The Valley of Death

The trooper Gammal is walking with his friend Ronin through a hallway. Ronin: "Come on, follow me. I've got something to show you."

Gammal: "Alright, but slow down Ronin. I can barely keep up with you man."

Ronin rushes into the room and Gammal follows him. Gammal notices that the room is dark. The marine comments, "I think the lantern went out in this room." Four lanterns are suddenly lit, and Ronin notices several soldiers around him.

Macai emerges, "Private Gammal, for your noble actions in this unit and marvelous demonstrations of leadership; the leadership board of the Prompt Adjudicator has decided to promote you to the rank of second-class lieutenant." Cosal steps beside Macai with a uniform in his hand that has a bronze collar, to symbolize the rank.

Gammal gets teary-eyed, "Sir, I am honored. I don't know what else to say."

Macai smiles, "Then don't say anything else. Take your uniform and wear it proudly. If you lead your troops with the same courage that you have exhibited in the past and continue to obey orders, then I have no doubt that you will be one of the finest Lieutenants in this nation."

Two days later...

Macai is sitting in Hazo's office. They are sipping on vanilla-flavored green tea that was extracted from the local Jiggoni Islands. Macai leans over in his seat as Hazo tells him a story about his adventure in the Germu Mountains.

Captain Hazo, "When we scouted the land, in that blistering cold, the local grey-monkeys harassed us. They were eating Gordo nuts and chucked several of them at us. Do you know what Gordo nuts look like?"

Macai replies, "I do not."

Hazo: "They are about the size of a rock. It's not pleasant getting hit by them, in the flesh."

Macai: "But you had armor and helmets."

Hazo: "That's why I said in the flesh. It was only a minor disturbance to us. But a few of us got pelted in the face, including me."

Macai: "How did your unit react?"

Hazo: "We had a little fire show to scare them away." Aiya enters the office. Hazo: "Aiya, have you completed your ship diagnosis?"

Aiya nods her head, "The ship is in excellent condition. I also received a new letter that was mismanaged by someone. It was meant to be sent to Hazo."

Hazo: "What is it?"

Aiya: "It's a letter about a mission. At the Wyju valley."

Macai: "Tell us the details."

Aiya pulls out the document, "It is about a group of terrorists called the Mirrored Shadows."

Hazo shakes his head, "Oh not them."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "What's so bad about the Mirrored Shadows?"

Hazo: "The Mirrored Shadows are a group of combustion benders. Combustion bending is a mysterious ability, used by benders who can control and produce fire with their minds. They can fire rapid beams of energy out of their foreheads, that create explosions."

Macai's jaw drops. Aiya: "The letter says you can recognize them by their facial tattoos. All of them are part of a fanatical religion. It is an all male group who believe they are a part of some super race of firebenders."

Macai asks, "Why are they at odds with the Fire Nation?"

Aiya: "The group has recently allied themselves with Earth Kingdom forces."

Macai: "Why would they do that?"

Aiya: "They were already enemies of the Fire Nation, just as the Earth Kingdom was. They are working together in a shaky alliance to defeat local Fire Nation forces. Then the Earth Kingdom agreed to give their region autonomy."

Macai responds, "So that's it, they want to rule their valley."

Hazo affirms, "That's right. The group has called for independence and to rule the Wyju region for decades. They have their own libertarian government model. However, there is one thing that separates it from the average libertarian system. They would like the combustion benders to be part of an elite class. The combustion benders would have a Council of Elders who make all of the major governmental decisions and they would be in command of the military forces."

Macai: "That is absurd and limits the rights of the non-Combustion benders. And who are they, to think their combustion benders are superior to the Royal Family?!"

Hazo: "Don't get emotional Macai. It's a big world and people have different ideas. It's our job to just make sure that our ideas are the dominant ones. Let dissidents think as they do, it's not our job to control how people think. If anything, that's the Firelord's issue. Our duty is to destroy or capture anyone who imposes such beliefs on others."

Macai: "Do you have any special advice for fighting Combustion benders?"

Hazo: "I have only faced one of their kind before. He took out most of my squad and almost killed me. Back then, I was just a Lieutenant. One of our archers took him down. It was some kind of assassination attempt and I was assigned to protect a political figure."

Macai: "I'd love to have a political job."

Hazo: "Perhaps your unit will get one of those when the war is over. For now, it looks like people want to give you the best opportunities. Which are dangerous assignments abroad or local assignments like this against deadly factions."

Macai: "You said they are allied with Earth Kingdom forces, will we be facing any of them?"

Hazo: "You will most likely face the Combustion benders and their followers. They are like a cult. They wear Black uniforms with yellow stripes. Most of the followers are nonbenders, with some combustion benders mixed in. The non-benders wear masks, so you will be able to identify them."

Macai: "We're going to need a good team to take them down."

Hazo: "Agility and speed is the key. As well as range. You will need good archers to keep the combustion benders busy, but make sure you spread your forces out. Be adaptive."

