Putting the Pieces Together

An orange sun shines in a misty light blue sky. It is 30.5 Celsius (eighty-seven degrees) outside. Macai is and his shock troopers are standing inside of boats as they sail toward an enemy beachhead located within the outskirts of an Earth Kingdom province. Arret, Ronin, and Desan wait beside him. There are also three swordsmen, two other firebenders, another archer, and three spearmen alongside them.

Macai: "Alright, you all know the drill. Kanna's team will hit the enemy's right flank while Asad's team will push behind enemy lines and flank a vulnerable position located off the river stream. We will then link up and clash with our opponents at Rekk's Creek. A couple of squads will be deployed between us for battle support."

The waters below the boats are a royal blue color and the landscape ahead is covered with lush and tall dark green grass. Despite the heat and humidity, a steady breeze flows through the area. A volley of ranged red-orange fire torpedoes from the Prompt Adjudicator is launched across the shoreline ahead of them. The shockwaves from the explosions can be felt from the boats at sea and smoke flies across the landscape as enemy artillery cannons are battered to submission.

Ronin: "Looks like Rosh is doing a good job."

Macai: "I agree, just as I trained him to. Look alive Arret, we're almost ashore." As the smoke clears Macai notices two incoming stone torpedoes launched in their direction. Macai warns, "Get down!" Macai and his marines duck as the stones land near their vessel and splash water against their armor.

Macai looks right and notices the boat across them get nailed by a large stone. The stone snaps the boat in half and tears through two marines. Macai's eyes widen, "The volley didn't take all of their guns left. They have a few stragglers."

Arret shouts, "We're too close to shore now sir, we must engage."

Macai nods, "Affirmative, we're going in hot. Rosh will hit them soon enough." Another stone is fired directly at the boat, but a massive fire torpedo is launched into the stone. Blowing it to bits. Macai: "Gotta love that accuracy."

Desan asks, "Aren't we like 80% accurate?"

Macai smirks, "At least."

Desan grins, "Wow, that's nuts. I love the 31st."

Macai: "Same." The boat brushes against the shore and Arret stands in her boat. Arret immediately fires an arrow through the skull of a distant Earth Kingdom archer. Macai: "Code light grey." The marines swiftly disembark from their boat and Macai leaps ahead of them. Desan reveals his sword and sprints a few feet right of the commander's position.

Ronin moves up on Macai's left flank. Macai looks ahead, his long-slanted eyes hazel in the sunlight. Macai notices three Earth Kingdom troopers emerging in his direction. The one directly in front of him is a bender. The one on his right has a sword and the Earth Kingdom trooper on his left is also an earthbender.

Macai briefly grins as he rolls forward. The earthbender extends his hand and launches a stone create at the teen. Macai flips in the air and kicks a rod of white fire into the trooper, blasting him several feet away. Macai lands between his enemies. The earthbender left of Macai extends his arms and shoots dozens of rocks at the firebender.

Macai extends his hands and blasts himself five feet backward with a stream of white fire. The rocks dispatch the swordsman who was beside him seconds ago. The earthbender crosses his hands and pulls them left. A ten-foot wide rock glides down toward Macai. The prodigy slides forward and away from the attack. The earthbender turns to get another shot at Macai, but an arrow is launched through the right side of his neck by Arret.

The girl briefly smiles before she turns right and shoots down an Earth Kingdom spearman. Desan advances on the right and notices an enemy swordsman. Desan sprints at his enemy and the swordsman swings horizontally. The marine flips behind his enemy then vertically cuts the man down from behind. Desan twirls his blade as he rushes back into battle.

Left of Macai's position, Ronin fires two orange flames into incoming Earth Kingdom swordsmen. An earthbender sprints toward Ronin's position. The marine extends his arms and fires a beam of orange fire at his opponent, the earthbender frantically raises his hands and pulls a block of wood to intercept the strike. The fire burns through the wood and fries the earthbender.

The earthbender screams in agony as he is burned to death. Another firebender overpowers an Earthbender with a powerful rod of orange fire. Arret looks left and notices a marine swordsman impale an Earth Kingdom spearman. She looks forward and sees Macai engage three earthbenders.

Macai extends his left hand and blasts an earthbender in the chest with a white flame. The bender in front of him extends his hands and sends a shockwave of earth particles hurling towards the young man. Macai leaps left turns right and extends his arms, blowing an earthbender across him to dust with a beam of blinding white fire.

