Push into Vanaloori

After the "death" of the Avatar and capture of Ba Sing Se, the Fire Nation pushes deeper into Earth Kingdom territory. Several cities have fallen, but Earth Kingdom forces have started to stand their ground and halt several Fire Nation advances. Once proud Earth Kingdom units who engaged the Fire Nation in direct combat are increasingly using guerrilla tactics to ward Fire Nation forces off.

Militia groups of civilian volunteers have joined the ranks of Earth Kingdom forces to help push back the Fire armies. Even some criminal organizations have sided with the Remnant Earth Kingdom forces to expel Fire Nation tyranny. General Eyre has called the conflict a "war of attrition" claiming that the Earth Kingdom forces had dwindling resources and would collapse as long as the Fire Nation kept them under consistent pressure.

Because of this, Eyre launched his "Break the Stool" campaign on the Earth Kingdom. Several Fire Nation units were sent to attack key coastal, production, and mining towns in the Earth Kingdom. If the Fire Nation forces couldn't manage to capture the towns, they were ordered to destroy their economic and industrial facilities before falling back. A few attacks from Fire Nation air balloons have been used to hit key industrial facilities with moderate success.

The Fire Nation plans to later use a fleet of airships to further deplete the Earth Kingdom industries when the time is right. Following this agenda, the 31st regiment has been assigned with attacking the Earth Kingdom town Yunogo which has valuable agricultural fields. Now, Macai meets with several 31st marines in the armory of the Prompt Adjudicator.

Macai: "Alright marines, we have another great mission. It shouldn't be insanely difficult, just seems to be a normal mission but our enemies are getting increasingly desperate. So I warn you all to beware, a man who has nothing to lose is very dangerous. Even the simple missions mean a lot now, they can have a major impact on how long our enemies remain standing. I don't know about you all, but I want to wrap this war up as soon as possible so we can all go back home to our families."

The crowd cheers, but Macai stops thinking he has no family back home. He has his father, but his mother gave him more of a familial feeling than anyone. He has Zyger, who is like an uncle to him, perhaps more. Even so, something seems to be missing.

Rosh: "What's the lineup this time commander?"

Macai explains, "First, we will move up the shoreline and our ship will dock at the beachhead. Friendly forces have already cleared that out, but the town we want to hit is about 60 kilometers from that position. We will take several metal boats and sail across the river until we get close to the enemy town then we will move up the riverbank near that town and quickly deploy."

Macai continues, "Our teams will have two positions that we'll have to deal with. This time, we will primarily hit them with two teams. One team will hit the right side of the town and the other team will hit the left. The objective is simple, search and destroy. Clean out the area of any hostile infantry around. Expect to face moderate resistance but highly motivated foes."

Basin adds, "But we're also highly motivated and they've never fought anyone like us. They'll be outclassed."

Macai: "The right team will consist of me and Rosh. The left team will be led by Asad and Kanna."

Rosh asks, "So, are we going to capture this city? I didn't hear about many infantry forces planning to stay here and they'll need to keep moving if they want to take down larger municipalities that are deeper into hostile territory."

Macai responds, "I have orders to burn down the agricultural fields after we annex the city."

Kanna: "But, Macai, that will hurt the town and its local economy. Those people live off those fields."

Macai: "We cannot afford for them to be recovered by enemy forces. In case anything happens, our job is to damage their economy. Now let's move out." The 31st exists their vessel and two squads move separately into several boats. The sky is a royal blue with no clouds in sight. The grass is tall and shamrock green.

The 31st doesn't expect the enemies to have any artillery in the town but they are placed in different boats in case the enemy infantry is hiding something. Each boat carries seven members and there are three boats in the team. Macai sails in the center boat with Rosh on the right. Basin is a seat behind Rosh and Arret is on the back of Macai's boat.

A similar thing happens with Kanna and Asad's unit as they sail across another side of the riverbank toward the town. Macai's team is expected to make contact first. As they sail, Macai looks deep into the neon blue water around him. Macai takes a deep breath.

Basin taps Macai's right shoulder, "Is everything alright, commander?"

Macai turns and looks at Basin, "Yes, just getting some fresh air." Macai looks up and notices several distant light brown huts. Macai widens his mouth, "Looks like we are near our destination, get ready for battle!" The 31st shock troopers draw their swords and the archers ready their arrows.

