The Fateful Letter

One sunny day, Macai, Rosh, Kanna, Sonna, and Dade are having a discussion inside of Rosh's room. The Prompt Adjudicator is still docked within the Fire Nation harbor. Kanna: "I don't see how one big assault will change anything. Our enemies will just rise up again, with petty uprisings."

Macai replies, "I hear this time, Ozai is going to personally lead the charge. The attack will be so bold, brutal, and glorious that it will certainly break the spirit of our foes."

Rosh: "I don't know, some of the people we fought had a spirit that wouldn't fold for anything but death."

Sonna asks, "Do you think he is going to wipe them all out?"

Macai shakes his head, "No, I don't think that. That's too much, even for Ozai. Maybe he'll just wipe out several of the rebel hideouts and kill many key leaders."

Dade: "Do you think he'll get Kett?"

Macai puts his hand on his chin, "I hope not, I'd rather personally kill that traitor."

Sonna sighs, "Macai, he was one of your best friends. Now you are so dead set on getting him killed, maybe he was just indoctrinated."

Macai nods his head, "Perhaps, but I-I fear he is beyond redemption. To be honest, I was never trained for a situation like this and how to deal with it. But my father always told me, 'When you have a traitor, you need to just kill that person. Otherwise, he may corrupt you.'" Kanna looks down at the table.

Dade notices and pats Kanna on the back. Kanna doesn't react. Rosh: "We must trust in the Heavenly Creator's judgment. That all will be fairly settled by his infinite understanding."

Dade interrupts, "Oh hush with that nonsense."

Macai: "I believe all that is meant to happen will happen within the universe, but the spiritual forces seem to favor our nation."

Asad interrupts and opens the door, "I hear a bit of religious dogma, so let me chime in."

Rosh retorts, "No."

Asad: "The universe bends before the will of the people. Whatever we want, will come to us. As long as we work for it. The more we work, think about, and fight for our victories; the better our results will be. The universe favors the determined and we have been winning this war because we put in more effort than the other nations."

Kanna interrupts, "It's all about effort? What about when both sides try equally hard?"

Asad: "Then it comes down to personal talent. That's why good and bad people win at times. Because it comes down to who wants victory more."

Rosh asks, "Then why do ruthless yet powerful factions constantly falter over time?"

Asad: "Because they start to lose their edge over time. They become complacent in victory. Stagnation and apathy are death."

Macai: "It's all about will and passion? What about when a more skilled opponent keeps beating someone who is giving his all?"

Asad: "It's not just about the short-term victory, it's more about the long-term cause and movement. Sometimes you have to lose the battle in order to win the war."

Macai comments, "That makes a little more sense, but sometimes causes win that shouldn't be winning. I doubt it's all about will because I swear there can be two equally willing sides with one clear victor."

Asad: "When there are two equally willing sides, the conflict ends in a stalemate. The overall will of a cause can change at any moment. People may lose heart and collapse over time."

Rosh responds, "Even if you are right, when a cause of fraction continually engages in dishonorable acts the will of many members to commit to that faction will eventually decline until it collapses."

Asad: "I don't agree, if the people are strong enough any cause can be maintained."

Rosh: "Let's agree to disagree. Ninety percent of humans are capable of maintaining certain lifestyles, they would eventually fold if they tried to. Even if they reluctantly stay on that side, it would only be a matter of time before they overcame by more secure and just enemies."

Asad: "You think there is an absolute right or wrong. It's all relative, young one."

Rosh shouts, "Absolutely not! You can travel the world and still see certain customs exist amongst all nations. In no nation is abandoning your friends on the battlefield considered honorable. Even if it was in nation, most humans would internally regret such actions."

Asad: "What we do and don't regret is based on how we were raised."

Rosh: "That is utterly false. Some things just don't feel right no matter what people were telling you."

Asad puts his hands on his hips, "Like what?! I'm sure traitors say things like that. Your nation defines what is right and wrong!"

Rosh replies, "My creator defines what is right and wrong."

Macai adds, "I say the spiritual forces do, but it's a good thing they are with our nation isn't it?"

