Showdown at Ren's Den

Three hot air balloons scout ahead and descend upon Ren's forces. Macai's balloon moves down the rear left formation and Asad's balloon is at the upper front position. The other balloons are captained by a Fire Nation marine corporal or lieutenant that commands each squad. In the center position a man with dark brown straight hair, a full beard, yellow-gold skin, caramel brown eyes, and a medium nose advances in the center balloon. His name is Lieutenant Boshan, and he was recently transferred into the 31st from the army.

Boshan is in his mid-thirties. He looks through his binoculars as his balloon soars forward. Samira looks at Macai, "What now?"

Macai: "First Boshan will open fire on our enemy's lower cannons. Asad will stay at middle elevation and bombard a mix of the enemies' lower and upper positions. Meanwhile, our left balloon will do the same to the enemy's left flank and Corporal Pectar will hit the enemies from above. Move into position." The balloon beside Macai's position soars over the others but also makes it even easier to detect them.

Meanwhile, General Ren waits in the chambers of his base. The base has light grey walls, a muddy brown rocky floor, and several work desks throughout the facility. Ren has two bodyguards behind him, both are earthbender sergeants. Ren's assistant Captain Cancar reports to him. Cancar has black curly hair, pale skin, a long nose, extended ears, forest green eyes, and a thin frame.

General Ren: "What is it, captain?"

Captain Cancar: "Several Fire Nation hot air balloons are moving towards our base."

General Ren: "The fools, ready the cannons and get a good aim on them. Wait on my word." Cancar bows in respect then carries out the order. The mountain has several openings within it, each opening has two to three cannons within it. The cannons are of a moderate size, but their range is exceptional. The gunners use earth bending to turn cannons into position to get a good sighting of the air balloons.

Macai looks at Samira, "We don't have much time, our window of opportunity is short. I will give our men the signal to attack." Boshan and the other officers use their binoculars to pin-point openings and tell their gunners where to open fire. Macai extends his right hand and fires a flame in the air as a flare to war his squad that it's time."

Boshan shouts, "Fire!" His troops do as they are instructed. Two cannons shoot into one mountain bunker opening and blow the room to bits. Another two gunners shoot in a different opening, obliterating three enemy cannons and the gunners around them.

The rest of the unit does the same, opening fire and taking out several mountain openings while dispersing from each other to take themselves difficult targets. Cosal: "I hope we got most of them."

Macai: "I think we hit about half of them, but it's kind of difficult to locate those hostiles from this position. Hopefully, there aren't any blind spots that we missed." The mountain shakes from the abuse it is taking.

Within the base, Captain Carcus looks at General Ren, "Sir, we took a bit of a beating."

General Ren smiles, "Don't worry, they won't last long. Even with their early success, our troopers have them locked on now. Return fire!" A volley of rocks is fired from various stationary angles and directions at the airborne Fire Nation forces. One rock flies through the top of Macai's balloon, messing with its elevation.

Macai: "Don't worry, it will take more than that to bring us down." A volley of cannons soars toward Macai's balloon. Macai steers the balloon left to avoid getting nailed. The commander shouts, "Return fire!" Two gunners open fire and destroy the cannon position below them. Several other volleys of projectiles are fired at the other balloons around Macai.

Asad's balloon steers right as a storm of shots swoop by it. A few shots fire just right of the Boshan's balloon and miss it. The balloon soaring above Macai's position is pelted by a volley of explosive rocks and it violently explodes into several fragments. Macai can hear Corporal Pectar's screams in agony as he is blown to dust, "Aaaaaaaahaaaaaaa!!"

Macai warns, "Evasive maneuvers now!" Macai pulls his balloon back and to the right as it swoops away from incoming debris. Another stream of shots nails and blows up the balloon on the far left. The balloon descends and violently crashes in the mountain below.

