Legendary Trial

Macai is transported to the Fire Nation Capital to stand trial. It is a rainy day, and the sky is grey. Several Fire Nation army troopers escort Macai as he travels in metal handcuffs over his hands and feet. Macai is released from a military vehicle that is located outside of the Royal Fire Nation Court. The Royal Court is a massive white building that is held up by several stone columns. Kanna, Dade, and Rosh follow closely behind as Macai is taken to a temporary cell.

Kanna, Dade, and Rosh wait outside as the youthful commander is transported into the facility. Rosh: "A lot of people are going to testify against him. Our opinions won't be enough."

Kanna: "To be honest, I don't even know if they'll call us up. Macai has enough currency to hire lawyers to help him, but the Fire Nation Intel Department can hire the judges."

Dade: "Macai's charge faces the penalty of death via guillotine if he is found guilty. I can't imagine the sight of that."

Rosh: "I wonder what Eyre's stance is on this."

Kanna: "I heard his response is nothing. He isn't even going to show up for this, I think he's unsettled."

Rosh: "He should be embarrassed for allowing it to happen, it's not too late for him to redeem himself and help his son! I know that's what my father would do." Meanwhile, Macai walks with several Fire Nation Troopers through the court building. The walls of the facility are light beige, the floor consists of dark grey carpet, and the ceiling is white.

The troopers escort Macai into his cell. Macai's cell has white walls, a light grey ceiling, and a light brown floor. One of the troopers asks Macai, "Why did you do it?" Macai sits on the floor and ignores him.

Macai: "They left me no choice. Why doesn't my cell have a bed?"

The trooper exits and locks Macai in his room. Macai sighs and stares at the ceiling. Two hours later the trooper returns and offers Macai's a white blanket. Trooper: "I couldn't get you a bed or even a pillow, but I was able to find a blanket. Sorry, it's all I can do."

Macai gives him a thumbs up, "Thanks anyway." Macai takes a deep breath and sits in his cell for another two hours. Macai falls asleep on the cold floor. Macai wakes up and a Fire Nation trooper stands on the other side of his door.

Fire Nation trooper: "You have a visitor. Come on." The Fire Nation trooper escorts Macai to a private room within the court. Macai sits in a maple brown wooden chair and Ozai emerges from the other side of the room. Macai's eyes widen and Ozai grins.

Macai: "You ordered my mother to be killed."

Ozai plainly responds, "And you betrayed my nation."

Macai briefly freezes. Ozai: "I know you are surprised, but I did what I needed to in order to make you into a strong and adaptive leader. Use your pain to fuel yourself and become a more redoubtable firebender."

Macai replies, "You're insane."

Ozai: "My methods are what some would consider harsh, but they are effective. The weak sit back and whine while the strong make the rugged decisions needed to win. Remember what your father taught you."

Macai: "Why would I care what that coward thinks? He wasn't even man enough to visit me."

Ozai: "But here I am Macai."

Macai snivels, "You KILLED MY MOTHER!!"

Ozai points at Macai, "No, the Voices of Accuracy killed your mother. All I did was push them in that direction, but I don't regret it. You can allow this moment to destroy you, or you can become strong and use it to evolve into one of the greatest warriors our nation has ever known. Your mother betrayed OUR nation, can't you see that? She wanted to undermine the stability of our establishment which would jeopardize our war effort."

Ozai continues, "Everything we have was through the hard work of our ancestors. Several decisions had to be made so our land could become the greatest it has ever been. For years, Fire Nation leaders dreamed of sharing our wonderful civilization with the rest of the world and I'm the only one who can make that dream a reality. Yosari's death was one important step to that process."

Macai: "What you are asking me to do is unspeakable."

Ozai: "I'm not asking you to do something that I wouldn't. I might end up killing my son Zuko and if I don't, my daughter Azula probably will. You saw me make a public example when Zuko failed to respect the structure of this glorious hierarchy. We must prioritize the good of our people and our state over our own blood and family. If you are going to trust someone, trust the man who puts his mission over family and personal bias. You know I will always be about my purpose and goal."

Macai: "If you had to, you'd also kill me and even Azula."

Ozai asserts, "Of course, as I should. But I'm willing to forgive you this one time. I will let this slide along with Pion's death. Because I understand why you were angry, sometimes we falter, and I should have been honest with you. It is not common that I reach out to someone a second time and try to make things right. The bad press will be washed away, and I'll have you publicly pledge your loyalty to the nation during the trial. Such actions will come with controversy, but I know you can handle it."