Asad: "Everyone has opinions, the only right one is the dominant one. Whatever is dominant depends on the power and will of whoever is on top. And right now our nation is on top so we make the rules."

Rosh: "Then let's hope our nation stays aligned with the Creator."

Asad: "We don't need a Creator, all we need is our own will and might. That is where all spiritual power comes from. We also don't need any spirits or gods."

Rosh: "Keep thinking you can do everything on your own. Just as the citizen needs his or her nation, the nation needs great spiritual guidance."

Asad: "The spirits favor the strong and zealous."

Macai: "We will see who they favor soon enough."

Dade: "Or perhaps it doesn't matter what they all think, simply what the more powerful spirits think."

Rosh: "That's where the creator comes in."

Asad grumbles and leaves, "Baaah, I'm done with this debate."

Rosh: "Now that he's gone, let's play Dominos."

Macai: "You all can play Dominos. I need to check my papers and see if I've gotten any interesting reports."

Rosh pats Macai on the back, "See you later then."

Macai nods, "Later." Macai shuffles his golden brown hands through several letters from the Fire Nation Navy Corps and Marine Division. The Commander eventually discovers a letter from Prince Zuko. Macai raises an eyebrow and notices the letter was dispatched right before Zuko left the Fire Nation. Macai thinks, He sent me a letter, I should just burn it. He likely is asking me to be a traitor.

Macai prepares to heat up his hand, but he has a feeling that he should open the letter. Macai opens the envelope and lays the letter across his desk. It reads, 'Dear, Macai. I wish it didn't have to come to this but I know that you are an honorable, fair, and loyal leader at heart. I ask you to hear me out as you did in the past. My father plans to wipe out the Earth Kingdom in order to avoid future uprisings. This violates the fundamental military tenants that governed many of our ancestors. Do you really think our leaders can just keep rewriting the rules based on what is convenient for them rather than for what is best for the world we live in?'

Macai continues to read the letter, 'Macai, I am asking you to be bold and do what you know is right. Ozai is my father, I wanted his blessing more than anything, but I decided to accept that I would never be good enough for him. I decided to look past the destiny he gave me and find the path that I am spiritually endowed with. I am now asking you to do the same, look past what your father Eyre conditioned you to believe. The Fire Nation has lost its honor and has become a shell of its former self. Our nation was once ruled according to virtuous and fair principles.'

Macai takes a breath and thinks about the conversation he just read. Macai looks at the paper a second time, 'Every person feels pain, joy, and deserves a shot just as we do. Every nation has rights, Macai. Think about all the people you fought against; think about the humanity you saw in them. Be honest with yourself. You think we can just impose on will on others but imagine if that situation is reversed. No one ever thought our grand navy fleet would get smashed at the Northern Water Tribe sea, there are greater spiritual forces at work and judgment is coming. We can only hope to save ourselves from the forthcoming wrath by making treating the nations around us with respect and love.'

A tear flows down Macai's right eye and the Commander immediately wipes it, 'I know you are better than this and a greater destiny lies ahead for you. Please don't settle for what our nation has given you. When I returned to the throne beside my father, I realized that everything I came back for was hollow. You know as well as I do that the shining armor, riches, and all the yes-people gets old very quickly.'

Macai thinks, Zuko had a strong argument, but I will not betray my nation.

Macai looks at the back of the paper, 'I know you still will likely reject this, so I had to make one more point for assurance. This is going to be tough for you, I know it would be tough for me. Like me, I know you always loved your mother more than any other person in this world. I discovered that the Voices of Accuracy hate group were not primarily responsible for your mother's untimely death.' Macai pulls the paper down and frowns.

Macai pulls the paper back up, 'My father and his Intelligence Department worked together to help fund that hate group and they ordered them to attack several activists rather than simply discrediting them. The many deaths that occurred throughout Fire Nation territories were all caused by my father in order to preserve his empire. Your father Eyre knew about it, he knew everything. I also learned that the files of where to find this information are all stored at one of the Intelligence facilities located in the Western Fire Nation region Hazoko. You still have time to go and find the information for yourself in the data room where the names of the victims are in a specific order. You will find the address and Yosari's identification number below.'