In the distance, Rosh looks at Jesha and his marines on their eel hounds. The ground around them is of a dark green hue. Rosh pumps his fist in the air, "It's time, let's go!" The hounds sprint with astounding speed, looking like a flash as they accelerate forward. Rosh's team is just feet away from a back silver door that leads to the base, the door is covered with several leaves. Rosh stretches his arms and releases a wide stream of red-orange fire into the door, blasting it off its hinges and into the facility.

Rosh hops off of his hound, "Everyone off, it's time to take the fight to the enemy." Rosh sprints in the facility with a swordsman on his right and a firebender on his left. Jesha sprints a few feet behind them with a spearman on her near left and another swordsman on her far left. Another firebender watches her rear flank along with another two non-bender marines.

Rosh sprints down the hallway for about thirty seconds without any resistance. Jesha asks, "What are we going to do Rosh? Where are we going to go?"

Rosh replies, "We are going to hit them hard and make some noise to get their attention. Then we will split up and break into two teams. Each team will take out several enemy cannons."

Jesha asks, "Why did Macai only send one team for this mission?"

Rosh responds, "One. because it's a suicide mission. Two, because we didn't have much time and had to move fast. No more questions Jesha, we've got this in the bag remember."

Just as Rosh's team makes it toward the end of the hallway, three Earth Kingdom troopers rush in the center of the hallway. One Earthkingdom trooper with a sword moves on the left, an earthbender moves down the center, and a spearman moves on the right. Rosh comments, "Hello gentlemen."

Rosh extends his right hand and pumps a rod of fire into the earthbender in front of him. The earthbender flies into the wall behind him and a loud thump is heard as he falls unconscious. The firebender right of him rotates his hands and blasts the Earth Kingdom spearman away. Earth spearman: "Awaaaaaha!" Three feet away from the marine's position. The marine presses on and stretches his sword to get a feel for his enemy's position.

The Earth Kingdom swordsman backpedals briefly then steps forward again and swings his blade left to give himself some room. The marine pulls his blade back then leaps at his enemy and horizontally swings at the earth trooper. The Earth Kingdom trooper is overwhelmed and cut down. Rosh looks at the marine, "That was a strange fight."

The marine points at Rosh, "It was a technical fight, stay in your lane."

Rosh: "Ok it looks like the path goes in two directions here. So, I say we split up and go headhunting for the cannons."

Jesha responds, "This idea has trap written all over it."

Rosh counters, "If we move fast enough, they might not trap us until later."

Jesha: "What kind of plan is this?"

Rosh: "It's called winging it. Jesha stay with me that way you'll be safe." Rosh also gets the spearman and a swordsman to go with him. Meanwhile, two firebenders, a spearman, and another swordsman move on the left flank.

Rosh looks at one of the firebenders, he has wavy light brown hair, gold eyes, a plump nose, pointy ears, medium yet long lips, and thin eyes. Rosh: "Corporal what's your name?"

The corporal responds, "Hakato."

Rosh nods, "Ok Hakato, you will lead the other team. Take those cannons down, I have a feeling the General is going to try to track me down. If anything happens, I will take care of the general. Now let's move!"

Picking a Spot

Rosh moves down the right hallway and Jesha moves on his right. While a swordsman and a spearman advance behind them. Rosh: "I hope you're ready for this stage."

Jesha responds, "I've been ready, I've passed training. I also have fought in a couple of difficult missions like this."

Rosh: "But you've never taken point before."

Jesha: "Kenza tow..."

Rosh: "We barely fought that mission, it was more surveillance."

Jesha: "I fought more than you that mission."

Rosh nods, "Ok, but you know I've fought in many other missions."

Jesha: "I'm more than ready, you'll see." Suddenly, two earthbenders hop in front of Rosh and Jesha and another two earthbenders dive behind their team.

Rosh looks at Jesha, "Well, looks like the ambush teams are here already."

Jesha pulls out her duel swords, "Do I look worried?" The earthbender in front of Jesha fires several rocks at her. Jesha swiftly rotates her blades and knocks the rocks aside. Jesha hops with a spinning horizontal strike and slits the bender's throat. Rosh extends his arms and shoots a brick of fire into the stomach of the earthbender in front of him.