Macai: "Isn't the Wyju valley near some Earth Kingdom cities?"

Hazo responds, "It's near some small ones, but they are a moderate distance away. There are some Fire Nation outposts between the valley and Earth Kingdom Western Outskirts. It would take a while for them to get there."

Macai stands up, "We're ready."

As the Prompt Adjudicator sets sail for the Wiyu Valley Port, Macai stands in his conference room on stage. With Cosal and Ronin standing across him as usual. Macai smiles, "We're back at it again. The press knows us and news is buzzing throughout the Fire Nation about the 31st. We are making history as one of the most successful units with a new Fire Nation leader. Let's keep the momentum going."

Macai continues, "There are some terrorists who call themselves the Mirrored Shadows. They believe that they should rule the Wiyu Valley independently with their own libertarian state." The crowd laughs. Macai: "But they are not a real libertarian state, because the combustion benders would be the elite ruling class. Who are they to think they are above approach and don't have to follow the Fire Nation Hierarchy like the rest of us?! It's time we put them in their place."

After the speech, Kanna, Kett, Dade, and Sonna meet with Macai. Kanna: "I'm a bit creeped out about this mission. I think those combustion bender face tatts are gross. They look so disgusting."

Dade: "I'm with you there."

Macai: "It's just a mission like any other mission. We just need to stick to the gameplan."

Kett: "Say, what is the gameplan this time?"

Macai: "We'll discuss it in the briefing room."

Kett: "Briefing room? Sounds like you don't have a plan."

Macai retorts, "I have a plan, I'm just still working it out in my head. But I'll have it down in a few minutes."

Kett shakes his head. Kanna pats him on the back, "It's going to be alright. We've got this."

Macai meets with several of his shock troopers in the armory. Macai: "Alright marines, you know the deal. This time we are going to fight in the Wyju valley, there won't be any naval engagements this time nor any naval support. The enemies know this land, they may flank us. But we've been up against guerrilla experts, so we can handle that. They are bold warriors so, they'll likely engage us more head-on than our last opponents."

Macai continues, "Make sure you spread out so that we aren't taken apart, code orange. We will split in different teams again. Kanna, I want you on the right. You'll be working with our archer Arret. She's a new gifted archer that was recently signed to us." Arret steps forward. She has a medium-length curly black ponytail, brown skin, long brown slanted eyes, and a tall yet thin frame.

Arret: "It's a pleasure to work with you Kanna. I've heard about your feats on Eggar Island."

Kanna: "The pleasure is all mine."

Macai: "You'll also be working with Cosal and our firebending veteran Rosier. He may give you advice and his experience may help you adjust in battle."

Rosier nods his head, "I know a few tricks. I'd be glad to assist."

Macai: "On the left, I want Gammal to take the lead this time. You'll be working with Ronin, Sonna, and Dade."

Gammal smiles, "Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Macai."

Macai smiles back, "Just call me Macai. My team will take the lead. I want Kedo, Basin, and Kett with me."

Kett raises an eyebrow, "Me and you? Don't we usually lead our own squads?"

Macai: "Yes, but I want you with me this time. We are going to attack their most heavily visited position. We are going to hit them hard and we are going to be a response team if anyone else needs immediate assistance. Another three squads will be on standby to reinforce us after a certain timeframe, following standard procedures."

Kett: "Then I get the feeling we are going to have a big task on our hands."

Macai: "We will. Asad will stay with the ship. Along with Hazo and Aiya. Just incase, but I don't expect any enemies to attack us. Squads will consist of twelve marines this time. That means five sword warriors, three spear warriors, three archers, and three firebenders. Reinforcing squads will only consist of two benders and will have three sword-wielding troopers."

Dade takes a deep breath. Ronin pats him on the back, "Chin up Dade, we've got this. Remember when our unit took down those earthbenders at night?" Dade nods his head.

Ronin: "And remember when we took down Guerrilla experts?"

Dade: "I wasn't deployed on that mission."

Ronin: "Oh yeah, that's right. But you led the naval forces on that mission. It's all just a new challenge and we will do our duty."

Dade: "I just hope mine isn't dying on the battlefield."

Ronin: "Well, you've made it this far."

Macai: "You all know what to do, so suit up."

The Fog of War

The marines put on their helmets and strap on their armor. Several marines draw their swords and sharpen their blades. While others get their spears and daggers. The archers ready their arrows and bows. Their armor has just been cleaned since the last battle. It is fresh and shiny.

[A Call to Arms- James Horner- Glory (music starts)]

Macai pops his gold collar and looks at Kett with his silver markings. Kett: "Showtime."

Macai: "They won't know that we're hear. We'll need to move quickly toward the valley, before any of their spies detect us. I have a map layout of their outer defense positions. We need to take them down, then we will have a direct assault on a monastery where their elders are located."

Kett asks, "Are we ordered to capture them?"

