Transcending Passions 1

Asad kneels inside of a Fire Nation military office room. The Fire Nation Intelligence Director Goshal stands over him, "Rise Commander Asad, the new leader of the 31st Company!" Asad savors the moment, he has aspired to hear those words for years now, even before his knowledge of Macai.

Asad comments, "With all due respect sir, I want a new unit name."

Goshal asks, "A new unit name? You think the traitor Macai deserves that unit's name?"

Asad shakes his head, "Macai has tarnished the 31st's legacy, it will be remembered by his reputation."

Goshal counters, "Then change it."

Asad ponders, "On second thought, my victory will be that much better if I destroy them and take the title for myself. I just need to think of a nickname to go with it."

Goshal: "Whatever floats your boat."

Asad: "The Indignation Unit."

Goshal: "It's done. Your Indignation Unit will hunt down the remnants of the 31st, but first I must make sure you all are prepared."

Asad asks, "What will be done?"

Goshal presses his hands together, "The Unit has roughly been split in half, so I'm going to give you several of the finest sailors and marines in the Fire Nation to join your ranks."

Asad: "But sir, we all won't be unified. They don't have that same bond and level of cohesion."

Goshal: "But I'm giving you the numbers advantage over them. Are you not competent enough to utilize that?"

Asad falls silent. Goshal: "I will also give new weapons, armor, and equipment before you clash with them. I doubt they will use their classic gear anyway. There is one other thing."

Asad: "We need a new ship. They took the Prompt Adjudicator."

Goshal: "You will get a new battleship. It has new prime steam engines, making it faster than the Prompt Adjudicator. It has a similar range with its cannons and a similar telescope. However, this ship will have a tougher hall and more guns. It is 75 meters wide and 280 meters long. I call it the Eradicator."

Asad: "Excellent, where can we expect to meet our enemies?"

Goshal: "One step at a time Asad, we believe you may face them very soon so you will need to begin training with your new team immediately. But I also have not told you about the last condition. I will personally monitor your actions from the distance in a scout ship called the Impending Fury. The Impending Fury is only 20 meters wide and 50 meters long. It is operated by several Intel Workers, but it most importantly holds a squad of Intel Troopers who will accompany me. If anything goes wrong, my squad will personally intervene."

Asad responds, "Just one squad?"

Goshal: "Intel Troopers are elite special forces. They are the best of the best Asad. They are not only firebending masters. They are firebending masters known for their ruthlessness, bravery, and devotion. If you or anyone in your team gets out of hand, you will face our wrath."

Asad: "Thank you, sir." Commander Asad exits the room and the new Captain Basin follows him as they walk through the halls of the building. The walls are white, the ceiling is dark red, and the floor is black.

Basin: "Well, how'd it go?"

Asad: "It went alright, but they're going to watch us on the sidelines."

Basin: "No matter, we'll make short work of Macai's forces."

Asad: "They're also filling in the rest of our team, so we'll outnumber them two to one."

Basin: "I wonder if those new recruits are also placed to keep us in check. I bet they're particularly loyal to Ozai's command."

Asad: "He didn't say, but I'm sure us defecting and aiding Macai is a concern."

Basin: "Our loyalty has always been profound. If we wanted to leave, we would have then."

Asad replies, "Even so, we must route out any stragglers. There may be some who are on the fence. Keep an eye out for signs of weakness." Basin nods and Asad continues his walk.


That evening, Macai sits beside Kett outside. The sky is dark blue and a steady breeze flows. They both drink hot honey milk. Kett: "Well, I never thought you'd come back here as an ally. I figured it would be a fateful fight. Either you would kill me and I'd make my last stand here for liberty. Or I'd kill you and stand by my allegiance to justice."

Macai: "Nice story, you were very this ideological before."

Kett sighs, "A lot can change over a few months."

Macai: "One day you've got to explain all of what happened here to me."

Kett: "I will if you survive your next mission. But I'll help you this time."

Macai: "What is it?"

Kett: "We're nearing the end Macai. Soon we're going to make our last stand against the Fire Nation. If we fail here it all could be over."

Macai questions, "What are the details?"

Kett: "You'll find out during the general announcement."

Macai: "You can't tell me now?"

Kett gets up, "I'm afraid not. See you in the morning."