Earthbender: "Ooof!" The earthbender behind Jesha's position fires a volley of bricks into the spearman behind Jesha.

Spearman: "Gah!" The spearman collapses with a bloody face. The swordsman behind Rosh sprints at the earthbender across him. The earthbender raises his hands and the ground below elevates; the earthbender pulls the marine up into the ceiling. A nasty crack is heard as the marine is smashed.

Rosh frowns and Jesha winces at the horrible sight. The earthbender propels the fragments at Rosh. Rosh weaves left into another hallway. The earthbender turns and extends his arms. Several objects fly at Jesha. Jesha slides left then gets back on her feet and charges at her foe.

The earthbender pulls his hands down and the ceiling caves above the young marine. Jesha bobs right and advances at the bender again. The earthbender shifts the ground to trip her, but Jesha flips in the air and lands a foot from the bender's position. The earthbender taunts, "Come on then."

Jesha flips at the bender with a horizontally spinning strike. The earthbender flips over the attack and behind Jesha. Jesha turns and the earthbender quickly raises a wall of earth then launches at Jesha. Jesha darts away from the wall, "Too slow."

Rosh leaps back in the room and kicks a fireball at the earthbender. The man raises his left hand, and a wall of earth blocks the shot. Jesha springs behind the bender and diagonally swings at the man's neck. The bender ducks and leaps to the other side of the wall. The bender swiftly shifts his right hand and shoots the wall at Jesha.

Jesha dives right and narrowly evades the wall. The earthbender is impressed by her maneuver but wastes no time. He pulls his left hand down and causes part of the ceiling to cave in and fall towards Jesha. Rosh left kicks a shot stream of fire into the debris, frying them into dust.

The earthbender extends his right hand and shoots a sharp stone dagger at Rosh. Rosh leaps over the dagger and extends his hands, firing a beam of red-orange fire into his opponent. The man flies twelve feet backward and hits a wall. Jesha leaps back on her feet and nods at Rosh. Rosh comments, "I am impressed, but you still have room to improve."

Jesha: "Don't we all?"

Rosh: "Let's keep going, I think we're getting closer to the objective."

Meanwhile, Hakato's squad advances across another hallway. Hakato notices three Earth Kingdom troops across his flank. On the right, there is a swordsman. On the left, there is an earthbender and in the center, there is another earthbender. Hakato oscillates his arms and fires a rectangle of orange fire at the bender across him.

The earthbender sways his hands vertically and fires a table of stone through Hakato's flame directly at his body. The corporal leaps left. The other earthbender shoots two stone knives into the swordsman across him. Hakato nods his head and the spearman on his left leaps and chucks his spear through the earthbender's neck in the center position.

Earthbender: "Gack!" Hakato slides and shifts his arms left, blasting an explosive brick of fire into the chest of the earthbender on the left. The remaining enemy swordsman sprints at Hakato and the other marine firebender swivels his arm and shoots a flame into the trooper.

Earth Kingdom trooper: "Goh!"

Hakato smiles, "Good work, men." Hakato looks at his right and notices a room that leads to the left side of the facility. Hakato: "Quickly, let's get in there. I think that might have what we seek." The shock troopers charge in the room and notice three cannons at the edge of the room. The cannons are firing powerful rocks at the remaining air ballons.

Macai's balloons are using defensive maneuvers to dodge and blast incoming rocks as they pull back in their offense. Hakato notices one sergeant swordsman leading the team who isn't expecting the marines. Hakato looks at the swordsman and the sergeant turns and sees the Corporal. The Earth Sergeant's eyes widen.

Hakato: "Hello." Hakato lengthens his left hand and blasts the sergeant across the room. The other marine firebender leaps left of Hakato's position and shoots an explosive flame into the left cannon. The cannon violently explodes and kills the gunner. The explosion sets off a chain reaction as the fire travels toward the next cannon.