Macai responds, "We are ordered to capture or kill them, depending on if they cooperate."

Kett: "How many elders are there?"

Macai: "There are six of them." The Prompt Adjudicator docks itself in the port.

Kett: "How will we capture people like that?"

Macai responds, "Once we have done the groundwork, reinforcements from another Fire Nation army platoon will arrive. They will have soldiers with head restraints. The restraints lock on combustion benders' foreheads upon contact and can only be taken off with a key. The combustion benders would not be able to attack us without killing themselves."

Kett: "But they are fanatical. Can we honestly trust them to surrender without killing themselves in a blaze of glory while also taking out us?"

Macai: "That is a good point, it might be better to outright kill them."

Kett responds, "Unless you can convince them to stand down, for the wellbeing of their Valley. It contains a village and I hear that the group still oddly cares about the wellbeing of the Valley and community."

Macai nods his head, "You are right Kett, your advice is invaluable. I will keep all of this in consideration when making my final decision."

Macai's unit exits their ships. The sky is white and fog flows through the area. The marines quickly move through the port and several villagers stare at them. They notice a few local Fire Nation army troopers in the town. Macai: "Remember, the Combustion Benders are located deep within the Valley. Local army troopers will come to reinforce us, they have the numbers and tech edge. But any of their forces that entered the rural areas were swiftly decimated by enemy forces. It will be up to us to break their lines."

As Macai's marines travel through the valley, some civilians look at them with scorn while others look at them in admiration. The army troopers salute the marines as they walk. One army trooper shouts, "Give em Hell, 31st." Macai turns and notices his old rival Takagi with Kaneko by his side.

Macai salutes them, then continues his march. Kett: "I can't believe they paid their respects and they're unlucky to get assigned here."

Macai: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

Kett: "I guess being in the real battlefield, teaches you to let go of the petty things."

Macai: "I wonder where Uriah got sent."

Kett: "And Alev."

Macai: "I heard Alev still got a prestigious position, though not this prestigious."

Kett replies, "Makes sense with her background."

Macai: "And she still did well in the tournament and other graduation tests."

Kett: "Yeah, that's true."

(music stops)

While this is happening, Gammal's squad advances into the valley. The grass is light green and there is a steady midst throughout the environment. Ronin looks at Sonna, "I think this is a familiar environment for you."

Sonna: "Yes, it's like Ullon. With all the hills. This elevation won't be an issue for me."

Dade comments, "It's also a bit like Nyarri. Especially the rural parts, though we never got fog in Nyarri."

Sonna replies, "We don't get much of fog in Ullon either. But some mornings we do, especially in the Fall."

Ronin looks at Gammal, "We have the same rank, yet I have a bit more experience. I find it interesting that Macai put you in charge of this mission."

Gammal shrugs his shoulders, "Perhaps it's just because Macai wanted me to get some leadership experience."

Ronin: "Oh no I get it. I reckon you'll do fine, I just don't think I've got much for leadership experience."

Gammal responds, "Look on the brightside, Macai had you fight with his elite team against the Sea Guerrillas. That was something special. Maybe this is part of one of his tests, to see how you accept fate."

Ronin nods his head, "Good point. I didn't mean to be offensive. It just got my attention."

Gammal: "None taken. Macai's methods are far from ordinary." The fields are rocky but, they are also open. There are a few small trees scattered throughout the valley. Gammal's team is on one of the hills.

Sonna looks up ahead, "Looks like we've got some enemies ahead."

Gammal: "How many?"

Sonna: "I see about five enemies in black uniforms. With those yellow stripes."

Dade: "That has to be them."

Gamma: "Spread out, archers fire a volley of dispersed shots on my mark." The cultists advance and move about ten meters from Gammal's team. Gammal: "Fire!" Sonna and the other two archers open fire. One of Sonna's arrows lands in the neck of a cultist. Another arrow lands in the forehead of a cultist, the cultist falls backward.

Three more cultists move to reinforce their comrades. One cultist shouts from the distance, "Uuuuuuurrraaa!" The cultists immediately charge forward. Two of them draw swords, another two draw morning stars (maces with spiked metal balls), and two of them have spears.

Gammal says, "They look to be non-benders."

Ronin warns, "Stay sharp, anyway."

Sonna pounds another arrow into the chest of a sword-wielding cultist. The cultist falls forward in the dirt. One cultist chucks his spear, and it flies through the neck of a Fire Nation swordsman. An obnoxious pop is heard as the marine's body slumps backward. Gammal: "Engage!"

Ronin throws two orange fire torpedoes into two incoming cultists (one with a morning star and another is a swordsman). They fall. The cultist who just threw his spear moves in closer and Sonna notices that he has a red tattoo on his forehead. Sonna's eyes widen, "Look out!"

The combustion bender looks at Ronin and Ronin turns his head. The bender fires a stream of energy at the young marine. The energy looks like a clear swish of air and moves with tremendous speed. Ronin dives on the ground and the beam hits one of the archers behind him. The archer is instantly vaporized in a gigantic fulmination. Chunks of dirt litter the air at the sight of the explosion.