The remaining earthbender briefly looks in the direction of the explosion and his vision is hampered by the sight. The earthbender briefly looks down then Macai steps forward and raises his hands. A brick of fire is launched into the man's chest. The earthbender's body backflips into the sand. Macai looks around and sees several Earthkingdom corpses.

Macai: "Excellent assault and not a single casualty."

Arret replies, "And, we're only getting better."

Macai nods and slowly steps forward, "It comes with experience."

Ronin looks at Macai, "What is next sir?"

Macai callously responds, "We wait for Kanna to break the other flank. Then we push into Rekk's Creek and crush our opponents."

Ronin: "Who will we have to deal with this time?"

Macai answers, "Colonel Shi, but not just him. Our sources tell us that these Earthbenders have been collaborating with some other allies. We have noticed several water tribe vessels have been able to outmanuever and evade several of our Fire Nation cruisers. They are not made for combat, instead they sneak past our defenses and fortify enemy positions with fresh troops. They have also been used to ship enemy supplies among different Water Tribe forces."

Ronin: "But the focus isn't on the Water Tribes anymore."

Macai responds, "No, it's not. We believe the Water Tribe forces are assisting the Earth Kingdom forces in their war efforts. This is a trend that we cannot allow them to continue. Our objective will be simple, to destroy these forces and discourage the Water Tribes from sending troops to aid the Earth Kingdom forces."

Desan: "And their leader, Colonel Shi, isn't that man famous."

Macai: "Not famous like General Gambo, so don't expect that level of glory. However, he has a name for himself. He's been making some noise the last five years. He's gone back and forth with our better forces. Taking a fair share of loses and defeats but always surviving against the best. Which is impressive, considering they have fewer resources than our nation."

Desan: "It'll only get them so far. They're just playing hide-and-seek. They know they can't win a straight-up fight."

Macai: "Exactly, we will corner them then crush them."

Side Run

Kanna and her vessel lands on the left side of the shore without being detected by enemy forces. Kanna looks at Samira. Kanna: "See, I told you. Those cannons were only facing the forward flank, not their left side. This is a blind spot for them."

A volley of orange fire torpedoes pounds the enemy cannons. Cosal: "Saved us the fate of that other boat that couldn't get out of range in time."

Kanna: "So much for our support squad."

Cosal: "Honestly, I think Macai knew just one ship would be enough to get the win. It was an extra precaution."

Kanna: "It's still nice to not lose squads."

Cosal nods. Samira: "Love the chit-chat, but we have a mission to do."

Cosal shrugs his shoulders. Kanna: "Alright, Kedo and Rizer, move on the left flank." Rizer is a male archer with brown paint on his face. Rizer has yellow skin, dark brown wavy hair, small slanted eyes, a thin frame, and veins that pop out of his arms.

Rizer comments, "You've got it." The archers get settled in and ready their arrows as the rest of Kanna's team advance behind her. Kanna sprints with blinding speed across the shore as she moves toward two unsuspecting earthbenders. One earthbender looks right and notices Kanna.

Earthbender: "Hey!" Kanna leaps over the earthbenders and smoothly lands behind them. In less than a second, Kanna leaps between the earthbenders and slams their heads together, knocking both of them out. Kanna lets go of the warriors and allows them to fall. Kanna looks ahead and notices an earthbender captain.

The man has chiseled lean muscles, curly hair, forest green eyes, and bronze skin. The Earthbender Captain exclaims, "End of the line girl!" The captain stomps his right foot and launches a storm of dust and rocks at Kanna. The girl jumps left and notices an earthbender spearwoman on her left flank and a swordsman directly ahead of her.

The swordsman sprints forward with tremendous speed and holds his blade high. The swordsman vertically lunges at Kanna. Kanna rolls left and grabs a hold of the guy. Kanna leverages her and his momentum to her advantage. Kanna turns left and flicks the swordsman's blade into the Earth Kingdom spearman on her left.

Spearman: "Aaaahhhhaaa!" Kanna tosses the man toward the Captain. The Captain pulls his hands back and launches himself ten feet forward and away from his descending comrade. Kanna leaps left to avoid being knocked over.

