

Sonna: "You've got it." Kanna leaps from cover and advances. Kanna runs with great speed and agility. The rest of the squad moves behind her while Sonna shoots down two distracted archers.

A Display Of Force

Macai looks back at his squad. Macai: "Watch this." Two tanks exit the Prompt Adjudicator and move roughly ten meters behind Macai's position. The tanks have dark grey metal armor, heavy tracks, and a red fire nation symbol on the center of them. The tanks immediately fire heavy flames into the enemy positions.

Dade: "Wow, those tanks look top-notch. I've never seen one in action before."

Macai replies, "The tanks will move up on the far left flank of the enemy and shoot them."

Kedo responds, "I've seen those tanks in combat, they're nearly indestructible."

Cosal: "Nothing is indestructible. They have a lot of useful tools and durable armor. Earthbenders can fire mud or dirt into them. Which can short-circuit the systems."

Dade: "Well, don't say that out loud. I doubt most of them know that."

While Kanna is at cover with her team, she notices several distant fire blasts puncture enemy defenses. Fire and smoke flow from the enemy trenches. Kanna tilts her head right and notices the two tanks of the right flank. Kanna smiles, "The cavalry has arrived."

Macai shouts, "Push forward!" Macai charges. Dade immediately advances on Macai's left and a firebender advances on his right. Cosal moves a few feet behind them with two spearmen beside him. Kedo and the other archer fire several arrows as they move in on their rear flank.

The other four squads follow suit and advance on the enemy trench. Macai looks back at his team, "Ok, stay behind me. I'm going to soften them up a bit." Macai sprints and notices two Earth Kingdom troopers within a trench that is about seven feet from his position. One trooper has a sword (on the left) and the other has a spear (on the right).

Macai launches himself in the air from his position with a white flame and lands between the entrenched troopers. Both soldiers panic and Macai rapidly kicks a white rod of fire into the spearman. Macai shifts his right arm and launches a white flame into the swordman's chest. Another swordman advances on Macai's far-right flank. Macai extends his right arm and pushes a ray of fire into the trooper's chest.

An earthbender leaps a few feet in front of Macai's position. The earthbender is not inside of a trench and he raises his arms. This causes several layers of dirt to rise around Macai. The earthbending trooper promptly presses his hands together and the dirt moves toward Macai to smother him. Macai rapidly dives out of the trench and kicks a white ball of fire at the earthbender.

The earthbender raises his hands and blocks the flame with a wall of stone. The earthbender kicks the wall forward, launching it at Macai. Macai dashes left of the attack then presses both of his hands together and hooks an explosive ray of white fire into the earthbender.

Kedo moves toward Macai and notices two Earth Kingdom troopers approaching him. The warrior on the right is armed with a mace and the trooper on the left is armed with a short sword. Kedo blasts a blazing arrow into the chest of the warrior with a short sword. The trooper with a mace swats Kedo's arrow out of his hands.

Kedo complains, "Hey, that's my favorite weapon." The Earth Kingdom trooper rushes and vertically lunges his mace at Kedo's stomach. Kedo weaves backward and draws his dagger. Kedo: "You're not dealing with an ordinary archer." The mace trooper steps forward and points his mace at Kedo's chest.

Kedo bobs backward and throws an inflamed dagger into the trooper's stomach. The trooper pulls his right hand down to hold his side but is immediately consumed by fire. Kedo recovers his dagger and retrieves his bow.

Dade, Cosal, and the other troopers in Macai's squad also advance and join the fight. Coal and Dade draw their swords as two Earth kingdom Swordsmen move to engage them. One tan female duelist with a brown ponytail, light-green eyes, and a thin frame engages Cosal. Meanwhile, a pale male duelist with dark brown curly hair, broad shoulders, brown eyes, and a goatee engages Dade.

The female trooper leaps left of Cosal's position. Female trooper: "You will perish, invader!"

Cosal yawns, "Oh yeah, like I haven't heard that a thousand times before." The female trooper darts toward Cosal again and swings at him with a spinning diagonal strike. Cosal vertically tilts his sword and blocks the blow. Cosal takes a step backward.

The woman blitzes forward and slashes at Cosal with a vertical front flip attack. Cosal presses his blade forward, horizontally and blocks the strike. Cosal presses his sword outward, pushing the woman back. Cosal rotates his blade and horizontally strikes at the woman's stomach.

The female trooper leaps backward and twirls her blade. They both pace around and maintain eye contact. Female trooper: "Not bad, for an old man."

