Dynamic Emotions

During a sunny Sunday evening, Azula meets with Macai in the medium-sized Fire Nation city Pershuton. This city once belonged to the Earth Kingdom before Eyre's forces annexed it a few years ago. Now Macai's team happens to be there for recuperation and recreation. Dozens of people walk through the city streets, while Fire Nation troopers direct the traffic.

But this is no ordinary visit, something big has recently happened. After several failed attempts to capture the Avatar, Azula's success has skyrocketed. Azula took down the Earth Kingdom, Ba Sing Se with a brilliant coup. The elite Earth Kingdom police unit, the Dai Li, have pledged their loyalty to Azula. The Earth Kingdom royal family has been detained and news has spread that the Avatar was killed by Prince Zuko in battle.

Though Zuko was previously an outcast, Azula convinced him to reunite with the Fire Nation to ensure their success. In doing so, Zuko also betrayed his uncle Iroh, leading to the ex-General's capture. The spotlight from the 31st regiment has faded as Azula is hailed by many as one of the greatest strategists in the nation's history.

Macai waits for Azula to arrive in an office room, located on the second floor of a luxurious military hotel. The walls are maroon, the floor made of light brown wood, there is a window at the back of the room that emits sunlight from its location. Macai sits behind a light brown desk, where he can work on strategic papers while he waits for Azula.

Macai writes with a feather pen when he suddenly hears a knock. The Commander rises from his seat and opens the door. Macai notices Aiya and his eyes widen. Macai: "Aiya, is there an emergency?!"

Aiya smiles, "No Macai, I just wanted to stop by and say hello." Macai notices that Aiya is holding a concealed basket.

Macai asks, "What is in the basket?"

Aiya: "Guess."

Macai: "Snacks..."

Aiya: "Yes, cookies!!"

Macai nods, "I could smell them. Five-spice cookies?"

Aiya nods, "Yep."

Macai smiles, "My favorite."

Aiya: "It wasn't just my idea. Several 31st members played a part in getting you these cookies."

Macai asks, "Why couldn't they come here too and say that?"

Aiya responds, "Well, Kanna had something planned. I'm not quite sure what."

Macai shakes his head, "She hasn't been herself since Kett disappeared."

Aiya nods, "Just give it time. She will move on, eventually..."

Macai: "Well, Kett is a childhood friend, it will take a lot of time. Rosh told me he had to visit some family. Dade also had to do something, he also has been hurting from Kett's disappearance but tries to hide it."

Aiya sighs, "I miss him. You all have become part of my extended family. I can't imagine any of you disappearing or dying. I still miss Rosier."

Macai sits down, "Yeah, I know I can't save everyone but it hurts when good men die."

Aiya: "It only makes us stronger Macai. I wish I could help more, but I'm just an administrator."

Macai: "You are an EXCELLENT administrator. Without you, I wouldn't be able to handle the logistical affairs of the Prompt Adjudicator. It also isn't Hazo's specialty."

Aiya comments, "But what would we do without Hazo? He is a father figure for all of us."

Macai smiles, "That he is. Good old Hazo. Having him around makes me feel, so much more secure."

Aiya pats Macai on his back and the door behind Macai is abruptly opened. Macai and Aiya turn and notice Princess Azula in a new dress. Azula's dress is dark red and has several black trimmings. Azula's dress is more expensive and elegant than what she typically wore in the past. Azula is also wearing fresh lipstick and has rosemary perfume.

Azula immediately scowls at Aiya, "WHAT are YOU doing here?!"

Aiya nervously grins and stands up, "Oh, hey Azula. I was just congratulating Macai on behalf of the 31st for being a good officer." Aiya opens her basket and looks at Macai, "Oh, we also got you some cards. Written by Hazo, Rosh, Kanna, Desan, Samira, Sonna, and others."

Azula interrupts, "Find another time for this Aiya, Macai and I are having a date."

Aiya responds, "Ok Azula, but we might go to battle soon after this."

Azula: "I don't care."

Aiya: "I'm just saying."

Azula commands, "Don't."

Aiya: "I don't take orders from you." Azula gives Aiya a death stare and Macai stands in front of his girlfriend.

Macai: "Zula, relax... I forgot to tell her I had a date today."

Azula puts her hands on her hips, "Or maybe you didn't. Maybe this is what you do when I'm not around and she got so used to it that she thought she had time to act recklessly."

