Priority Target

After the crushing defeat during the Siege of the North, Fire Nation forces have pulled out of the Water Tribe territories. Now more forces have committed themselves to the Earth Kingdom. Many Fire Nation forces still benefit from the earlier victories the 31st paved for them. Ozai deemed his son Zuko a failure.

Now, Princess Azula has been tasked with the honor of hunting the Avatar. She has gathered her childhood friends Mai and Ty Lee to assist her on her quest. In a cell within the Descending Wrath (Director Goshal's heavy cruiser), Macai sits with Rosh, Basin, and Dade as they discuss the war. They are sitting in one of their own cells, as two intel troopers wait outside of it.

Rosh scratches his head, "Wait what happened to Zuko?"

Macai replies, "He has been deemed a traitor to the Fire Nation."

Dade asks, "Why?"

Basin confirms, "Because he left with his uncle Iroh who betrayed Admiral Zhao."

Rosh: "But how did Iroh betray him?"

Macai: "My sources informed me that Iroh wanted to stop Zhao from killing the moon spirit. Zhao did it, turning the sky red and disabling the waterbender powers. This attack aided our forces but Iroh feared it would have disastrous spiritual implications. For this reason, he attacked Zhao's squad and forced him to fall back. The Water Tribe Princess Yue sacrificed herself to save the spirit."

Basin: "Then what happened to Zhao?"

Macai: "Zuko pursued Zhao. They had a rivalry, so it makes sense."

Rosh: "I get the feeling if Zuko killed Zhao for the sake of their rivalry alone he would have gotten away with it. But now because of them going against a Fire Nation victory, Zuko is a traitor."

Macai responds, "I don't know all of the details. I believe Zuko continued his hunt for the Avatar after that. But he was weary and injured. He came close to catching the Avatar but was fended off."

Dade asks, "Do you think the Prince can redeem himself?"

Macai: "I think it's possible. I also don't think Zuko will stop looking for the Avatar. He might try to beat Azula to it."

Dade: "Do you honestly believe he can pull that off?"

Macai scratches his head, "Not likely, Azula is more skilled. Zuko also doesn't have a team anymore but Azula has Mai and Ty Lee who are excellent non-benders. On the other hand, Zuko might grow stronger in his determination. My father once told me to never underestimate the man who has nothing to lose."

Rosh nods, "That's a wise saying. We'll just have to wait and see."

Macai grins, "Maybe we'll get a shot at the Avatar and ruin all of their plans."

Basin: "Imagine that, it would be an honor for the 31st."

Macai: "We'd have to break our team up for a fast and swift response. We are set up for smaller battles than Ozai, Zhao, or Eyre's forces. However, our team is used to much bigger fights than what Zuko has been doing and what Azula's team will be trying."

Rosh: "Do you think Azula can handle the Avatar?"

Macai leans against the wall, "I don't know much about the kid. I think she is one of the best people for the job, if not the best person for it. Her strategic brilliance will outweigh anything the boy and his crew can muster. She is a great combatant who can at least rival his skills. I hear he is quite the prodigy but he's still young and inexperienced even compared to Zuko and Azula."

Dade smiles, "We have more experience than them though."

Macai: "That's true, we've fought for an entire year before Zuko even FOUND the Avatar. On the other hand, Zhao should be more experienced and look how that worked for him."

Basin replies, "To be fair, Zhao's strategies seemed to be more effective than Zuko. He almost had Aang a couple of times and would have had him if not for Zuko's meddling."

Macai: "Even at the North, Zhao would have succeeded had Iroh not gotten in the way."

Dade: "So you think we should have been ok with that?"

Macai: "I don't know. Everything felt off after that, but it was benefiting us."

Dade: "Well, hopefully, we get pardoned for our actions. They were upset with Zuko, but he committed several offenses. First getting himself banished and now this. This is our first real offense and we still proved our loyal in the past. We also have gained several feats on the battlefield and won them many victories. While Zuko has only failed."

Macai nods, "To be fair, Zuko had a different task and it presents a different type of challenge. But I agree, they will likely view our defeat more favorably than Zuko. Even so, I don't know the gravity of our decision."

An intel sergeant confronts the detained marines with an escort of an additional two intel troopers, "We have arrived at the Capitol. Macai, your presence is requested." One of the intel troopers opens the cell door and pulls Macai up. The troopers escort Macai out of the cell and lock the door behind them.

Dade: "Stay strong Macai." The troopers walk with Macai to Goshal's bridge. Unlike Macai's bridge, it isn't a small ten-foot-wide room. It is a massive bridge that is thirty feet wide and fifteen feet long. Eight intel troopers stand in the room with Director Goshal and his assistant Captain Pion. Captain Pion has medium-length brown curly hair, olive skin, thin hazel eyes, long thin lips, small ears, and a medium-length curvy nose.

The walls of the bridge are black, the ceiling is light green, the floor is dark red, and light shines through the windows of the room. Pion's black armor has several light green markings on it with a silver collar. Director Goshal smiles and looks at Macai, "You have caused us a bit of trouble recently."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "And why is that?"

Goshal frowns, "You know exactly why. I wanted you to have a public trial, but Ozai has requested a private meeting. My forces will escort you there, it will be located within the hidden chambers of the defense building. Ozai will speak with you personally."