The firebender extends her hands and launches a stream of dark orange fire at the man. The Captain extends his hands and launches himself over Kanna's explosive fire. Kanna stretches out her left hand and fires a dark orange flame into her opponent. The man flies several feet back and toward Cosal. Cosal leaps into the dirt to avoid being crushed.

A frustrated Cosal stumbles back on his feet, "Hey, watch it Kanna. Are you trying to get me killed?"

Kanna looks back at Cosal, "Sorry, Cosie."

Cosal raises an eyebrow, "Cosie?" Kanna turns right and extends her right hand, firing a dark orange fire tentacle into an Earth Kingdom swordsman ahead of her. Kanna turns right and turns her tentacle into a whip. Kanna knocks an older earthbender (in his late forties) aside on her left.

Another three earthbenders move to counter Kanna. They advance a few feet left of the lieutenant's position. Kanna whistles then Kedo and Rizer fire two arrows at their distracted opponents. One blazing arrow glides through the back of a swordsman on the right. Another poisonous arrow penetrates the back of a spearman in the center of the team.

 Earthbenders locate Kanna's forces.

The last earthbender readies his weapon as he looks at Kanna. Kanna smiles and Samira sprints on the bender's left flank. The earthbender turns and fires several rocks at the marine. Samira slams her spear against the ground and launches herself several feet in the air over the man. Samira lands about three feet behind her opponent.

The bender turns, but Samira is faster. She swiftly throws her spear through the earthbender's stomach. Earthbender: "Buaaaaaheh!" Samira retrieves her spear and Kanna turns to notices another three Earth Kingdom Troopers on her right flank. The one on the left has a spear, the one in the center has dual swords, and the one on her right is a tall man with a long ax.

Kanna turns extends her right hand, firing a dark orange flame at the swordsman across her. The swordsman crosses his blades, which block the explosive flame. Usually, the right type of blades can block normal flames, but can't block Kanna's explosive flames. Kanna's eyes widen, realizing that the swordsman came prepared and had blades made from a special alloy.

Kanna: "How did you block my flames so easily?"

Swordsman: "These blades cancel out explosions. Making your main advantage useless."

Kanna shakes her head, "My skill is my main advantage."

Swordsman: "You benders will never be as skilled as good duelists. You don't even know what that means. Most of your wins are from having powers."

Kanna shakes her head, "I'm not in the mood to argue." Kanna kicks a stream of dark orange fire at the duelist. The swordsman leaps over the flame and towards Kanna. Kanna swiftly fires another flame at the man while he is in midair. The swordsman rotates his swords and blocks the flame. The swordsman glides toward Kanna and swings at her with a spinning horizontal strike.

Kanna rolls left and the duelist crosses his blades as he readjusts his sight on Kanna's new location. Kanna gives him a beckoning call. The duelist extends his blades and sprints at her with incredible speed. The duelist leaps forward and lunges both of the blades at Kanna's body. Kanna ducks then spins while on the ground and kicks a stream of fire at the man's legs.

The duelist backflips and lands. A marine swordsman rushes the duelist from behind. The duelist turns and horizontally cuts the shock trooper down. A 31st spearman lunges at the duelist. The man rapidly spins and catches them with his blades crossed. The duelist pulls his arms back and disarms the spearman.

The marine gasps and the swordsman smiles. Kanna kicks a dark orange flame at the man's head. The duelist ducks then turns to face Kanna, pointing his right sword at her. Duelist: "Do you know who I am?"

Kanna: "No and I don't care."

Duelist: "I am Trefflo, the renowned Earth Kingdom duelist. I've been gutting Fire Nation troopers back and back for the last three years. But I've heard a lot about the 31st marines recently. It feels so good to get some fresh marine blood, your's will taste that much sweeter."

Kanna: "Trefflo? That sounds like a dog treat. Nice."

Trefflo grunts, "You will pay for your insolence."

Kanna's voice becomes sarcastically tense, "Oh come on, gentlemen are supposed to treat." Kanna extends her hands and fires a large beam of dark orange fire atTrefflo. The duelist leaps right and sprints closer toward Kanna. Kanna extends her left hand and fires a fireball at Trefflo's stomach. The duelist slides forward and leaps back on his feet just inches from Kanna.