The next morning, Kett holds a general meeting in the command center of his complex. Several village members, Earth Kingdom troopers, and Water Tribe warriors attend the meeting. Sada, Jarue, Serraj, Kaft, Kanna, Macai, Dade, Rosh, and Tyson are all present. The walls of the building are beige, the floor is light brown, and the ceiling is teal.

Kett announces, "Brothers and sisters, it is a pleasure to be here with you all. We are nearing our final great confrontation with the current oppressive structure of the Fire Nation. The Elders, Water Sages, and Earth Preachers have all sensed it. The day of judgment has finally come on the Fire Nation. So I have a few big announcements."

Kanna takes a deep breath. Kett: "The Avatar is still alive. Zuko did not kill him." Kanna widens her eyes and the crowd gasps. Kett: "The Firelord has given himself a new title to represent his dominion over the nations, he calls himself the Phoenix King now. This is our chance for hope. The Avatar will rise again to battle the Phoenix King in two days. Our messengers wanted to get the word out sooner, but this was as fast as we could manage."

Kett continues, "Ozai's forces have already begun their deployment and their airships are ready. The Avatar's team will counter them while Prince Zuko challenges Princess Azula for the title of the regional Firelord. He can win the title from her in an Agni Kai."

A man shouts, "Zuko can't beat Azula, she's too powerful."

Kett reassures the crowd, "We must have hope, my friends. What is meant to be, will be. I know that sounds generic but I'm serious." Kanna tilts her head at Kett.

Kanna thinks, "Wow he is really digressing, and his speech is becoming kind of corny. Hope he fixes it."

Kett: "But I know that we have made it through some tough storms. If it is our time to go to the spirit realm then so be it, but I will NOT stand back like a coward in the face of history. It is time we RISE and battle against the evil old system that has plagued this world for so long. The Fire Nation military plans on increasing their attacks during the Fire Nation comet." The crowd gasps and many panic.

Elderly man: "We don't stand a chance then! They'll destroy us all. We should run and hide."

Macai counters the old man, "No we should stand and FIGHT!!"

Waterbender: "What do you know about being on the losing side of a war? You fight without having your villages and children at stake."

Kett: "If anyone wants to leave, you can go now." Two men exit and everyone else stays. Kett: "Our task will be simple, our forces will attack a key industrial facility near the Jeyo Valley. Other resistance groups are going to hit different facilities to keep the Fire Nation forces divided and briefly distracted. This will give the Avatar and his team time to succeed. It will also make it easier for Zuko to slip into Fire Nation territory. Casualties may be extreme."

Kett continues, "Ba Sing Se will also be Liberated. A group of powerful wisemen called the White Lotus, led by the former General Iroh will free the city. We also have a special mission for Macai. Some of our messengers have discovered that the new 31st regiment, not Macai's forces but the ones who stayed with the Fire Nation, have been assigned to wait and counter any liberation force that may arise outside of the city."

Macai looks at Kanna, "Oh no, that means if Iroh's team tries to liberate the city, the new 31st regiment will hit them from behind."

Tyson asks, "Do you think Iroh's team has a chance?"

Macai: "No way. They are great fighters I'm sure, but even a weaker 31st will have too many troops. The cohesion of the 31st marines is on another level as well as their dedication and advanced tactics. They would take some losses for sure, but that's not a battle worth risking."

Kett responds, "To make things easier for the old legends, Macai's remnant forces will engage that ambush team. We have a quick navigation route that can be used through the Goushoon river that will lead to the harbor nearest to Ba Sing Se. From there, Macai's forces can be rapidly deployed. Our spies noticed there is a break in the naval formation and a location enemy ships often don't notice. After dropping off the marines, your team may be located."

Kett continues, "We also heard orders that the naval fleet is going to bombard the city if the defensive forces fall. To avoid these issues, a fleet of different pirate ships, Water Tribe ships, and Earth Kingdom vessels will combat the local Fire Nation fleet."

Macai: "I thought the Avatar team was going to counter the attack fleet and airships."

Kett: "They will, but someone else will have to counter the defense fleet. Our fleet will be much larger and our ships will be faster than most of theirs. However, they are less advanced wooden ships that can't stand long bombardment. Some allies have supplied us with advanced smuggled bombs that can pierce Fire Nation armor. The Prompt Adjudicator will be an important ally in this battle, but a Fire Nation frigate of defectors will also aid us. As well as a stolen Fire Nation cruiser."