Macai nods and the intel troopers escort Macai out of the ship on the shore. From there, Macai is taken on a carriage and riden to the defense building. Once Macai makes it to his destination, one of the intel troopers taps him on the back to exit. Macai does as he is commanded and walks to the structure.

Two Fire Nation Army troopers notice Macai's arrival and salute him. Macai nods back at them as he is escorted through a hallway into a massive chamber room. The chamber room has a seat in the front of the room and an elevated throne at the back of it. The throne comes with two seats beside it. The room also has a black and grey dotted carpet, dark red walls, and a silver ceiling.

Macai sits as he waits for his judgment. Ozai sits on the throne. Fire Nation Admiral Zon (on his left) and General Mushi (on his right) sit beside him. Ozai: "Macai, I am displeased with your recent actions."

Macai: "Sir, I apologize."

Ozai: "Silence! You have placed your own interests over mine and your nation's!!! By searching for your friend Kett, against General Hamooni's orders. You could have gotten yourself and several members of your unit killed. What is your plea?"

Macai: "I have no plea, your honor. I wanted to retrieve my friend, I thought I owed it to him but I knew the risk. I will accept whatever punishment you charge."

Ozai responds, "I will not kill you Macai and I will not put you on a public trail. Consider this your final warning to comply with your nation's requirements. For now, I will pardon your actions. Don't let it happen again."

Macai nods, "Thank you sir, I am honored by your mercy."

Ozai: "You still have been of more use to me than my pathetic son, which is a shame. Even so, I will dispose of you if your usefulness comes to an end. You will be reassigned to missions as if nothing happen however, I have a command of you. DO NOT, search for Kett anymore! If you do, your entire unit will be deemed traitors and dishonorably discharged if they are caught doing it again and you will be executed."

Macai kneels, "Understood your highness."

Ozai: "If you disobey, you will be executed."

Macai requests, "Can a team still be dispatched to save Kett, if it is a convenient objective?"

Admiral Zon looks at Ozai and Ozai nods his head. Admiral Zon: "Kett will not be searched for on a specific objective. Kett has shown signs of deviation while resisting to wipe out a village. If Kett is rescued indirectly by other efforts from our nation, he will be transferred into another Fire Nation unit. We deem his relationship with you and the 31st to be a conflict of interest. For now, Kett is at yellow status meaning he is not an ideal member but not a traitor like Iroh."

Macai takes a deep breath, "Very well."

General Mushi: "You are dismissed, commander." Macai rises and exits. Macai and the 31st are released. The Prompt Adjudicator control is given back to the crew. Macai meets with Hazo the next day in his chambers.

Captain Hazo: "That could have ended a lot worse."

Macai nods, "Now we are on yellow status as a unit. The good thing is only we know this. Our search for Kett is currently classified and will only be reported if we deviate again."

Hazo: "This job is getting harder and harder."

Macai: "You can say that again. But if we go a year without obstruction, we'll be back on red status."

Hazo nods, "I definitely don't want to be on green status."

The Next Assignment

Macai meets in the Conference Room with his marines and sailors. Macai stands on the stage with Cosal right of his position and Basin on his left. Macai: "It has been an honor to serve with you all. We have been through a lot. Serving our nation has come with a lot of ups and downs. Even so, victory is at hand, my brothers and sisters. We are getting closer every day, to our glorious victory."

Macai continues, "To that day when all will stand under our great banner and be a part of our wonderful civilization. Until that day comes, we still have some hard fights to win. So I ask you all to stay sharp and motivated. Look after each other, we have families, if not at home then right here in this room. You are all my family and I love each and every one of you."

Rosh smiles, "We love you too buddy."

Macai: "Our next assignment will be within our own soil at a city called Derka. It once belonged to the Earth Kingdom territories but our allies conquered it about three years ago. Now, a young revolutionary named Aven has inspired a quiet revolution in the land. Intelligence has informed us that his forces are attempting an uprising and they have reached the second phase of their plan. Our mission is to touch down and capture Aven before he can accomplish the last phase of his plan."

Samira looks at Kanna, "I wonder if we should kill him."

Kanna is still sad about Kett's disappearance and is largely unresponsive during the speech. Her voice is less cheerful than normal. Kanna: "If we kill him it may inspire more to revolt. If we capture him, we can at least silence him."

Samira: "They'll still be upset with him captured. It'll have the same phycological effect. But if he returns from capture, he would inspire many to rise against us. It would make more sense to just kill him, but I know it isn't Macai's decision."

Kanna replies, "You have a point. I think the Fire Nation wants to send him to a reeducation center. They have been working on those for a while and are developing new methods of manipulation. I believe they also have a new science they are developing that can get people in line."

Samira: "I guess this insurrectionist stuff is different. I know the frontlines more than anything, but this is so different."

Kanna mutters, "I just want this war to end..."

Ronin pats Kanna on the back, "Cheer up Kanna, we'll get through this as a unit." Kanna doesn't respond but feels the unit already left Kett behind. She gives a fake smile and nods her head; knowing Ronin's intentions are good.

Macai signals for his marines to meet with him in the armory. Thirty of the marines meet with Macai in the Prompt Adjudicator's armory. Macai: "We are going to split up again during our investigation. We have a few leaks who are expecting attacks throughout the city the day after our enemy plans on giving a speech. His location is not confirmed but I will bring a strike team with me to attack him at night before he gives his speech."

Rosh: "Can I be in that team?"