Macai asks, "What would I do after this?"

Ozai: "I get the feeling our enemies want to retake Ba Sing Se, so I'd have you wait with a counterforce to destroy anyone who might attempt to do that. Then I'd send you on a mission to kill Kett, once and for all. After doing those things, you'll be a hero again. I'll send you on missions with the Defense Department to keep other Fire Nation units in line or I'll let you lead the campaign against the Water Tribe forces then you could reign over that region if you'd like. There is no one I'd trust more than a man who was willing to sacrifice his own mother, for the goodwill of this nation."

Macai: "A nation where the leaders can kill the members on a whim without just cause."

Ozai: "Listen Macai, I'm sorry about what happened to your mother, but I had to give the order. After this is all over, I'll personally deal with corrupt leaders in our nation and combat nepotism. So that only the strong will rule and get promoted. That will serve her dream, but there is a time and a place for certain actions. Yosari failed to respect the procedures of the Fire Nation and thought her opinion was over that of the Firelord. That's why she died because she undermined my authority. I punished Zuko all the same when he looked to diminish my command."

Macai asks, "What makes me better than Zuko?"

Ozai responds, "You are more obedient and loyal than him. I remember when you were a boy and killed squirrels upon order while Zuko hesitated and disobeyed. You carried out several directives and executed people when I told you to. You destroyed a village upon command, and you are capable of relating to and uniting Fire Nation members of different backgrounds. You might even get members of other nations to accept their subjugation with your charisma."

Ozai continues, "You have some of the best qualities for an outstanding Fire Nation leader. But your mother was always a conflict of interest and a weakness. With her dead, now little will hold you back. If you prove yourself and slay your old friend Kett after this, I will have no doubts about your future. If Zuko was half as strong as you, I'd support him zealously throughout his career. You can be like the son I never had Macai, join me."

Macai: "I'd rather lose my head than continue these lies. If I stuck with you, I'd end up doing the same to other young people. Killing their loved ones, destroying villages, hurting them, betraying loyal soldiers, and ruining lives."

Ozai: "You weak fool!! I thought you had more potential than Zuko, but I was wrong. It doesn't matter what happens to other people, look after yourself first and foremost! Fools who worry about other nations, other families, and other people wind up poor and dead. And you think I betray my soldiers? There is no greater loyalty than the loyalty to one's Firelord who is the embodiment of the will of the nation."

Macai grimaces, "This isn't about the nation, it's about your own personal will. The two are not inseparable, they are completely different. The one reason I will never serve you again is that you are so selfish. Deep down you only care about yourself while I am selfless. I have given anything and EVERYTHING to others and my nation!! And my father is no better, he always talks about the nation but really only cares about his personal career and legacy!!"

Ozai backhands Macai and the young man rolls out of his chair. Ozai: "After your execution, I will feed your corpse to my zan-hounds!" Ozai exits. The army troopers yank Macai up and escort him back into his cell. When the troopers make it to Macai's cell the trooper on the right opens the door and the other trooper tosses Macai into the room.

Fire Nation trooper: "I can't wait until they kill you, scum!" The trooper slams the door. Macai coughs and sits against the wall.

Macai mutters to himself, "So this is how it ends. At least I finally chose the right side. These royal jerks made me miserable." Thirty minutes later another Fire Nation Trooper arrives.

Macai raises an eyebrow. Fire Nation trooper: "Sir, you have another visitor." Two troopers escort Macai to the interrogation room again and sit him in the same chair as before. Azula enters.

Macai gasps, "Oh great, not you."

Azula smiles, "What's wrong Cai?! You look terrible."

Macai looks at Azula and notices that her hair is messier than usual, "You don't look much better."

Azula chuckles, "You think you're funny, well laugh yourself to Hell Macai because that's where you're going."

Macai: "And why's that? I finally made the right decision."

Azula: "By betraying your nation and murdering a Fire Nation intel officer simply because you couldn't handle the fact that your mother was a traitor."

Macai shakes his head, "My mother wasn't a traitor. She LOVED this nation, but it abandoned her. She fought against the class inequalities of our fellow citizens!"

Azula: "Fellow citizens? Macai, they are peasants. They are worthless!!"