Macai asks, "What?"

Azula: "Have you been cheating on me?"

Macai's voice rises, "No."

Azula points her finger in Macai's face, "Don't you LIE to me."

Macai: "ZULA, no. I would never."

Azula looks at Aiya, "Get out."

Aiya apologizes, "I'm sorry if I offended you Azula." Aiya attempts to hug Azula and Azula extends her hand to keep Aiya away.

Azula looks Aiya in her eyes, "I said, GET OUT." Aiya runs out of the room.

Macai looks at his girlfriend, "Azula..."

Azula: "Drop it."

Macai takes a breath, "Well, I heard about your victory against the Avatar. That is very impressive. Taking down Ba Sing Se from within is brilliant. I wouldn't even have thought of that."

Azula smirks, "Exactly, I am the best strategist to ever serve our nation."

Macai nods, "You are legitimate. I'm so proud of you. We've got to celebrate, I have some Mai Lou (expensive alcohol) for us." Macai pours himself and Azula a glass. Macai cheers, "To a thriving nation."

Azula smiles, "Cheers."

Macai and Azula drink. Macai slowly sips his drink and Azula quickly finishes her glass. Azula orders, "Give me another." Macai pours Azula a second glass. They continue to drink and talk. Macai moves toward the bottom half of his drink while Azula has nearly finished her second glass. Azula: "Macai, let's DO something. This is getting dull."

Macai: "Do you want to go for a walk?"

Azula: "Cai, I just took Ba Sing Se. I don't want a casual stroll, I want to get LIT!"

Macai grins, "Ok, watch this. I got you a gift."

Azula: "I don't want a gift right now Macai."

Macai: "Oh trust me you're going to love this." Macai hands Azula a fancy jewelry container.

Azula's eyes light up, "Oh, Macai, I actually really could use some jewelry." The princess quickly tears through the container and a volley of confetti explodes in her face. Macai laughs heavily and Azula frowns.

Macai: "I got you good."

Azula looks at her boyfriend, "So I didn't get any jewelry."

Macai takes the container and scratches the bottom of it; ripping off a layer of the container and revealing an elegant bracelet. Azula cheeses and picks up the bracelet. Azula: "This is amazing, Cai!"

Macai smiles and attempts to hug Azula but Azula turns the other away. Azula: "Now let's go party!"

Macai: "I haven't set up a private party, I didn't have the time. But I thought we could just do something simple."

Azula: "We already discussed this Macai, we are going to party."

Macai: "I know of a local Royal party house that does something most weekends, I can get them together for an event by tomorrow, but it will be cutting it tight."

Azula: "They will set up a victory celebration for the Princess who CARRIED this nation."

Macai narrows his eyes, "Carried?"

Azula replies, "Duh."

Macai: "Many Fire Nation units have fought valiantly and sacrificed dedicated soldiers to serve this nation. TO make your opportunities and my opportunities possible."

Azula looks at Macai, "They did their duty, but there is no comparison between them and me. We all made a sacrifice but, that is our duty. It is expected Macai. Excellent and elite performance MUST be promoted and celebrated over mediocrity otherwise there is no incentive to be great."

Macai responds, "That makes sense Azula, but all the troops should be honored. I'm not saying I disagree with you, but this war is a joint effort. None of us did this alone. Even you in your operation, needed assistance from Mai and Ty Lee."

Azula arrogantly replies, "Mai and Ty Lee owe their success to me. I GAVE them the spotlight and chance to get more attention. Anything they did was due to my planning. The leaders should be rewarded over their subordinates for their accomplishments because ideas are valuable. Everything starts as a thought. Without our wits, we are no better than the Water Tribe savages."

Macai: "But some of them have excellent potential."

Azula nods in agreement, "Their essential flaw is praising weakness. Treating everyone like they are equal when clearly, we are not. Some people are better than others and you have to let the elite members of society flourish if you want it to advance. Well, that and the fact that we are just naturally better than the other nations."

Macai rolls his eyes, "You know I've spent a lot of time traveling the world and battling my enemies. I've noticed that they have a lot of great warriors and strategists. There are heroes and villains on both sides."