Macai shakes his head, "It will be me, Sonna, Dade, Ronin, and Cosal. However, we think our enemies will stage several ambushes throughout the city. To manage that, I want you and Kanna to take care of that. Meanwhile, Asad will watch after the ship. Samira has been fighting a lot lately so she'll also be stationed with the ship along with Desan and Kedo."

Rosh: "So we are basically going to help the stationed army forces at the city."

Macai: "Exactly, but you and Kanna will come up with the plan. I want you all to be independent. You've seen me do this stuff time and time again. We practiced basic strategies and had quizzes during R&R. You both have what it takes to pull this off."

Kanna takes a breath and looks at Rosh, Rosh shrugs. Macai: "So we all know what to do. Our enemy is a non-bender but he has several earthbenders scattered throughout his ranks. They use a variety of weapons and guerrilla warfare. But this is different than when we fought the Purple Burrays. Our enemies are scattered throughout the city and hidden within the population. Army forces have been alerted to keep an eye out for suspicious activity, so you will need to be quick and able to assist army forces."

A Fateful Visit

Rosh, Kanna, Desan, and two other marine swordsmen arrive in the city Derka. The city has several two-story-tall buildings that are made of a light brown clay alloy. Several army troopers stroll the city streets in patrols in pairs of two or groups of three. A few archers stand on the buildings scattered throughout the land.

Rosh stands in front of the government center, which is 30 feet wide and 25 feet tall. Rosh's team enters the facility. The walls are beige, the ground is light grey, and the ceiling is brown. Several fire nation marines, workers, and staff members travel throughout the building. Rosh and his friends knock on the door of the local defense leader.

The door is opened by Captain Betalli. Betalli has bronze skin, black curly hair, thin eyebrows, a wide nose, small yet plump lips, milk chocolate brown eyes, and very round ears. Betalli: "Rosh, it is an honor."

Rosh: "The honor is all mine captain."

Betalli: "Well, thank you, captain. I've heard good about you and Lieutenant Kanna."

Kanna smiles, "Thank you, sir."

Betalli: "So let's get to it. We have several patrols scattered throughout the city and we need a swift response force to deal with attacks."

Kanna: "Responsiveness is important, but it is just as important that we take preventative measures."

Betalli asks, "What are you suggesting?"

Kanna: "We need to find out what motivates our enemies and take that away from them."

Betalli: "Right now, the main thing is hatred. They feared us for a time, but at some point, the last commander killed several civilians as he ramped up his attacks on the enemies. He had several hard crackdowns but they kept fighting. One day he was assassinated by an enemy archer during one of his briefings. Ever since then, our local forces have been in disarray. I worry some of them have lost some confidence."

Rosh: "Wow, that's intense."

Betalli: "We also had a few members quit and dishonorably dessert us. They are listed as traitors and to be executed."

Rosh: "Another problem for another day. It sounds like your men could use some morale boosters."

Betalli: "Your presence has given our men some hope. If you and Kanna are as good as I hear, your assistance can inspire them to stay committed."

Rosh: "It's an honor to hear that. I think the first step to getting them right is having more public outreach events. Help the locals. Give food to the poor and help out at the local schools. I will see to it that we engage in this if we have the time during our R&R. Trust is important to achieving a lasting victory."

Betalli raises an eyebrow, "Wow, those are unorthodox methods."

Rosh: "I've studied some... diverse topics before I graduated. Not endorsed by much of my nation, but they are worth a try. Your forces have been failing constantly, it's time you try something new."

Betalli: "Well we had a lot of successful crackdowns."

Rosh replies, "But how have those crackdowns really helped curve violence, a loss of our nation's resources, and military casualties?"

Betalli sighs, "I see."

Kanna: "After we have earned their trust we can start recruiting locals."

Betalli: "That opens us way too much sabotage."

Kanna: "We have to replenish our losses by recruiting people from the lands we have taken. We also must treat them as sisters and brothers to lower the odds of betrayal."

Betalli: "Well, you both have very interesting ideas."

Kanna: "Like Rosh said, you have nothing to lose."

Betalli: "What about your response force?"

Kanna: "Have your teams prepared to respond to attacks and ready to report them. We will have several marine deployment garrisons of eight to fifteen marines waiting in security buildings. They will look like regular buildings but will really be Fire Nation spots. Our members will wear regular light brown t-shirts with black pants to hide their true identities. They will keep their identification papers to avoid any confusion and attack when given the word to counter enemy forces."

Betalli responds, "I like that idea. That will catch them off-guard."

Rosh: "We will need quick ways for attacked teams to communicate with our allies, without making it too obvious. We will have several lookouts go on patrols throughout the city before attacks happen. Also to make our presence less obvious, we will stagger the times people go out."

Betalli: "We have given advertisements for new businesses to open up and tenants to rent apartments. A few have taken the offer but most have turned it down. We even have a team of undercover Fire Nation agents to open one restaurant. They have given us some important inside information, but I believe rebels have grown suspicious of them over time."

Rosh: "This is definitely a multi-dimensional campaign. Political, militaristic, recon, and police duties. Much different from the frontlines in rural areas or new territories to annex."

Betalli: "Tell me about it. This is all I've been doing for the last three years. I got promoted after our commander was assassinated. We run short staff at times, we could use the extra help."

A Call to Greatness

A man walks across the city streets. He has dark brown straight hair, light skin, forest green eyes, a pointy yet short nose, and a relatively short stature. He is only seventeen years old, barely an adult by Fire Nation standards. The man walks toward a thin two-story building and knocks on the old grey door in front of him.

