Clash at Rekk's Creek

The sun is shining with a bright orange flare. Macai advances with Ronin, Arret, Desan, and several other marines. The weather is 22.22 Celsius (72 degrees) and several insects buzz through the area as the marines march. Macai: "Keep going, we're almost at the objective."

As Macai's marines are advancing, two earthbenders and three swordsmen move to engage them. Macai points at his enemies, "There they are... But something isn't right, code dark yellow." Two marine swordsmen, a spearman, and Ronin advance to engage their enemies while the rest wait on reserve.

Arret opens fire and launches an arrow into the neck of the earthbender on the left flank. The other earthbender raises his arms and causes a large hill to rise toward Ronin. Ronin leaps over the hill and pumps his hands. Two fireballs are fired into the bender's chest. On his right, a marine sprints and cuts down an Earth Kingdom swordsman.

The marine spearman advances and thrusts his blade into an Earth Kingdom swordman's abdomen. The other earth kingdom swordsman swings vertically at a 31st swordsman. The marine rotates right, dodging the swing then thrusts his blade into his enemy's back. The earth swordsman collapses.

Macai looks right of his position and notices several enemies moving to flank them. One Earth Kingdom swordsman (center left), earthbender (center), and Earth Kingdom swordsman (right). Macai: "They're looking to ambush us; I can see they're on their last legs." A second later Macai notices a water tribe swordsman move on the far left and a waterbender move on the center-right side of the formation.

Desan looks at Macai, "They brought Water Tribe reinforcements!"

Macai looks left of his position and notices two water benders (center left and center right). Macai also notices an earth bender move on the left of the formation, an earth swordsman move in the center of the position, and a water spearman on the right side of the flank.

Macai looks at Desan, "Take some troopers and hit the flankers on our right." Macai looks at Arret, "Cover the marines on our front flank. The enemies seem to be down but I get a feeling they'll send backup. I'm going to hit their left flank. I'll have the other archer standby to support our allies on the left or right flank if things get shaky on either side." Arret salutes Macai and the commander storms into action.

We're The Desperate Measures (ODST Theme) [Youtube] {Music Starts}

Macai jumps in the air and amps his jump with white flames. Macai glides twenty feet from his former position and lands a few feet between an earthbender and water bender on the left flank of the enemies. The earthbender extends his hands and hurls a volley of rocks at Macai. Macai rolls left and the waterbender stretches his right hand, firing a stream of water at Macai.

Macai crosses his hands over his face and ignites them with white fire. Macai's white fire extinguishes the water stream. The earthbender pulls his right hand down then swiftly raises it. A block of earth soars toward the commander. Macai rotates his left leg and amplifies it with white fire. Macai hits the center of the block, breaking it into pieces.

Macai smiles and the water bender shoots a stream of ice sickles at him. Macai slides forward then springs back on his feet as he glides between his enemies. The earthbender lengthens his arms and hurls a stone brick at Macai's chest. Macai pivots left and the stone hits the waterbender in his chin. The waterbender's chin turns red and a loud pop is heard before the man crumbles.

The earthbender points his hands and pounds several sharp projectiles at Macai. Macai folds his hands and ignites them with white fire. Then the commander swings side-to-side diagonally as he knocks each projectile away. Macai shifts his hands and zaps a white stream of flames at his opponent. The white stream burns a massive hole through the man's chest.

Meanwhile, on the left flank, a firebender charges at an enemy water bender. The waterbender sways her hands and sprays a stream of water at him. The firebender slaps his hands together and a long-curved flame douses the stream of water. The firebender rotates his left hand and punches a flame into his enemy's chest.

The firebender notices an earthbender moving on his left flank. The firebender pivots his body and sways his right hand, pumping a flame into the earthbender's abdomen. The earthbender looks right of his position and notices an Earth Kingdom swordsman charging his way. The firebender turns and kicks a flame into his enemy.