Macai looks at Sada, "A stolen cruiser, not bad."

Kett: "A lot is riding on this and a lot can go wrong. So I ask you all to have faith, this could be our last opportunity but we have to try." Later that day, Aiya waits at the port and notices dozens of wooden ships emerge. Aiya also notices an annexed Fire Nation cruiser with several waterbenders and earthbenders operating it.

Samira waits in the command deck with Aiya. Aiya: "I'm going to share some advice with the water and earthbenders on how to better utilize that cruiser." At the beachhead below, several Resistance members talk as they prepare to deploy for battle.

Hakato steps outside and with other 31st marines as they greet members from the Fire Nation defector unit. Hakato (to a defector): "Well, I thought we were the only defectors around here. What made you guys leave?"

Defector trooper: "They ordered our ship to open fire and obliterate a local village that was harboring traitors. We said no and pulled out."

Hakato shakes his head, "Fair enough. What do you think our chances are in this battle?"

Defector trooper: "Ehh, maybe 11%..."

Defector sailor: "I'd say less than that, maybe 5%."

31st marine: "Well, at least we can go out in a blaze of glory."

Sonna and Arret talk with several waterbenders and earthbenders. Arret: "So that's how we train."

Waterbender: "You guys really need to chill out, it isn't that serious. The thought of that is giving me hives."

Earthbender: "I kind of like it." Kett walks with across the beachhead.

Kanna points at crabs on the sand, "Hey, look at the crabs."

Kett: "Are you hungry? Want to eat one?"

Kanna: "Noooo, leave them alone. They're innocent."

Kett: "My belly is also innocent." Kanna looks the other way. Kett: "You know I've missed you Kanna."

Kanna: "Really?"

Kett: "Yeah."

Kanna asks, "Did you miss me a little or did you miss me a lot?"

Kett: "Hmm, just a little."

Kanna nods, "Same."

Kett: "Well isn't that something."

Kanna: "So what are you doing again?"

Kett: "I'm going with the 31st for this mission."

Kanna asks, "But what about your new team?"

Kett: "My resistance cell is now part of my family, but I have loose ends to tie with the 31st. You guys are also my family and so are the Loyalists. If you all are going to face off against them, I want to be a part of it. Hopefully, we don't have to kill them all and can take some prisoners."

Kanna smiles and holds his wrist, "We appreciate it, Kett."

Kett nods, "I appreciate you."

Kanna blushes and looks down. Kett: "Well I do. You're one of the kindest, most compassionate, hard-working, beautiful, and selfless people I know. I don't know what I would have done without you in my life." Kanna looks the other way.

Kett puts his hands on his chest, "Kanna, don't you feel the same way?"

Kanna stutters, "When you left, I never blamed you for anything. I knew you had your reasons, you always have your reasons. You have always been one of my best friends but sometimes you hurt me as a friend. You always did whatever you wanted to do and that was something beyond my control. I couldn't imagine you as anything more than a good friend because you always put your vision first."

Kett: "I'm a changed man now Kanna. I live now to serve others, for the greater good of all."

Kanna: "It's not like that Kett. That's still your purpose. But what about mine? What about my goals and desires? You never even ask."

Kett: "Well you never say what yours are."

Kanna: "That's because all my life I've been told what to do. Because of my class and because of my parents looking out for me. But I always appreciated having a voice and being heard. In the 31st regiment, I've gotten more of that than I had as a child. I was always that shy girl standing on the sidelines."

Kett: "You always opened up more around us."

Kanna: "Yes and I thank you and Dade for that, but now I have more confidence in who I am around everyone I see."

Kett: "But Kanna, I know you open up the most to me. I see it in your eyes and the way you look at me. I know I try to be tough and guarded. Kanna it's all I know. But I always feel more open with you. As closed-off as I am, you know I listen to you more than most people."

Kanna: "I know Kett, but I just don't want that right now. I don't. I've got enough to worry about as is. Either of us could die at any moment and I don't want to risk getting more attached than I already am. I don't want to risk our friendship it's one of the few treasures of life. There is little better than a true friendship." Kanna walks away.

Kett pauses and nods. Kett thinks, She'll come around eventually.