Macai shouts, "They are people just like you and me!! They can't help the titles they were born with. How dense are you, Zula?! I'm so glad we broke up, I've been freer than ever since you left."

Azula: "Oh please, I've had a great time without the extra baggage Macai. Same with Ty Lee and Mai, I've been throwing out a lot of trash lately."

Macai: "So you are ok with my mother's death?"

Azula: "Of course I am, she was a terrorist. You know she was working with Earth Kingdom operatives to undermine the Firelord's authority. They were behind a lot of those equality efforts."

Macai shakes his head, "What?! That's not true. When I read the records, that wasn't in the book. It literally just said Ozai had her killed and paid off the terrorists who did it because her support against the class inequality was unacceptable."

Azula: "No, that's not what the records said."

Macai probes, "Did you look at them or did you just read the propaganda articles?!"

Azula: "What?"

Macai: "You heard me. My mother never dealt with the Earth Kingdom. Does that even sound like her? Think Zula think, you're smarter than this."

Azula: "No, your mother betrayed our country. She already had her doubts in it and if she defended peasants in our land why wouldn't she want to support peasants in the Earth Kingdom? Is it that hard to conceive Macai?"

Macai: "There was no data on that, if it was true it would have been in the databook I read."

Azula puts her hands on her hips, "Where is the book?"

Macai: "I left it."

Azula replies, "I can order it here for analysis. I'm sure the investigators will already do that."

Macai: "Our leaders are corrupt! There is no way they'll do that. They'll probably burn the book."

Azula responds, "Well, you did burn half of the books during your rampage. Way to blame it on our nation. You're pathetic Macai. At first, I wondered if they had the right person. I had doubts that you would betray our people and everything you've ever known. But now, you've shown me how weak you really are. You'd do anything for your mother, even if it meant betraying the nation that has always fed you and your family. Good riddance."

Azula leaves. Macai gasps. Fire Nation trooper: "Alright, get back up it's time to leave."

Rosh opens the door, "Hey."

Fire Nation trooper: "Did you get authorization?"

Rosh extends his arms, "Of course I did. Why else would I be in a high-security area like this?"

Fire Nation trooper: "Oh ok."

Rosh: "Just give us one minute please." The Fire Nation trooper steps outside and closes the door. Macai hears a thump a second later.

Macai asks, "What was that? How did you get here so quickly after Zula? It usually takes a while to request a meeting."

Rosh: "Don't worry about that. Can you believe how the nation betrayed you?"

Macai: "Yeah it's terrible. Did you see Azula on the way in here?"

Rosh: "I saw her, and she walked right out. She was oblivious to my arrival, which is odd. She's usually much sharper than that but it seems she had a lot on her mind. Her hair was also a mess."

Macai: "I remember your insult about her having a mental breakdown years ago when I was dating her. I fear you were right. You might be able to say I told you so pretty soon."

Rosh: "Believe it or not, I don't think I want to."

Macai: "She's all alone now Rosh. She has no one."

Rosh: "You've lost a lot of support too you know."

Macai answers, "But I have you."

Rosh smiles, "That you do."

Macai: "Remember me well brother, when I die, make sure they remember my story."

Rosh: "Why do you think you need to die?"

Macai: "Rosh, I have no chance in this trial. It was rigged from the beginning."

Rosh: "Yeah, I agree with that."

Macai starts crying, "It's been a long tough road, but I don't regret my decision."

Rosh: "What if I told you, there is a way you can keep traveling along that road?"

Macai asks, "What?"

Rosh answers, "We need to be quick, I knocked out the first guard and Kanna laid out the next one. I think she's already fled and left the facility to not look suspicious. That was the loud sound you heard; we planned this out. All you have to do is follow me."

Macai: "Why would you both risk your life for me? They're going to kill you too now."

Rosh: "When did you become so spiritless Macai? We've been fighting our whole lives. We were made for this. Now we have a real mission and reason to fight. The creator is definitely on our side."

Macai: "Oh, I'm not so sure about that one. We're going against the most powerful nation in the world without an organized army. They also took Ba Sing Se and are about to destroy what's left of the Earth Kingdom."

Rosh: "Look, had we let you die the Intelligence Department would likely monitor us next and limit our careers because we were close to you. If we got too controversial they'd kill me, Kanna, and Dade next anyway. The only way they wouldn't is if we managed to kill Kett after your death and started following through with crazy missions like that wouldn't be worth it. We sat down and thought about this after we read Zuko's letter."