Another earth swordsman charges at Desan. The swordsman leaps at Desan with a horizontal strike. Desan rotates his blade and blocks the attack. Desan twirls his sword and vertically swipes at his enemy. The earth swordsman leaps backward then charges at Desan again with his blade held high. The swordsman closes in as Desan positions himself for an attack.

The Earth Kingdom swordsman lashes left and diagonally at Desan's neck. The marine shifts his blade high and parries the strike. Desan lashes again at the swordsman's chest. The earth swordsman shifts his blade left and locks blades with Desan. Earth Kingdom duelist: "Is that all you've got?!"

Desan taunts, "Keep fighting and find out." The earth swordsman forcefully shifts his blade up which causes Desan to backpedal two feet and almost slip. The swordsman charges at Desan and horizontally swings at his neck. Desan rolls away from his opponent and rises back on his feet. Desan's armor is now pelted in mud and the determined Earth Kingdom swordsman paces around him.

Desan does the same as he analyzes his foe's movements. Earth Kingdom swordsman: "I'm getting really sick of you ashmakers."

Desan: "That's too bad because we aren't going anywhere." The Earth Kingdom swordsman dives at Desan with a leaping vertical strike. Desan dives left and rolls in the dirt. The swordsman charges at him and Desan quickly gets back on his feet again. The swordsman closes the distance and swings at Desan's open right arm.

Desan shifts his blade and blocks the hit. Desan rotates his blade, causing his enemy to backpedal. Desan advances and lunges his sword at the trooper's chest. The earth swordsman backpedals and readjusts his blade. The swordsman hacks diagonally at Desan's neck. Desan shifts his sword and blocks the strike then Desan breaks the lock and rotates his sword diagonally to the right. In one swift motion, Desan slashes his enemy across the chest.

The swordsman briefly looks up in the air before he falls. As blood leaks from his armor, the man mutters, "We will not be silenced. Our blood will only water the revolution."

Desan shakes his head, "No fool, only desolation awaits." Desan slams his sword in his dying foe's chest before brutally ripping it out. Desan's sword is covered in blood, but his belly turns from the sight of his actions. Desan turns and notices a marine swordsman get blasted aside by a waterbender.

(Music Stops)

The waterbender scowls at Desan, "You're going to pay for that, you animal!"

Desan rotates his blade and says, "I haven't killed many waterbenders. You'll be a nice addition to my kill list." Desan charges at his opponent and the waterbender swats a beam of water at the marine. Desan rolls forward while tumbling on the ground. The waterbender chuckles and Desan rises back on his feet in an instant.

Desan charges at his opponent. The waterbender nonchalantly swats a water whip at Desan. Desan ducks then rises back to his feet at her closes the distance. Desan raises his blade vertically as he prepares for a killing blow but the waterbender points her fingers and freezes Desan. The water bender rotates his left hand into an ice sword as he prepares to finish the marine off.

The waterbender swings at Desan when a marine firebender evaporates the blade with a fireball. The waterbender looks at the marine, "You're going to pay for that." The firebender pumps his fists and hurls two orange flames at the waterbender. The waterbender leaps over the flames and extends his hands, firing a rapid stream of water into the marine.

The marine is knocked seven feet back and flies into a tree; knocking him out. The waterbender turns and an arrow is fired into his chest by a 31st marine archer. The fight continues on the left flank where Macai is.

A fire spearman slams his spear into a Earth Kingdom swordsman's chest. A waterbender projects a beam of water at marine firebender and the firebender shoots his own stream of fire into the water beam. The attacks cancel each other out in a burst of steam. During the confusion, a marine swordsman sneaks behind the waterbender and impales him.

A water spearman charges at a fire swordsman. The spearman lunges at the marine's neck. The marine turns his blade diagonally left as he swats the spear away. The marine rushes forward and the water spearman twirls backward to avoid being cut down. The spearman lunges at the marine's chest and the marine shifts his blade left, knocking the spear away.