Sonna and Arret continue to talk on the beachhead as the waterbenders and earthbenders return to their ships. Sonna: "Arret, it has been a real pleasure working with you. I don't know what I'll do without good friends like you. You are always honest and loving. You have always been a great soldier and friend. I could tell you anything and you never judged me."

Arret smiles and a tear flows from her right eye, "And you as well Sonna. If we make it out of here, we're going to do great things. But tell me about Dade."

Sonna: "Well, he's a nice guy. He's caring and a little funny at times. He's also very creative. On the other hand, he can be a bit of a coward at times."

Arret: "A lot of men are, they just hide it. I admire his honesty. He lets you know when he's uncomfortable."

Sonna: "When it counts, he will put everything on the line for his friends and family."

Arret: "Then that's what matters. Don't take him for granted, I'm still young but I'm old enough to know that guys like that don't come around often."

The team meets in the Prompt Adjudicator armory. Macai: "Well, this is kind of like a family reunion. Not as many are here, as we would hope for. But our good friend Kett, is back home with us. Let us cherish this moment. I always loved you all. Some of our family has fallen in battle."

Macai continues, "I still remember their names. I still see all of their faces. Good old Rosie, poor Aito, and so many others lost in the battlefield. Today, let's make sure they didn't die in vain. Today, let's fight for all that we lost along the way. Cherish your time together, I may never see some of you again. But we won't die as faint-hearted cowards, for those of us who will fall, we will fall in power and glory! True glory is not in blind courage or mindless slaughter; it is with the security that comes with those who fight in faith and a just cause."

Macai: "It's not about the shining armor or kill counts. It's not about the prestige or crowds that cheer for you when you get back home but abandon you the moment you lose. It's about the loyal and everlasting love that exists between those who do right. Love isn't just a feeling, it's not just an emotion my friends. Love is a commitment!! So let's forever be committed to the unity of our righteous work. As I ask you all to accompany me on this faithful journey, I want you all to know that I'll see you in glory one way or the other. So cheers, to freedom!"

The shock troopers declare, "TO FREEDOM!!!"

Cosal pats Macai in the back, "I've sat back and watched you grow over the last two years and I'm amazed. Not only have you been remarkable in your combat skills and intelligence, but you have become much wiser. You still have some work to do, know that you are appreciated." Macai guys Cosal and Macai holds the tears back from his eyes.

The Gaze of Battle

The massive war fleet moves across the open sea. The Earth Kingdom ships have green sails, dark brown wood, and relatively wide designs. The Water Tribe vessels are thinner and long. All of these ships boast modified cannons. The commandeered Fire Nation cruiser stands in the middle of the fleet with an orange resistance flag planted on it. The PA sails near the beachhead and rapidly deploys about eighty marines.

Some marines stay in the ship to defend it. Hakato stays with Aiya as they work in the bridge. Macai takes the lead with Kett on his right side and Rosh on his left. Kanna leads another team of marines further on the left flank with Samira on her left and Arret on her right.

Further to the right, Dade leads the formation. Sonna moves on his rear right flank and the veteran Cosal covers his left. This time the troopers are not wearing their classic battle armor. Instead, they sport tan robes with brown highlights. The 31st members pledged to not wear their battle armor again until after a new and more just Fire Nation arose under the guidance of Zuko or someone else.

As Asad's marines march forward Basin notices several drummers march forward. Basin asks Asad, "Whose idiotic idea was it to bring drummers to this?"

Asad responds, "You have to admit it's pretty cool to hear them motivate our men before they go to battle."

Basin: "You're going to get innocent people killed."

Asad rolls his eyes, "They'll play in the background before the initial teams engage then I'll order them to flee ok."

Halo 3 OST- Last of the Brave [Youtube] (Music Starts)

As Macai's forces emerge, they notice several 31st loyalist soldiers emerge in the distance about fifty meters away. The firebenders charge in front with several swordsmen and women behind. Multiple spear warriors wait behind the sword marines and archers wait behind them. Asad's unit mimics the same formation due to similar training.

The war has turned brother against brother and sister against sister. Macai raises his hand and a volley of arrows are launched into the sky from the archers in the back. The enemy unit does the same. A stream of arrows fly down like rain and several marines are gutted. One arrow glides through the neck of a firebender beside Macai. Blood gushes from the man's throat and he collapses.