Cosal: "Not bad, for a young airhead."

Meanwhile, Dade locks eyes with the male warrior. The man seems to be in his mid-thirties. Dade gets in his battle stance and holds his blade forward. The male Earth Kingdom trooper sprints toward Dade with his blade low, "Let's see what you've got."

The male duelist swings at Dade with an upper diagonal strike. Dade leaps backward, rather than attempting to block the awkward strike. The man swipes at Dade again with a horizontal strike at Dade's neck. Dade ducks and pushes his blade with a lunge into the man's stomach. The man looks down in shock. Dade taunts, "I know, we're good like that." Dade rips his blade out of the man's stomach and the trooper falls forward in the dirt.

The young female warrior attacks Cosal again. She swats her blade at the man with a right horizontal strike. Cosal tilts his blade to the left and blocks the attack. Cosal rotates his blade right and glides his weapon at the woman's neck. The woman ducks and lowers her blade. The woman rapidly sprints toward and thrusts her blade toward Cosal's stomach.

Cosal tilts his body to the right, narrowly avoiding the strike. Cosal latches onto her blade and starts to overpower her with his greater strength. Cosal knees the woman in the stomach. Cosal thrusts his blade through her stomach. Earth Kingdom Woman: "Ahhh!"

Cosal: "I'm sorry little lady." Cosal pulls his blade back and her body falls still. Dade regroups with Cosal.

Dade: "Nice job." Cosal sighs.

While this is happening, Ronin's team advances on the enemies. Ronin notices two Earth Kingdom troopers charging toward him. One has a sword, and the other is an earthbender. Ronin kabs two flames, one from each hand, at the hostiles. One flame penetrates the stomach of the swordsman. The earthbender swirls his hands and creases a ball of earth in front of himself. The bender's ball of earth blocks the flame.

The earthbender pulls his right arm up and wraps layers of earth around Ronin's feet. Ronin heats up his feet and flies out of the trap with a burst of fire. Ronin flips in the air and kicks a flame at the earthbender's head. The earthbender rolls forward and tilts his head in Ronin's direction. Ronin shifts his arms forward and hurls an explosive blast of orange fire into the earthbender's chest. The earthbender glides five feet back.

Samira advances on his right flank and Arret launches an arrow into the neck of an Earth Kingdom spearman on her left flank. Samira looks ahead and notices an enemy swordsman approaching her. Samira slowly walks forward and her opponent does the same. Samira starts running toward her opponent and her adversary does the same.

Earth Kingdom swordsman: "Raaah!" Samira readies her spear and leaps toward the swordsman with a lunge attack. Samira dives five feet in the air and pushes her blade toward the swordsman's neck. The young woman moves so fast that the man can only manage to tilt his blade forward, as he attempts to block it. Samira's spear flies through his neck like butter.

The Earth Kingdom soldier collapses and Samira pulls her spear back. Another Earth Kingdom trooper with a curved sword charges toward Samira's right flank. Samira rotates her body and thrusts her spear through the trooper's stomach. Samira pulls her blade back and the soldier falls limp.

Samira watches an enemy archer take aim at her, Samira rapidly throws her spear and launches it into the archer's stomach. The archer looks down in agony and falls to his knees. Samira slowly walks toward the corpse and pulls her spear out of the corpse's stomach. Samira kicks the body down.

On the right flank, Kanna's team moves into action. Sonna fires an arrow through the chest of an Earth Kingdom trooper. Basin charges toward an Earth Kingdom Swordsman. The Earth Kingdom Swordsman is a captain and has gold markings on his green armor.

Swordsman captain: "Stand down boy or I'll cut you down."

Basin: "Try me." Basin swings at the man with a sweeping vertical strike. The captain tilts his blade toward and clashes blades with Basin.

Earth Kingdom captain: "You brought this on yourself." The captain kicks Basin in his stomach and Basin backpedals two feet. The officer horizontally swings at the right side of Basin's stomach. Basin vertically tilts his blade right and blocks the strike. The captain shifts his blade and diagonally thrusts at the left side of Basin's neck.

Basin shifts his sword left and locks blades with his opponent. Basin kicks the captain is his gut and the captain backpedals a foot. Basin presses forward and vertically swings at the officer's head. The captain horizontally tilts his sword up and blocks the blow. The captain pushes his blade forward, causing Basin to stumble two feet back.