The earthbender in the center cannon notices and disemarks his cannon, but he is too late. Hakato shoots a stream of fire into the central cannon, killing him. The other marine firebender shoots a stream of orange fire into the remaining cannon. The entire room starts to catch fire. Hakato: "Alright, let's get out of here and keep hitting different rooms from within. That will shake them up."

Meanwhile, Rosh charges with Jesha on his side. Two Earth Kingdom troopers move to engage Rosh. Rosh sways his hands and fires an eight-foot-wide flame that is ten-feet-long. The flame incinerates the earthbenders. Earthbender: "Awaaah!"

Rosh smirks at Jesha she does the same. Jesha looks right, "Look, there is a room."

Rosh: "Let's crack some heads." Rosh exits the room and notices an earthbender corporal. The earthbender wastes no time and hurls an earth wall at the Fire Nation captain. Rosh propels an explosive red-orange flame into the wall, destroying it. Jesha leaps behind the bender and thrusts her swords into his back.

Earthbender: "Oh!" Jesha jumps behind the center earthbender gunner and slashes his neck from behind. Jesha lunges off the cannon and onto the one on the right. The earthbender gets up and turns to engage Jesha. Rosh moves his hands and shoots a flame into the right cannon, blowing it away. The earthbender on the left cannon fires a stone knife at Jesha. Jesha swats the knife away then backflips off the cannon.

Rosh immediately shoots a stream of red-orange fire into the cannon and blows the bender away. The room is quickly burning down. Rosh: "Let's get a move on." Meanwhile, General Ren is waiting in his room, when the mountain starts shaking again from a series of explosions from all sides.

Captain Carcus looks at the general in fear. General Ren shouts, "Get your strike team and engage the enemies on the left. I'll deal with Rosh's team." Ren stands up and signals for two earthbender officers to join him, then they promptly leave.

On the left flank, Hakato and his team are attacking another weapons room. The spearman thrusts his blade into the neck of an unsuspecting earthbender. Hakato fires a stream of orange fire into two cannons in the room, blowing them up. The next cannon is taken out by one of the air balloons above. The other firebender pumps his fist, "That's it! Our flyboys are taking it to them now!"

Hakato: "I think we took out at least seventy percent of their cannons now. It's only a matter of time before this whole mountain goes crumbling down." The mountain shakes again and the marines tremble. Part of the ceiling caves in and Hakato dashes backward to avoid being crushed. The spearman runs away from the rubble and the firebender is far enough that he doesn't have to move.

Spearman: "Maybe we should leave now."

Hakato: "That's not a bad idea." The marines flee the room and run back into a hallway. Then they notice the Earthkingdom Captain Carcus emerge with two bodyguards. Both of the guards have heavy metal double-bladed staffs. Carcus's guards have bronze stripes and yellow-green armor. The guards are also very muscular and tall.

Captain Carcus comments, "Behold, these are our new mountain guards. They are elite and have staff that are fireproof. They can even take explosive flames.

Hakato: "It will take more than two muscleheads to beat us. Attack!" The spearman charges at the mountain guard on the right and at his right shoulder. The guard swings his weapon left and knocks the spearman's weapon out of his hand. The spearman backpedals and draws his dagger. The firebender extends his hands and shoots a flame at the guard on the left, the guard rotates his spear and puts out the fire.

Carcus smiles, "Oh what a pity."

Hakato: "Pity this." Hakato fires two beams of orange fire into the right and left sides of the ceiling. This causes the ceiling to cave in. Carcus dives forward and incoming debris crush the other two guards.

Carcus stands up with a disgruntled face, "You will pay for that."

Hakato taunts, "I'm waiting for my punishment." Carcus raises his hands and lifts several debris behind him. The captain extends his hands and launches several objects directly at the marine corporal. Hakato spins left as he dodges the first rock and a second rock smacks the ground directly in front of him. The rock bounces back in the air toward Hakato.