 A combustion bender attacks.

Sonna immediately flings an arrow into the combustion bender's forehead. The combustion bender screams, "Ahhh!" His body falls backward then explodes. The ensuing blast kills the remaining two cultists.

Dade ducks and slowly lifts his head, "Wow."

Gammal: "Good work team. Stay sharp, let's keep a move on. There are still more of them out there."

Frantic Fight

Kanna and her squad advances on another hill that is located within the right side of the valley. Cosal: "Can you slow down just a bit Kanna? You move fast, but it's a bit hard for an older man like me to keep up. I'm in good shape for my age, but even the other youngsters aren't fast like you."

Kanna: "I really would make for a good scout."

Arret: "Perhaps you can do that when working with the other leaders like Macai and Kett."

Kanna shakes her head, "Good idea. But in the meantime, let's focus on the mission at hand."

Arret starts sniffing, "Can you smell that? It smells like sage."

Kanna responds, "It's probably one of their rituals. We are dealing with some strange people."

Rosier comments, "I get the feeling we are going to deal with a bit more strange people than my liking."

Kanna looks up and notices twelve cultists. One of them is a heavy-set man with an ax, three of them have spears, two have swords, one has dual swords, two are archers, and another three are unarmed. Kanna: "I think this unit has several combustion benders, spread out everyone. Remember, code orange."

Cosal draws his sword, "Battle positions!" Arret immediately shoots an arrow through the neck of an approaching swordsman.

{Man of Steel Main Theme (Arcade X Flight) || Epic Version [music starts]}

Cultist axman: "Arrrrrrrrraaaaahhhh!" The cultists plow forward with no fear. The axman has long brown hair, pale skin, and yellow paint on his face. Kanna shifts both of her hands and launches an explosive flame into an incoming cultist spearman, knocking his body several feet back and into a cultist swordswoman behind him.

A cultist spearman gallops at Cosal. The spearman thrusts his blade at Cosal's face, Cosal tilts his weapon left and knocks the spear in the left direction. Cosal rushes the spearman and swings at him with a diagonal strike. The spearman leaps in the air and flips behind Cosal. The spearman swings at Cosal's back and Cosal spins right.

Cosal charges and the spearman twirls his weapon. The spearman then lunges at Cosal's neck. Cosal swats the spear in the left direction and thrusts his blade through the cultist's chest. Cosal rips the blade out of the cultist and kicks him aside. Cosal: "I've still got it."

Rosier shifts his arms forward and directs an explosive flame into the cultist with dual swords, knocking him several feet back. Rosier notices two cultists approaching him. On his left, there is one with a spear. On his right, another advances with a sword.

Rosier extends his left hand and zaps a fireball into the cultist's chest. Rosier rotates his body and hurls another flame into the spear-wielding cultist. An arrow flies through the neck of a firebender across from Cosal. Another arrow punctures the nose of a Fire Nation archer, "Guuuh!"

Kanna: "Take out those archers!"

Arret rolls right and pounds an arrow through the chest of the archer on the right, then she rotates her body and aims at the head of another archer. As she does this, a combustion bender bolts a stream of energy at Arret's feet. A massive explosion sends Arret flying five feet back unconscious.

Kanna decides to take her enemies head-on, she looks back at the remaining archer, "Take down that other archer. I'll keep the combustion benders busy, then neutralize the other combustion benders when you have the time."

Kanna extends her right leg and kicks a stream of dark orange fire into the stomach of the combustion bender across her. The combustion bender flies several feet backward. Another combustion bender takes aim at Kanna and blasts a ray of energy at her. Kanna leaps right and a heavy explosion shakes the ground. Kanna stumbles forward from the explosion and falls on her knees.

The combustion bender readjusts his aim at Kanna. Kanna rotates her body and fires a rod of fire from her legs into the legs of the combustion bender. The combustion bender falls forward and fires a beam of energy into his own face. The man explodes in a flurry of fire. The last combustion bender is a female and she is about three meters away from Kanna.

The combustion bender fires a flame directly at Kanna's feet. Kanna sprints, but the explosion sends her sprawling forward. Kanna rolls on the dirt. As the female combustion bender looks to readjust her aim, Rosier launches an explosive brick of fire at her. The combustion bender turns her head and plows a stream of energy into the flame, creating a massive explosion between them.

The combustion bender wastes no time and unloads a second beam of energy at Rosier. Rosier holds his arms forward to block the attack. The energy explodes on impact and sends Rosier flying eight feet backward. Rosier lands hard on the ground and a crack is heard as the older man falls. Kanna gets back on her feet and the combustion bender blazes a beam of energy at her.

Kanna bobs behind the combustion bender, then she turns and shoots a stream of dark orange fire into the midsection of the combustion bender. The woman is sent flying seven feet away. Meanwhile, the remaining Fire Nation archer blasts an arrow into the forehead of the cultist archer.

