Road to Redemption

Macai sits beside Rosh in his room in the Prompt Adjudicator as they sail in the open sea. For a moment, both of them say nothing. They look side to side across the room. Macai takes a deep breath, "Wow, it's going to feel pretty quiet around here now. Especially without Hazo."

Rosh shakes his head, "He made his choice."

Macai: "I respect his choice. This Nation is all he has ever known."

Rosh retorts, "That's no excuse, he's been around long enough to know better. But the older he got, the more stubborn he became in his ways. I can't imagine how many contradictions he saw."

Macai: "It isn't all grim Rosh. We had some good times and fought to earn rewards under our tutelage. Now we are alone, with no nation to protect us."

Rosh extends, "You can go back to them any day you like. Just remember they wanted to execute you."Macai: "I know Rosh, I know. I just, I don't know..." Macai stares off into space.

Rosh: "I get it man, it's a lot to take in. But things will work out, I know they will."

Macai nods, "And if not, we can at least say we tried." Macai shuffles through office papers, "Wow, I don't know what to do here anymore. Most of these evaluation papers are useless now."

Rosh: "If we survive, maybe Zuko will make new authorization papers with better and less toxic criteria."

Macai comments, "Now that would be something." Meanwhile, Samira and Aiya have another discussion in the Bridge.

Samira: "Well, this must feel different."

Aiya: "Kind of, Hazo was basically someone who gave me orders and a sense of direction. He also reassured me. But in recent months, I became more and more independent. The work isn't that much different, it's a bit more complicated since we have to hide more. At least the Prompt Adjudicator is fast for a ship its size."

Samira: "We have been really inactive recently, I wonder what our next mission will be." Macai steps in the room. Samira smiles, "Hey boss." Aiya waves.

Macai: "Ladies, at ease."

Aiya: "So, what's next Macai?"

Macai asserts, "I am going to visit an old friend and (to Aiya) I want your help to find him."

Back in the Field

It is a relatively sunny day. A steady breeze flows through the sky along with a moderate amount of heat. The grass is light green and the sky is cobalt blue. Macai wipes sweat off his face as he walks up a rural and narrow valley route. Rosh steps a few feet behind him and Kanna is a few feet left of his position. Dade is a little behind the rest of his team.

A waterbender leaps off an adjacent hill and lands directly in front of the team. A female waterbender lands behind Dade. Waterbender: "Should have known better than to have come here, MACAI!"

Macai smirks, "Listen, I'm here to see a friend. If I really wanted to fight, I would have brought more people with me here. Especially since the Fire Nation has very little intel about this location."

Female waterbender: "Or this is a part of another one of his ploys. Macai is known for being a trickster."

Macai chuckles, "A trickster, but seriously let us see Kett. I brought several of his old friends. I didn't bring any archers like Sonna with me. Everyone I brought is an old friend of his."

Male waterbender: "It seems like you both stopped being friends a long time ago."

Macai: "You could also take your chances and fight us. I'm still pretty confident in my abilities."

Female waterbender: "Maybe we have other benders on standby." Two water tribe archers watch the commotion from surrounding hills.

Macai: "Oh I'm sure, but do you really think I didn't prepare for that?"

The male waterbender briefly ponders. Female waterbender: "Just let him go, Haroko"

Haroko looks at his friend, "Zerena, have you lost your mind?"

Zerena: "I have a feeling we should him pass. I don't know why."

Haroko: "I oddly do as well. But let's make a compromise." Haroko raises his right hand and two earthbenders leap around the Fire Nation team. Macai looks more closely and notices that Haroko has cocoa brown skin, long black curly hair, a long nose, wide ears, light blue eyes, thin lips, and is 5'9. Zerena has light brown hair, tan skin, almond-shaped royal blue eyes, and is 5'7.

Haroko: "Take the others hostage, but let Macai meet with the Vindicated Avenger." Macai's team looks at him and Macai nods his head. The 31st member's arms are wrapped up and their faces are covered. The water and earthbenders escort them away while Haroko stays with Macai. An additional two earthbenders emerge from the distance and help Haroko escort Macai to a resistance camp.

Macai: "Well, you have quite the operation going on here."