The marine pivots right behind the other firebender marine and against the wall. Carcus launches another rock at the marine spearman. The shock trooper narrowly dives away from the projectile and collapses on the ground. The other firebender propels a stream of flames at the earth captain.

Carcus raises his hands and blocks the flames with an earth wall. Carcus extends his hand and launches the wall at the marine. The firebender gallops over the wall and Hakato rotates his arms, pushing a stream of orange fire at the captain. The captain spins left and the other firebender launches an explosive flame into Carcus's chest. Carcus flies backward and falls into the debris.

Carcus coughs violently. Hakato offers, "We don't have to kill you, we could take a prisoner for questioning."

Carcus shakes his head, "I'd rather die than be your political toy." Carcus extends his hands and causes the ceiling to shake heavily. Hakato fires a flame into Carcus's chest to prevent him from bringing the whole ceiling down, but a portion of the ceiling still crumbles and falls onto Carcus. The firebender peers at Hakato, "We've got to get out of here."

Hakato looks at the firebender, "Indeed, what was your name by the way?"

Firebender: "Trenko."

Hakato: "Nice to meet you Trenko, you are a great warrior."

Trenko nods. Hakato gets a better look at Trenko and notices he has black wavy hair, copper skin, slanted eyes, is slightly short, has broad shoulders, and gold eyes. Hakato, Trenko, and the spearman flee take an alternate route to flee out of the facility.

Meanwhile, Rosh and Jesha notice General Ren emerging with two earthbender officers. The General smiles, "Leaving so soon, captain?"

Rosh: "I see you guys are just getting warmed up. You should leave now, before this place crumbles over your head."

General Ren: "Not before I take your head. This facility means a lot to me."

Jesha: "Then you'll be going up in flames with it."

Rosh: "Get out of here Jesha, I'll handle them."

Jesha: "What no! I've got your back."

Rosh pats Jesha on the back, "I need room to maneuver against these guys, now go. That's an order!" Jesha looks back at Rosh before she flees.

General Ren: "How touching... Now back to business."

Star Wars- General Grievous Complete Music Theme | Remastered | [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Rosh enters his battle stance, "With pleasure." Rosh extends his right hand and bolts a flame at the earthbender. The earthbender raises a wall of earth to block the shot and the earthbender on the left sharpens his fingers, firing a stone brick at Rosh's face. The fire captain bobs left then glides his hands, blasting the earthbender away with a red-orange flame.

General Ren slaps his hands together, causing two walls to emerge around Rosh and collide in his direction. Rosh rolls and Ren blasts a brick at Rosh's face while he is vulnerable. Rosh crosses his arms and blocks the brick. However, Rosh's arms get red the brick's impact. Rosh rises then spins and shoots a flame from his left hand at Ren's stomach.

Ren bends and blocks the flame with his right arm. The other earthbender slides on Rosh's right flank and tightens his right arm, generating a stone sword. The bender lunges horizontally at Rosh and Rosh flips behind the bender. Rosh extends his right hand, launching a red-orange flame into the bender's chest. Earthbender: "Ow!"

Meanwhile, Jesha flies toward the exit when two mountain guards step in front of her. The mountain guards immediately start spinning their blades horizontally and Jesha backpedals before extending her blades horizontally.

The mountain guards both step forward simultaneously and the guard on the left lunges at Jesha's stomach. Jesha backpedals then jumps and the guard lunges at the female marine's stomach again. Jesha rolls left and the guard rotates his blade and vertically swings at Jesha. The marine swordsman dives behind the guard and the other guard lunges at Jesha's back.

Jesha rushes left and the guard thrusts his blade through the back of his ally. Guard: "Huuuah!" The other guard pulls his blade back and his ally falls like a sack of potatoes. Jesha presses her enemy and swings her left blade at the guard's right leg. The guard shifts his staff as he blocks the strike then Jesha swings her sword horizontally at the mountain guard's neck.

The guard rotates his entire staff right and blocks the attack. Jesha rushes forward and glides her left blade into the man's stomach. The guard gulps and leans forward speechless. Jesha pulls her blade back and her opponent falls.