(music stops)

Cosal notices the cultist axman charging toward him. Cosal extends his arms, "Bring it."

Cultist axman: "You're no match for me old man."

Cosal: "We'll see about that son." The axman leaps toward Cosal with a spinning horizontal strike. Cosal crouches and swings vertically, slashing across the axman's chest. The axman falls backward. Cosal taunts, "You've got to be kidding me." Cosal aims his blade at the axman's chest and vertically descends it to finish the brute off.

The axman stretches out his right arm and latches onto his ax. Then the axman rapidly thrusts his ax to the left and swats Cosal's sword out of his hand. Cosal's eyes widen and the axman scurries back on his feet. The axman roars, "Arrrrraaaaahahahh!"

Cosal draws his secondary weapon, his combat knife. The axman latches his arms onto Cosal's and tightens his grip. Cosal drops his knife and the axman headbutts Cosal. The veteran is knocked out, "Oh!" Cosal slides into the dirt. The axman turns and points at Kanna.

Kanna smiles and the Fire Nation archer pops an arrow through the axman's neck. The large combatant collapses. Kanna looks around her and notices several cultist corpses as well as some fallen allies. Kanna rushes toward Rosier. Stream flows from Rosier's armor. Kanna pats Rosier on his face, "Rosier, wake up. Please, wake up."

Rosier's eyes slowly open, "It's ok Kanna, I'm still here. For now, but I'm getting too old for this." Kanna slowly helps Rosier up and Rosier falls back down. Rosier: "Awww, my back!"

Kanna: "Just stay down, for now, Rosie, we'll take it from here." Kanna looks at one of the swordsmen, "Stick with Rosier. We will push forward, and army forces should be coming to reinforce this position. Macai and Kett's team should be pushing through the heart of their defenses any minute now. Then we will capture their leaders."

A Story of Glory

Macai advances with his unit across the right side of the valley. Macai: "Our sources tell us this route loops around and leads to a spot within the center of the valley. A spot where the Combustion Elders and their monastery is located. Then I will unveil the final phase of my plan."

As Macai's team advance, one of the archers points ahead. Archer: "Looks like there are about ten footsoldiers coming. Three have spears, two have swords, three have maces, and two are combustion benders."

Kett responds, "That's not too bad."

Kedo: "Yes but stay sharp. I think there is something more to this."

Macai's team advances and raindrops start falling. Kett: "Well, would you look at that." The cultists move about fifteen meters from Macai's position.

[Halo 2 Anniversary Genesong (Music Starts)]

Macai: "Ignore it, archers, open fire!" Kedo immediately fires an ignited arrow into the chest of a muscular cultist axman. The rain goes from light to moderate and two of the cultist chuck their spears Macai's forces. One spear flies through the chest of a Fire Nation spearwoman.

Spearwoman: "Ouuuuf!" Another spear flies toward Basin's head. Basin dives on the ground and the spear lands a few feet behind him. Basin gasps then gets back on his feet.

Macai: "Charge! If they want a fight, we'll give them one." Macai's team charges and the cultist unit does the same. A Fire Nation spearman leaps forward and thrusts his blade though the abdomen of a cultist swordman.

 Kett (left) and Macai (right) battle Cultist forces.

Kett notices two cultists charge toward him. One with a mace and the other with an ax. Kett rapidly pops two fire torpedoes into them, and they fall limp. A third ax man charges toward Kett and Kett fires a stream of bright orange fire into his chest. The axman falls backward into the spear of a distant cultist.

Macai swings his right arm and throws a white ball of fire into the chest of a cultist with a dagger. A cultist with a mace closes the distance and vertically swipes at Macai. Macai bobs left then knees the cultist in his groin. Macai thrusts his right elbow into the cultist's neck, snapping it. Another cultist with a dagger charges toward Macai and the captain shifts his arms forward, firing an explosive rectangle of white fire into the warrior's chest.

Macai looks up and notices another three cultists charge at him. One with a spear, another with a sword, and a third holds an ax. Macai observes, It seems like the cultists got a few reinforcements, oh well. Macai extends his right arm and smacks them aside with a whip of white fire. A combustion bender looks directly at Macai and propels a stream of energy at his neck.

Macai rapidly tosses a white fireball into the stream, creating a large explosion. The combustion bender pounds a second stream of energy at Macai's face. Macai slides forward and the stream zooms over his head. Macai shifts both of his arms forward while he is still crouched and launches a block of white fire into the combustion bender's stomach.

A Fire Nation soldier behind Macai says, "Gueez, captain, save some for the rest of us."

(music stops)

[Halo 2 Anniversary Breaking the Covenant (music starts)]

Meanwhile, Kett notices another two cultists charge toward him. One with a sword and another with a spear. Kett swings his arms side to side and directs torpedoes of fire into them. Then Kett looks up and notices a combustion bender standing across him.