Kanna stretches her hands out and creates two twelve-foot-long dark orange fire whips. In an instant, she pulls them back together and swings at Trefflo. Trefflo leaps over the flame and extends his blades. Kanna raises her hands and swings an upper fire whip at the man. The swordsman crosses his blades and blocks the strike as he flies toward Kanna.

Kanna rolls forward and Trefflo lands three feet behind her. Kanna and Trefflo both turn to face each other. Kanna extends her left hand and blasts Trefflo's left hand with a dark orange flame. Trefflo drops his left blade and clinches his fist. Trefflo: "Guuhhh!"

Trefflo backpedals and Kanna steps forward. Trefflo still aims his right sword at Kanna, as he attempts to ward her off. Trefflo: "Not bad, but you haven't won yet." Kanna smiles but knows her opponent is hurt. She immediately raises her right leg and kicks a flame into Trefflo's stomach. The fire explodes on impact and sends Trefflo's body cascading three feet in the air and another seven feet back before he brutally hits the ground.

Kanna smiles and then turns and hears more action ahead of her. Samira sprints with Cosal on her right side and Sonna on her left rear. Five enemies charge at them. There are two swordsmen and one earthbender (on the right) in front. There is a spearman (on the right) and a female earthbender behind them.

Sonna immediately fires an arrow into the neck of a swordsman across her. The swordsman coughs violently and falls backward. Samira launches her spear with tremendous force, it nails the chest of the earthbender on the right. The earthbender screams, "Ahhh!"

The other swordsman charges at Cosal and swings at Cosal's left side horizontally. Cosal tilts his blade left vertically and swiftly butts the sword back. Cosal steps forward and rotates his body. Cosal swings wide and dispatches the earth swordsman. The female earthbender charges at Sonna and Sonna rapidly fires an arrow at her right shoulder.

The earthbender raises her hands and several stones rise around her as a shield. One stone blocks the incoming arrow. The woman smiles and several stones fly toward Sonna. Sonna leaps left to dodge the first two incoming stones. A third stone hits Sonna in the right eye. Sonna's right eye turns purple and she tumbles. Sonna: "Ahh!"

A marine firebender joins the fray and fires an explosive square of orange fire at the earthbender. The woman stomps her foot and a earth wall blocks the shot. The woman raises her arms and the wall levitates. Then she powerfully extends her right arm, launching the wall into the firebender.

The earthbender looks right and notices one her allies being cut down by Samira with her dagger. The earthbender prepares to attack the marine when Kanna interrupts, "Wouldn't you prefer a challenge?"

Female earthbender, "And who would that be?"

Kanna: "You're looking at her."

The earthbender laughs, "You are no match for me girl."

Kanna: "I think you spoke too soon." Kanna quickly extends her hands and fires two dark orange flames at the earthbender. The woman quickly counters and fires two of her own stones into the flames. Kanna slides forward then launches an awkward dark orange flame into the woman's neck using a roundhouse kick. Female Earthbender: "Meh!"

The woman hits the deck. Kanna glances at Samira, "Is that all of them."

Samira looks at Cosal and Cosal nods. Samira: "Affirmative."

Kanna responds, "Good, then it's all up to Asad's team now."

Into the Creek

Asad's boat lands on a grassy shoreline across the riverbank but the team faces no immediate danger. Asad: "Everyone out. Let's make this quick." Basin hops out of the boat and readies his sword. Kedo leaps out of the boat and readies his arrows. Three firebenders, two spearmen, two swordsmen, and another archer do the same.

Asad and his men press on deeper into enemy territory. The grass gets taller as they continue on their journey. Basin swats several extended branches away as he advances. Asad looks at Basin, "Not too loud, we don't want to give away our position."

Kedo: "Look alike, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are lining around in ambush."

Asad comments, "Good point Kedo. Stay ready men."

Female Firebender: "Um, but I'm."

Asad blurts, "You know what I meant." Asad briefly halts as he notices two archers in front of him. Asad: "Inbound!" An arrow is immediately launched in the stomach of the female firebender.

Female firebender: "No!" The woman slides backward in the grass below. Another arrow lands right between the eyes of a marine swordsman.

Basin comments, "Yaken no..." The archer fires a second arrow at Basin's face and Basin easily swats it away. Kedo launches an inflamed arrow through the stomach of the archer across him. The other archer takes aim at Kedo and opens fire. Kedo rolls right and fires a hot arrow into the man's neck. The earth archer's corpse glides in the ground smoothly.