Azula retorts, "I wouldn't say that. There are no heroes or villains, it's all a figment of the imagination. In truth, there are the effective and the ineffective; the elite and the useless. The idea of a hero or villain just comes down to personal agendas. The nation that does whatever it takes to dominate will dominate, war is ultimately determined by grit."

Macai: "Oh I know about grit, the 31st has won a lot of hard battles."

Azula grimaces, "DON'T ACT like you are on my level."

Macai frowns, "What?"

Azula: "You heard me right, Cai. You are an excellent warrior and leader but I am the greatest to ever serve our Nation."

Macai laughs. Azula: "You know it's true."

Macai responds, "Oh, Zula, you are hilarious."

Azula smiles, "That's another one of my many talents."

Macai: "I have many talents too."

Azula: "I have MORE talents."

Macai: "Why is everything always a contest with you? I congratulated you. Why can't we just be happy for each other?"

Azula: "We can be, you just need to stop acting soft."

Macai: "Soft?"

Azula: "Don't play coy with me. Your friend Rosh is having a BAD influence on you and so is Aiya. What is wrong with you?! Man up and stop letting weak people take your hunger away."

Macai responds, "What is wrong with you? Stop thinking one-dimensionally. You need to learn from others to improve. You are one of the smartest people I know, but your level of arrogance is staggering and limiting your potential."

Azula: "Arrogance, no it's confidence."

Macai shouts, "I have CONFIDENCE! You are taking it to another level."

Azula: "You just don't like the truth. I took Ba Sing Se, by MYSELF. Didn't need a company, regiment, or even a squad to do it. This also wasn't some small-scale stealth mission."

Macai counters, "You took down a team of teenagers, half of them are pre-teens. I took down seasoned adults."

Azula responds, "You know age has little to do with it. You and I are both teens Cai. We both have outperformed several older adults."

Macai: "The Avatar is only twelve years old. You know he would get stronger over time. If he was our age, you would have been owned. I heard you lost to him the second time you both fought when you tried to drill a hole in the Ba Sing Se walls."

Azula responds, "I heard you lost to some waterbender named Jarue who couldn't even beat Kanna."

Macai: "Jarue is legit, he was distracted by several marines when he was defeated by Kanna."

Azula: "Excuses and how could you let someone with such inferior training beat you?"

Macai: "I am BETTER than him, he just caught me by surprise. He didn't beat me in a straight-up fight."

Azula: "I thought you were a master tactician? All that training, you couldn't even apply it to reality..."

Macai's face gets red, "Anyone can outsmart anyone. He improvised and used my overconfidence against me. I heard you failed to capture a waterbender named Katara with no better training. She must have been a decent fighter to have escaped you, Zuko, and the Dai Li's wrath."

Veins pop out of Azula's neck, "Shut up you fool! You have no idea what you are talking about. Iroh stepped in and gave her time to escape."

Macai responds, "But surely with the Dai Li and Zuko's help Iroh alone would not have held out long if you also used your bending talents reasonably. Katara must have held her own as well."

Azula: "No! The Avatar intervened and I killed him!"

Macai: "But I thought Iroh stepped in and reports said Zuko killed Aang."

Azula: "The Avatar stepped in at first and I killed him. Katara caught us off guard and attacked then Iroh moved to distract us and paved the way for her escape."

Macai nods, "I don't doubt it but a lot of things happen in battle. The same with me. This is why you can't just judge someone for something. Yeah, you won but you failed to capture Katara. Just as I defeated the Water Tribe forces that day and Rosh took the city. It wasn't a total defeat or victory. But failed to take Jarue's team and the crystals from his village."

Azula retorts, "Ask the media outlets who is a bigger asset to our nation. I took down Ba Sing Se, you've just won a series of minor battles."

Macai chuckles, "MINOR! Rongor?! Defeating General Gambo and taking Herrona. Beatin Raggus and his infamous guerrillas?! Taking down the Mirrored Shadow Disciples. You've lost your mind!"

Azula claps her hands, "And I just won our nation this war. Again, you are good Macai but I am the best. Accept it!"

Macai: "I'm not competing with you. We should work together to serve our nation and give each other credit. That's it. Competitions like Zuko vs Zhao hold us back. They could have taken Aang earlier if they worked together."

Azula: "No, competition makes us stronger and gives us a reason to perform at our best. Again, look at the other weak nations that lacked competitive spirit."

Macai: "Maybe there is a balance."