An Earth Kingdom trooper points at the incoming Fire Nation vessels and several bells are rung around the village. Several swordsmen wait for the Fire Nation marines to emerge while a team of archers and earthbenders move across the riverbank. One earthbender extends his hand and launches a large brick object at Rosh's vessel.

Rosh raises his arms and thrusts a red-orange beam of fire into the brick, obliterating it. A large stone is fired at Macai's vessel and Macai shoots a stream of white fire into the stone, pulverizing the object. A third object is propelled into the left boat from an earthbender and the object knocks three marines off the boat.

Basin replies, "It's a good thing these boats are metal or that one would have cracked in half." Macai nods in agreement. An Earth Kingdom archer shoots directly at Rosh's neck. Rosh turns left and Basin bolts the arrow aside. Another arrow is fired into the head of a shock trooper on Macai's boat.

Trooper: "Ahh!" Arret launches her own arrow into the archer's neck. Another Earth Kingdom archer pops an arrow directly at Arret's face. Arret crouches and the archer from Rosh's boat shoots down the earth archer. Macai sees another archer taking aim at the left boat, but Macai hurls a beam of white fire into the hostile.

The boat's reach the shoreline. Macai dives out of the boat and the other marines do the same. An Earth Kingdom spearman chucks his weapon into a firebender's stomach. Firebender: "Guah!" Basin draws his sword and Macai gets in his battle stance.

Macai: "Look sharp, enemies incoming!" Macai notices three Earth Kingdom troopers charge at him: one spearman (on the left), one swordsman (in the center), and one archer (on the right). The commander quickly sways his left hand and blasts the spearman away with a beam of white fire. Macai shifts both of his hands forward and shoots down the swordsman with a barrage of white flames.

The archer rotates his bow and smoothly fires at Macai's neck. Macai slides left then rises back on his feet. The archer aims again, but Macai swiftly raises his right hand and pumps a white flame into the sharpshooter's forehead. The archer flips backward before he hits the ground.

Basin looks left of his direction and immediately notices an Earth Kingdom swordsman sprinting at him. The swordsman rotates his blade horizontally and swings at the young marine's head. Basin ducks and leaps right of his opponent's direction. Basin pounds forward and pumps his sword into the trooper's belly.

One of the firebenders on the right flank notices two enemies advancing toward him. The one on the right has a sword and the trooper on the left has a mace. The firebender turns left and pumps a flame into the mace-wielding warrior. The swordsman closes the distance but the firebender turns and blasts his enemy away with a fire ray.

The marine firebender looks right of his position and notices a marine swordsman cutting down an Earth kingdom mace trooper. The marine looks further right and notices Arret blasting an earthbender with an arrow. The marine then looks left and notices Macai pressing his enemies.

An earthbender charges at Macai and Macai promptly incinerates the man with a large beam of white flames. Macai ignites his fists with sparkling white flames then shifts his right hand, firing a flame into an incoming swordsman. An earthbender left of his position launches several bricks at Macai. The commander launches himself in the air then horizontally extends his right hand as he blasts away five enemies with a beam of white fire.

Macai notices more earthbenders heading his way. The prodigy zaps an explosive cylinder of white fire into an earthbender across his position. The explosion turns the man to ashes and fries two earthbenders around him. Two Earth Kingdom archers emerge and fire at the commander. Macai then douses his fire and launches himself between three earthbenders below him.

Before he lands, Macai engulfs his arms with white flames and slams them into the ground. Macai's wild landing creates an impulse of fire around him which vaporizes several Earth Kingdom troopers. Smoke flows from Macai's position when an earthbender leaps right of Macai's position and throws a brick at Macai's head.

The brick is blown to pieces by a red-orange flame. The earthbender looks right and notices Captain Rosh standing beside Macai. Rosh points his left hand and blasts the bender five feet back with a stream of red-orange fire. Macai comments, "It's about time you joined the fight."

Rosh replies, "I had to access the situation sir." Macai and Rosh notice several Earth Kingdom Troopers emerging in their direction.

Macai remarks, "Well, this will be fun."

Rosh smirks, "Oh yeah."

A Field of Legends

While Macai and Rosh's team fights the enemies on the right flank, Kanna and Asad's team land on the left flank with no sign of resistance. Kanna slowly walks up the platform with Asad beside her. Samira, Dade, and Kedo are also in the team. Kanna: "No sign of any enemies yet, but they can't be far."