He hears a response from behind the door, "Who knocks?"

The man: "Someone who has seen the mountain's peak." The guard opens the door. The guard is tall, fairly muscular, and stands at about sixteen and seven inches tall. The man: "Tocai, it has been a while. How has your family been?"

Tocai: "They have been well. My grandmother is still ill, but she has been feeling better recently."

The guard smiles, "Well, that's joyful news. I'm glad, she makes the best maple cookies I've ever had."

Tocai smiles, "You know that's a local tradition, Jasben."

Jasben: "You are right. I've noticed a few more visitors recently in our city. They are not our people and they don't know our ways. It is obvious. Some are of Earth Kingdom origin, others are of Fire Nation origin. I believe this is the work of the ash makers."

Tocai nods, "Without a doubt. Is it safe for Aven to come?"

Jasben: "Yes."

Tocai: "Wonderful." Tocai whistles and three men emerge. They are all wearing hoods and have light grey robes.

Jasben: "Come quickly, before another patrol arrives." The men enter the building and Jasben locks the door. The men lift their hoods. The man in the center is Aven. He has light brown hair, light green eyes, a moderate height (five feet and ten inches tall), and he is moderately skinny. Right of him is a man with long dark brown hair, a long nose, small and thin lips, thin ears, and a slightly large forehead; his name is Tefful.

Left of them is a female with a ponytail. She has dark brown hair. She also has golden-yellow skin, thin eyebrows, a relatively small yet long nose, small ears, curious yellow-green eyes, and a lively smile. Her name is Zyra.

Jasben: "Here is Zyra, a good friend of mine. Her grandfather was actually a Firebender who stood against the injustices of the Fire Nation. He was deemed a traitor and disowned by his people."

Zyra smiles, "He said leaving his nation and being disowned was the best thing that ever happened to him. His nation was with no meaningful love. Everything was fake, at least in his family. Yet here he was welcomed and became a part of our family."

Jasben's eyes widen, "Her grandfather was an ashmaker?!"

Aven: "Indeed, but he proved himself a good man and helped the people of this city while masking his true identity. We don't need to hate people for their births, it is their decisions that matter. Yet the tyranny of the Fire Nation must not be tolerated. We call anyone who wants to deviate from their wicked nation to join us, but most will not give up their comfort. I plan on mentioning this in my next speech as well as a call for our people to never give up in their fight against the enemy."

Jasben: "Hopefully we can get the Avatar to join us."

Aven smiles, "We will need to determine his location first. He is always on the move, so writing a letter to him probably won't work."

Jasben: "Allow me to dispatch a couple of my travelers to search for him with the news. If possible, I know he would come. I hear he is an honorable young man and we could use his help to free this city. Even if he doesn't fight, his mere presence would inspire the locals."

Aven: "His emergence has already inspired so many. That alone will make a global difference as well as the Water Tribes' victory over the mighty Fire Nation. They have fewer resources than the Earth Kingdom, yet they were victorious. The battle is spiritual, not physical."

Tefful: "You can say that again. These Fire Tyrants are on borrowed time."

An elderly man with long white hair, yellow skin, a long and pointy nose, large brown eyes, and a profound beard emerges on the stairway. Aven: "Hujay!"

Hujay exclaims, "Aven! It is an honor, come up here so I can hug you."

Aven teases, "Aren't you a little old to be using those stairs?"

Hujay: "Well, I wanted to come somewhere with an escape route. But not for me, for you in case anything bad happens."

Aven runs up the stairs and hugs Hujay. Aven: "Thank you so much, for everything sir. Your help has been essential for the movement."

Hujay: "Of course son and bring your friends. We have much to discuss." Aven and his friends follow Hujay into a room upstairs while Jasben keeps watch downstairs.

After a long conversation between the group, Tocai asks Aven a question, "So we are going to have a series of attacks throughout the cities before the meeting?"

Aven nods, "Yes, we will do that to distract the enemies and keep them from realizing our meeting will occur. In the past, I took part in several attacks and the training of our rebels. They often stay defensive with the hopes of finding me, but not this time.

Zyra: "You really should stop participating in those attacks. It isn't necessary anymore."

Aven: "I do every now and then to prove I am with the people. How can I advocate for my followers to fight when I myself will not fight? If I die our movement lives on with that as further inspiration."

Zyra nods, "Hopefully, that won't be necessary."

Spring the Trap

In the Derka streets, five fire nation army troopers walk through a streetway. The ones on the edge of the formation have swords. The one in the center is a nonbender sergeant with a short sword and the two around him are firebenders. The firebender on the right is a female and the one on the left is a male.

The helmets of the army troopers do not cover their faces. They over cover the top and back of their heads while leaving the rest of their faces open. This is different from the helmets that the 31st marines wear.

Above them are two archers. Both are on top of the buildings in the center of their formation. A bored Fire Nation swordsman looks at the buildings in front of him then notices a trumpet pointed out of the window of a building left of his position. The trooper wonders if the person is just practicing his trumpet lessons.

The trumpet player flares his horns in a triumphant manner. The sergeant looks at the trumpet, "Hey! That's against regulation! No public instrument playing!" The sergeant stops and wonders if it is a trap. Sergeant: "Stay sharp!" The army troopers wait on alert for five minutes and notice happens.