In another hallway, General Ren extends his hands and launches a large rectangular bar at Rosh's face. Rosh ducks and slides then the fire noble climbs back on his feet and ignites his right leg with fire. Rosh swiftly slams his right leg into Ren's stomach and the General slides four feet backward before he hits the ground.

Once Ren hits the ground, his body tumbles and rolls backward for another three feet before he catches himself. Rosh smirks and Ren leaps back on his feet. Rosh scoffs, "It's not too late to surrender or you can at least try running away."

The General gets a serious face and reaches behind his back, grabbing a hidden staff of his own. General Ren: "I invented the Mountain Guards and I trained them. I am an exceptional duelist and a bender, you can't beat me at my full might."

Rosh grins, "It will make no difference." General Ren twirls his staff horizontally then vertically points it at Rosh. The mountain base shakes again and both warriors stumble forward. They can hear several explosions in the background.

Rosh: "Prepares to backpedal and General Ren smacks his hands together, pulling debris in the way of Rosh's escape.

General Ren: "You won't take it out of here alive without beating me."

Rosh: "You're really asking for it." Rosh extends his hands and fires a massive stream of red-orange fire at the General. Ren spins his staff vertically and douses the fire.

General Ren smiles, "Your powers are useless against me."

Rosh: "We'll see about that." Rosh kicks a red-orange rod of fire at Ren's chest. Ren rotates his blade horizontally and blocks the strike. The general extends his right hand and throws a stone bar Rosh. Rosh rolls on the ground to avoid getting splattered and Ren leaps at Rosh with his blade.

Rosh rolls left just as Ren slams his blade into the ground, mere inches from Rosh's face. Rosh stands back up and spins backward to give himself some space. Ren extends his right hand and launches a stone at Rosh's face. The young captain rolls right and Ren charges at him. Ren lunges at Rosh's stomach.

The marine officer jumps left and latches onto Ren's arms. Rosh rapidly elbows the general in his face, turning it pink. Rosh knees the general in his stomach. Ren keeps a hold of his staff and stays on his feet. The general wraps his right hand on Rosh's back and squeezes it. Rosh can hear a pop and Ren shoves the firebender two feet back.

Rosh falls on his back and is sore. Ren extends his hands and causes part of the ceiling to collapse over Rosh. The captain skips left and back on his feet. Ren charges at Rosh again and lunges at his stomach. Rosh bobs right and the general lunges at him again, this time at Rosh's neck. Rosh quickly weaves left.

The general lunges a third time diagonally and from a different angle, at Rosh's chest. Rosh quickly pivots right and Ren backpedals to keep Rosh from gaining ground. Rosh gets tired, both physically and mentally. Rosh thinks, I really need to change things up if I want to survive this.

Ren lunges at Rosh again and Rosh swivels backward to give himself some space. Rosh then uses rocket propulsion to launch himself four feet in the air and toward the ceiling. Rosh fires a flame while airborne at Ren's head. Ren rotates his blade diagonally and blocks the fireball. Rosh fires a fire cube at Ren's chest before he lands behind him.

Ren spins his staff again and blocks the blast. Ren turns to face his foe. Ren: "Give up, you've lost." Rosh extends his hands and creates two red-orange fire whips then crosses his hands and swings the whips at Ren. Ren gallops over the whips then spins his staff to extinguish them before he lands.

Smoke flows from Ren's staff. Rosh charges at Ren and rapidly fires two fireballs at the earth general. Ren shifts his blade from side to side as he puts out the flames. Rosh leaps right and punches another three rapid flames at Ren from different angles. Ren rotates his hands side to side as he blocks all of them.

Rosh steps forward and pumps a beam of flames at Ren's right knee. Ren rotates his staff and blocks the beam, but Rosh keeps his beam steady. Rosh rapidly flicks his other right hand and fires a fireball from his other hand into Ren's left elbow. The shot catches Ren off guard and floors him. Ren: "Emm!" Rosh lowers his hands and blasts a stream of fire into the general while he is down.