Asad comments, "They must be distracted by Macai's forces. Maybe we can get the jump on them." Kanna looks left of her position and notices two earth kingdom archers emerge. Asad looks up and notices another two enemy archers emerge on the right flank. Asad looks back at Kanna, "Perhaps I spoke too soon."

An Earth Kingdom sergeant emerges between their position and shouts, "Fire!" A barrage of arrows is immediately fired. One arrow is shot into the head of a marine swordsman on the right flank and another nails a spearwoman on the right between the eyes. On the right, one arrow is fired directly at Asad. The officer ducks then extends his right hand and blasts the archer aside with a beam of orange fire.

Kedo creates a sizzling arrow and shoots the other archer on the right flank in the neck. Samira chucks her spear into the chest on an archer on the left flank and an archer bolts his arrow into the neck of the remaining earth sharpshooter. The sergeant panics and Kanna leaps right of his position.

Earth Kingdom sergeant: "Ahhh, you will pay for this you rotten girl!" The sergeant pushes a stream of mud at Kanna. The female officer flips behind the man. By the time the sergeant turns, Kanna extends her right leg into the man's neck. A loud snap is heard as the earth sergeant goes crashing down.

Kanna looks ahead and notices two earthbenders launch rocks at her. Kanna slides forward then rotates her body horizontally and blasts them away with a dark orange fire whip. The fire explodes on impact and sends the men flying in the air. The other marines charges behind her. One firebender leaps right of Kanna's position and shoots an explosive rectangle of fire into an earthbender ahead of him.

Arret emerges and shoots down a hostile spearman. The rest of the marines charge ahead in glory against the enemy while Asad leaps left of Kanna's position. Asad notices a man with dual axes charging and blasts him away with a stream of orange fire. Asad: "This isn't so bad after all."

Kanna notices three lizardrhinos emerging in their position. Each lizardrhino is ridden by an earthbender. They are eight feet long and three feet wide. The creatures have grey-brown smooth rubber-like skin covering strong stone-like bones. The creatures howl and making loud horn-like sounds.

The ground trembles with every foot step they make and the creatures are surprisingly fast for their weight. Kanna takes a step backward in hesitation. Asad taunts, "Oh Kanna, I thought you were fearless."

Kanna responds, "Who said I was fearless? I'm just being reasonably cautious anyway."

Asad looks ahead and notices the lizardrhino rider on the right launch a stone into the face of an emerging firebender. The creature sprints forward and crushes marine spearman ahead of him. A marine swordsman leaps right of creature's position but it horizontally sways and rotates its tongue, knocking the marine away.

Kanna immediately kicks a dark orange flame into the earthrider on the right and leaps on his animal. An impressed Asad nods then looks ahead when the rider in front of him fires two bricks in his direction. Asad stretches his left hand and blasts the left brick with a beam of orange fire. Asad rotates his hand right and destroys the other brick.

A second later, the animal charges at him. Asad rolls right and straightens his left hand, shooting the rider off with a well-placed flame. Asad efficiently shoots the creature down, injuring it. Kanna struggles to ride the animal she is on as it tries to buck her off. The animal shakes her side to side then Kanna pats the animal on the back and says, "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you."

Kanna turns the creature around and it notices Asad. The animal shouts at Asad and he points his hands at it. Kanna shouts, "Relax Asad, we don't have to hurt it."

Asad: "What are you talking about?! They are trying to kills us."

Kanna replies, "They are just doing what they were trained to do. Leave the wounded animal alone, I'll deal with the other rider." Kanna taps the animal, but it attempts to trample Asad. Asad ignites his hands, but Kanna sways the lizardrhino and steers it away from Asad. The other animal beside Asad shakes itself and looks at Asad.

A cautious Asad raises his hands, but the animal ignores him and abandons the battlefield. Meanwhile, the other rider pounds a brick at Dade. Dade rolls forward then the animal charges at him. Dade rolls over and holds his body together so that the animal runs right past him without crushing the teen marine.

The idea works while avoiding its feet but, the animal's long tail sends Dade sliding forward. Dade raises his blade and pokes the animal. The animal screeches and the rider falls off. Dade crawls from under the animal then gets a few feet away from it. Kanna emerges on her lizardrhino and shoots an explosive fireball into the earthrider while he's down. Earthrider: "Oh!"