The combustion bender rapidly bolts a beam of energy at Kett, Kett spins right, and the beam implodes in the distance. The bender surges a second stream at Kett's head and Kett ducks. The combustion bender fires a third stream at the ground below Kett. The firebender leaps backward and notices a wild blast that obstructs his view.

Kett remembers drill 24. Kett presses his arms forward and pushes a stream of bright orange fire through the explosion. Kett sweeps his beam from right to left, to ensure that he lands his shot. Once the smoke clears, Kett looks several feet ahead and notices the combustion bender is incapacitated.

Kett looks ahead and notices three horsemen coming. One horse is light grey with a swordswoman riding it. The one in the center has caramel brown skin and a spearman it. On the right, is a sword-wielding archer on a maple brown horse. These horses are particularly fast. The rain fall increases from moderate to heavy.

The gold horse moves toward Kett at about 80 miles an hour. The spearman chucks his spear at Kett. Kett slides forward, but the horse closes in on him. The lieutenant immediately presses his hands and propels an explosive brick of fire into it. The horse falls over and crushes its rider.

The grey horse moves toward Basin at 70 miles an hour. It bucks aside a Fire Nation swordsman who is in front of him. Basin crouches as the man falls over him. Basin rolls right as the horseman moves in his direction, but the rider swings her blade down at Basin. The marine blocks the attack and Kedo launches a blazing arrow into the chest of the rider.

The rider falls forward off the horse and the horse panics at the sight of the fire. The horse turns around and flees in the opposite direction. While this is happening, the archer on the right horse takes aim at Macai. Macai pumps a white stream of fire at the horseman, which immediately blinds the archer. The flame knocks the archer right off his horse. The dark brown horse runs in the right direction.

(music stops)

Macai teases Kett, "You just had to kill the horse didn't you and the gold one out of all of them."

Kett: "It was either kill it or have it kill me." The rain stops.

Kett looks across at Macai, "Is that all of them?"

Macai: "I think so." As soon as Macai says that, he notices a volley of five arrows incoming. Macai: "Archers, get down!" Macai rolls forward and evades two incoming arrows. Kett dives out of the way to avoid an arrow. Another arrow misses a Fire Nation trooper and one flies toward Basin who swats it aside.

Macai: "Archers, return fire! Code teal!"

Kedo shoots a fiery arrow through the neck of a distant archer. The other two archers fire two sweeping shots through the center of the archer position. One arrow lands in the neck of a cultist archer on the right flank while another lands a few feet left of an enemy archer. Another arrow is pounded into the face of a Fire Nation swordsman.

Macai: "How many archers remain?!"

Kedo takes cover, "Three are left, we got two!"

Macai: "So it is an even fight."

Kett: "How far do you think they are?"

Kedo: "I'd say around twenty meters out. Maybe a bit less."

Kett: "I can help us minimize losses."

Macai looks at Kett, "What is your suggestion?"

Kett: "I'm the best person at jet propulsion in this unit. Heck, I might be the best at it in the Fire Nation besides Ozai. I can stay up in the air for a little while. Let me launch myself in the air and keep them busy for a bit so that our archers can line up their shots."

Macai: "It's too risky, I don't like it." One of the Fire Nation archers peaks his head out of cover and gets nailed in the forehead.

Kett responds, "Are you sure about that?"

Macai sighs, "Fine, but don't do it for longer than thirty seconds."

Kett responds, "My record is twenty-four so far, but I'll try to come down when it's safe to do so. Once I get up there, I'm going to be quite the target."

Macai: "Kett, you've got to launch yourself up quickly or you'll be shot down." Kett nods his head. Kett points his hands down and rapidly blasts himself twelve feet in the air."

Several arrows fly below him. Kett: "Looks like I got their attention!" Kedo peaks his head out of cover and looks at the direction the arrows are coming from that are fired at Kett. Kett uses his firebending to sway himself from right to left, to make himself more difficult to hit. The young officer extends his right and left hands, firing beams of light orange fire at the distant archers.

Though his shots have range, they lack the accuracy at such great distances. One archer moves out of cover and aims at Kett's body. Kedo fires a blazing arrow into the neck of that archer. Another archer moves from cover to line up his shot, but Kett sees him. Kett lowers his left arm and shoots a beam of bright orange fire into the archer.

The other Fire Nation archer darts an arrow into the stomach of the remaining Cultist archer. Kedo: "We got em."

Kett descends and Macai claps, "Well done."

Kett shrugs his shoulders, "I'm just doing my duty. Just as you would."

Macai: "Kanna's team is moving up on the rear flank of the monastery, I just noticed her flare. That means that it is time for us to assault the enemy base." Kett looks up ahead and notices a light brown two-story building in the distance. It seems to be roughly ten meters widen and fifteen feet tall. It is made of stone."

Macai's team advances toward the structure. Two cultist guards with spears notice Macai and charge forward, but they are dispatched by arrows from Macai's two archers. Macai looks up at the structure. Macai shouts, "Come out of there or I will have this facility leveled!"