Firebender: "Sir, should we confiscate that trumpet for violating regulations?"

Sergeant: "Put a sticker on his door. We'll let the next patrol do that as soon as they arrive." The firebender puts a sticker on the door. The sergeant takes a note of the incident to inform the next patrol. While this is happening a man in a white uniform with orange stripes climbs on the rooftop and emerges behind one of the archers.

The archer turns around and notices the rebel. The rebel jumps and thrusts his blade into the archer's gut. The rebel kicks the archer down and the other archer notices. The archer panics as another two rebel swordsmen gut him from behind. Two rebel marksmen claim the arrows from the fallen army archers.

An arrow is fired through the neck of the sergeant. Sergeant: "Gah!" Blood foams through the officer's neck and mouth as he gasps for air. The sergeant falls backward and the army troopers panic. Firebender: "We need backup!" Two hooded figures emerge from the crowd and leap toward the troopers.

One extends his hands and two sharp fragments fly into two of the army troopers on the right (one bender and one swordsman). The other pulls his arm right and several earth fragments collide into the firebender across him. The firebender is laid out by the collision and the final swordsman flees into an alley. The swordsman is punched in his nose as he flees then another two swordsmen leap behind him and cut the man down.

Kanna leaps on the other side of the building on the left in her battle armor while two marine firebenders prepare for action. The archer turns and the swordsman beside him prepares for battle. Another swordsman emerges on his left. The archer immediately fires at Kanna's face.

Kanna rolls forward and the swordsman at the left dives at Kanna's position. Kanna bobs backward and flips back on her feet. The swordsman lunges horizontally at Kanna's neck. Kanna ducks then flips the man over. The archer pounds an arrow at Kanna and Kanna flips over the arrow. Kanna points her hands at her opponents and pounds two dark orange flames into them. The flames explode on impact and knock them back.

Kanna gracefully lands on her feet and looks at the building across her position. The two 31st Marines pump flames at their enemies. The swordsmen are shot down and the archer launches an arrow into the neck of one of the marines. The other marine blasts the archer off the rooftop. Archer: "Aiyyyyyeee!!"

Several marines emerge in light grey shirts and black pants on the ground below. Five move behind the enemies and five move in front of them. Two have swords, two have spears, and one is a firebender.

On the rear position, a firebender opens fire and blasts a rebel swordsman away. Another spearman throws his blade into the chest of one of the earthbenders. Another firebender dives toward a swordsman across him. The firebender extends his hands and blasts the swordsman eight feet back with a rod of orange fire.

The firebender turns and shoots a spout of fire at an earthbender across his direction. The earthbender raises his hands and blocks the shot while using a pile of fragments to shield himself. The firebender dashes forward and kicks another flame into the earthbender's stomach. The other rebels are picked apart from the surface below as they are flanked by 31st marines, disguised as regular civilians.

Rosh discusses the battle report with Betalli. Rosh: "We did a great job shutting enemy patrols down."

Betalli: "Yes, it will be a psychological victory for our allies. But casualties are much higher than what we hoped for. Not in your unit, but in ours. Please find quicker ways to intervene."

Rosh: "We'll try to work on it, but the enemies cannot afford to trade losses with your forces. Even that is a win for us because our enemies have limited resources."

Betalli: "What makes you think that? They have more people on their side here than we do?"

Rosh replies, "Do they? Many of the people will lose faith when they see how many of their people are dying. Most of the people who attend the rallies don't actually fight. Those are the more radical members and those numbers will decline as more and more of their footsoldiers fall."

Meanwhile, someone knocks at the door. Jasben: "Who is it?"

Response: "Guess?"

Jasben raises an eyebrow and attempts to alert his friends, "I think we have a problem!"

Second response: "You're dead you rebel scum." The door is blasted off its hinges by a stream of orange fire, the door crushes Jasben but lands in the stairway.

A marine swordsman looks at the firebender, "Nice job genius, now the stairway is going to be difficult to use."

1st Lieutenant: "Silence! Move up and search the facility. As per Macai's orders, I want everything searched."

Hujay hears the commotion below, "Get out of here. Our enemies will have the rooftops covered. Zyra, lock the door behind us then quickly follow me." Hujay pushes a bookshelf back and reveals a slide. Hujay: "The slide leads to a tunnel underground. From there, you can follow a route that leads to the city outskirts. That will buy you time to meet for your speech. When are you giving it again?"

Aven: "At midday, we cannot wait until the evening. The enemy will expect that. They have also been guarding the outskirts."

Hujay: "The tunnel leads to a specific location that I don't think they've been searching much recently. They eventually might cover everywhere, so be quick as you flee to your next safe house." Aven and his friends hug Hujay. They use the slide, Hujay slides the bookshelf back. Seconds later, the door behind him is slammed open.

Hujay turns, "Hello travelers, may I ask why you have barged into my residence?!"

A marine swordsman emerges with a Firebender right of his position. The Lieutenant steps between them, "Where is Aven? We know you are hiding them."

Hujay: "How do you know that?"

Lieutenant: "We know."

Hujay: "You have no evidence."

Lieutenant: "Oh, we have evidence."

Hujay: "Let's see it or have a trial then?"

The Lieutenant laughs, "We will find him, and when we do; he will not escape. Your rebellion is doomed."

Hujay smiles, "That remains to be seen, young man. Tyrants come and go, I've learned a lot of history throughout my days."