The other animal turns and looks at Kanna's animal. The lizardrhinos growl at each other, trying to convince each other to join sides. The rogue lizardrhino gallops ahead and smacks itself into Kanna's creature. Kanna rolls off her lizardrhino as the animals continue to fight. Asad looks at Kanna, "So much for your brilliant plan."

Kanna's creature turns its head left and smacks its head against the other lizardrhino's. The other creature turns left and hisses. Kanna's rhino slams its head into the midsection of its opponent. The lizardrhino tumbles over and moans. They both become silent.

A confused Dade looks at Kanna, "What are they doing?"

Kanna looks ahead and notices an Earthkingdom captain emerging with two Earth Kingdom earthbender corporals around him. Kanna notices a few non-bender infantry forces are emerging left and right of their positions. Kanna looks at Dade, "Get with Samira and the others; deal with those troopers. Asad and I will handle these guys."

Dade nods and departs. The captain has golden-yellow skin, dark brown curly hair, teal eyes, and is relatively short in stature. Asad asks, "Who are you?"

The captain smiles, "Captain Apeko of the 88th Battalion."

Asad responds, "Then you'll be Captain Apeko of the dead Battalion very soon."

Kanna chuckles, "Good one Asad."

Apeko rolls his eyes and looks at his corporals, "Let's bury these ashmakers." The earthbender on the left aims at Kanna and the earthbender on the right aims at Asad. While Apeko stays in his battle stance and slowly closes in on them.

Asad asks, "Any ideas?"

Kanna responds, "Just one."

Asad: "What's that?"

Kanna: "Fight." Kanna extends her hands and launches a rectangle of dark orange fire into the earthbender on her left. Kanna flips behind the earthbender on Asad's right. The earthbender turns and fires a volley of projectiles at Kanna. The female firebender leaps right as she evades the objects then fires two dark orange flames at the eartbender. The earthbender raises a wall of stone to block the shot then pursues Kanna.

Asad looks back at Apeko. Apeko smiles, "I hear you have a reputation of losing tough fights in the 31st. So, it seems I've got the easiest name ahead of me."

Asad laughs, "I never even heard of you, so I believe that's even worse. And those fools lied to you to amp your confidence. I've beaten more earthbenders than I count!" Asad extends his arms and fires a large beam of orange fire at Apeko.

Apeko grabs his hat and uses it as a shield. Apeko's hat absorbs the flames. Apeko smiles while tapping his unique hat, "Then I guess you can't count. My hat is fireproof baby!"

Asad grimaces, "It will take more than that to save you." The seasoned lieutenant pops two fireballs at Apeko. The captain blocks both of the flames with his hat but the shots still back him up. Asad charges his hands up and fires a hot beam of orange-yellow fire at the officer. Apeko leaps right then tosses his shield-hat into Asad's chest.

The shield makes a pop sound and Asad is knocked on his back. Asad howls, "Umph!" Asad lunges back on his feet then Apeko rapidly straps his hat to his back and extends his hands. Several stones are directed at Asad. Asad raises his hands and elevates himself with the rocket propulsion technique. Asad diagonally soars ten feet in the air over his opponent.

Apeko slaps his hands together and several sharp objects fly at Asad from the right and left directions. Asad blasts the objects. Asad stretches his hands and hurls a surge of orange flames at the captain. Apeko runs away from the blast. Asad covers more distance as he launches himself a few feet across the captain's position with a gust of flames.

Apeko smiles, "Not bad, but that won't be enough." Apeko rotates his body and throws his shield at the earth officer. Asad dives on the ground then pumps his right hand, firing a beam of flames into Apeko. The Captain Apeko is knocked several feet back. Asad proudly stands in triumph during his presumed victory as the hat flies back like a boomerang and hits Asad in his back.

A crack occurs as Asad flies toward his down opponent and Apeko leaps back on his feet. Apeko smoothly decks Asad with a downward right kick, which slams clean against Asad's back and knocks him down. The earth captain reclaims his shield and salutes a wounded Asad. Apeko stretches his right hand and forges a stone sword, "It's too bad I have to end this now."

Meanwhile, an earthbender corporal fires a volley of rocks at Kanna. Kanna does a left cartwheel then the earthbender launches a rectangle of wood at her. Kanna slides forward and leaps back on her feet as she glides just inches left of her opponent's position. The earthbender lengthens his hands again, firing several objects at Kanna.