Haroko: "That's right and your people have yet to discover our best-hidden treasures."

Macai chuckles, "Don't exaggerate. The Earth Kingdom and this resistance force are on life support. Just one more poke and all you have worked for will collapse."

Haroko comments, "You're making me reconsider this meeting."

Macai responds, "Trust your feelings."

Haroko: "Shut it or I'll change my mind." Macai looks around and notices nearby cabins in the distance. A local village seems to be supporting the resistance group. Macai sees villagers in the distance who stare at Macai with great fear and awe. Macai notices resistance warriors looking at Macai as well.

Macai keeps walking until he reaches a large tan wooden cabin with two flags on it. One flag is a Water Tribe flag and the other is an Earth Kingdom flag. Macai asks, "Are we meeting in there?"

Haroko: "You're not worth that. The Avenger will be here shortly." Kett arrives from the distance with his light grey and light blue uniform.

One of the earthbenders pushes Macai forward. Kett removes his mask and intensely looks Macai in his eyes. Kett: "You've got a lot of nerve coming here. I've worked hard to build this over the last few months."

Macai: "What exactly is this? And why do they trust a Fire Nation traitor so deeply?"

Kett rolls his eyes, "You couldn't imagine what these people have gone through and what it took for me to earn their trust. I won't throw that away for you."

Macai responds, "Oh I know you wouldn't. I know how stubborn you are. If you wanted to betray them, you would have told me some time ago."

Kett counters, "So WHAT is it that you want Macai?!"

Macai: "Ozai has betrayed me."

Kett: "Couldn't have happened to a nicer person."

Macai: "Kett you know I was a fair leader. I cared about all of us."

Kett nods, "While you were better than most of the Fire Nation leaders from what I saw, that doesn't mean much. You still did whatever they told you without any remorse or second thoughts. That is until they betrayed you. Of course, I thought you'd never leave them. But the one thing that could trigger your defection is them abandoning you."

Macai: "The only other option was an execution so you are right."

Kett: "How can I trust you? How do I know you won't betray me?"

Macai gets teary-eyed, "They killed my mother, Kett."

Kett raises an eyebrow, "Why would they do that?"

Macai: "You remember the class struggle. They couldn't accept it. Their Intel Department has been doing Ozai's political dirty work behind the scenes. Assassinating, intimidating, torturing, and betraying loyal members of our nation if they didn't agree with him and the status quo. I read the papers myself. I went to their office and that's why they want me dead."

Kett nods, "Wow."

Macai: "And I killed Captain Pion."

Kett: "A classic story of revenge, but I don't even know if you deserve it."

Macai responds, "They deserve to go down as much as I deserved this. But this is all I knew Kett."

Kett: "You mother showed you another side. She showed you love and you ignored it. You wanted what Eyre had to offer."

Macai uncomfortably laughs, "Yeah, that's true."

Kett: "But I'll give you a chance on two conditions."

Haroko counters, "What??!! But Kett, they tried to kill you!"

Kett: "They didn't know any better Haroko. You will go on a loyal mission for me and Dade and Rosh will stay here for now as collateral (to Macai). If you pull the mission off and don't betray me, I'll give you what you want. And that is a chance to help take this Fire Nation down, we have a big scheme coming I'm sure you guess that during the eclipse was coming."

Macai responds, "I might as well try while I can. Because if Ozai wins, it's over for me."

Kett smiles, "Good, I've got a mission for you."

Macai asks, "What am I going to do?"

Kett: "Visit some old friends of yours."

Macai raises an eyebrow, "My friends?"

Kett chuckles, "Sort of."

The next morning, Macai is escorted by Haroko and two earthbenders to see his friends. The 31st members are all waiting in a shed with several guards around them. Rosh asks, "Are you freeing us?"

Macai: "Not you. I was told you and Dade have to stay here. But Kanna can come to make me fit a bit more comfortable."

Kanna smiles, "Yay."

Dade looks at Rosh, "Maybe he still trusts Kanna more than us. I also grew up with him."

Rosh replies, "Maybe that's why he wants you to stay."

Macai: "Well, we have no time to waste."

Haroko interrupts, "We will keep your armor here. But you won't be representing us during a mission in that."