Lieutenant: "NOT the Fire Nation. We will always remain."

Hujay: "So you have been told."

The Lieutenant steps back and nods at his men. The firebender puts his hand on the back of the elderly man's head and pulls him down to his knees. The swordsman knees the man in his stomach. Hujay groans and spits on the floor. Lieutenant: "Last warning, tell us or die."

Hujay gathers himself, "I don't fear death Lieutenant. We already have the victory. Kill me now and I'll have eternal life."

The Lieutenant snarls, "You old fool! Kill him." The swordsman thrusts his sword through Hujay's stomach. Blood flows on the floor as Hujay has his last breath.

The Way of the Villains

The slide stops. Aven and his friends run through the tunnel for several minutes before they notice a latter that leaders to the surface. once they climb to the surface, they notice a surface of yellow-green grass. The trees have yellow-green leaves and the sky is still light blue. Zyra looks at Aven and has an uneasy feeling.

Tefful comments, "Something isn't right."

Tocai: "The balance is off. Dark forces are at work."

Tefful shakes his head, "Poor fools. They don't know they are the makers of their own undoing."

Aven: "I know somewhere we can go, an alternate location. Instead of in the city, we can hit a nearby home. Right on the outskirts of the city, there we can arrive at the meeting later. I have a friend who has a ranch nearby and a carriage to escort us. Aven, Tefful, Zyra, and Tocai sprint at their next hideout.

The home is made of light-brown wood. A man is a full dark brown beard, pale skin, brown eyes, and a tall stature arrives. His name is Puyo and he is wearing a light purple shirt. Puyo smiles and his wife Kushoma stands on his right side. Kushoma has medium-length brown hair, a thin build, light skin, thin slanted light green eyes, and a yellow dress.

Puyo: "Aven, you know I prefer not to engage in activities like this. I have a family now and I want to keep them out of this."

Aven: "Puyo I don't blame you. We just need one night with you and your homeservant Ganon to take us to the meeting. Then we will never ask it of you again. It is an emergency."

Puyo sighs and says, "Give me a minute to talk it over with my wife. I'll see what she says." Aven nods and waits with his companions. Puyo returns, "Ok, one night. Come on in." Zyra looks at Tefful and Tocai rushes in.

Tocai: "Do you have any food? I'm starving!"

Kushoma looks at Tocai, "The kids usually eat everything, but I'll make another big meal for this occasion. Puyo caught a large chicken earlier this morning, I'll cook that."

While Kushoma is cooking, several children sneak into the kitchen. The kitchen has a light brown wooden floor, beige walls, and a white ceiling. One little boy with brown hair, light skin, a pointy nose, round ears, and green eyes emerges. The boy pokes Tocai's left leg. Tocai looks down, "Hey little guy."

The boy smiles. Tocai: "What's your name?" The boy does not respond and simply blushes.

Kushoma responds, "That is Takkai, he is shy when it comes to speaking but he loves to play."

Tocai takes a second look at the boy, "Well isn't that something." Tocai stands up and the boy flees. Tocai sits back down and notices Takkai looking at him in the distance. Tocai asks Kushoma, "How old is he?"

Puyo picks up Takkai, "He's four."

Tocai smiles, "He's pretty mature for a four-year-old."

Zyra looks right and notices a little girl looking at them from the hallway across their position. She has long light brown hair, light green eyes, a long nose, extended ears, and a curious aura. Zyra: "What's her name?"

Kushoma: "Her name is Fuki."

Zyra smiles, "I like that name. It's cute."

Tefful looks at Fuki, "I want to have kids someday, if I live that long."

Zyra sighs, "Yeah that would be nice. Maybe at some point..."

Tocai responds, "But being a liberty fighter has its rewards."

Puyo interrupts, "No more freedom talk. I'm glad you all are safe here for now, but I don't want to hear that in my house."

Aven: "Your wife is a great cook, I can't wait for this delicious meal."

Puyo smiles, "You all are in for a treat." Kushoma slides the rebels' plates of Nocorra. A dish that consists of yellow rice, sliced carrots, celery, various herbs, a garlic sauce, and roasted chicken. Everyone is handed chopsticks to eat with by Fuki (the little girl).

Zyra: "Why thank you." Fuki blushes.

Tocai: "Aw yeah, I'm gonna kill this." The crew members eat and enjoy their meal before going to bed.

Emerging Trials

The next day they wake up, Aven and his friends hug Puyo and Kushoma. Aven: "I know this wasn't easy for you Puyo, thanks."

Puyo: "No, thank you, Aven. Also thank my wife, she insisted we take care of you for the evening."

Aven: "Thank you Kushoma."

Kushoma nods, "Of course, I love what your team is doing. Our people must never let the Fire Nation break us. It will take a long time to drive them out. But as long as you all stay faithful in your valor and don't grow weary of doing good; our people will be just fine."

Aven: "Your wisdom is staggering Kushoma. If we die, we will make sure it isn't in vain. In the meantime, we have a job to do."

Kushoma, "Of course, but the honor is all mine. It is an anomaly to see such dedicated and wise young people. I wish you all well, you will be in my prayers."

Aven's crew enters the carriage as the homeservant Ganon rides them back. Ganon has tan skin, long black wavy hair, is a heavyset man, thick eyebrows, a wide nose, long lips, a deep voice, and dark green eyes. Ganon arrives at his destination, "Safe travels, friends."