Macai drops the note and tears flow from under his eyes. Macai heats up his face to soak up the tears.

Macai heads for his door. Hazo suddenly opens it, "Macai, how have things been going?"

Macai: "Hello Hazo, have we gotten a new assignment."

Hazo: "Not yet, but I've been told to stay on watch. I hear we are getting a special assignment and a chance of redemption very soon. It should be great."

Macai nods, "Good, then remind me when I get back."

Hazo asks, "You're leaving?"

Macai confirms, "Just for a bit, don't worry I'll be back."

Hazo frowns, "Very well. Will you stick around town?"

Macai: "Of course, but don't look for me, I'll be back shortly." Macai leaves.

Hazo thinks, Well, that was strange.

Macai heads for the Prompt Adjudicator's exit but Rosh follows him. Macai turns, "What do you want Rosh?"

Rosh replies, "Come on, I know you better than anyone here. What's the matter? I saw you rushing through the hallway and I wanted to check up on you."

Macai: "I just need to take care of a little task."

Rosh asks, "What task?"

Macai: "You're being nosy."

Rosh: "What are you being so defensive about? You usually tell me stuff." Macai exists the Prompt Adjudicator and walks across the beachhead. Rosh continues to follow him.

Macai turns, "You've really lost your mind."

Rosh: "I don't have anything better to do. We're still waiting for an assignment."

Macai: "Did you clean your room and did you make sure your floor met regulations?"

Rosh: "I did." While Rosh follows Macai, Kanna and Dade look at them from the distance.

Dade: "Hmm, I wonder what they're doing."

Kanna: "We should follow them."

Dade: "What? You want us to get in trouble or discharged."

Kanna: "We won't get discharged. It's Macai and Rosh, remember."

Dade: "Right, but it's still unnecessary trouble. He's going to work us like hounds when he catches us."

Kanna leaps off the ship onto the beachhead, "Quit being a baby." Dade grumbles and rushes down the ship's latch to follow her.

One Epic Adventure

Macai looks at Rosh again, "Leave me alone, that's an order!"

Rosh looks back at Macai, "Fine." Rosh leaves and Macai looks back to see if Rosh is following him. Rosh walks back toward his ship when Kanna and Dade find him.

Kanna: "What are you doing? I thought you were going with Macai."

Rosh: "I was until he ordered me to back off."

Dade: "See I told you Kanna, we need to get back to the ship."

Rosh: "Are you two being nosy."

Dade: "No she is, I'm just looking after her."

Kanna: "I don't need your protection Dade, you are just as interested in this as I am."

Dade: "Well now I'll go and talk to Sonna. I have better things to do than this."

Rosh interrupts, "I could order you both back, or I could order you both to help me see what Macai is really up to. I worry about him, he's been really uneasy recently."

Dade chirps, "Oh great."

Kanna: "I have an idea, we can search for Macai. I'm the fast one and you know how he acts. Meanwhile, Dade can go back to Macai's room and see if he finds anything useful. Then he can take an eel hound and search for Macai."

Dade: "I don't have the rank to request an eel hound." Dade pokes his bronze collar. Corporals don't have the authority to request animals.

Rosh: "An eel hound is long overdue for you. I'd promote you to a 1st lieutenant like Kanna. But that would require a ceremony. Just tell them I gave you the order."

Dade: "I'll also get in trouble if they find me in Macai's office. No one can get authorization to do that."

Kanna: "On second thought, you know Macai, you can still find him. Take Dade with you and I'll look in Macai's office myself. I'm fast and I can be quiet."

Rosh: "I'm sure he locked the door, he has his key."

Kanna: "I believe Hazo has a master key."

Dade: "Yikes."

Rosh: "And now I'm stuck with the complainer and nonbender."

Dade: "HEY, there is nothing wrong with being a nonbender!"

Rosh responds, "I didn't say there was, but I'm trying to figure out how you would be useful."

Dade puts his hand on his mouth as he thinks of how he'll be useful, "Don't worry, I know how to improvise."