Azula: "We have the balance, that's why we're dominating. If the system isn't broken, don't fix it."

Macai: "Ok whatever, let's get ready for this party."

Azula: "Fine, but give let's finish the drinks you brought." Macai sighs yet obeys because he doesn't want to deal with the stress. Macai and Azula finish the two bottles of alcohol and are both intoxicated. However, Macai has a better tolerance than Azula and stays soberer than his partner. Macai and Azula arrive at the party address and it is nightfall.

As they enter the building, they notice several flashing lights in the room. There are several lanterns in the room of different colors. Some of the flames are red, others green, others yellow, purple, orange, and even blue. The flame colors are not natural instead, they are synthetic. Each fire has chemicals in them to present a different color when ignited.

Macai and Azula cut past a large line of people who are waiting to enter the club. The bounces let Azula and Macai enter without paying. A live band performs at a stage within the club. The band leader shouts, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Legendary Princess Azula is in the building!" The crowd cheers and Azula smiles devilishly.

Macai dances calmly and smoothly to the beat. Azula dances wildly and without rhythm. Macai and Azula dance side by side. A slow song plays and Macai stretches his hands across Azula's arms and looks her in the eyes. Azula slows down and matches Macai's rhythm. The duo holds each other in the lights then a woman backpedals and bumps into Azula.

Azula turns around and barks, "What is wrong with you?!"

The woman has short black hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. Woman: "Oh, I'm sorry." A man rushes beside her. The man has a dark brown ponytail, hazel eyes, and a thin frame.

Azula: "Get lost, you peasant."

The woman crosses her arms, "I'm no peasant. My father is the Director of Education in this region!"

Azula: "I don't care. You're all peasants compared to me. Now get lost before I get angry."

Man: "I'm sorry princess, but you can't talk to my woman like that."

Azula smiles, "Oh really." Azula pulls her right hand behind her back and a light blue flame emerges around it. Azula prepares to blast the man and Macai notices her body gestures.

Macai: "He is one of OUR citizens. It is our duty to protect and serve them Azula. Just let it go."

Azula looks at Macai: "Shut up Cai. It is their duty to serve us, not the other way around."

Man: "Yes, I'm sorry, princess but I think you've had too much to drink. I don't mean any disrespect, but we'll be heading out now."

Azula pretends to be concerned, "Oh wait, before you leave." Azula begins to extend her hand and Macai leaps behind her. Macai attempts to pull Azula's hand back to keep her from harming the man. Azula swiftly turns and shoots her blue fireball into Macai's stomach. Macai is blasted five feet off the ground and five feet back into the wall behind him.

As Macai's body slams against the wall, a loud crack occurs. Macai falls through a wooden table and people in the crowd can hear the wood snap. Azula's eyes widen and the audience erupts in a series of screams. Dozens of people evacuate the club. Azula quickly rushes to Macai's assistance, "Cai, I'm so sorry."

A sore Macai turns around and extends his left arm, "Get away from me! You're crazy!"

Azula's eyes get watery but she heats them to conceal it, "I didn't mean it. I-I just have had a lot on my mind recently. I've been trying to impress my father..."

Macai shouts, "I don't care! Get away from me!"

Azula asks, "What do you mean?"

Macai's eyes get watery but he composes himself, "I mean get out of here! Don't ever contact me again." Macai stands up, "You are excessively aggressive, impulsive, and conceited. I can't take it anymore. You are beautiful and intelligent but you just aren't worth me losing my sanity. I've had it with you, I thought you and me were something special. But you don't love anyone, not even yourself."

A tear flows from Azula's right eye, she doesn't even think to prevent it. Azula is genuinely hurt. Azula turns around and leaves without having a response. The club manager looks at Macai, "I'm sorry, but are you going to pay for this because I know the princess won't."

Macai nods, "Don't even ask her or she'll kill you."

Club Manager: "Yeah, but are you..."

Macai exits, "Remind me tomorrow."

The Madness Continues

Macai meets with Rosh three days later. Macai is still sitting in the bed of his hotel room and Rosh sits in a seat a foot from its position. The hotel room has light brown walls, a carpeted floor, a mirror, and yellow dressers. Rosh: "How are you holding up?"