Kanna leaps right then elongates her left hand and fires an explosive dark orange flame into the man's belly. The man flies six feet back then hits the ground and flips over a second time; tumbling toward Captain Apeko. Apeko turns around and kicks the man aside. A thunderous pop is heard as the body flies left.

Apeko comments, "Sorry, Jasper." An enraged Asad opens his eyes and ignites his feet. Asad flips off the ground and vertically kicks a fire wave at the earth captain. Apeko pivots left and narrowly avoid the fire. Asad propels a massive flame at Apeko. The captain readies his shield and blocks the flame but slides a foot back.

Apeko: "I'm tired of you!" Kanna wonders if she should help Asad, but she hears an Earth Kingdom swordsman charging behind her. Kanna swiftly rotates her body and roundhouse kicks the man in the jaw. A loud crack is heard, and the man collapses and drops his weapon. Kanna turns right and fires an explosive flame into a spearman across her.

Apeko slams his hat against the ground and uses earthbending to shoot a stream of mud at Asad. The lieutenant extends his left leg and pounds a stream of orange flames into the mud. Both of them briefly stop. Asad swiftly fires two flames at Apeko. The captain leaps left then extends his right hand, launching a stone at Asad.

Asad leaps over the stone and pumps a flame from his right fist into Apeko's chest. Apeko flies three feet backward then hits the ground with his back and flips over. Apeko briefly rises and flies another two feet backward before he lands headfirst into the ground unconscious. Asad pumps his fist in celebration of his victory.

Meanwhile, Dade holds his sword steady as he stands next to another marine swordsman in battle. A marine right of Dade nods at him when he notices an Earth Kingdom spearman heading in his direction, the marine prompt engages his enemy. Dade notices another two enemies moving in on his position.

One swordsman stands directly across his position and one warrior with a mace stands at his left. The earth swordsman charges and vertically swings at Dade's head. Dade horizontally blocks the strike then Dade rotates his weapon right and horizontally swings at his enemy's lower abdomen. The swordsman leaps backward and the mace warrior charges at Dade's left flank.

The mace warrior lunges at Dade's gut, and he backpedals. Dade looks at both of them, "I grow tired of this!" Kedo propels a burning arrow into the neck of the mace trooper. Dade smiles and rushes the other swordsman. Dade swings from right to left diagonally but his opponent blocks each strike. Dade's opponent springs backward and points his blade at the 31st marine's chest.

Dade taunts, "Well, come on them." The young soldier rushes with an upper swing but the earth swordsman pivots backward again then pivots forward with a spinning horizontal slash at Dade's neck. The young marine rolls right then Dade rises and lunges his sword through the trooper's stomach. Dade pushes his enemy aside and notices Samira gut an enemy swordsman.

A second swordsman rushes Samira. Dade shouts, "Samira look out!" Samira extends her spear horizontally and blocks the strike. Samira rotates her blade and smacks the back of it into the man's ear. A loud pop is heard, and the trooper's ear turns red. He spins horizontally before he hits the ground then he briefly rolls on the ground and passes out.

Kanna kicks another two enemies aside with a dark orange fire whip then she looks left of Dade and Samira's position. Kanna notices several Earth Kingdom troopers advancing in their direction. Dade: "Where did all these guys come from?"

Samira responds, "I guess they had more troops than we thought." The marines suddenly hear a loud scream as the two lizardrhinos from before charge ahead of them. Dade's jaw drops and Samira maintains a poker face. The creatures run through five Earth Kingdom troopers and crush them.

The other lizardrhino who was injured by Asad decides to join the glory. The animal charges on the right flank and runs through another three Earth Kingdom troops in that direction. Only three enemies remain and Kanna hears an Earth Kingdom Spearman shout, "Retreat!" The spearman drops his weapon and runs away with a swordsman and earthbender across him.

Kedo prepares a firey arrow, with intentions to kill a fleeing swordsman. Kanna pulls his arm down, "Stop, we've won."

Kedo interrupts, "They'll just kill other Fire Nation men another day if we let them live."

Kanna replies, "You don't know that. They will more likely surrender if we don't kill everyone we see. That will only inspire hate."

Kedo: "They already hate us Kanna. We can't be everyone's friends."

Kanna insists, "Well, I outrank you so get over it."

Kedo looks at Asad, "Back me up on this Asad."

Asad: "I don't have the energy to argue right now."