Rosh: "Oh dear, I'm really worried now."

Kanna walks back into the Prompt Adjudicator and a guy sees her. The young man has light brown hair, fair skin, gold eyes, a plump nose, pointy ears, medium yet long lips, and thin brown eyes. It is the 31st swordsman Hakato who fought with Rosh at Ren's Den. Hakato smiles at Kanna, "Hey Kanna, what are you doing today? Are you hungry? I could treat you to lunch."

Kanna responds, "No thanks, Hakato."

Hakato: "Then where are you going? I'm so bored, I'm just looking for something to do."

Kanna: "Sorry, I have to do this alone."

Hakato asks, "Are you sure? We can take turns getting work done. I'm really bored and Trenko is on bathroom duty."

Kanna raises an eyebrow, "Ok I know something you can do." Hakato knocks on Hazo's door.

Hazo confronts Hakato, "Yes marine?" While Hakato is talking to Hazo Kanna lands from a vent in his room behind his desk.

Hakato: "I think it's time I get a promotion. You remember what I did on Ren's Den. I proved I was elite. Rosh will vouch for me. I want to be a Sergeant now." Kanna slightly opens Hazo's doors and looks through them.

Hazo: "That's not how this works. We decide who we're going to promote. If you want Rosh as a reference you ask him."

Hakato: "Ok, but there is another thing."

Hazo: "What?"

Hakato: "Two people are fighting in the cafeteria."

Hazo: "That has nothing to do with me. I'm not security, I'm the Senior Captain and adviser."

Hakato: "Maybe you can advise them on how to not fight." Kanna notices the master key and takes it but shakes the drawer in the process. Hazo turns around and Kanna takes cover behind the desk. Hakato pats the wall to get Hazo's attention.

Hazo: "What's wrong with you? I will get a letter regarding the incident and the guards will bring them to me."

Hakato: "I don't know."

Hazo asks, "What?" Kanna climbs on Hazo's desk and gives Hakato a thumbs up.

Hakato: "They have let two other fights slide. This one is with the same guys as before. Maybe you need to have a word with them."

Hazo takes a deep breath and Kanna leaps back in the vent. A loud noise is heard and Kanna briefly dangles as she pulls herself up into the vent. Hazo sighs then stops and gets ready to turn around. Hakato yells, "That's them fighting!"

Hazo turns and doesn't see anything behind him. He looks up and notices the vent is sealed shut as normal. Hazo turns back around, "That noise came from behind me. The cafeteria is in the opposite direction."

Hakato: "Sounds like you're getting old. You need to have your ears checked."

Hazo: "Who are you talking to? One more word like that and I'll snap your neck."

Hakato becomes silent. Hazo: "That's what I thought, now get out of here you little clown."

Hakato asks, "But what about the fighting and the guards?"

Hazo: "I'll talk to them soon enough!" Hazo slams the door in Hakato's face.

Kanna leaps down another vent into Macai's room. Kanna shakes her head, "Why didn't I just do this in the first place?" Kanna tries to open Macai's draws then realizes they are locked. Kanna thinks, "Well this worked out, I guess Hazo doesn't lock his drawers when he's around but Macai does while he's gone. The spiritual forces must be on my side."

Kanna uses the master key to open Macai's drawers and shuffle through them. She eventually finds Macai's letter from Zuko. Kanna reads the letter and tears flow from her eyes as she reads them. Basin walks across the hallway as he hears something from Macai's room. Basin simply assumes it is Macai and walks past it. Then Basin stops himself in his tracks, "Wait, I just saw Macai on a beachhead a few minutes ago. He must have come back."

Basin keeps walking. Kanna takes the letter then decides to leave through the vent again and leap into the bathroom. Kanna does this because she doesn't want to risk being seen leaving out of Macai's door and she can hear if anyone is in the bathroom from the vent.

Meanwhile, Macai goes to an animal shop. The shop has several creatures that can be ridden for adventures. The animals can be bought or rented. There are a few people traveling through the shop and Macai meets the dealer. The dealer is a heavyset man with yellow skin, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a sand-colored outfit.