Macai: "I'm not distraught. I've been through much worse, like when my mother died. Right now, I really don't know how to feel. I'm not happy about it, but I'm am annoyed and disappointed. I wish she could be different. I'm a bit irritated with her for being who she is but I'm more irritated with myself for staying with her for so long. She only cares about her reputation and image. Even then, she is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode."

Rosh nods, "That's what I've been telling you."

Macai: "You always said you would rub it in when the day came. So go ahead, you earned it."

Rosh's face gets serious, "You know, I always thought I'd rub it in. But now, I don't want to."

The next day, Senior Captain Hazo calls Macai back to the shoreline. Macai enters his Prompt Adjudicator chambers. Hazo: "So how does it feel, getting burned by blue fire?"

Macai: "It felt terrible, but my shoulder is still a bit sore now. I've going to lift weights and do several drills to take the pain away. I'm also looking into some needle therapy and ointments."

Hazo: "Will you be ready for our next mission. It is scheduled within a week."

Macai nods, "Absolutely, it only will make me more focused on the next one."

Hazo: "Alright I'll tell you the details."

Macai asks, "Before you do, tell me, what do you think of Iroh's betrayal?"

Hazo sighs, "Iroh was a good friend. He has strong convictions and there is a reason behind everything he does."

Macai: "I'm starting to feel bad for him."

Hazo: "Be careful feeling bad for a traitor."

Macai: "So you don't?"

Hazo responds, "I am trouble by the incident, but keep this between us."

Macai nods, "I only asked because I trust you Hazo."

Hazo smiles, "Iroh is a good man, this I know. But everyone's path is different. We can try to have a case for Iroh and his release. A proper trial after the war is won and once tensions decrease. Reform is the second step, but it will all be futile if we can't soften Ozai's heart."

Macai: "Maybe we can find incentives to change his mind."

Hazo: "Iroh is his brother, the issue may be personal. If Ozai has personal disdain for Iroh, it will be more difficult."

Macai: "He might, but I heard Ozai hasn't shown feelings to suggest he hates his brother."

Hazo shakes his head, "Honestly, I don't know. Ozai is difficult to understand."

The Horns of Battle

Macai meets with his marines in the armory. Rosh, Dade, Kanna, and several other marines are casually chatting until Macai raises his hand as a signal for them to be silent. Macai takes a breath before he speaks, "Ok marines, this time we are going up against General Ren's forces. Ren's forces engaged some Fire Nation army garrisons located on the western border of the Fire Nation. Colonel Platune's forces initially pushed back Ren's unit then the unit fled in the Denko mountains. Platune's forces chased them in there and got demolished."

Macai continues, "Several months later, Ren's forces continued to supply and arm other Earth Kingdom forces, using the mountains to travel down a near Denko valley and across the Tavono river to assist other Earth Kingdom units. They have supported the offensive efforts of other Earth Kingdom units and have acted as a base and recon center for Earth Kingdom spies. Several messengers have fled into and traveled through the area to avoid retaliation for Fire Nation military forces."

Desan asks, "Didn't we just win this war? The Earth Kingdom lost Ba Sing Se!"

Macai responds, "We're getting there and the enemies are getting worn down. They lost a lot of morale but a few stragglers are still holding out. Many of the Earthkingdom cities, territories, and bases are still holding out against us. However, they don't have a unified leader. They are largely divided and are doing there own thing."

Rosh: "That surely can't last long, but in such times they will rally themselves behind the Avatar. Even if they never see him, his image will give them a symbol of hope."

Samira interrupts, "The Avatar is dead."

Rosh: "One can never be too sure, where is his body?"

Macai: "We don't have time to entertain conspiracy theories. We will isolate and shut down their stragglers. Give them devastating defeats to take away their confidence."

Rosh asks, "So what's the formation boss?"

Macai responds, "I will get there, but first let me explain another key part of my plan. We will have five hot air balloons soar over the mountain and directly engage its defense guns. We will punch a hole through their defenses. The mountain is known for having very accurate cannons that can directly hit airborne targets however, our gunners are known for their outstanding accuracy."

Rosh: "Why can't we just use an airship to mop them up?"

Macai explains, "I heard Ren's Den took down an airship during an intense shoot out. They switched their location to another side of the mountain due to the damage they sustained. But the airship was too slow and was one big target. It got pounded by a bunch of earth kingdom explosive projectiles. They use their earth bending to fire large explosive Hegguni rocks native to the region. The rocks explode on impact when they fall fast enough and when they explode they create a strong blunt force that can crack through even airship or naval ship armor."