Macai: "Well, maybe we can take our helmets and use them as a distraction. Unless we are going on some high-security area."

Haroko points at Macai, "You don't make the rules here. I said take it off! If you're going to represent us, you're going to put something more fitting on." Macai is given light brown robes and Kanna is given light brown robes too. The robes have light green stripes.

Kanna comments, "I guess we aren't going for stealth."

Haroko: "You have the skills to pull this off. Your task will be to make a statement as well as put your skills to good use."

Macai: "What's the mission?"

Haroko: "You'll see." Haroko escorts Kanna and Macai out of the facility. They walk outside of the village and a carriage arrives. Haroko explains, "This carriage will take you both to the mission site. There you will meet with your team leader."

Macai asks, "Team leader?"

Haroko: "Yes but someone will go with you both." Kanna notices the earthbender Tyson arrive. Tyson has dark grey robes with light green stripes.

Kanna: "Oh, I remember you." Tyson ignores Kanna. Kanna asks Haroko, "What's his problem?"

Haroko: "You gave him a concussion."

Kanna shrugs, "Oh, yeah right. I was just doing my job." Tyson rolls his eyes.

Tyson: "Come on you two. You'll ride with me to the facility. Then I'll escort you both to the team leader. I'm the corporal for this mission, so I'm second in command. Until we meet up with the team captain."

Macai replies, "I'm a commander."

Tyson replies, "Not here you aren't. Here you and Kanna are both privates! But you can parade that title when you're with the 31st again. Right now, you have to earn your stripes." Haroko laughs.

Macai looks at Kanna, "I've never had an entry position before, this should be interesting."

Haroko: "Alright get out of here. I've had enough of you ash makers, begone!"

Kanna: "Well that's not nice."

Haroko barks, "Get!" The bodyguards load Macai and Kanna in the carriage. Tyson signals for the driver to depart. Four gamadogs transport the carriage. Gamadogs are massive dogs with thick golden-brown fur and incredible strength. The Gamadogs can run for a long time at a steady pace.

Later that day, the sun begins to set and the driver feeds the gamadogs. Macai asks Tyson, "Are we almost there."

Tyson: "Quiet." The driver rides ahead for another five minutes before stopping. The driver gives Tyson a signal. Tyson whispers, "Exit." Macai and Kanna exit the carriage. Tyson leaps behind them. The trio steps outside where the grass is slimy green and the sky is pale blue. Macai notices Fire Nation troopers outside in battle armor.

The one on the right is a swordsman, the one on the left is a spearman, and the guard in the middle is a firebender. Further past them is a large complex with four archer towers ahead. Each tower stands about thirty feet in the air. Tyson pokes Macai, "On your left." Macai notices a young woman walking beside them with a hood.

The young woman seems to be built like a teen, around Macai's age, perhaps a year older. Her robes are dark grey with light blue stripes. Macai looks at the woman, "Are you our leader?" The woman takes her hood off and it's Sada.

Kanna widens her eyes, "Wow, we're on the same team now. That's wild."

Sada: "We'll see about that. You have to prove yourselves first."

Macai comments, "In the meantime, what do you want us to do?"

Sada: "We're going to take it to them guns blazing."

Macai: "No strategy, you guys didn't operate like that when I went up against you all."

Sada: "We know the layout of the facility and how to make the quick rescue. But the biggest thing is for the statement to be made. We want them to know that you and the 31st are with us now. That way there is no renegotiation about allegiance. You will fight against your own Fire Nation members and prove your loyalty to the Resistance."

Macai replies, "I never said we were joining the Resistance."

Sada retorts, "Maybe not, but you will make the Fire Nation think it. Because we need to know you won't double-cross us."

Macai: "Who's to say this isn't part of the plan? If we really wanted to do that?"

Sada comments, "Maybe, but I know how Ozai is. I've seen his actions. He wouldn't trust you after this and would be willing to kill you for good measure."

Macai: "Trying to plant doubt in my mind, not bad."

Sada: "Just because you acknowledge my actions doesn't mean my plan isn't working."

Macai: "But honestly, I want to see Ozai go down. After what he did to me and my mother, it is only right. I can't say I fully get your cause right now, but I don't hate you all anymore."