Dealer: "Pick your beast!" Macai looks across and notices three animals. One animal is a blue lizard-like animal named Fezzo, it is of the Penterri race. Another animal has a brown exoskeleton and looks like a large yet fast baggermole, its name is Pudo. The third animal has purple fur and looks like a large tiger with white stripes. It is of the Meccomba race and its name is Arachie.

Macai: "I'll take Fezzo."

The dealer smiles, "Good, this one has very sharp senses. He can tell when danger is ahead. He'll be up for a fine price."

Macai responds, "Name the price."

Dealer: "Three hundred and eighty gold shekels."

Macai: "Done, but I also want a set of new clothes."

Dealer: "Like what?"

Macai explains, "Something that fits a mysterious hunter."

Dealer: "I've got you, boss." Macai sails across the Plamentu valley in the Western Fire Nation on Fezzo. Macai is wearing a grey hood, has a white mask over his face (the same one that he used when he attacked the Voices of Accuracy Nyarri camp), and tan robes with brown markings. Macai takes a break and gives Fezzo some food. The commander sits down pulls out a pair of binoculars as he scouts the scene ahead.

Meanwhile, Rosh and Dade exit two thunder-horses as they move across a pathway. The sky is turning orange as the sun begins to set. Thunder horses have grey and yellow striped fur. They are known for being fast and having sharp senses. They are not the best for combat since they aren't very durable and aren't very agile. However, these animals are excellent for covering large distances over a short time frame.

Rosh: "I have no idea where Macai is heading but let's see if Kanna can give us a lead." Kanna arrives on an eel hound.

Kanna extends her arms, "I think those thunder horses are even faster than eel hounds. I wish we would have discussed this a bit more thoroughly."

Rosh: "That's fine Kanna, Dade and I will find Macai first. I doubt whatever he got will get there as fast as us. Even if he does, we'll be after him. You can come a bit later and step in if anything bad happens." Rosh takes a breath, "I have a feeling we're in for a really wild ride."

Dade moans, "Me too."

Kanna: "Ok fine, I have something that will be helpful, I think I know where Macai is going." Kanna hands Rosh the letter and Dade looks over it as well.

Rosh gasps, "Oh no. Then we've really got to get there quick."

Kanna: "What's he going to do?"

Rosh: "I don't know, but an angry Macai is not a pretty sight. I think he's going to get that information, but he might do a lot more than that. Kanna and Dade you guys don't have to come if you don't want to. Our lives are on the line if we follow him. We might be asked to arrest him or take him down, but I'm here for Macai. I want you both to know that and I'm just don't want anyone to get hurt."

Kanna: "I'm also here for Macai. Dade nods in agreement."

Dade: "Macai is one of my best friends and in Nyarri, we don't turn our backs on friends."

Rosh: "Good, then let's do this!"

The Whistle in the Dark

It is a new day and the grass in the area is a dark yellow-green color. The trees are tall and lanky. Several trees bear melon and orange-like fruits called Kemankos. The sky is an azure blue color. The sun is a faint yellow color and a steady breeze flows through the sky.

Macai rides Rezzo toward the Intel Trooper research facility's outskirts. Macai looks ahead with his advanced binoculars. He notices four watchtowers with archers on guard. Around the watchtowers are several Fire Nation army troopers on patrol. Some are firebenders, others are swordsmen, and some are axmen. In the center of the facility, is a tall black building.

Two guards in black fire nation uniforms wait in front of the door. They are Fire Nation Intel Workers. They are called workers because their main duty is to run and operate the facility. However, the worker title is deceiving because they are also trained in combat, guard, and surveillance duties.

The intel workers' faces are uncovered but their helmets look like standard yet black Fire Nation trooper helmets. Several intel workers travel through the facility to transport important information, drive carriages, or unload important boxes and ship them into the building. Many of the Fire Nation's valuable secrets are stored in this facility, but it isn't the only one. There are several hidden Fire Nation Intel Department Facilities scattered throughout the country in remote areas.