The military leader raises his blade again and vertically points it at Basin's neck. Basin charges toward the captain and horizontally swings at the man's chest. The captain leaps backward then Basin swings horizontally at the man's neck. The Earth Kingdom officer ducks and takes a backstep. The captain twirls his blade.

The captain vertically swings at Basin's left shoulder and Basin rotates his sword left, locking blades with his adversary again. Basin shifts his blade and swings it horizontally to the right. Basin slashes the captain's right side and blood leaks from the man's armor. Basin leaps and presses his sword through the captain's stomach.

The captain holds the blade as he tries to brace himself for the immense pain that suddenly rushed his body. Basin pulls the blade back and the captain falls like a sack of potatoes.

Rosier charges forward and notices two swordsmen move toward him. Rosier shifts his right arm forward and propels an orange flame into the chest of the swordsman on his right. Rosier shifts his body left and pounds another flame into his other opponent. The swordsman falls forward with smoke flowing through his face.

Rosier tilts his head forward and notices an ax-wielding enemy charging at him. Rosier shifts both of his hands forward and blasts the man away with an orange stream of fire. Rosier looks behind him and notices a swordsman advancing behind Sonna. Rosier flicks an orange flame in the man's face.

Sonna: "Thanks, Rosier."

Rosier salutes her. Meanwhile, Kanna takes on three Earth Kingdom Troopers. The one on her left is armed with a sword, the one directly in front of her has dual swords, and the one on her right has a spear. Kanna immediately kicks her right leg forward and launches a rod of dark orange fire into the duelist's stomach.

The spearman on Kanna's right advances toward her and lunges his spear at her stomach. Kanna leaps behind the spearman. The warrior turns around and Kanna nonchalantly presses her right hand forward and fires a flame into his neck. The man flips backward unconscious. The swordsman across her is immediately shot in the neck by Sonna.

Kanna smiles, then notices a team of eight Earth Kingdom troopers rush forward to surround her. Two of them are earthbenders and the rest are duelists. Earth Kingdom trooper: "What you gonna do now girl?" Kanna extends both of her hands and releases two whips of fire as she spins around in a circle. The swirl of fire neutralizes the six non-benders but, the two earthbenders leap backward.

One earthbender stays on Kanna's right rear flank and the other stays on her left front flank. Both of the earthbenders immediately start chucking several stones at Kanna. Kanna ducks her head and evades the first stone. Kanna spins right to avoid another two stones. Kanna notices another stone flies toward her right leg from behind.

Kanna leaps in the air and kicks a rod of fire into the eathbender behind her. Kanna smoothly lands, but the earthbender behind her chucks a massive eight feet wide brick wall at Kanna. The wall smacks Kanna aside and sends her tumbling seven feet away. Sonna immediately fires three rapid arrows at the eathbender.

The earthbender raises a barrier of stone over himself, which intercepts the arrows. The earthbender presses his hands forward and launches the wall at Sonna. Rosier hops in front of Sonna and presses both of his hands together. Rosier launches an explosive missile of fire into the wall, which knocks a hole through it and causes it to collapse.

Rosier spins left of the earthbender's position. The earthbender extends his right arm and shifts it left. A stream of dirt flies toward Rosier, briefly obstructing his vision. Rosier covers his eyes and the earthbender flings a stone into his stomach. Rosier falls backward.

The earthbender extends his hands, "I am Jopore, the invincible! None of you can stop me!"

Kanna springs back on her feet and says, "How about a one vs one?" Kanna thrusts both of her arms forward and fires an explosive rectangle of flames at Jopore. Jopore raises his hands and uses a wall of stone to block the fire. Kanna's explosive flames break the wall on impact and cause debris to fly in many directions.

Kanna pounces and fires a rapid volley of six dark orange flames at the earthbender. Jopore rapidly moves his arms from right to left as he rapidly blocks the first four flames. Jopore ducks when he sees the fifth flame flying at his head. The sixth flame hits his lower right side and makes him backpedal.

Jopore presses his hands and launches a large seven-feet long rectangle of brick at Kanna. Kanna skips over the brick with a front flip and raises her legs while igniting them with dark orange fire. While Kanna is landing, she launches a stream of explosive dark orange fire at her opponent. Jopore's eyes widen and he immediately turns and runs to avoid the flame. The flame lands a foot behind him, but the flame immediately explodes engulfs the back of Jopore's body.