Asad: "Is that all?" Basin hears yelling right of his position. Basin turns and notices three earthkingdom troopers emerge from the left flank. Another three earth kingdom troopers emerge on their right. Asad comments, "These cowardly tactics are not common among Earthbenders. No matter, deal with them!"

On the right flank, a marine swordsman rushes forward and cuts down an incoming Earth kingdom swordsman with an upper strike. A firebender blasts away an incoming earthbender. Basin swings horizontally at the head of the remaining earth kingdom soldier. The trooper extends his blade diaongally as he blocks the strike.

Basin kicks the man down and thrusts his blade in his stomach. Basin tilts his head right and notices two swordsmen charging behind Asad. Asad notices them and hastily turns around. Asad extends his right arm and blasts the trooper away on his right. Then Asad turns again and sweeps away the trooper on his left with a strong orange fire.

Asad comments, "What a futile attempt." The remaining earthbender on the left flank extends his hands and fires several stones into a firebender across him. One of the spearmen throws their weapon in his chest.

The earthbender moans, "Ouuuuuuoou...."

The spearman retrieves his weapon and Asad smirks, "We are almost there men."

Kedo comments, "We finished our mission for now. We are to wait until Macai's approval, remember?"

Asad: "We don't need to wait for a warning, Macai is going to shoot a flare but we can just hit them now. It would be any second anyway."

Basin groans, "Oh here we go..."

Asad: "You can wait here then while we get the glory."

Basin: "Oh I'll go just to keep you guys from getting yourselves killed."

Asad: "Well, it was my idea."

Basin sighs. The marines advance until they notice a field full of weapons and ammo. Asad remarks, "We have caught them by surprise. Macai's time was a bit too predictable."

Kedo comments, "I wouldn't doubt him. He's done things right this whole time against legends and difficult odds."

Asad: "Macai is legitimate, I had to admit that myself. But he is imperfect like anyone else. Remember even he failed to capture Jarue and those 'sacred crystals' all those months ago. He also wasn't prepared for Kett's capture, it happens."

Kedo questions, "You think you would do a better job?"

Asad: "Did I say that? I've come to respect Macai, but he's only one person. We all have something to contribute."

Kedo looks at Basin and Basin shrugs his shoulders. Asad: "Besides, the sun is starting to go down, we must strike now while the iron is hot before our strengths decline."

Basin looks at Asad, "But that's predictable." Asad ignores Basin and signals for his team to advance.

Kedo: "I have a terrible feeling about this."

Basin: "Same."

Clash at Rekk Creek

Asad and his team notice four scattered guards around the creates. Two swordsmen, one spearman, and one firebender. Asad remarks, "We will smash them and take out their supplies."

Basin: "Their leader Shi might be here, I'd bet he's more than we can handle."

Asad: "You must be joking, he is no match for our training and MY experience. You'll see, if he engages us. We might chase him down and execute him."

Kedo: "Why would we execute him without being given the order? Maybe he is valuable for trading or negotiating."

Asad: "You are under my command and will obey my rule. If Macai overrides me then fine, but for now we do this my way."

Basin takes a deep breath. Asad: "Don't worry, it will work great then Macai will promote me." Kedo rolls his eyes. Asad gives the signal and a the marines sneak behind the creates. An earth kingdom trooper is grabbed from behind by a 31st marine and strangled to death. The other earth kingdom swordtrooper is cut down from behind by a marine swordsman.

The Earthbender Captain notices two of his troopers are missing. Earthbender Captain: "Where is Resse and Ekapele?" The spearman shrugs and Kedo fies an inflamed arrow into his chest. The Captain looks right of his position and fires a nearby create into a bell to warn nearby allies.

Basin sneaks behind the earthbender captain and impales him from the back. Earthbender Captain: "Gahaaaaw!" Basin lays the Captain down and rises back to his feet.

Asad looks at Basin, "What? Why didn't anyone notice that bell?"

Basin reports, "Because we rushed in and didn't think about it. You also missed it."

Asad: "I'm not a scout, trooper, or archer. My duty doesn't rely on that."

Basin turns and prepares himself for battle, assuming enemies will come in any minute. Asad notices what Basin is doing and does the same. The rest of the marines move near Asad and Basin to cover them. Asad orders, "Get ready men!"