One carriage travels to deliver information into the facility. The people within the carriage are hidden. The carriage stops in its tracks when the driver notices several rocks ahead of the passage. The driver exits the vehicle, "What happened here?!"

Macai wraps his hands around the driver's neck and snaps it. Macai leaps inside of the carriage and the other rider looks up. Rider: "Ahhh!" Macai thrusts his left fist into the rider's neck. A pop is heard and the man lurches forward. The 31st leader wraps his right arm around the man's neck and tightens his grip. The pressure causes the man to pass out.

Macai leaps out of the carriage and looks at the unconscious driver. A second later, two army firebenders leap out of the concealed part of the carriage. One leaps on the right and the other leaps on the left side. The firebender on the right is directly behind Macai and kicks a rod of orange fire at the hooded crusader.

Macai turns and crosses his arms, blocking the flame. Macai leaps in front of his opponent and latches onto his arms. Macai headbutts the man, knocking him out. Firebender: "Ooof." The other firebender pulls out a whistle to alert his friends. Macai quietly leaps behind the man and slams his left foot into the trooper's face.

Macai grabs both of the unconscious men and tosses them into the carriage. Then he rides the carriage further away from the base. Macai takes the uniform of one of the workers and puts it on. Macai looks to see if he can find some sort of identification papers, but he can't find anything from either of the unconscious workers or the firebenders.

Macai thinks, I guess only the workers would have the papers. The firebenders are just here to assist but the workers have the real security clearance. Even so, I can't find anything from any of these guys. Oh well, I'll make it work.

Macai walks in his new intel worker uniform toward the front entrance of the base. A Fire Nation Intel Worker Sergeant stands at the entrance with two Fire Nation Troopers beside him. Intel worker sergeant: "What is your assignment trooper and what is your identification number?"

Macai: "I'm sorry sir, I forgot my identification number."

Intel worker sergeant: "Then you're going to have to wait, walk over to the processing section and they'll get you squared away." Macai walks to the processing area. Two intel workers wait for him. The intel workers have description pictures for each member of the group.

Intel worker one: "Take off your helmet trooper, so that we can see who you are."

Macai strategizes, Well, at least there are fewer troopers at the processing center than at the front entrance. I don't think they are expecting this at all. Maybe they're so arrogant and brainwashed that they never thought anyone would come for them like this. I just need to get in there and see for myself. I owe my mother that much.

Macai rubs his fingers, and a fluorescent white orb disorients them. Both of the workers are blinded. Worker two: "Ahhh!"

Worker one: "What was that?" The flare clears and Macai is gone.

Worker two: "Where did that trooper go?! What?!" Worker One blows his whistle and the workers at the front entrance notice it.

Intel worker sergeant: "Activate the alarm system!" One of the Fire Nation troopers rings a large bell and dozens of Fire Nation and intel troopers emerge throughout different parts of the complex. While this happens, Macai runs across the facility toward the front door. Two intel workers step in front of Macai as he nears the entrance.

Intel worker guard one: "What's the password?"

Macai crosses his hands and smacks both of the workers into the wall with a white whip of fire. Macai grabs one of the worker's keys and opens the door. The intel sergeant points at the commander, "Look, he has white fire. I think that's Commander Macai! Get him, send everyone!"

Macai slams the door shut and locks it to briefly slow his enemies down. Macai sprints ahead. As this is happening, Dade and Rosh arrive at the outskirts of the facility. Rosh: "Look, there is an abandoned carriage. We can't be far now."

Dade: "What are we going to do exactly?"

Rosh: "Let's just get in there and pacify the troops."

Dade: "Isn't there something better that we can do?"

Rosh: "Kanna will come in the end if there is a need for a last-minute rescue."

Dade pulls out his binoculars, "It's a good thing I brought these. Let's try to wait until Macai reveals himself."

Rosh scratches his head, "Yeah that's a good idea, but we don't want to wait too long. We don't know how this is going to play out." In the intel facility, multiple Intel Workers sprint across a hallway with swords, spears, and firebenders. They are searching for Macai.