On the right formation, a warrior right of Dade is nailed in his chest. He is only seventeen, the young man falls to his knees before he tumbles in the dirt. Dade looks back and frowns. Sonna looks at Dade, "Don't let it be in vain!" Sonna loads her bow and launches an arrow into the neck of a distant loyalist marine.

At the left formation, an arrow flies at Kanna's neck. The young lady slides forward as she evades it. Another two arrows swoop down in her direction. Kanna rolls left and hops back on her feet. Kanna warns, "Look alive everyone." Another arrow flies at Kanna's chest and a marine pushes her forward.

Marine: "Kanna lookout!" The arrow punctures the marine's chest. Marine: "Ahhh!"

Kanna emerges, "Noo!!"

The marine falls and blood flows from his mouth, "Finish the mission." In the central formation, the marines get closer to their opponents.

Macai shouts, "Charge!!" Rosh takes off and extends his palms. A large current of red-orange fire flows into a pack of five Fire Nation troopers across his position. Kett rapidly pumps his fists and neutralizes four troopers.

Macai smacks his hands together and blasts away a marine lieutenant with a beam of white fire. Macai shifts left and lights up two marines with a barrage of white flames. Macai pivots right and shoots down two more marines with another payload of white fire. One swordsman charges at Macai; the commander turns and pumps a flame in the marine's stomach. The swordsman falls flat on his face and his sword flips out of his hand into the dirt.

On the left flank, Kanna kicks a powerful dark orange stream of fire into a firebender in front of her. Another firebender rushes forward and stretches his fists as he fires two explosive torpedoes of fire at her. Kanna leaps in the air and pulls out her right hand as she pumps an explosive dark orange flame into her foe. A volley of flames is fired at the teen while she is in midair, but the 31st scout spins around to avoid getting hit.

When Kanna lands, she swiftly kicks her legs around and blasts away several marines. Kanna extends her hands and pulverizes a spearman with a beam of dark orange fire. Kanna turns her body and blasts away a firebender with two scorching torpedoes. Samira notices a firebender charging in her direction, the young woman slides forward and rapidly thrusts her spear in the marine's left thigh.

The man's body spirals downward and Samira pounces over his fallen body as she recovers her spear. Samira looks up and notices two marine swordsmen encroaching on her position. Samira dives between her opponents. The swordsman on the left charges at Samira with her blade held high vertically. Samira kicks the marine in his chest, knocking him back. The other swordsman charges at Samira while she is open.

Samira quickly pulls her spear and slams it through the right side of the man's ribcage. Samira retracts her blade back as she notices a swordswoman charging from her rear flank. Samira readjusts her staff and diagonally thrusts it through the marine's neck. Samira pulls her weapon back with blood oozing on her weapon as she hears a firebender land a few feet behind her.

Samira leaps at the firebender and rotates her spear horizontally. The center-staff portion of the spear hits the bender in his forehead and knocks him down. Samira rotates her blade and vertically thrusts it into the man's chest before he can get back up.

(music stops)

On the right flank, Sonna readies her bow and shoots an arrow into a spearman's neck. Sonna turns left and shoots another arrow into an incoming firebender's chest. Dade leaps forward and vertically inserts his sword into a shock trooper's stomach. Dade pulls his blade back and a marine swordsman charges on his diagonal right flank.

Cosal shouts, "Dade look out!" The swordsman swings diagonally at Dade's face. Dade rotates his body right and blocks the blow. Dade swiftly knees his opponent in his stomach. The man bends down then Dade thrusts his sword through the marine's back. Dade pulls his sword up and the body falls.

Cosal notices two marine swordsmen charging at him. Cosal lunges forward and pulls his sword to the right. Cosal rotates his blade and glides it into the swordman's stomach on his right. The other duelist leaps at the veteran and vertically swings at his head. Cosal rotates his weapon horizontally as he blocks the attack. Cosal stretches his left hand and latches onto his opponent.

Cosal throws the marine back on the ground. Sonna shifts her bow and launches it into the grounded opponent. A firebender extends his hand blasts a beam of orange fire at the 31st archer. Dade yells, "Sonna!" Sonna rolls right then Dade tackles the firebender and slams his sword through the man's stomach.