A Bitter Memory

As the final moments of the war plunge on, Macai continues his investigation of Kett's forces. The 31st regiment is docked in the harbor of the Fire Nation Capital. Macai enters Hazo's room and slams several papers on the senior captain's desk. Hazo's room has light brown walls, a dark grey floor, and a light red ceiling. Hazo is sitting on his desk and was napping; the commotion disrupts his slumber.

Hazo: "Wha?"

Macai: "I've found Kett's location. He's in the city Degara! It's only about two hours away, so we can attack him now!"

Hazo replies, "Now wouldn't be a good time. I've been informed an eclipse is coming. All of us will lose our bending, making an attack against a team of high-level benders difficult. Even with Kett weakened."

Macai responds, "We'll find a way Hazo."

Hazo: "We are not invincible Macai, timing is everything. Save your strength. Also, Firelord Ozai expects a large force of Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe warriors will siege the Capital. He hasn't informed everyone outside of the palace's defense unit because he wants it to seem like a surprise to our enemies."

Macai asks, "Why wasn't I informed?"

Hazo: "It seems he has his plan in the bag and is confident in it. My guess is he thinks there is another use of you."

Macai: "Do you have any idea what their plan is?"

Hazo: "It seems they will evacuate most of their forces with a few set up to be overwhelmed to lure the enemies in then return to overwhelm their enemies as soon as it's over with a deadly counterforce."

Macai smiles, "That's brilliant, wish I could have been a part of that."

Hazo: "Look on the bright side, you got to indirectly be a part of the Siege of the North without taking the blame for the failure and without facing that sea monster the Avatar spawned."

Macai: "Wasn't that the Ocean Spirit?"

Hazo: "Something like that..."

Rosh opens Hazo's door. Macai: "Rosh, you know the provision is to knock."

Rosh: "Sorry, this wasn't my own doing." Rosh steps aside and the Intel Captain Pion emerges.

Macai and Hazo's eyes widen. Macai: "Captain Pion, what has Goshal put you up to this time?"

Captain Pion: "You will respond to your superiors with respect boy! Afterall, intel officers outrank army and navy leaders."

Macai: "What about marine officers?"

Pion: "Marine officer ranks are the same as navy ranks while enlisted personnel have army ranks, but I get the feeling you already knew that. If I were you, I would stop testing me." Macai is still bitter about Goshal's request to execute Macai in the past for his attempt to rescue Kett when his forces were asked to pull out. The 31st leader partially blames Kett's defection on Pion, despite Kett's claim that he was going to eventually leave the Fire Nation on his own accord.

Pion continues, "There is no time to waste, you all have a new immediate assignment. Iroh has recently broken out of his private prison cell and he's giving our guards trouble. It will only be a matter of time before he escapes. I know your crew has some eel hounds at your current disposal so take them and have a quick ride to the facility. Stop Iroh in his tracks."

Macai: "You've got it." Pion exits. Macai is used to planning his missions out more and not doing things so suddenly. However, he is always open to new opportunities.

Rosh: "I always admired Iroh, it's a shame we're chasing him. We can get the attack team in a matter of minutes. We have five hounds, who do you want to take?"

Macai: "With the eclipse coming down on us, I'll go with Sonna and Dade immediately. They are two skilled nonbenders. Have them meet with me then I want you and Kanna to track behind us. Stay out of sight and take some binoculars to have a look at the prison's exterior. When the eclipse is over, join us so that we can overwhelm the infamous ex-General. I've heard Iroh is very dangerous one of the best in our nation."

Hazo: "It seems you can redirect your hate towards Kett to Iroh for now."

Macai: "Both are traitors and deserve the same fate, fair point." About three minutes later Dade and Sonna meet with Macai outside of the beachhead. They both salute Macai. Macai: "You may dispense with the formalities. We are going to take down Iroh, I know how to go to the prison. I've made that route a few times, so just follow me and look sharp."

Dade gulps. Macai: "Sonna, have your bow ready and stay a bit behind Dade and I. You can still watch our right while Dade stays on the left. I have the striking skills to give Iroh a challenge, I doubt even he has faced a great stand-up fighter like me. But I don't know much about his fighting style, I hear he is one of those good and rare bender grapplers like Kett."

Macai leaps on his hound, the other marines do the same. The eels depart and a few seconds later Kanna leaps on another eel while Rosh leaps on the one left of her. The two teen officers follow behind the trio.

A few minutes earlier....

Iroh is doing push-ups behind the metal bars of his cell. The walls of the prison are made of grey stone, the floor is dark grey, and the ceiling is also dark grey. The room is poorly lit, making it difficult to see and a depressing environment. The area around Iroh's cell is very isolated with no near prisoners in sight.

Iroh has been applying low fire pressure against the cell while the guard wasn't looking, allowing him to weaken them over time. The war veteran has been performing several sit-ups, pull-ups, and push-ups while in confinement. Now the elder man has several sharp abs and muscles throughout his body.

Just a day ago, Iroh spoke to one of the female guards who treated him kindly. He asked her to not go to work the next day and he called in sick earlier today. Iroh suddenly hears movement; he knows his personal prison guard is coming. The elderly man stops exercising and puts his pillow padding under his shirt to hide his abs.

The guard enters and looks at Iroh with disdain. The guard tosses a bowl of food into Iroh's cell. Iroh snatches the plate and slams the food into his mouth like a deranged man, knocking over his bowl in the process.