An older man steps out of the structure. He has straight grey hair with some black in it, tan skin, gold eyes, a long pointy nose, and detached ears. The older man has a violet shirt with teal stripes. The man also has a red tattoo on his forehead, signifying that he's a combustion bender. Cultist elder: "Hello there. I am not your enemy. I am simply here to defend my people and our cause."

Macai: "Your cause is at odds with the values of my Firelord. You have ten minutes to decide. Bring the other elders outside and we will restrain them. If you do not, then your facility will be destroyed."

The cultist elder asks, "How do you plan to destroy us?"

Macai extends his arms, "Look around at your left and right flanks." Kett also looks and notices four Fire Nation artillery tanks. Two are on a left hill and two are on a right hill. Macai: "Both of these tanks will blow this facility to ashes, if you do not surrender. You and all of the elders will be killed."

Cultist elder: "With such a forced offer, perhaps I'd rather accept death."

Macai responds, "That can be arranged."

Cultist elder: "What does your nation have to offer us? You forced us to accept your rule with no real incentives. After we shared our unpopular opinions, your nation began to unfairly drain our resources. Are the Fire Nation leaders willing to share resources with us, to compensate our nation for the damage done? Will they allow us to contain a moderate amount of resources?"

Macai: "I have been informed that the Fire Nation leaders are willing to work with the territory and allow you to keep a moderate amount of resources if your group proclaims it's loyalty to the Fire Nation. I have not heard anything about compensation, but I'm sure the Fire Nation council will discuss it. Tell the rest of the elders and allow them to make their decision. Then return to me with an answer within ten minutes."

The elder departs and returns to his monastery. Kett looks at Macai, "I think the odds they agree are slim."

Macai responds, "Perhaps, but perhaps one of them wants out of this. Maybe one of them wants a chance to survive. I hear it happens all the time. There is the chance that they all turn themselves in and try to kill us. There is also the possibility that they all genuinely turn themselves in and keep themselves in our custody."

The elder returns to his council. He looks at the other five elders. His name is Tonin Fu. Tonin looks across at the other elders and tells them about Macai's offer. One of the female elders has a light blue dress, white wavy hair, caramel brown eyes, a red tattoo on her forehead, and yellow skin. Her name is Zin.

Zin: "We can't trust the Fire Nation. They'll likely imprison us the minute we disagree with them." Another member has brown skin, grey straight hair, attached ears, a plump nose, and a red tattoo on his forehead. His name is Gucho and he is wearing an orange shirt with white stripes.

Gucho: "We must do something, we don't have any other options. Dying here will do NOTHING for the Wyju valley."

Zin scowls, "Then what do you want us to do? Capitulate and become complete jokes to our village." Another elder has pale skin, black straight hair with patches of grey, a small nose, pointy ears, and a long neck. His name is Dargo Fench.

Dargo: "I disagree. The people in the village respect us. Many will honor what we say. There will always be a chance to bounce back and set things straight. If they kill us, things will just start over from scratch. Sometimes you have to feign defeat and make a rebound later." Another elder has dark brown skin, white hair, a large head, small ears, a red tattoo on his forehead, and a full white beard. His name is Rupu.

Rupu: "That might make sense. But it does not end if we stand here and decide to die. We will be martrys. The Fire Nation has plans for if we surrender because they are the ones who came up with the offer. They may tarnish our reputations and hurt the movement. But if we die now, many will rise in our place and our momentum will never stop."

The final combustion elder has medium-pale skin, grey hair that is in a ponytail, yellow eyes, a red tattoo on her forehead, small lips, and a long thin nose. Her name is Su. Su: "Let us look at the history of our enemies. Their leader was once Azulon who struggled with the Elders before us. They had mixed relations. Sometimes he was honest and honored his word. On the other hand, he attempted to dominate our people and almost destroyed them. He also had hidden motives behind all his actions, but we could manipulate him to ensure our survival."

Su continues, "Ozai is not a man of reason, who cares little for his reputation. He could be manipulated since everything he does is governed by his own self image. However, he likes to manipulate the validity of movements. He has studied our past, which means he will be more aware of our negotiation tactics. From what I've heard, he is more brtual than his father was during the later points of his career."

Dargo responds, "Yes, but if he wanted us dead, he would have had Macai's forces bombard us immediately."

Rupu asserts, "Perhaps they want to take us in just to make us look bad, then kill us."

Dargo: "That doesn't make any sense. Then they still make themselves look bad and show that they can't honor a deal."

Tonin: "We are running out of time, what is our decision? All in favor of turning ourselves in, raise your hands." Dargo and Gucho raise their hands. Tonin continues, "All in favor of staying here and dying, raise your hands." Rupu and Zin raise their hands.

Tonin looks at Su, "It looks like it's an even vote. That means we need to decide."