The marine leaps in the air and slams his sword into the spearman's chest. Macai nods at his marines in respect then looks ahead at his other team. Ronin notices five enemies emerging. The one in the center has dark yellow skin, light green eyes, a long nose, attached ears, a goatee, and dark brown hair. It is none other than Colonel Shi.

On his right is a man with a longsword, black wavy hair, tan skin, thin eyebrows, maple brown eyes, and a pointy nose (Sergeant Looflin). Left of Shi's position is a man with two extended wrist blades (Captain Taracklus). Captain Taracklus has brown curly hair, a jacked build, large calve muscles, broad shoulders, dark brown eyes, and a mustache. Around them are two corporal Earthbenders.

Ronin looks back in Macai's direction for help. Macai looks back and nods at Arret then rushes to aid his alley. Colonel Shi quickly commands, "Attack, hit them now and draw out Macai!" The earthbenders extend their hands and launch blocks of earth into the marines into the marine swordsmen in front of them. Shi extends his left hand and launches a stream of rocks into the spearman beside Ronin.

Ronin gets in his battle stance while the other members of Shi's team engage the rest of Macai's forces. Colonel Shi: "Well, you must be one of Macai's newer recruits. You have that look to you, but I can tell you are talented. It's time for a fighting lesson."

A Strong Collision

Ronin: "You're just another Earth Kingdom hype job."

Shi laughs, "We'll see." The colonel raises his hands, and several stone columns emerge from behind Ronin's position. Ronin narrowly dives out of the way to avoid being clobbered. Shi extends his hands, and the columns fly in Ronin's direction. Ronin rolls on the ground to avoid being crushed and notices the columns fly into a marine spearman and archer behind him.

Ronin gets up, "You're going to pay for that."

Colonel Shi replies, "Call it retribution, it's the least I could do for my people." Ronin rises and extends his hand, firing an orange flame at Shi's stomach. Like an eagle, Shi soars over the flame and pumps both of his hands, firing a stream of objects at Ronin. One of the objects hits Ronin in his forehead and immediately sends him gliding three feet back.

Ronin's forehead is red, and he is briefly out of commission. Meanwhile, a firebender engages one of the aggressive earthbender corporals. The shock trooper glides his left hand and smoothly blasts a flame at his opponent's chest. The earthbender horizontally blocks the flame.

The earthbender extends his left hand (with his palm open), shooting a stream of dirt at the firebender. The firebender is engulfed by the dirt and sent sliding backward. Arret notices her enemies emerging and rapidly flings an arrow into the forehead of the other advancing earthbender.

Captain Taracklus charges at Arret with his dual long wrist blades. A firenation spearman attempts to intercept Taracklus. The spearman leaps and lunges at the captain's gut. Taracklus uses his incredible agility to flip behind the spearman. The spearman turns around and Taraklus thrusts his right wrist blade into the man's stomach.

Arret looks left and notices Sergeant Looflin advancing towards her with his long sword. Arret rapidly fires an arrow at Looflin's neck. Looflin swats the arrow aside. Arret darts a second arrow and Looflin easily knocks it aside. Arret flings another arrow and Looflin blocks it. Looflin slowly walks toward Arret and Arret cautiously backpedals and reloads.

Arret looks left of her position and notices the other corporal earthbender charging at her. The earthbender extends his hands and flicks two stone bricks at Arret. Arret ducks then flicks an arrow into his midsection. Earthbender corporal: "Guh!!"

Arret looks ahead and notices Looflin charging at her. Arret swiftly raises her bow and shoots at his lower body. Looflin slides left. Arret pops another arrow at his right shoulder, the sergeant easily deflects it. Arret shoots again at Looflin's left leg, Looflin rotates his sword and blocks the arrow. Arret thinks, "Wow, I'm running out of arrows."

Arret looks right and notices the remaining marine swordsman charge at Captain Taracklus. Taracklus swings his left wrist blade into the marine's stomach. Taracklus taunts, "Too slow."