The entire rear of Jopore's armor is turned black from the force of blow and Jopore falls silent. Rosier slowly lifts his head up and Sonna looks up on her left. She notices three Earth Kingdom troopers attacking Macai. One Earth Kingdom trooper has a sword and is standing on Macai's left flank. The other two are earthbenders. One stands on his lower right flank and the other stands on his upper right flank.

Macai dodges a brick from the earthbender on his upper-right flank then prepares to kick a flame into his adversary. However, the earthbender behind Macai notices and launches a volley of rocks at Macai to stop him. Macai gallops left and a few feet away from the swordsman. The rocks that the earthbender launches, knock out the other earthbender.

Macai smoothly kicks a white flame into the swordsman across from him. The remaining earthbender chucks multiple rocks at Macai. Macai lifts his hands and puts a shield of white fire in front of himself. The shield of fire absorbs the incoming rocks, Macai slowly walks toward his opponent.

The earthbender's face breaks in despair. Macai presses his right hand forward and the shield of fire transforms into a rod of fire that flies directly into the man. The shot is so powerful, that the man is turned to ashes. Fragments of his scorched armor are all that remains.

Earth Kingdom corpses and casualties liter the beachhead. However, some Fire Nation bodies also lay throughout it. Macai holds his right hand up, "Warriors, the day is ours!" The marines shout and cheer in glory. Samira thrusts her spear in the air as she celebrates.

Kanna responds differently, she faintly smiles and sits away from her comrades. The young lady always liked winning her missions, sparring, fighting, and pleasing others. However, Kanna never enjoyed taking lives. She never imagined that fighting a war would be so brutal. Being assigned to Macai's unit in particularly made matters worse since they were Ozai's go-to force for difficult battles. Kanna breathes in and out as she tries to take in the breeze around her, but her shoulders feel heavy as if they could cave in. In her head, she can hear the voices of the men and women who died in battle.

Kanna takes a breath and stands back up. Dade: "What are you doing? We won?! Celebrate."

Kanna responds, "Oh, I just don't feel it right now. I'll be more excited when we get back on the ship or get some R&R."

Dade responds, "Look, I know it's tough Kanna. But we have to make the best of what we have." Dade pats Kanna on the back then goes to celebrate with the others.

Sonna moves behind Kanna, "Hey, I overheard your conversation. I'm a simple girl, I just do my job. But I get why this bothers you. Killing people isn't all it's cracked up to be."

Kanna: "Well I hope this killing is getting us somewhere."

Sonna nods her head, "It helps us maintain the empire. As long as the empire lives, we live and our lifestyle continues."

Kanna asks, "But does that mean they'll stop fighting?"

Sonna laughs, "They'll never stop fighting, unfortunately. But hopefully, we can take down enough of them, so that only a few will rise against us."

Kanna sighs, "Well, that's what I was afraid of."

Sonna: "Just count your victories Kanna. Eventually, we can retire and not have to think as much about this. But we'll be remembered as heroes. Afterall, it's just self-defense. We're defending our nation."

Kanna asks, "But aren't they doing the same?"

Sonna: "Well yeah, but we are the stronger nation. That's why we win."

Kanna: "So we're just killing people for the heck of it then."

Sonna: "No Kanna, we are bringing our wonderful and lovely nation to their lands. We are giving them better technology, civilization, knowledge, and so many other great things. Our actions will make the quality of thousands if not millions, better."

Raking The Leaves

Kett stands at the deck of the Prompt Adjudicator as the sunsets. Kett asks, "So now what?"

Hazo responds, "The Beachhead is clear. Now the army forces will move in to subjugate the land. Since we don't have any other missions right away, we can sit back and watch the fireworks. If they need any special assistance, we'll be waiting."

A few days later, three Fire Nation Crusiers arrive at the beachhead and dock next to the Prompt Adjuciator. Hundreds of Fire Nation Army Soldiers exit their ships and move across the Beachhead that Macai's unit secured.

While Macai is waiting, Commander Kenshin travels with two army bodyguards to meet with him. Macai waits in a tent on the beachhead and Kenshin enters with his guards. The Commander has yellow skin, black wavy hair, a pointy nose, thick eyebrows, caramel-colored eyes, and is five feet and ten inches tall. Macai smiles, "Commander Kenshin, it is an honor."

Commander Kenshin: "No Macai, the pleasure is all mine. You have done exceptionally well for a fourteen-year-old boy. I often forget that you're fourteen when I hear the stories of you. But you look so young in the face, despite your build and demeanor."