Macai sneaks past them and heads toward the data room. Two intel guards stand before the data room. One of them has a sword and the other is a firebender. Macai leaps in front of the swordsman and slams his head against the wall. Macai picks up the swordsman and rapidly tosses him into the other guard.

Macai steps back and blasts the door open with a beam of white fire. The room ahead of him has many desks, shelves, and books. It is also a dark room with no lighting and sheets covering the windows. Macai leaps in the room and two intel workers surround him. Macai immediately shifts his arms and blows them away with two streams of fire. Another two intel workers move from across the other side of the room and fire two orange flames at Macai.

Macai ducks behind a table then leaps over the table between the guards. Macai ignites his right fist and slams it into the ground. A white explosion ensues that puts down the guards. Macai immediately starts shuffling through the shelves as he looks for information about his mother. Macai realizes he is in the wrong room.

Macai runs back to the middle of the room and sees two fire nation troopers charge at the door. The teen sways his hands and blasts away the troopers with a large stream of white fire. The entire room warms up from Macai's flames. The young man looks up and fires a beam of white fire in the ceiling above him; merging a hole opening.

Macai launches himself into the room with a stream of white flames. Two intel workers look at Macai and he stretches his palms. Two white flames fly into the workers. A third worker charges at Macai and the commander pumps a flame into the worker's stomach. Macai continues to dig through the papers and realizes he has to move one level up.

Dade and Rosh notice several troopers surrounding the building. Some of them enter the building to pursue Macai while others wait outside. Rosh: "Let's rescue him now!"

Dade: "Those archers will shoot us."

Rosh responds, "They won't shoot us right away, that's not standard procedure."

Dade: "Intel Forces don't have to follow standard procedures."

Rosh: "There would be a lot of controversy killing 31st Captain Rosh, Corporal Dade, and Commander Macai all in one day."

Dade: "Who says they'll admit that? They'd just frame our deaths on something else."

Rosh: "Good point."

Macai blasts another hole through the floor above him and launches himself into that data room. An intel worker with a short-sword charges at him but Macai pumps his left hand and blasts the man aside. The commander notices two firebenders fire beams of orange flames at him. Macai rolls right and the firebender on the right blasts the one on the left into a shelf. The shelf falls over and quakes the ground.

Macai ignites his hands and fires a well-placed white flame into the worker's left leg. The worker rolls backward and hits his head. Macai takes a breath and tries to keep himself from being too destructive so he can find his mother's information. Macai digs through several papers and suddenly finds Yosari's information file.

Macai reads the book and tears flow from his eyes. Everything that Zuko said was true. Macai drops the book in rage and decides to look for the commanding officer of the facility. Macai takes the book with him and sprints into the center of the data room. Two army firebenders launch themselves into the room and from the pathway Macai forged.

Macai double punches and fires two white flames at his opponents. The firebender on the left is blasted in the stomach but the bender on the right leaps over Macai's flame. The airborne bender extends his right hand and shoots a rod of orange fire at the commander. Macai rolls right and raises his right foot into the trooper's chin. The trooper falls unconscious backward and nearly falls down the hole.

Macai catches the trooper and lays him on the floor at his level. Macai doesn't want to kill any of his fellow Fire Nation servicemen. He simply wants to find the people responsible for his mother's death. A floor above and at the center of the facility. Captain Pion, the second in command of the Intel Department waits in the Command Center.

Pion brushes his curly brown hair as he is confronted by an Intel Trooper. Intel troopers are not like the workers, they are elite Fire Nation commandos and master firebenders. The intel troopers have white stripes throughout their black armor and white masks that cover their faces. Their armor is a contrast from Pion's white has light green stripes and a silver collar. The Intel Troopers have mysterious and chilling voices.

Captain Pion: "Good, prepare our forces for the final strike. I'll deal with him." The intel trooper nods and exits the room. A white flame blast through the other side of the room's floor and Macai rises into the room.

Captain Pion: "Ahhh, so the prodigal son returns. What do you think you're going to get out of this? Now you're a traitor and your career is over. If you surrender now, you'll be executed and no one will find out. We aren't going to report this. We'll just say you had an accident."