(Music Stops)

Rosh: "I'm not taking any more chances." Rosh has a brief sigh of relief when an explosion suddenly erupts behind him, knocking Rosh on his face. The young captain slowly climbs back on his knees but is too tired to immediately rise on his feet. Rosh gives himself a few seconds to regather himself before he fully stands up. The facility shakes again and Rosh stumbles forward.

Now all Rosh hears are constant distant explosions. Rosh looks right of his position and worries; I hope this doesn't lead to a cliff. Rosh fires a beam of red-orange fire into the right hall across him. Rosh blasts a hole through the wall and reveals a cliff. Rosh takes a breath, "Just my luck."

Rosh briefly looks back for another exit but sees a heavy explosion on his right flank and a bunch of debris on the left side of the hall. Rosh: "Anything beats staying here." Rosh sprints and dives out of the mountain. Rosh is immediately sent in free fall as he soars down.

Rosh contemplates, My bending can't save me from a height this great! I guess this is it, well I had a good run. The firebender looks down and notices a hot air balloon south and left of his position. Rosh sees a potential exit and glides toward the balloon. Rosh slams himself into the air bound vehicle and slides down it.

Asad is riding on his balloon with Desan on his right and Ronin on his left. Asad exclaims, "Did we get hit?!"

Desan: "I don't think so, or else we would have gotten a puncture. Maybe it's just a small debris."

Ronin: "From this far out? That's not likely." Ronin sprints to the edge of the balloon to see what's happening. Rosh slides down the balloon and toward the edge it and latches onto the edge of the balloon. However, Rosh's arms are sore from the brick he blocked earlier and other wear-and-tear from the battle.

Rosh's grip starts loosening. Desan: "It's Rosh!"

Ronin sprints toward Rosh, "Hang on buddy." Rosh loses his grip and falls off.

Desan: "NO!" Ronin takes a deep breath and remembers how Kett saved him on Rongor.

Ronin: "Looks like it's time for another firebending self-taught lesson." Ronin jumps off the platform and soars down toward Rosh.

Asad looks at the commotion, "What is he doing?!" Desan shrugs his shoulders. Ronin grabs hold of Rosh before he fires a beam of orange fire from his legs. Ronin knows he needs to use full force to keep himself and Rosh in the air. The 31st trooper elevates both of them and launches the duo back into the air balloon.

Desan checks Rosh's pulse, "Rosh is unconscious, but he's breathing. He must have passed out during his fall."

Asad takes a breath, "What a mission, I heard Jesha made it out as well as a few other marines. About half of the squad survived, which is admirable considering the risks of the mission."

Desan: "Well, they were fighting their way out of a crumbling base that we were opening fire on."

Asad: "To be fair our mission wasn't easy either."

Desan: "Credit to you and the gunners. The rest of us didn't do anything besides give a little advice."

Asad: "In the past, I would say that, but your advice helped us a lot. I appreciate it."

Ronin: "Looks like our unit is turning Asad into a nicer person."

Asad: "Well, it isn't the 31st in particular because I was a part of the 31st before Macai came and before we got all of this fame. But it is mainly Macai and all of the changes he has brought to it. As well as the team he has introduced. Honestly, it feels like a different unit entirely from what it once was."

Desan: "Rosh is going to get a medal for this one." Asad and Ronin looks in the battlefield below and at the battle damage below them. The air balloons fly away from the mountain as several explosions cascade throughout it. After they are a safe distance from the mountain, a massive explosion ensues that causes much of the mountain to crumble and cave in.

Desan: "Look what we did to that mountain."

Asad: "They did it, by choosing to militarize it and make it into a base."

Ronin: "You know very well that the Fire Nation would have done the same type of thing."

Asad: "I can personally attest that our Nation has done worse, but those are the horrors of war. I can't wait until we have broken our enemies completely. That will be something spectacular, then we can pull back in our brutal actions as we focus on maintaining a new era of peace."