Rosh: "Then that is suicide! There is no way the balloons will be sturdy enough to take those shots."

Macai: "We are using new advanced balloons that travel faster than airships and most balloons. However, they sacrifice durability for this. Our goal is to out maneuver the enemies and hit them from different directions. That will punch a hole in their defenses, then you will lead a team of shock troopers into Ren's Den. We will have them distracted, which will make your infiltration possible."

Rosh takes a breath, "Ok, a lot is riding on me."

Macai responds, "I know your team won't let us down."

Kanna: "What about me?"

Macai: "You're going to sit this one out. Have fun with Hazo and Aiya. The archers, Basin, and Dade will also sit this one out."

Dade takes a breath, "Cool, I honestly was creeped out when I heard that mountain took down an AIRSHIP. Hope you all come back safely."

Rosh: "Why don't they just send three or so airships to bombard it from all directions?"

Macai: "Because airships are experimental prototype weapons. They are arguably the most advanced weapons our nation possesses that will become common in the future. Losing three airships could be devastating to our war effort or risking them to suffer great damage. Especially when they can be used elsewhere and I assume the Fire Nation is using them elsewhere in missions where they are not as vulnerable."

Rosh: "Are our lives not valuable as an elite unit?"

Macai: "Someone has to do it and we are one of the best. Have faith, Rosh."

Rosh takes a breath. Macai: "We will have eight marines in each air balloon."

Rosh asks, "Why would we risk eight shock troopers risk themselves? The balloon only have four gunners (one on each side)."

Macai: "Because we want the enemies to think we are fully committing to this attack. It is an often practice for air ballons to have infantry with them so they can land to attack enemies if the air battle goes south or so that an officer may have other troopers to help protect him if his/her ship is shot down and he/she survives."

Rosh: "How would they know if we have marines in our balloons?"

Macai: "Ren has a pretty advanced facility, they will have some men with telescopes."

Rosh: "Then won't they see my team?"

Macai: "The enemies will be distracted by our air balloons, that's the hope. This mission requires a degree of faith, but we'll have to make due because we have a narrow timeline to carry this one out."

Rosh: "These military procedures are all over the place."

Macai: "You went to officer school like me, you should understand this by now."

Rosh shakes his head, "I get some of it, but other parts are sounding more and more ridiculous to me as the days go on."

Macai: "Rosh, you will take Jesha with you. She was an excellent ally during our covert mission in Kanza Tow."

Rosh nods and Jesha steps forward bashfully. Rosh (to Jesha): "Well, I didn't have much of an opportunity to work with you closely last time. Let's see how you perform."

Jesha: "Don't worry sir, it's in the bag."

Rosh chuckles. Macai: "So I'd love to keep chatting, but it's time we get to work." The marines exit the armory as the Prompt Adjudicator lands on the shorehead of a adjacent Earth Kingdom territory. Macai looks at Rosh and his team. Rosh's team consists of himself, Jesha, two sword marines, two spearmen, and two firebenders.

It is about 17.22 celisus (sixty-three degrees) outside. The sand is a light yellow color and the sky is a pale blue color. A few thin clouds flow through the sky along with a steady yet light breeze. Macai points at emerging eight eel hounds, several marines are riding them. Macai: "Your team will take these to cover a lot of territory. Do not directly engage the cannons and do not move closely to the mountain until after we attack. After we attack, you will hit them at one specific location."

Macai hands Rosh a map with a circle spot. Macai: "The circled location reflects what we believe is a blind spot in the enemy base. A location where your team won't be located. The eel hounds are simply meant to get you into position quickly. Once you get there, head in the secret base entrance and destroy the base's cannons from within. That will build our momentum and allow us to pick them apart."

Rosh: "This is a suicidal mission."

Macai: "It's not out of our grasp Rosh."

Rosh: "I know, but that's what scares me. If we pull this one off, they'll just send us on another crazy one."

Macai responds, "What else is new? And we WILL pull this one off."

Rosh nods, "Alright, see you after Ren's Den is burned to ashes." Macai fist bumps Rosh then Rosh and his team depart in their eel hounds. Macai walks with Samira, Cosal, and several other marines into a hot air balloon and Asad does the same with his team.