Aven: "Thanks." Aven and his friends exit the carriage and Ganon rides away. Aven's team walks for another five minutes through the crowd before traveling through an alley. They notice a man standing at the edge of the alley.

Guard: "Aven, come quickly. We have three thousand people waiting outside, this is going to be a big one."

Aven and his friends march behind a wooden stage. Aven notices an old friend named Zoriere. One man in his early forties with long curly black hair, a medium nose, maple brown skin, a moderately round body, attached ears, and long yet thin lips. Aven smiles, "WOW.... Three thousand, we only expected seven hundred to come."

Zoriere: "The area is packed, it will likely attract Fire Nation forces, but it should take some time. I had our free fighters create some distractions to get the attention of the army guards. In addition to that, we deliberately chose the time the army trooper security tends to be at its lowest. We should have a good hour clear time, but we will go for a thirty-minute speech to be safe."

Aven hugs Zoriere then looks left and notices another friend. His name is Caleki. Caleki has pale skin, light brown curly hair, long eyebrows, a small nose, medium ears, light green eyes, and is relatively tall. Caleki smiles, "Aven, it's been an honor."

Aven: "I see you did a good job setting up this meeting."

Caleki: "Oh, I just did the logistics. The promotion was just word of mouth from all your followers and your past works."

Aven: "I see... It's always a pleasure to see you, man."

Caleki: "You couldn't make it out to the hideout yesterday, what happened?"

Aven: "Something felt off, we had to use another route."

Caleki nods, "I see, I'm glad you made it here safe."

Aven: "Hujay's home got busted."

Caleki sighs, "Dang it, Hujay was such an inspiration."

Aven gasps, "I know, I don't know if they imprisoned him or what."

Zoriere interrupts, "I'm sorry to say this but I was informed about this just a few minutes ago actually. I was also going to tell Caleki. Hujay was executed by order of one of the petty officers."

Aven shouts, "What no?! How can this be? Even the Fire Nation usually isn't that reckless."

Caleki: "You aren't going to let that dissuade you, right? You have a performance to do."

Aven: "I know. That was just so unexpected and now of all times."

Zoriere: "You have people to inspire Aven. Let them know what happened to Hujay."

Aven: "If I had even more time, I would show a picture of him."

Zoriere: "Alright, I'm going to get the people ready." Zoriere walks up the stage and Caleki looks right of their position. Zoriere gets behind a wooden podium on the stage and shouts, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to be here today with you all. We are all gathered in assembly against the tyranny of our city and our kingdom. I'm obviously not talking about the Fire Nation, but the Earth Kingdom!"

The crowd thunderously cheers. Zoriere: "We stand in light of the recent losses with the Fire Nation ambushes that have recently occurred. We stand knowing that our enemies are raising the stakes and have sent the famous Commander Macai's unit to deal with us. With this revelation, we know that our enemies see us as a big threat. They are investing everything they have because they know that we are indeed a threat."

Tocai nods, "That's right Zoriere."

Zoriere: "They want us to be afraid but don't be. My brethren and sisters, rejoice in our persecution! Rejoice! The more troops they send, the more special forces, the more technology, and whatever else means that the Fire Nation is losing as they pump more resources into their war effort. Contrary to popular belief, the Fire Nation does not have unlimited resources. If every city fights as we do, their nature will go bankrupt and their military will be depleted."

The crowd cheers again. Zyra: "Hmm, that is an interesting point."

Zoriere: "The Fire Nation wants to break our spirit, but our break only breaks if you let it. As long as we keep fighting, as long as we don't give up... Somehow, someday we will win this fight!! If they kill us all, who will run the mines (the crowd cheers)?! If they kill us all, who will be their slaves (crowd cheers)?! In these pressing times, we must endure until the end."

Zoriere: "We don't know which one of us will need to give our lives, but let us give them willingly so that our revolution will thrive. We are all a part of one greater body. One greater future and one brighter day! But for that day to be realized, we must all take part in its construction. For those of us who won't live to see that day in this life, remember we will see a greater day in the next. But in the meantime, I'd rather die a free man than live as a slave!"

The crowd erupts again. Zoriere: "And without wasting any more time, I open the stage up to Aven! Our fearless leader." The crowd explodes again in a flurry of passion. Tocai and Zyra hug Aven.

Tefful: "You've got it, man." Caleki smiles and looks down. Aven walks on the stage and the crowd honors his entrance. Aven takes a deep breath, looks down, then looks up at his family and smiles. Aven steps up toward the podium and hears a noise left of him.

A man in the crowd shouts, "Hey, get your hand out of my pocket!"

Tocai raises an eyebrow during the occurrence. Zyra's eyes widen, "What?!" Two guards in the crowd grab the men arguing then one of the men arguing pulls out a wrist blade and stabs a guard.

Guard: "Ahh!"

Another man in the center of the stage throws a knife at Aven's chest. Aven pivots left and evades the knife. A bystander in the crowd tackles the man. Two earthbenders leap across Aven. One on his right and another on his left. Both of them raise their hands and fire several objects at Aven. Aven raises his hand and raises several fragments from the stage around him which intersect the incoming objects.

Aven hops left and kicks the man off the stage. The man right of Aven charges at him with an improvised wooden earth sword. The man lunges at Aven and Aven moves left; narrowly evading a fatal blow. Aven grabs a hold of the man and tosses him seven feet back and off the stage. Aven turns his head and an arrow flies into his neck.