Macai: "You found the letter? Did you all immediately believe it?"

Rosh: "Yes, we immediately believed it. You are one of the most indoctrinated people I know Macai, we didn't need to see the books to believe it. The Fire Nation has already done ridiculous stuff that had me on the edge before then. This was the last straw for me."

Macai: "Ok, then we are really pushing it aren't we?"

Rosh: "I know, this is likely our last chance and it seems like you're going to get us both killed."

Macai: "Then get me out of this and lead the way." Rosh kicks Macai's chains open. Macai stands up.

Rosh: "Stay behind me." Rosh knocks the door open, and Macai follows him. Rosh looks ahead and notices three Fire Nation troopers standing in the hallway. Macai turns around and notices two troopers behind him. The troopers across Rosh include a firebender and two swordsmen. The troops behind Macai consist of a swordswoman and a firebender.

[Audiomachine- Fire and Honor (music starts) ]

Swordsman: "Get them!" Rosh extends his arms and launches a bombardment of red-orange fire into the firebender and swordsman across him. The other swordsman charges at Rosh. Rosh extends his right leg and kicks a flame into him. Macai notices a swordswoman rush him and Macai notices that his broken cuffs are like chains.

Macai shifts his chains right and knocks the man's blade out with a horizontal swish. The swordswoman's weapon flies into the chest of the firebender beside him. The remaining trooper is paralyzed with fear and regret. Macai swings his chains up and smacks the trooper in her face with his chains. Rosh and Macai sprint across the hallway.

Rosh: "Right now, we are on the third floor of the courtroom. There is an extended balcony pathway that we can move across if we hurry. From there, our escape will be ready."

Macai asks, "How?"

Rosh replies, "You'll see." Five Fire Nation army troopers emerge across the hall. Three are firebenders, one has a sword, and the other is a spearman. Rosh pumps his fists forward and shoots down a firebender and spearman. The other two firebenders punch several flames at Macai. Macai can't properly bend with his chains, so he slides behind Rosh.

Macai warns, "Heads up."

Rosh responds, "I see them." Rosh raises his hands and blocks the incoming flames with a red-orange wall of fire. Rosh then sways his left hand and blasts a chunk of his fire wall into the firebender on the left. Rosh stretches his right palm and blasts the rest of the firewall into the remaining firebender. Rosh scurries forward again and Macai does the same.

The swordsman charges at them both. Rosh extends his left hand and blows the trooper aside. As Macai and Rosh near the exit, they notice another team of Fire Nation troopers emerging from the other side of the hallway behind them. Rosh raises a wall of red-orange fire behind him and launches it at the Fire Nation troops.

The two firebenders in that squad fire explosive orange-yellow flames into Rosh's wall, disrupting it. While that is happening, Macai and Rosh make it through the door onto the balcony. Three Fire Nation troopers wait across the duo's direction. Rosh quickly generates an explosive red-orange fireball and tosses it on the ground between the team's position.

The ball explodes and the floor collapses around the troopers. The Fire Nation troopers fall one floor below. Fire Nation Trooper: "Ahhhha!!" Macai can hear a thud as the troopers hit the deck.

Macai looks at Rosh, "So where is our exit?" A flying bird-like creature with light green fur arrives. It is one of the Testhan's that Palu acquired when Macai and Rosh were boys. It was the one that Rosh rode.

Macai: "I remember that thing, that's a testhan!"

Rosh: "Yep, I call him Go-Ten."

Azula emerges from the other side of the balcony with two Firebenders beside her. Macai glares at his ex-girlfriend.

Rosh: "We're talking too much, let's go." Macai leaps off the platform and lands on the creature. Azula and the firebenders launch three flames at Rosh. Rosh launches himself off the ground and lands on the animal. They take off. Rosh yells, "Azula is charging up!"

Azula's right hand sparks with electricity. Azula extends her hand and a stream of lightning flows from it. Rosh and Macai simultaneously shout, "Ahhhhhaaaahha!!"

The teshtan flies downward as it evades the lightning strike. Macai wraps his partially chained hands around the animal as he struggles to hold on. Azula fires a second beam of lightning at the animal, but the Testhan rises as it evades it. Azula slaps both of her hands together and fires a third rod of lightning at them. The testhan quickly loops down and right as it finally gets away from Azula's visual range.