Six Earth Kingdom Troopers immediately emerge. Two with swords charge in front. Asad extends his hands and one-shots them with two fire torpedoes. Then Asad steps forward and fires a large five foot wide and ten feet long flame into two incoming earthbenders. Two spearmen emerge next and charge at Asad. Asad extends his hands and blasts away the spearman on his right.

The other spearman charges at Asad while he is briefly distracted. Basin rushes and knocks over the other distracted spearman. Asad acknowledges him, "Not bad, for a nonbender." A leader emerges with an addition two earthbenders. He has dark brown straight hair, pale skin, kale green eyes, and a long curved nose. The man appears to be in his early forties and his dark green armor has silver markings.

The two guards around him are officers with bronze markings and forest green armor. Asad looks at the man, "WHO are you?"

Earthkingdom officer: "I'm Captain Thire."

Asad: "You are not worthy of my attention. I was hoping for Colonel Shi."

Captain Thire: "Shi knew you weren't worth the waste of time. But don't worry, I will take care of you." Thire nods his head and his corporals spring into the action. One bender extends his hands and fires a storm of rocks and chunks of wood in Basin's and two other marines' positions.

One Firebender is knocked out with a shot to his nose. A marine spear man backpedals after his stomach is rocked by a stone. A second stone pelts the marine in his neck and lays him out. Basin notices a third rock fly toward him and swats it aside. Basin: "Kedo, I could use some help right about now!"

Kedo falls back and takes cover behind a crate. Then Kedo gets up and aims his arrow at the earthbender. The earthbender notices Kedo and flings a rock at Kedo's face. The archer ducks under the crate While this is happening, Basin rushes closer toward the earthbender. The earthbender extends his left hand and blasts Basin away with a stream of rocks.

Basin slides five feet backward and has several bruises throughout his body from the impact of the blows. Basin moans and shakes side to side as he reacts to the shockwaves of pain surging through his body. Kedo peaks his head out of cover and aims to make sure he can get a clean hit on his enemy.

Within seconds, Kedo notices a gap within the projectiles hovering around the earthbender. The archer shoots a fire arrow into the bender's neck. Meanwhile Captain Thire raises his hands and two long yet thin bars of stone emerge from the ground below. Asad pumps his right hand forward and fires a large flame at Thire.

Thire pulls his hands together and the bars rotate and connect forming a wall that blocks the flame. The bars turn red from the heat of the fire. Thire then launches the bars at Asad. Asad's eyes widen. Asad quickly fires a beam of fire in front of himself. Asad does this to blast himself away from the incoming bars.

Asad flies ten feet back before he violently hits the ground and knocks himself out. The bars land and thud against the ground just a few feet short of Asad's position. Captain Thire comments, "Pathetic."

The other earthbender notices a firebender and spearman charging in his direction. The earthbender pumps his right fist. A long hole forms in the ground and the spearman falls in it. Spearman: "Ahhhhhh!" The firebender looks at the hole and the Earthbender extends his left hand, firing a sharp projectile at the shock trooper.

The marine dives on the ground as he narrowly evades the projectile but leaves himself exposed. The earthbender raises his hands and points several sharp projectiles at the laying marine. The other marine archer in the team aims at the earthbender. The earthbender notices the archer in the distance and briefly readjusts his focus.

The marine extends his hands and fires a stream of orange fire into the distracted earthbender's legs. Earthbender: "Awwwwwaaaaahhhhhaaaaa!" The earthbender collapses then the marine leaps back on his feet and aims his palm at the wounded earthbender.

The marine taunts, "The tide has turned, now stay down!"

Captain Thire readjusts his focus at the Firebender, "Now try that on me. I am more powerful than all of you!"

Basin rises back on his feet, "Maybe, but you can't beat us all. We're a better team, look around your alone now. You've lost." Thire looks right and notices the firebender and the archer behind him. Thire glances left and sees Basin with Kedo behind him.

Thire: "Wrong!" Asad rises back on his feet and extends his hands firing a beam of orange fire at the earthbender. Thire briefly raises his hands and launches himself away from the attack. Thire lands a few feet left of Asad's position and a few feet in front of Kedo. Kedo fires a heated arrow directly at Thire. Thire pulls his right hand forward and generates a square-shaped brick shield. The brick shield blocks the arrow then Thire dissolves it and launches the fragments into Kedo.