On a distant rooftop, Sonna takes cover from behind a window. The crowd screams in agony and several people start shouting at the commotion. Zyra shouts, "Aven!!"

Zoriere looks in horror, "Oh no." Several 31st Fire Nation marines emerge from the alley on the right and left sides of the formation. Other marines move in behind the crowd. Zoriere looks at Caleki, "What happened?! How did they find us so fast and with such a large force?!"

Caleki: "Why would I know?"

Zoriere: "I'm not saying you do but, you organized this event. Did you notice anything strange?"

Caleki draws his curved short sword and thrusts it into Zoriere's stomach. Zoriere's eyes widen. Caleki: "I'm sorry sir." Caleki pulls his blade back and Zoriere falls.

Zyra sees the commotion in the distance and her eyes widen, "Traitor! How could you!!" Three Fire Nation marines move near Caleki. The one directly behind him is a firebender. The one right of his position is a swordsman and the one left of his position is a spearman. Zyra looks back at Tocai and Tefful, "We have to get out of here. Flea from the rear."

Tocai: "There are a lot of guards there Zyra. It would be best if we surrender."

Zyra: "No! We can fight as matryrs."

Tocai: "Or we live to fight another day. Something tells me we should have our strength. This may not be the end of us."

Zyra: "Then we may wind up like those Water Tribe heroes Jarue, Kaft, and Serraj. I don't even know what happened to them."

Tefful: "They were apparently taken to an Earth Kingdom territory as prisoners. If they still live, they have been able to tell people stories of what happened after this. Maybe we could meet them one day."

A 31st Firebender points at them, "You have ten seconds to surrender."

Zyra looks at Tefful, "Want to go for it?"

Firebender: "Ten. Nine."

Tocai looks back and notices three marines behind them. Two with swords and a firebender. Several other marines are in the alley behind them. Tocai: "We should surrender and have the tale for another day."

Firebender: "Eight, seven..."

Tefful: "And let that traitor Caleki live?! He is the reason Aven, Zoriere, and probably Hujay and Jasben are dead. We can't let him get away with this."

Firebender: "Six, five..."

Tocai: "The traitors will be dealt with. If not by our hands, then spiritually. Retribution will come my friend."

Firebender: "Four, three..."

Tefful: "That sounds good and all, but I have another idea."

Firebender: "Two."

Zyra: "What?"

Tefful runs forward and the firebender is caught by surprise. Tefful swings horizontally and slashes the firebender across his neck. The firebender collapses and a marine swordsman charges at the freedom fighter. Tefful readies his weapon and the marine swings vertically at him. Tefful extends his blade horizontally and blocks the strike.

Tefful knees the marine in the stomach and thrusts his blade in the marine's back. Marine: "Ahhh!" The other marine braces himself as Caleki points his blade at Tefful. An arrow flies into the left side of Tefful's back. Tefful groans then marches forward and Sonna reloads.

Tefful blitzes forward and swings up. Tefful slashes Caleki across his chest. Caleki collapses and blood flows from his shirt. A second arrow penetrates Tefful's chest, and he falls forward. Zyra cries, "Tefful!"

Tocai and Zyra sprint before their fallen friend. Zyra: "Tefful! No..."

Tefful murmurs, "It's ok. It's ok, Zyra. Don't get yourselves killed." Tefful coughs, "Just promise me, you won't give up on the movement. Inspire others in prison, teach them to not lose faith. Our time will come my friends when we will see glory. This Fire Nation is fading, don't give up... I love you all."

Tocai: "Tefful no." Tefful's body falls still and Tocai freezes. Zyra breaks down and Tocai gathers himself. Tocai closes his childhood friend's eyes. Surprisingly the Fire Nation marines do not harass them instead, they stand in respect and give the rebels time to gather themselves. They know the feeling, all too well.

Tocai looks up and Commander Macai looks down in sorrow. Macai: "I'm sorry it had to come to this."

Tocai: "It never had to if your nation just respected its borders."

Macai responds, "I'm a soldier, not a politician."

Tocai: "You should have a soul no matter what your profession is."

Macai: "Don't lecture me, you terrorist."

Tocai: "You have can call me a thousand insults, make as many labels as you want it won't get to us. Do you think we haven't heard that one before? No commander, you and your nation are the terrorists. Taking our land, making demands, terrorizing our people, and taking our liberties. You think might makes right, but one day the mighty will fall and the weak will prevail."

Macai: "What a funny philosophy, history says otherwise."

Tocai: "What history? The history your nation made up or the real history?"

Macai looks at his marines, "Take them away."

Dade steps behind Macai, "I thought command wanted him alive."

Macai responds, "They did until our informant failed to secure his capture. After that, we just decided to kill him. There will be plenty of others to reeducate. He was going to divulge information in that speech, that would hurt our campaign here even more than making him a martyr. Of course, that will have its costs too but a cost the Fire Nation is willing to take."

Dade: "If our enemies really are wrong, why not let them tell their nonsense? Eventually, their folly will be discovered."

Macai: "Not when you're dealing with ignorant people. The masses are easily manipulated, especially when emotions are involved. We have to decide what losses we are willing to take. If command makes a miscalculation, it's on them not us. Our job is to carry out the task and do a good job at that. So, you better remember that marine."

Dade looks at Macai. Macai: "Time to go, mission accomplished."