(music stops)

Macai looks at Rosh, "I see two can ride one of these but barely. I feel like we're both struggling to stay on this thing."

Rosh: "It's a good thing my dad came."

Macai: "Really?"

Rosh: "Of course, do you think the testhan would have made it all the way here on its own?"

Macai: "I honestly don't get how it even made it this far alone."

Rosh: "Go-Ten knows my scent. So, he was able to look for me. I told my dad to not release him until I started looking for you guys."

Macai: "So where are they?" Palu emerges on a light blue testhan and the light grey testhan emerges beside him. Palu now has grey and brown hair as well as a few wrinkles. Macai looks at Rosh, "I thought he sold the grey one."

Rosh: "Nope, I was just messing with you."

Palu "Macai, hop on the light grey testhan. You liked that one, didn't you?" The light grey testhan soars under Macai. The commander leaps off the light green animal onto the light grey one.

Macai: "What's this one's name?"

Palu: "Gooru."

Macai exclaims, "Let's go Gooru!"

Palu lands with Macai and Rosh in a rural area. Macai: "What are you going to do Palu?"

Palu: "Don't worry, I have a hidden retreat outside of this area. I will take my creatures there and disappear. Rosh's mother will also be there. This is goodbye, for now." Macai hugs Palu and Rosh hugs his father. Palu: "I'm proud of you both, you did the right thing, young men."

Macai: "But what now?"

Rosh: "That depends on Kanna's next actions."

Macai: "What's that?"

Rosh: "Kanna is going to try to see how many 31st members will stand by us."

Macai: "That's suicide."

Rosh: "Without the 31st, our only option is to hide as hermits but I know you'd rather fight. They all deserve a chance of redemption and Kanna was willing to take the risk."

Palu: "In the meantime, I have a friend who will pick you both up in a carriage and allow you both to crash with him in a town within the Northeastern Fire Nation that doesn't get a lot of surveillance. Don't worry, as much as they hate you guys, they won't be looking for you much outside of the Capital. The Fire Nation is going to be very distracted by its upcoming campaign. With Macai's trial ruined, they will want to destroy much of the Earth Kingdom immediately."

A Bold Play

Kanna arrives outside of the Prompt Adjudicator's beachhead to have a meeting with the 31st Regiment. Dade stands beside her. Kanna: "It's a pleasure to see you all. I'm sure you all heard about the controversy regarding Macai's escape from prison. I wanted to start by clarifying that a lot of what has been said about Macai is propaganda. I will now all tell you what really happened." Kanna explains what really happened to Macai and how Ozai paid for the Voices of Accuracy to kill Yosari for speaking against inequality in the Fire Nation.

Asad responds, "So we're going to take the word of a known traitor (Zuko) over the word of the Fire Nation military and our Firelord?"

Dade: "The Firelord is just one man. He's not even a god, no matter how powerful you all have to admit that. He is abusing his power and cares more about his own career than the nation's wellbeing."

Basin answers, "What's good for the Firelord is good for the nation."

Kanna: "You all have the right to make your own decisions but I stand by Macai. Who will stand with me?"

Dade stands beside Kanna and declares, "I stand for Macai!"

Samira pumps her spear, "I stand for Macai as well."

Sonna steps up, "I stand for Macai!"

Arret rises, "I stand with Macai."

Hakato steps forward, "I stand with Macai."

Cosal emerges. "I stand with him too."

Jesha declares, "I stand for Macai!" About half of the marines stand with them.

Asad laughs, "This is all very touching. But I stand with the Firelord! Who will stand with me?!"

Basin steps beside Asad, "I stand by the Firelord as well."

Kedo steps beside Basin, "You're all traitors."

Trenko steps with the loyalists, "I stand with the Firelord!"

Ronin steps beside Asad, "I stand with the Firelord."

Dade looks at Ronin, "Come on Ronin, you aren't a brainwashed fool like most of these loyalists. You know us. Remember how Rosh and Kett always had your back?!"

Ronin answers, "Kett was my brother until he willingly turned his back on our nation. Rosh also was before he put a friendship over the goodwill of our country. And now you all are guilty of picking a man over our natural order. You say the Firelord is just a man, but his order is approved by the bloodline of our ancestors and by the will of our leaders. It has gotten us this far and I won't turn my back on it."