Tyson: "What's not to get? We don't want to be slaves to your nation."

Macai ponders, "Honestly, same. Maybe we are more alike than I thought. My gripe is more with Ozai than my nation. It has been corrupted and its honor disrupted. I understand why you both want to honor your nations."

Tyson: "This is more about my village, my people, and my freedom than my nation. I'd say the same for Sada."

Kanna: "I kind of get where you're coming from."

Sada: "Alright we have a mission, enough chatter."

Macai asks, "Can you please explain this mission?"

Sada: "We are going to break into this prison complex and rescue some old friends."

Macai: "What old friends?"

Sada: "So just follow me and be ready to fight." Sada walks toward the Fire Nation Troops. Tyson walks right of her direction and Macai walks a bit left of her direction. Kanna steps a few feet left of Macai's position.

Firebender: "Do you have a prison pass?"

Sada puts her hands on her waists, "Yeah, it's right..." The troopers look down, "here!" Sada extends her hands and blasts the Firebender away with a large gust of water. Sada stretches her hands horizontally and knocks the other two troopers aside with two water whips.

Halo Reach Soundtrack- At Any Cost [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Macai: "Well, that's one way to get attention."

Tyson: "Shut it." Another three Fire Nation troopers behind them point in their direction. An alarm goes off and the archers look down at their position.

Sada shouts, "Macai and I will take down the archers. Tyson and Kanna; keep them busy." Sada looks at Macai, "I've got the right towers, you get the left." The archer on the southwest tower immediately fires at Sada. Sada extends her hands left and blasts herself under the northeast tower. A second later, Sada lifts her hands and launches herself into that tower.

The archer looks up and freezes when he sees the waterbending prodigy inches away from her. Sada extends her right hand and blasts the archer off the tower. Macai sees the archer fall to her death, "Yaaaaahaaaaaa!!!!" The 31st commander briefly shakes his head when the northeast archer fires at his head. Macai regains focus and leaps under the tower.

Macai presses his hands on the tower and heats it with white fire. The archer feels his feet burning then collapses and hits his head. The fall knocks him out. Macai hears the thump then launches himself inside of the tower. Macai notices the archer across him take aim. Macai reactive extends his arms and blasts the trooper off the tower.

Trooper: "Uuuuaaaahaa!" Macai clinches his teeth as he hears the fall. Then Macai notices the remaining archer fire an arrow at Sada while she's in the north west tower. Sada creates a huge block of ice that intercepts the shot then she extends her hands. The ice block flies into the archer and smacks him off the tower.

Macai looks down and notices the three Fire Nation troopers pursuing Kanna and Tyson. Kanna leaps forward and swirls a ball of dark orange fire from her legs. Kanna lands and launches the ball into the firebender in front of her. The ball explodes on impact and knocks the trooper several feet back into the building behind him.

Tyson raises his hands and creates a large cube of earth. Then Tyson pulls his hands down and launches the cube into his enemies. Sada descends near Tyson's position with a stream of water and Macai lands a few feet behind Kanna with a stream of white fire. Macai looks at Sada, "Now what?"

Sada: "They're going to come to deal with us, don't worry. In the meantime, hover around the door!" Macai, Kanna, Tyson, and Sada get in their battle stances as they stand in front of the entrance. The door opens and five Fire Nation troopers charge forward. Three have swords and two are firebenders.

Macai extends both of his hands and blasts two of the firebenders away with beams of white fire. The firebenders fall into two other Fire Nation troopers further behind them. Macai looks ahead and notices a second squad behind them. Sada extends her hands and shoots two Fire Nation troopers down (one swordsman and one bender) with swift water bolts.

Sada extends her hands further and blasts another three troopers back with a massive current of water. Kanna kicks an explosive flame into a firebender ahead of her and the man falls several feet in the air before he brutally crashes into a swordsman behind him. Tyson lifts the ground and knocks over three Fire benders ahead of him.

Tyson then pulls earth fragments from the ground below and launches them into three incoming Fire Nation troopers. Macai blasts another Firebender aside with a surge of white flames. Sada extends her hands and blasts the remaining Fire Nation Swordsman several feet back with a water tentacle.