Kedo shakes his head, "You are so soft Kanna." Kanna extends her right leg and kicks Kedo in his left ear. Kedo collapses and the left side of his face turns red. A furious Kedo rises and Kanna scowls at him.

Dade steps between them, "Stop, stop, stop!"

Kedo shouts, "She started it!"

Dade looks at Kedo, "And you know you can't finish it so stop!"

Kedo looks at Dade, "You want some heat boy?"

Asad: "Ok, now stop kids."

Dade (to Asad): "I'll give you more than you can handle."

Asad snaps and his face turns red, "I said STOP!!! I DIDN'T HAVE THE ENERGY FOR THIS!"

Samira scratches her head and Dade replies, "Ok, I'm sorry."

Asad: "We won, we should be celebrating."

Kedo rolls his eyes and walks away. Samira looks at Kanna, "I wonder how things are going with Macai's team."

Turning up the Temperature

Rosh extends his hands and projects a beam of red-orange flames into an earthbender across him. The fire extends into two earth kingdom troopers near that person and they both rotate and collapse from the heat. Macai extends his left hand and fires a precise white fireball into the neck of an earthbender left of him.

Then Macai pivots and blasts an explosive rod of white fire into an earthbender right of his position. The shot flames blow the man into two pieces. Smoke flows around them and the few survivors retreat. Rosh smiles, "Looks like we've got them."

Then a female earthbender emerges. She is slim with a dark brown ponytail, hazel skin, light green eyes, moderate height, and a small yet pointy nose. Around her are two earthbenders. One with black wavy black hair, a large nose, pale skin, and thin eyebrows (Sergeant Decker). The other has dark brown straight hair, a flat nose, yellow skin, thin lips, and thick eyebrows (Corporal Beshin).

Major Vasha claps, "Well done Macai, but this fight isn't over yet."

Macai extends his arms, "By all means, stand and fight me. It won't get you very far but go ahead and try what so many others already have."

Vasha smiles, "But I have an ace up my sleeve. Some of my teams had a little surprise attack, we moved up the Pesta mountains and got the jump on some Fire Nation forces. Then we took some of your precious hot air balloons for ourselves." Vasha extends her hands and five hot air balloons with Earth Kingdom logos emerge. Each one has four long ranged cannons and gunners.

Vasha continues, "Now we will take the fight back to you with areal superiority and we're going to start by knocking out the Fire Nation reinforces that are being sent to reinforce your position."

Macai questions her, "What are you talking about?"

Vasha responds, "Don't play dumb with me. I know how this works. You and your marines come to clear out a territory. Fire Nation army forces come to reinforce it, but this time when they come on their little boats, our air balloons will blow them to dust. They don't have the range of firepower to fight back and we're out of range of any of your fleets. With this genius strategy, we'll pick off a lot of Fire Nation units before you realize what's happening."

Rosh responds, "That's until survivors figure out what's happening and send their own air fleet to deal with yours."

Vasha laughs, "Time is precious and we're just buying our units time. Besides, by the time your forces realize what's happening they'll either pull out and go somewhere else to save resources or we'll notice them from our aerial units and flee. Then go assist another Earth unit. Our plan is foolproof."

Macai responds, "That is genius! Really brilliant!" The commander puts his finger on his chin, "There is only one big flaw."

Vasha inquires, "What is that?"

Macai: "You used it against me and my unit!"

Vasha laughs, "What nonsense, bring them down!" Corporal Beshin and Sergeant Decker extend their arms, firing a barrage of objects at Macai and Rosh. Rosh extends his hands and projects a stream of red-orange fire into incoming projectiles. Macai ignites his hands and punches a stream of white fire from his left into several approaching objects.

Macai shoots a beam of white fire from his right hand into other emerging objects. The airballoons notice the commotion and fire a barrage of shots from their cannons at the rest of Macai's unit. A powerful explosion pulverizes two marines (one swordsman and one spearman). Another explosion lands near Dade and knocks him to the ground.

The other troops take cover and run as several cannons land near them. Rosh looks at Macai, "They aren't going to last long!"

RYSE: Son of Rome- Vitalion's Charge- Soundtrack (Youtube) [Music Starts]

Macai: "Code hot burgundy!" Rosh nods then Macai launches himself in the air over his opponents. Vasha looks up and directs a stream of sharp projectiles at Macai. Macai quickly blasts himself away from the projectiles and lands a few feet behind her. As Vasha turns Rosh charges and generates a large red-orange fireball. Rosh rolls and throws the fireball into the Corporal Beshin; blowing him into pieces.