Asad turns and fires a volley of flames at Thire. Thire raises his left hand and a wall of earth emerges and intercepts the flames. Basin charges at Thire from behind and Thire nonchalantly raises his right hand. The ground rifts and Basin falls on his face. Asad hops over the earth wall and a few feet away from Thire.

Thire chuckles, "You can't beat me, you're nothing!" Asad grunts then lunges toward Thire with an inflamed left hand. Thire dives in the air and kicks Asad in his stomach. Asad flies five feet backward and slides across the grass. Thire lands masterfully then looks around to see if any of his enemies are still standing.

The firebender he saw earlier weaves six feet behind him. Thire turns and raises his hands, causing a seven-foot-tall square of stone to surround the firebender. The firebender extends his hands and blows a hole through the front of the square. The firebender sprints out of the stone square and fires a volley of flames at Thire.

Thire stomps his left foot, and two earth bars emerge and take the shots for him. Thire raises his right hand and pulls up a pile of liquified earth materials. Thire turns his left hand in the left direction, The pile of earth flies toward the marine. The marine dives forward and barely avoids it. However, the marine stumbles and falls.

Thire raises his hands, and several stone bars emerge around the marine. Thire prepares to drop them on him. Kedo gets back on his feet and fires an inflamed arrow into Thire's right rib. The arrow's fire is immediately put out because Thire's advanced armor is fire resistant however, it is still breached by the hit.

Thire drops the bars then yanks the arrow out of his body. Thire groans and briefly kneels in pain. Kedo fires another arrow at the captain, but Thire raises his left hand, and a large mound of earth emerges and blocks it. Asad leaps a few feet right of Thire's position. Asad: "It's over Thire!"

Thire: "We'll see about that." Thire rises and extends his hands, launching a stream of mud into Asad and blasting him away. The firebender gets back on his feet and pumps his hands forward, launching two fireballs at the seasoned earthbender. Thire pumps his right fist, and a wall of earth blocks the shot.

Thire smiles, "You are doomed." Thire extends his right hand and launches the wall at the marine. The marine lunges over the wall. Thire rushes forward and knees the marine in the stomach. Earthbenders are the strongest of the benders and Thire enhances his strength as he kicks the marine. A loud crunch can be heard as Thire kicks a dent in the marine's armor and the marine's gets a massive stomachache.

The marine immediately falls to his knees in pain and starts moaning. The marine rolls over and shakes side to side. Kedo runs across the left side of the earth mound. Thire raises his left hand and a block of hard clay emerges. Kedo runs into the block and falls over. Thire taunts, "Amateurs." Basin gets up with his sword ready.

Thire slaps his hands together and a stream of clay wraps itself around Basin before it thickens trapping him. Thire leaves Basin's head open and free of the clay. Thire: "I didn't want to kill you. No, maybe I'll take you, prisoner. You have a lot of heart, I want to see what it takes to break a man like you."

Basin defiantly says, "You will never break me."

Thire stares Basin down, "ANY man can be broken and everyone has a breaking point. I'll find your's sooner or later."

Kanna steps a few feet behind him. Kanna: "I knew something was off, so I came to investigate."

Thire laughs, "So you came to save your friends. Macai isn't that brilliant or he would have picked a better team to fight me."

Kanna: "No, Macai made the right decision. Because he wants to keep you busy."

Thire extends his arms, "I'm not the leader. The best is yet to come."

Kanna: "Ok, I'm bored of this." Kanna pumps her right hand forward then her left as she fires large volatile fireballs at the captain. Thire darts right as he narrowly dodges the explosions. Kanna taunts, "Oh dear Thire, you'll have to be more agile than that to beat me."

Thire grimaces at Kanna then gallops and hurls several large rocks at her. The rocks range from five feet to seven feet in length and around two to three feet in width. Kanna leaps left as she dodges one rock then. Thire lifts a rock directly above Kanna turn hurls it down at her. Kanna spins backward to avoid being squished.

Kanna skips right then carefully fires two flames at Thire. Thire lowers his right hand and blocks the first flame. Thire forgets Kanna's flames are explosive, and the shots sends him backpedaling. Kanna fires another flame at Thire's left shoulder. Thire ducks then extends his left hand, a stream of rocks accelerates toward Kanna. Kanna slaps her hands, and a stream of explosive fire collides with the rocks creating smoke.