(Music Stops)

Sada: "Keep moving." Macai advances and sees the bodies of several Fire Nation troopers scattered throughout the hallway. One of the swordsmen looks back up at Macai.

Wounded swordsman: "You traitor! How dare you? We gave you everything and this is how you betray us?! I wish they took your head off at the Capital!" Macai snatches the soldier's collar and fiercely looks him in his eyes.

Macai: "Don't comment on what you don't understand. I have my reasons." Macai slams the trooper's head against the floor, knocking him out. Macai looks around and gets a better feel for what the facility looks like. The floor is dark grey, the ceiling is dark red, and the walls are light grey. As they advance, they see several cells with prisoners.

Macai looks at Sada, "So who are we looking for?" The team eventually emerges in front of the desired cells. Sada points right. Macai sees Jarue, Kaft, and Serraj.

Jarue comments, "No way?! Commander Macai of the 31st!! I saw you burn down a village!! You monster!!"

Macai stands in front of the cell, "Look, I did all I knew how to do. Which was follow orders."

Jarue shouts, "Do you even have a soul?!"

Macai shouts, "Shut up!" A stream of white fire unintentionally flows from his mouth toward the young teen. Kaft pushes Jarue out of the way and is burned by the flames.

Kaft: "Ahhhhaaaahaa!"

Serraj shouts, "Kaft!" Kanna wraps her hands around the back of her head.

Tyson gets in Macai's face, "Look what you did?!"

Jarue moves over Tyson, "It's ok, I can heal him." Jarue pours water on Kaft's body and Kaft shakes as steam flows from his clothes. A teal beam of water enters Kaft's wounds and he begins to recover.

Macai apologizes, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Tyson looks at Sada, "We can't trust them, they're dangerous!!"

Sada: "You thought the same about Kett until he proved himself beyond what any of us could have ever asked. We didn't intend to take him in at first, but I don't regret that decision. So I will at least give Macai his fair chance, so please let's stop tearing him down."

Tyson: "I can't believe this."

Jarue: "Neither can I."

Sada: "If it wasn't for Macai and Kanna, we wouldn't be here. We couldn't risk sending Kett on this mission, not right now. We don't know how many Intel agents are after us."

Macai: "So guys also dealt with that Intel Group?"

Sada replies, "We had some Resistance projects in occupied worlds. It got us a lot of undesired attention and the Intel forces are persistent. They are not fun to go up against."

Macai replies, "Tell me about it."

Sada: "Anyway, we don't have time to argue. Not now. The bars are metal, but they didn't design this facility well. Tyson, cave the ground in."

Tyson (to the prisoners): "Step back!" Tyson pulls his hands down and part of the floor in front of the Water Tribe members collapses. Then part of the ground ahead of the bars also caves in. The waterbenders crawl under the bars and to the other side of the hallway.

Serraj asks, "What about the others?"

Sada replies, "We don't have time to save them."

Tyson: "If we can forgive these firebenders, we can save them."

Sada: "Even if we cave them, we don't have the means to give them an escape route. The Fire Nation troopers would just execute the ones they catch. Let's leave for now, we all have big plans ahead. Then we'll come back and free them all without another casualty. We've lost enough in this dreaded war."

Serraj: "Actually, she's right."

Jarue asks, "Which way is our exit?"

Sada: "We'll leave out of the south west route. There is a trail we can take from there out of this facility."

A prisoner from another cell asks, "What about us?"

Sada responds, "The next time we return, you all will be free."

Another prisoner counters, "That's not good enough. How do you know you will pull that off?"

Macai replies, "If we don't, we'll pay the price with our lives."

A female prisoner asks, "Why should we trust a firebender?!" Several inmates agree.

Macai: "You shouldn't but all you have is hope. So, you can choose to live in despair as you sit on the sidelines, or you can hope and pray for a better day. Keep hope alive, it's all you have. If you have to change who you have hope in, fine but always commit yourselves to the just life that you want, and that humanity deserves."

Female prisoner: "You have a point commander, what do you hope for?"

Macai: "The day Ozai and these greedy administrators lose their power." Macai, Sada, Kanna, Tyson, Jarue, Kaft, and Serraj run across the hallway. The crowds cheer them on as they flee. As this happens, a team of Fire Nation troopers wait outside the South West exit.