Marine: "Gack!"

Macai steps beside Arret and says, "Gentlemen!" Looflin sprints at Macai's left and Taracklus at his right. Macai tigthens his left hand and forces a stream of fire at Looflin. Looflin dives forward and on the ground to avoid being incinerated. Taracklus lunges at Macai with a spinning diagonal attack. Macai rolls right then extends his hands and zaps a beam of white fire at the captain. The captain jumps over the fire and down at Macai.

Macai backs up and Taracaklus lands a few feet in front of him. Taracklus: "It's over!"

Macai kicks a flame at the captain's right leg, "Don't be so certain!" The flame hits Taracklus's leg and he falls backward. Macai slowly walks toward him and Tacaklus backpedals.

Macai taunts, "Not so tough now, huh?!" Colonel Shi extends his hands and pounds a square of stone at the commander. Macai skips backward then Macai rotates his body and throws a beam of white fire at Shi. The colonel raises his hands, and a wall of earth intercepts the shot.

Colonel Shi: "Come on? I saw that from a mile away."

Macai grunts and charges at Shi. Arret notices Taracklus leap back on his feet and stalk Arret from her right flank. Arret backpedals then glances left and notices Sergeant Looflin closing in from that direction. Captain Taracklus declares, "It's over girly."

Arret notices only has four arrows left. Arret bends down and picks up a rock. Taracklus laughs, "What is that supposed to do?" Arret turns left and throws the rock at Sergeant Looflin. Looflin easily knocks the rock aside with his long sword. Taracklus sprints toward Arret. Arret pulls her bow sideways, crouches, and bolts an arrow into the right side of Taracklus's stomach.

Taracklus moans, "Arrrraaaahhhhaw!!" Arret turns and notices Looflin is sprinting at her again. Arret propels an arrow at his left shoulder. Looflin quickly rotates his blade and barely blocks the shot. Then Looflin glides forward with an upper vertical attack, Arret pulls her bow left to keep it from being sliced in half.

Looflin shifts his sword right and knocks the bow out of her hands. Arret backpedals and Looflin dives at the archer vertically. Desan lunges in front of Arret and blocks the strike with his sword. Looflin frowns at Desan, "You are only delaying the inevitable!"

Desan comments, "I think you're talking to yourself." Desan spits in Looflin's eyes.

Looflin raises his arms, "You dishonorable!" Desan skips forward and thrusts his sword into Looflin's belly. Looflin collapses. Arret smiles and Desan looks at her.

Arret: "Thanks Desan."

Desan: "Of course."

Arret comments, "That was not an honorable way to win."

Desan responds, "No, but no one else knows but us. A win is a win." Captain Taracklus emerges from the ground and sneaks a few feet behind Desan. Arret briefly glances right and notices Taracklus. Arret's eyes widen and Desan twirls left. Arret aims at Taracklus's stomach.

Taracklus scowls, "Araaaahhhhhha!" Taracklus knows that he is not at his best with his prior injury and won't be as agile. Taracklus briefly lowers his blades as he anticipates Arret will shoot at his stomach. Arret raises her bow and pumps an arrow into his neck. Taracklus: "Ack!"

Arret looks back at Dade. Dade: "Well, that was a close one." Meanwhile, Macai engages Colonel Shi. Shi extends his hands and blows several small objects at Macai. Macai slaps a stream of white fire into Shi's attack. White smoke flows from the collision. Shi presses onward and launches several bricks of stone at Macai.

Macai sprints and notices a stone flying at his head. Macai ducks then notices another stone heading toward his chest. Macai pivots right then notices a sharp stone sickle flying at his neck. Macai rolls and flicks his right hand horizontally, shooting a white fireball at Shi's stomach. Shi leaps over the flame and shifts his legs, firing a column of earth at Macai's face.