Su: "I think we should take our chances and turn ourselves in." Tonin nods his head.

Rupu: "Fine, then I'll honor the wishes of the order but I don't agree with this. You'll need a more cynical person with you."

Su: "I'm not happy about any of this, I just will take it over annihilation."

Zin responds, "Well, then let the people of our town know that there was a martyr. Because I think we need that. I hope you get something good out of it, but I'm not going anywhere."

Tonin: "Maybe, they'll forget that there are five of us." The five elders exit the building. Tonin: "We are here to surrender."

Macai frowns, "I thought there were six of you."

Su lies, "There were, one has recently fallen gravely ill and it takes a while for us to pick replacements."

Macai: "Ohh, well then you won't mind when I blow that building to oblivion as a safety precaution."

Su gets teary eyed (but tries to conceal it), "Oh, of course not."

Macai gives a signal and the four tanks fire massive explosive orange blasts into the building. The building collapses and Tonin frowns. Rupu looks down and Gucho turns his head. Macai: "That building must have meant a lot to you all."

Su: "It did, you didn't have to destroy it. There was a lot of history there."

Macai: "Well, we are here to make new history and start fresh. A history where your order obeys the greater rules of the Fire Nation hierarchy. One of peace and prosperity (Macai grins and folds his arms)." Rupu sighs. Macai: "Don't worry, there is always a chance to make things better for everyone. But you must make due with your circumstances and learn to exist within our confines." Army forces arrive with the head constraints.

Zin scream, "You INSENSITIVE BEAST!!"

Su cautions her, "Zin, control yourself. We cannot bring it back now."

Rupu: "What is the point with the head constraints, we are already turning ourselves in?! Can we not be trusted? This is already a bad sign."

Macai responds, "Just meet us halfway. Look at from our perspective, we don't know what you're going to try to do. Now go with the army troopers, they will take care of you."

Guncho: "Where are we going?"

Macai: "To meet with Fire Nation officials in a nearby town. But for their safety, one official will meet with you first. I'm glad you all chose life, you can discuss it further with them. My work is done here." Macai signals for his squad of marines to depart with. The Combustion Elders are taken in by the army troopers and hand-cuffed. Then the Combustion Elders are escorted away.

Macai's shock trooper unit meets in a local bar in the town near the port to celebrate. The walls are maple brown, the chairs are maple brown, the bar is fairly crowded, and everyone has a mug. Macai raises his mug, "Congratulations, I can tell we are all headed on the right track. If we keep fighting like this, we'll be legends in no time."

Kanna smiles and looks at Kett. Kett smiles back. Dade takes a sip of his drink and looks at Sonna, "How was your mission?"

Sonna: "Wild and crazy as always. But I'm used to it."

Dade nods, "I'm getting more used to it, but I don't even know if I'll ever be completely used to this madness. I took down a few cultists in a crazy duel, but I didn't struggle too much. Looks like I'm getting better."

Sonna: "It's a good thing we have such great training and an exceptional team."

Dade: "Do you play pool? They have a table over there."

Sonna: "Not really, but I'll play if you want."

Dade: "If you can do it half as good as how you fire those arrows, then I'm in a trouble. But I'll take it easy on you the first time because I'm a natural. Kanna and Macai are amateurs. Kett has some skills."

Sonna: "You're talking a big game, we will see."

Cosal and Rosier chat while sipping their drinks. Cosal: "Man, these kids are crazy. Of all my years fighting, things just keep getting crazier."

Rosier nods his head and chuckles, "Yeah but, I'm getting used to it. And I get a weird rush out of it, I've not had a rush like that since I was seventeen. I can tell we're making history."

Cosal: "That we are, hopefully these youngsters don't get us killed."

Rosier: "At least I already raised my kids, so I should be alright."

Cosal asks, "Are you married?"

Rosier: "I was, divorced."

Cosal: "Oh, that's rough man. I have a wife still back at home."

Rosier: "I've got some grandkids on the way."

Cosal: "Oh, I'm old but not that old yet. I'm in my forties now, getting closer to fifty but not there yet."

Rosier: "Forty isn't that old. It may be around these teens and twenty year olds. But it's not bad at all. I'm looking forward to it. I only see my daughter every so often, but I'm going to reach out to her more now. She said she wants her children to know her grandfather. I'm going to have to straighten myself out for them."

Cosal smiles, "Well that's alright Rosie."

Basin stands next to Arret. Basin: "I heard you did well on your first mission."

Arret smiles, "I did decently."

Basin: "Oh come on, I know better than that. Everyone in your squad told me you crushed it. No point in lying."

Arret laughs, "Ok, I'm not lying. Just not bragging either. But I guess you're right, I guess I did kill it."

Basin: "You KILLED IT, own it girl."

Arret: "Ok, I owned it."

Kanna pats Arret in the back, "He's right, you were amazing out there." Arret blushes.

Arret: "Thanks Kanna and Basin."

Kanna smiles, "Of course."