A Fire Nation swordsman captain stands next to a firebender sergeant. Sergeant: "Captain, we don't know which side they are leaving from."

The captain replies, "That's why we're covering every route."

Fire Nation sergeant: "But they cleared the much larger team that contained the bulk of our forces. Maybe we should just retreat."

Captain: "Don't ever mention a retreat to me again you coward, the 95th Garrison does not retreat!!"

Tyson launches the door open and it flies into a Fire Nation swordsman. Jarue flies out of the door like a mist as he flies eleven feet in the sky with water propelling him. Jarue immediately fires two streams of ice knives into two Fire Nation troopers. Kanna exits next and kicks an explosive rod of dark orange fire into a firebender's chest.

Kanna pumps her fists forward and shoots two Fire Troopers down. A Fire nation swordsman charges at the teen, but Kanna swats the swordsman and a firebender aside with a dark orange whip of fire. A blast of white fire occurs, and another two Fire Nation troopers fall.

Sada lands a few feet across the Fire Nation captain and sergeant. The captain looks at his subordinate, "We surrender." Sada extends her right hand and knocks the captain out with a water whip. The sergeant rolls forward and pumps a spinning explosive ball of fire at the young lady. Sada lifts her hands and launches herself behind the sergeant with a gust of water.

The sergeant turns around and Sada points her hands at him. Before Sada can fire, Kanna roundhouse kicks the man in the back of his head. The sergeant glides into the floor like a sack of turnips. Kanna: "I think that's all of them."

Sada nods, "Quickly, let's go." The team flees into the woods. As they flee, they move toward the carriage they rode last time.

Tyson comments, "This carriage is made to hold up to five people. Unfortunately, there are seven of us. So it's going to be tight."

Jarue: "That's ok, we know another route to safety."

Tyson: "How far is it?"

Jarue: "A few days hike..."

Sada: "Come with us, there is no need for that. Your team is tired. Serraj doesn't even have an arrow."

Serraj reveals a sword, "I picked this up from a fallen warrior. Kaft also retrieved a sword, we can fend for ourselves. Imagine the risk if we are all caught, especially with these firebenders. No offense Macai and Kanna, I just don't know you both like that."

Macai nods, "Then fine, let Kanna and I stay. We'll find a way out of this mess."

Sada comments, "You can't afford to do that Macai."

Macai: "Then just leave me, I will hold out here."

Kanna comments, "They'll execute you; I won't abandon you, commander."

Macai: "Go Kanna, that's an order."

Kanna puts her hands on her hips, "Still barking out orders, huh."

Tyson: "Will both of you shut it?! I don't know how they handle things in the Fire Nation, but here we don't leave any ally behind. You both have proven yourselves, just know we'll kill you two if you ever betray us. But we have a thing called trust around here that is earned, and you both earned some truth from us. Don't abuse it otherwise the spirits will get you."

Kanna looks at Macai in surprise. Sada: "Now everyone gets in, we don't have time for this. Macai and Kanna are also vulnerable in this carriage."

Macai thinks, "it's a good thing they don't know about my fire repulse ability but that would also kill Kanna. There is no way I'd do that, but they are really putting themselves at risk for two relative strangers. It doesn't make any logistical sense, but I'd feel awful if I betrayed them now."

Macai remembers how his father told him to trust no one. All Macai's life, he lived by that. However now, he wonders if the concept has any actual use. Even if it is an absurd idea, it definitely is nice to see in action. Something about it is oddly admirable and seems to be worthy of loyalty.

The team rides to Kett's hidden complex. They exit their carriages early in the morning. Several villagers leave their homes to welcome the heroes. The villagers cheer as they see Jarue, Serraj, and Kaft back. They also cheer for Sada and Tyson. Macai and Kanna are no longer looked at with hate, but they viewed in a neutral fashion.

Macai looks at Tyson, "They at least don't seem to despise us anymore."

Tyson: "If you help us take down Ozai, they'll also see the 31st as heroes. Even with all the pain, you caused in so many villages, this village will remember what you did for them."

Macai: "What did I do for them in particular?"

Tyson replies, "You gave them hope."