Macai slides and leaps back on his feet directly in front of the colonel. Shi pulls his left hand back and a stone wrist blade extends from it. Shi steps forward and swings at Macai's neck. Macai shifts his body left and evades the strike. Macai pulls Shi and knees him in the gut. The colonel tanks the hit with his strong abs.

Shi grabs a hold of Macai and headbutts him, smacking his forehead against Macai's nose. Macai's nose cracks and red blood flows from it. Macai backpedals and Shi elongates his right hand, launching a sharp stone knife at the commander's stomach. Macai remembers his father's training when fighting under high stress and rotates left.

Macai right kicks a rod of white fire at Shi's right shoulder. The colonel jumps in the air and left of Macai's attack. Shi lowers his hands and fires a stream of sharp stone projectiles at the young commander. Macai rolls toward his opponent and presses his hands together, firing a stream of white fire at Shi's airborne location.

Shi osciliates his arms and blocks the shot but is sent flying ten feet backward. Shi's body accelerates into the ground. A loud crunch is heard as the officer hits his back. Shi rolls side to side for another five feet before his momentum stops. Macai slowly advances toward his opponent, but the colonel rises again.

Shi's legs are heavy, and he struggles to stay on his feet. Macai looks back at Shi, "Had enough yet? It's not too late to surrender."

Shi counters, "Shut up you arrogant child! It's time you learned some manners!" The colonel raises his hands and several one-foot radius stone balls emerge from the ground below. Shi pulls his right hand and launches several balls at Macai's position. Macai dashes right as he evades incoming balls.

Shi lengthens his left hand and shoots more balls at the marine commander. Macai weaves right and avoids more stones. Macai raises his hands and creates a wall of fire then launches it at the Earth Kingdom officer. Shi bobs right but drops his balls while being distracted. The white wall of fire fries several of the falling balls.

Macai charges at the colonel again and Shi swerves his hands, launching several balls at the 31st commander. Macai dives and tumbles on the ground as he narrowly avoids the last attack. While Macai is down, Shi raises his hands and causes several pointy stone swords to emerge. Macai rises to his feet and Shi launches the stone swords at him.

Macai looks up and his eyes widen as he notices the insane attack. In less than a second, Macai looks back down and points his hands at the ground. Then Macai launches him backward and in the air. Macai flies ten feet backward and away from the stone swords. Macai gathers himself as he is in free fall and reelevates himself twelve feet in the air with a stream of white fire from his feet.

Macai soars toward the colonel. His jet propulsion skills have improved. Now he moves faster and smoother than before while airborne. Macai glides at Shi while moving at sixty miles an hour. Shi is impressed and raises his hands, launching himself thirty feet in the air above Macai's position. Then Shi raises several stone swords around his position and launches them directly at Macai.

Macai points his hands right and launches himself away from the projectiles then presses his hands behind and propels himself another twenty feet in the air. Macai glides a little behind Shi's position. The earth officer turns and shoots another score of stone swords at the teen. Macai pulls his hands down and zooms himself below Shi's position.

Shi turns and looks down to keep a lock on Macai's position. Shi directs several objects at Macai again. Macai raises his hands and fires himself in the air again, this time ten feet over Shi's position. Shi notices Macai and raises his hands, firing several stone swords at Macai's chest. Macai lightly presses his hands backward and launches himself five feet behind Shi. Shi turns to faces Macai then Macai punches two white flames into Shi's chest.

Shi flies off his platform into the unforgiving ground below, "Ahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa..." Macai slowly lowers himself and looks back at his deceased opponent. An injured Ronin recovers and slowly approaches Macai. Desan and Arret also arrive left of Ronin's position.

Macai smiles, "Mission accomplished."

Arret: "Wow."

Desan: "The enemies can't last much longer."

Macai responds, "We will bring the Earth Kingdom to its KNEES. The Earth King will beg for mercy when the Fire Nation forces march into his throne room. It is only a matter of time now. Another legend falls to the Fire Nation's fist!"