Macai: "Well, at least I know the truth now."

Captain Pion: "You should have accepted the blissful lie."

Macai tightens his right fist, "I'm going to make you wish you never lied." Macai slaps his hands and blasts a white whip of fire at Pion. Pion ducks his head and the white fire rips the wall behind him. The building sways from the blow and Pion fires a barrage of four orange flames at Macai. Macai blocks the first two flames then rolls right to avoid the other two.

Macai pushes his right arm and fires a log of white fire at the intel captain. The Intel captain leaps over the log of fire and kicks two orange flames at the 31st officer. Macai dives down to avoid being burned and the log of white fire explodes behind Pion. Pion lands a few feet behind Macai and the teen leaps back on his feet.

Pion throws a right overhand and a chain of orange fire glides toward Macai's face. Macai slides left then Pion pumps his left fist. An orange flame flies at Macai's stomach. Macai crosses his right arm and bends to block the shot. Macai twirls forward and tosses a horizontal whirl of white flames at Pion's midsection. Pion leaps behind him.

Macai turns and rapidly fires two white flames at the Intel captain. Pion ignites his arms with orange fire and blocks the flames. Pion shoves his arms and fires a stream of orange flames at Macai. The teen leaps left and nearly falls down the hole he created earlier. Macai quickly gets his balance and Pion fires two orange flames at him.

Macai walks toward the captain as he blocks the flames. Pion pulls his right hand back and creates an orange fire sword. Pion lunges at Macai and swings at him vertically. Macai crosses his hands into two of his own fire swords as he thwarts the attack. Macai raises his right leg and kicks Pion out of the window.

Pion yells, "Auuuuaaaaahaaaa!!!" As Pion splatters against the ground, Rosh and Dade watch in the distance in horror. Macai has "murdered" a Fire Nation intel officer. Even if this case becomes public, the entire Fire Nation may be against him for this. Macai turns around and notices four intel troopers rush through the other side of the room.

Intel trooper: "Stand down, Macai!"

Macai looks behind him and several Fire Nation troopers and intel workers below his position outside. Macai doesn't trust the Intel Troopers enough to wait with them in an enclosed location and Macai knows there is a chance his friends will come back to rescue him. Intel Trooper: "Put your hands up and surrender. This is your last warning!"

Macai looks out of the window and notices Dade and Rosh emerge in the distance. Rosh points at the Fire Nation troopers, "Stand down! We don't want to fight. We just want to make sure Macai stands trial."

Fire Nation trooper: "Stand trial? Your friend just killed Captain Pion!"

Dade: "He wouldn't have done it if he didn't have a reason. We demand a tria!"

Intel Worker Sergeant: "Then he'd better surrender." Rosh looks up and notices Macai leap out of the window. The Intel Troopers fire several streams of light orange fire at Macai but they are a touch too late. Macai slides down the window and breaks his fall with white fire. The troopers and workers draw their weapons.

Macai puts his hands up, "I surrender. Rosh and Dade, see to it that my story is told." The Intel Workers and Firebenders hesitate.

Rosh: "You heard him and now that Macai has witnesses, a trial is in order."

Intel worker sergeant: "Witnesses? You didn't see anything."

Dade counters, "Perhaps not, but now you can't just kill him and cover this up. Because we're here to see."

A Fire Nation captain emerges, "And who is to say we won't just kill you all now."

Rosh: "And who is to say we don't have others watching in the shadows. Macai will stand trial."

Fire Nation captain: "Fine, arrest him!"

Dade looks at Rosh, "Now what?"

Rosh: "We will keep up with them and you know who will watch us in the distance."

Dade looks at the army troopers, "I want the press here to talk before the night is over."

Fire Nation captain: "The press doesn't have animals fast enough to get here that quickly."

Rosh: "Let's arrange for them to get those animals! I want several reporters here and I want Macai taken away in a standard investigation vehicle. His trial had better be public!" Kanna arrives with several reporters, Fire Nation army troopers from another city, and lawyers.

Kanna smiles, "Don't worry guys, I brought everything we need. Macai's trial is on and there is no way out of this."