Macai smiles, "Thank you, sir."

Commander Kenshin: "You have done us a great deal of service when you captured the Earth Kingdom Captain Onazi and secured his island. That information was vital to the Fire Nation and it has greatly helped our war effort." Macai smiles.

Kenshin continues, "Our army forces will take it from here Macai, at least when it comes to securing the city." The next day, the sky is teal and it is dusk. Kenshin's forces advance and hundreds of Fire Nation troopers march toward the village. Outside of the city, there are dark brown walls that surround the medium-sized city.

Dozens of Earth Kingdom archers on the outskirts of the City walls, but Kenshin's tanks move into position. Kenshin's tanks open fire and blow the outer front walls of the City to pieces. The troopers immediately enter the city and Earth Kingdom troopers immediately surrender when they realize they are remarkably outnumbered.

The city has many light brown one-to-three-story buildings scattered throughout it. The buildings have light green markings on them. There also is a large Earth Kingdom Flag that hangs boldly in the center of the city. However, Kenshin's forces move in and tear down the flag then replace it with a new red Fire Nation flag.

The layout of the city quickly changes with the occupation. Dozens of fire nation guards and soldiers start to patrol the streets. A curfew is added every evening to keep track of the citizens and a local governor named Vei-Fu is put in command of the town. Vei-Fu has light brown skin, a black ponytail, thin eyebrows, thin wide lips, a short stature (he is five feet and seven inches tall), and a thin frame.

Vei-Fu wears a bright red uniform with silver markings throughout his uniform. Vei-Fu always keeps six guards with him for protection and never travels alone. He has a new luxurious home build for him within the city. Macai and his unit visit the newly annexed Fire Nation city. Macai is walking with Kanna, Kett, and Basin as he scouts the town out.

Macai: "This is an interesting city. Would you like to visit a local bar, to get some tea?"

Kett: "Who brought this new guy?"

Basin: "You might as well let me come, change it up a bit."

Kanna asks, "Say where is Dade?"

Kett: "That's a good question, I haven't seen him all day."

Macai: "I didn't give him ship duty today. Maybe he's out with Asad, who's out enjoying the town."

Kett laughs, "Yeah right, but I am starting to get used to him. For now, he's an ok guy I guess. When he gets to know you."

Macai: "A bit rough around the edges, but aren't we all?" The group enters the bar and they notice several people give them a hard look.

Bartender: "What do you want?"

Macai raises an eyebrow, "Is that how they act in the Earth Kingdom territories? Don't they teach you any manners?"

Bartender: "Territories?"

Macai: "Can we start with some menus?"

Bartender: "Of course." The bartender gets the group some menus and several people keep staring at Macai's gang.

Kett: "Even in Nyarri, the commoners don't treat the Royals this bad because we all knew what happened to people who challenged the nobles."

Basin: "Well, maybe a demonstration would be in order."

Macai raises his hand, "No, that won't be necessary."

Basin protests, "Why not?"

Macai: "These are civilians. Hurting civilians will only hurt our image and make us more enemies. We're not on the battlefield right now soldier or at least not yet."

Basin: "I disagree, this place will always be a battlefield until they are accustomed to our ways and have forgotten their past. That will take a few generations."

Macai responds, "When you have your own unit, then you can go around blurting out your opinions. In the meantime, at least focus on getting some rank first then I'll take you more seriously. Right now, arguing with me is not a good start."

Basin: "Fine, but I know the Fire Nation principles."

Kett puts his right arm across Basin's shoulder, "Look, rookie."

Basin: "Rookie? Aren't you like sixteen? Don't act like any of us are seasoned veterans."

Kett pokes Basin in the chest, "I'm more proven than you. It's more mental than it is physical."

Basin: "Wow, you benders sure are bold." Kett stares at Basin.

Kanna: "Will you both please stop acting like idiots?"

The bartender eventually brings the tea that the group is waiting for. Basin: "Say, what kind of bartender serves tea?"

Bartender: "The one who works in a bar where two waiters just quit. We're still looking for some new ones."

Kanna asks, "Why did they quit?"

Bartender: "Because they didn't want to serve Fire Nation troops." Kanna frowns. As the group leaves the bar, a teenager shouts behind Macai's group.

Teenager: "Go back home, you freaking imperialists!"

Macai looks back at the boy, "There is nothing wrong with being a part of an Empire. The greatest ancient civilizations were Empires. Domination is an essential recipe for advancement. One day, I hope you'll understand. Perhaps you'll even appreciate it."