Sergeant Decker notices and rotates his arms left; a large wood rectangle flies into Rosh and knocks him over. Macai rapidly lunges and pumps two white flames into Vasha's stomach. Vasha is an established fighter, but she could not compete with the remarkable timing and shot selection of a focused Macai. Vasha collapses and rolls backward.

Sergeant Decker lowers his hands and shakes the ground beside Macai, then Decker pulls a stream of earth from the ground and raises it in the air. Decker doesn't hesitate to pull the streams of dirt down and at the commander. Macai launches himself forward and away from the dirt with his own stream of white flames.

The white fire fries the dirt that flows behind it then Macai soars and leaps right. In less than a second, Macai motions his hands to control the white flames behind him and directs them into Decker's body. Decker is volatilized by the flames.

Macai looks up and notices the air balloons firing down at Macai's unit. A wounded Vasha shouts, "Ha, you've lost Macai! It is too late. Your unit is doomed."

Macai looks back at Vasha, blood is flowing from her mouth. Macai: "No, this day will be long remembered. A day, the 31st stood tall." Macai looks directly at an airballoon across his position and aims his arms, firing a massive beam of white fire into the base of the balloon, blowing the bottom of it in pieces along with the gunners below.

(Music fades out)

Two balloons behind it's position redirect their focus to Macai. A barrage of six cannons are rapidly fired in Macai's position. Macai raises his hands and launches himself twelve feet in the air. The cannons land directly below him and create a huge detonation. Macai elongates both of his hands but, keeps himself elevates with his fire-generating-feet. Macai swats two beams of white fire, one travels through the upper section of each balloon.

The air-vehicles rapidly crash and crush the passengers. The last two air balloon move to flank Macai on each side and they both fire a barrage of cannons at Macai from different directions. Macai lowers his position and violently lands on the floor. Macai doesn't brace himself well and walls on his right knee.

Macai rolls in pain as several cannons collide above him, creating a massive explosion. Smoke flows down over Macai's position and covers him. The air balloons briefly stop firing and wonder if he's dead. Dade slowly gets up and raises an eyebrow. Basin looks at Arret and Dade, "Is he alive?"

Dade replies, "Never underestimate Macai." Macai tosses and turns as he looks at his bloody kneecap, but he stands back on his feet, though his legs are shaky, and he is off balance.

One of the air balloon sergeants looks at the gunners, "Fire a second barrage into the smoke. We don't have time to wait!" The balloon shoots three cannons at Macai's position but Macai can hear the volatile balls as they fly toward his position. The marine leader takes a deep breath and listens for the location of the cannons.

Macai aims right and blasts two of the cannons with a beam of white fire (through the smoke). Macai extends his left hand and blasts the other incoming cannon. The Sergeant watches the white flame counters from his balloon, "He's still alive! What is that another balloon doing?! They better help us, fire again!"

The other balloon fires at will and Macai launches himself twenty-two feet in the air after a brief charge. The balloon sergeant notices Macai flying in his direction. Earth Captain: "Oh no! He is heading in our direction! Fire, now!"

Macai continues his onslaught and unleashes a beam of white fire into the wooden passenger portion of the balloon. The section breaks in pieces and the earthbenders fall to their deaths. Macai turns his head and notices the other balloon firing a barrage of shots at him. Macai returns to his defensive manuvers blasts the cannons with rays of white fire. The young champion shoots another white stream of fire into the head of the balloon, which sends the vehicle crashing down.

An exhausted Macai descends into the ground, nearly passing out as he lands. Dade and Basin pull him up. Arret and Rosh emerge in the distance. Rosh claps, "Congrats, you killed it!

Macai slowly nods, "Thanks, Rosh."

Arret responds, "That battle consisted of a lot more than I thought it would."

Macai responds, "There is no such thing as an off mission in the 31st. Every mission is top-of-the-line so never underestimate anyone."

Basin taunts, "That's enough lectures for now grandpa, enjoy the victory."

Macai cheeses, "Ok, you got me there."

Rosh replies, "Wait until Cosal and Ronin hear this one. They missed a real tear-up."

Arret responds, "There is always another tear-up waiting right around the corner." The 31st marines return to their ship, the Prompt Adjudicator. There they receive a warm welcome from other 31st troopers.