Asad ignites his hands with orange fire, "Let's resolve this now."

Kanna counters, "Not now. Let's give both sides time to mentally recuperate. If we see you all again, we won't hesitate to kill you and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. But for what we once had, let us go our separate ways for now and wait until given the mission to kill each other."

Asad nods and extinguishes his flames, "Fine, traitors have one chance to change their mind and return to the Fire Nation. But if you leave today, you won't be spared from our forthcoming wrath. A spiritual purge is coming and some of you are just unfit for the completion of the Fire Nation's transition into everlasting victory!"

Kanna signals for the idealists to follow her. Dade looks at Kanna, "Where are we going Kanna?"

Kanna smiles and whispers, "To the Prompt Adjudicator. Let them talk and bicker on the beachhead while we take the ship and depart." Kanna's team enters the Prompt Adjudicator and Asad's team is too busy arguing to pay attention.

Kanna reveals the information to Aiya and Aiya nods, "I agree, Macai needs our help." Kanna and Aiya enter Hazo's room and inform him.

Hazo responds, "For the love of you all, I won't fight either of you. Aiya, I know you don't specialize in combat but you get my point. But I can't support Macai standing against his nation, though I am glad he still lives." Hazo exits the Prompt Adjudicator.

Basin turns around and notices Hazo. Asad: "Hazo, what are you up to?" Basin notices 31st marines on the ship from Kanna's team.

Basin shouts, "You imbeciles! They are trying to take the ship, stop them!" Aiya immediately pulls the ship out of docking position and the latch is removed from the ship. Dade arrives with several 31st marines as they confront the sailors. The sailors are gathered in the Assembly Room of the ship.

They have the same conversation that occurred in the beachhead then Samira asks, "How many of you would like to stay with Macai?" A bit more than half of the crew stand. About forty percent of the crew stay in their seats.

Sailor: "Macai is a traitor, down with him and this cursed ship!"

Dade: "I rebuke that statement. What should we do with the loyalists?"

Samira: "Send them out in boats." The sailor loyalists are shipped into boats and are released from the Prompt Adjudicator. Now the PA has a bit over half of its crew sailing out of the harbor. While the remaining crew adjusts to the changes, Kanna and Aiya talk inside of the Prompt Adjudicator's bridge.

Aiya: "It's going to feel a lot lighter in here from now on. I looked up to Hazo for advice, now it's going to be tough."

Kanna responds, "At some point, you were going to have to do it on your own. You're ready Aiya, I believe in you."

Aiya: "These are strange times. Our enemies will come looking for us. Especially with the likes of Asad, Ronin, and Basin against us."

Kanna: "We should set sail for less known ship routes. The ones that the Fire Nation doesn't use as much. Would you know anything about that?"

Aiya responds, "Yes, I have an idea about those. There are some routes the Fire Nation avoids in order to more quickly attack their enemies and hit important strategic locations. They will still be more focused on destroying the Earth Kingdom than hunting us, so we should use that to our advantage. There are a few small and largely abandoned islands we can hit for light supply runs but it won't last long if we can't find real allies."

Kanna: "Let's just find a way to get back in contact with Macai and Rosh. I heard Rosh's dad Palu, has some Fire Nation connections with elites who work together. They aren't known for fighting and have no ties to the other nations. But I hear their reach is better than people would think."

Aiya: "I can't believe this was happening right under Ozai's nose."

Kanna: "Mainly because he was so focused on the war effort and manipulating his own soldiers. He didn't take everyone as seriously which made it easier for some to mobilize resources. Especially the ones who were in cities where the local leaders were greedy and incompetent. Many are chosen due to nepotism anyway."

Aiya looks outside and notices the sun setting. The star releases a surge of bright yellow light across the fading blue sky. Aiya: "This really has been quite a journey and I'm willing to sail as far as I can to complete it. People have given up everything they've ever known to support Macai; I hope he honors that."

Kanna nods, "This is the adventure of a lifetime but at least we're on the right side. Whether we win or lose, I can feel it in my bones. Being right isn't just about winning or material gain. It's about fighting for what should be because even if you 'win' when you know your cause is selfish and bad, the victories are hollow and you feel dead inside. I'm more alive now than I've ever been." Aiya nods and the Prompt Adjudicator moves into unknown waters.