The teenager looks confused, "You Fire Nation devils can't fool me. With your fancy Fire Nation talk and evil doctrines. One day, you'll all go crashing down and the Earth Kingdom will be the most powerful nation."

Macai smiles, "See, you have that competitive spirit in you. But you've chosen the wrong side. Nothing will stop us. One day, most of the world will accept that. When that day comes, it will be a glorious time. We will all be unified under one grand banner and cause." Macai and his team depart.

While this is happening, Dade is sitting in the ship and playing a game of pool with Sonna. At first, Dade is dominating as he knocks several balls in and Sonna is struggling to get going. Dade: "Looks like pool isn't your thing."

Sonna replies, "Don't be so sure." Sonna knocks two balls in at once.

Dade widens his eyes, "Oh well, that won't make a difference." The momentum of the game immediately changes as Sonna knocks a third ball in and immediately starts taking the lead. Dade bounces back and retakes the lead. Soon there are only three balls left; one for Sonna (solid), one for Dade (striped), and the 8-ball.

Sonna knocks Dade's ball away from the 8-ball, creating a difficult shot for him. Dade comments, "So you want to play dirty, huh." Sonna shrugs her shoulders and grins. Dade knocks the other striped ball in and makes the shot.

Sonna frowns. Dade: "So much for that futile attempt." Dade notices that his last shot is an easy one and the 8-ball is near a hole. Dade starts dancing to celebrate his forthcoming win.

Sonna: "Just play. You haven't won yet." Dade laughs Dade knocks his ball at the 8-ball and misses an easy shot as his fingers slip.

Dade's eyes widen and he starts murmuring, "Oooou."

Sonna smiles and knocks the 8-ball in. Dade responds, "Best two out of three."

Sonna: "No, I don't think I will. Not today. After all, I'm not very experienced. I'm just going to celebrate my victory and end it on a high note."

Dade scratches his head, "Would you like to look at the view? If you've had enough competition?"

Sonna contemplates the idea, "Hmmm, I don't know."

Dade: "Come on."

Sonna: "Alright." Sonna walks with Dade on the deck and the two of them stand on the edge of the ship.

Dade: "It is a magnificent view."

Sonna: "Yeah, it really is."

Dade: "I never saw much of the sea, being in Nyarri. All I saw was the mountains. I wasn't some noble like Macai who could travel to the beach at will."

Sonna smiles, "Well, at least the mountains are unique. We have a lot of lakes at Ullon. A nice temperate climate for a Fire Nation world, but with hot summers."

Dade responds, "Well, we got to experience real winters in Nyarri. That was special."

Sonna asks, "Did you like it?"

Dade: "Um, no. Not at all."

Sonna: "Well, at least it won't bother you as much if we travel somewhere arctic in the future."

Dade shakes his head, "It bothers me equally every time. I just cannot do extreme cold. But at Nyarri, we always had warm clothes, hot tea, hot chocolate, and hard homes to make us cozy. I don't think I'll have as much of that on the battlefield."

Sonna responds, "You'll just have to get over it."

Dade smiles. Sonna looks the other way and smiles. Sonna: "Your friend Macai is a real big shot. I've seen anything like what he does in my life. He also seems to make everything different for those around him. I cannot explain it."

Dade: "That's one-hundred percent true. Macai is a legend in the making, I just know it. Sometimes it makes me scared, wondering if I can live up to his expectations."

Sonna affirms, "Just be yourself. That's always enough and have faith."

Dade: "Have faith in what?"

Sonna dramatically completes his statement, "The journey..."

Dade strokes his chin, "You are a wise one, aren't you?"

Sonna: "That's what being in a rural village does for you. I had no choice but to hunt and reflect with the family. Because there wasn't much else to do."

Dade: "Fair enough, make it count now."

Sonna: "Yeah."

Dade yawns, "Well, I'm going to have a nap."

Sonna looks at Dade, "Ok, see you Dade." As Dade heads back to his room, he moves across Macai, Kett, Kanna, and Basin.

Kett: "Hey, where were you?"

Dade: "I was just enjoying my time on this wonderful ship in peace and I played a game of pool."

Macai chuckles. Kett: "Did you win?"

Dade: "Umm, sort of." Dade leaves.

Macai looks at Kett, "Sort of?"

Kanna: "That means he lost, but I'm sure he has his excuses."