Thire waits patiently for the smoke to clear. Kanna suddenly springs in the air through the smoke and kicks a fireball at Thire's neck. Thire rolls forward and Kanna presses forward again as she reaches melee range. Kanna kicks a flame from her right leg at Thire's stomach. Thire pulls his right arm low as he blocks the shot then extends his left hand and fires a stone sword at Kanna.

Kanna sprints then rolls forward. Thire raises his hands and causes an earthquake at Kanna's position. In an instant, Kanna leaps on her feet, does a cartwheel, and flips beside Thire. Thire is put off by her speed. Thire turns and squares up to defend himself.

Kanna raises her right leg and aims it at Thire's stomach. As Thire anticipates a stomach shot, Kanna swiftly changes the arch of her leg and fires an explosive flame into Thire's left shoulder. The explosive shot causes a muscle spasm on Thire's left arm and sends shockwaves through his nerves. Thire immediately collapses and his body feels numb from the blow.

Smoke flows from Thire's suit while he was down. Kanna smiles, "You are good Thire, but you've met your match. Just like how Shi is good, but he WON'T beat Macai."

Thire shouts, "That remains to be seen!! I've seen more than you could possibly imagine. You can keep fighting, but the Fire Nation is on its last legs. It's only a matter of time before we've won."

Kanna: "It sure doesn't seem like it. We've NEVER been more up against your pathetic kingdom. And after we take Ba Sing Se, we'll take the Water Tribe as well." Thire miraculously gets some feeling back in his body rises back on his feet. Thire leaps as he attempts to tackle Kanna. The marine scout is surprised but easily braces herself and pushes Thire back.

Thire stumbles two feet back then Kanna bobs behind the captain. Kanna latches her arms around Thire's neck and snaps it. Kanna drops his lifeless body. The scout takes a breath, she doesn't enjoy such brutal scenes. No matter how much she lies to herself. Kanna extends her right leg and kicks a fire into the clay structure binding Basin.

The clay begins to melt and Basin slips out of it. A sore Asad slowly gets up. Kedo also rises but the injured marine firebender is still unconscious. Kanna looks at Asad, "Look after these men and count our losses. As we speak, Macai should be engaging Colonel Shi's forces. He will crush them at Rekk Creek. I might go over there and see how things are doing."

A defeated Asad nods and sits down on the ground. Kanna walks away as the sunset starts to fade. Basin slowly rises from the mud and Kedo looks at him. Basin: "Well that was."

Kedo: "Embarrassing."

Basin: "We did a number on most of them. Until that crazy Captain and his elite benders came. No shame in that struggle."

Kedo: "Usually we have Macai with us or maybe Kett or Kanna or Rosh. Asad struggles a bit more."

Basin: "Asad is all talk."

Kedo: "He has skill against most troops and even benders. But against the best-of-the-best, not so much."

Basin: "Basically, he's like a sub-boss who thinks he's a top boss."

Kedo: "Now let's hush before he comes."

Asad approaches the marines, "You both fought valiantly today. I want to congratulate you two. You can fight with me anytime. It is an honor to have you both in my unit." Asad walks off.

Basin looks at Kedo, "A bit rough around the edges..."

Kedo: "Probably on the inside as well..."

Basin: "But, he might have a FEW good qualities."

Kedo: "Maybe, he's in the 31st and we're stuck with him sometimes, so we'll have to make due."

Basin: "Could be a lot worse. I'll take him over Zhao any day."

Kedo: "Zhao's dead."

Basin: "Something like that, I heard there are stories that people don't actually die like that. Apparently, a spirit took him."

Kedo: "I hear they have a fate worse than death." Basin nods. Kedo: "So in the meantime, want to play Rossu?"

Basin: "You cannot beat me at that game. Did you keep your cards?"

Kedo: "You know it and I think they're still intact. I got the sturdy military ones. The ones that can take indirect explosions, blunt force, you name it."

Basin: "You kept them just so I could school you."

Kedo: "We'll see, we are still two and two you know."

Basin: "Hey, I was rusty that first game. As soon as I got back in my zone, I schooled you."

Kedo: "We'll see. Let's settle it." Kedo and Basin play their card game as the sun goes down.