Prison guard: "Look at you, you're just a fat disgusting old man. You do nothing, you say nothing, you just eat and roll around in your own filth like a pig. You're a disgrace." The guard spits on Iroh while he is eating. Iroh regains his composure when the guard leaves. Iroh lays and looks up at the barred window above him.

Iroh rises again and performs several sit-ups, pull-ups, and then clapping push-ups. The prison guard hears the clapping while he is waiting in his office. The guard wonders, "What is that old fool doing now? I sure hope he isn't playing with himself. Ugh, I hate this job."

The guard emerges and walks toward Iroh's cell. The guard shots, "What's going on in there?!" He sees Iroh clapping while sitting. Guard: "Crazy old man. You used to be the prize of the Fire Nation. The top General, the Dragon of the West. Now look at you, look what you've become." The guard drops a lunch tray outside of Iroh's table then departs.

Iroh picks up a melon from the lunch tray while loosening his robes, once again revealing his shredded physique. The general takes a bite of the melon before nonchalantly dropping it. Iroh pulls himself up again and performs several one-armed pull-ups as he flaunts his increased strength. He has done this zealously for several weeks, but feels it is now time to escape. Iroh glimpses outside of his window and notices a sudden darkness in the sky.

Iroh smiles as he thinks, Finally, it is time. Iroh switches and performs pull-ups with his other arm. After a few seconds, he drops himself, knowing he only has minutes to capitalize on the moment. The general grabs onto his bars and extends his hands. The bars start to bend, and an echoing sound is let out.

The guard raises an eyebrow and walks back toward Iroh's cell, "That's enough! You have done far too much today, now you're going to get a lashing!" When the guard arrives in front of Iroh's cell and inspects it, he notices a jacked Iroh and that the cells have been pried open. The guard winces and extends his right hand to pump fire into Iroh but nothing happens.

Guard: "What?!" The guard tries a second time, and nothing happens.

Iroh smiles, "I'm afraid you've lost your firebending. But don't worry, it'll come back after the eclipse is over." The guard pulls out a whistle and blows it. Two guards emerge on Iroh's rear flank, both are firebenders. Another two guards emerge behind Iroh's personal guard. One has a spear.

Iroh's guard: "It's over general, surrender or die."

Iroh comments, "Now, do you really think I'd go this far just to lay down and surrender?"

Iroh's guard: "I was hoping you'd say that." Iroh yanks one of the bars off its hinges then tosses it into the spearman. A hard crack is heard, and the spearman goes tumbling down with a red mark on his head. Iroh leaps forward and kicks his guard in the stomach. Iroh's watchman flies several feet backward before he passes out. The guard left of Iroh comes forward, Iroh turns and grabs a hold of him.

Iroh rotates the guard and tosses him into one of the men behind him. The remaining guard charges at Iroh and Iroh pulls his right fist back. Iroh rotates his body and slams his fist into the man's nose. A thunderous crack occurs, and the man slides backward with a bloody nose. Iroh darts across the hall and notices another three guards emerging in his direction. Two of them have swords and the one in the center is an unarmed sergeant.

Sergeant: "Take him down!" The swordsmen charge at Iroh. Iroh flips behind the sword wielder on his right and the duelsit turns to react. Iroh uppercuts the man and his head snaps back before he collapses. The other swordsman rushes Iroh but Iroh snatches the guard's right hand (which is holding the blade) with his left. Iroh also grabs onto the other man's hand and tightens his grip.

The duelist moans and drops his blade. Iroh thrusts his fist into the man's face and knocks him out. The sergeant starts backpedaling and Iroh hops in front of him. Iroh latches onto the sergeant then tosses him into the ceiling. The sergeant falls unconscious. While this is happening, Macai gets out of his eel hound. Sonna and Dade quickly do the same.

They move across the barren land around the prison. Macai looks at his marines, "On our left, there are several hills and mountains that the general could use to retreat from the area. He can eventually get to Earth Kingdom territory if he travels far enough along this route. We must shut down his exit. This is the most likely route he would take, and I doubt he accounted for us."

In the prison, Iroh rushes down a stairwell with five guards ready to engage him. A swordsman attempts to intercept him, but Iroh kicks the man down. The swordsman falls into a firebender and they both trip. Iroh leaps further down and latches onto another swordsman, Iroh tosses the man down the stairwell. Another swordsman charges at the veteran with his blade ready for a vertical strike.

Iroh pivots down and grabs the man. Iroh tosses him at another guard along the stairway. The guard trips off the staircase and shatters his legs in the process. Iroh sprints to the bottom of the stairwell and kicks a door open. The one-man-army sprints toward the main exit. Iroh notices a Fire Nation captain waiting for him. The captain points, "It is Iroh, take him down!"

Seven Fire Nation guards run at Iroh. The three in front have swords, the next two have spears, another has an ax, and another is a firebender. Iroh screams and dives in front of the two swordsmen on the right. The swordsman in front of Iroh panics, Iroh grabs the man and throws him into the guard on his left; knocking them both out.

Iroh rushes forward with a wild right upper yet diagonal hook and lays out the other swordsman. a spearman scurries behind the general and lunges at his back. Iroh skips right and launches himself off the wall. Iroh lands beside the other spearwarrior, it is a spearwoman. The spearwoman changes her focus and swings at Iroh.

Iroh pivots his body and latches onto the spear. Iroh pulls the spear forward and smacks the butt of the weapon into the guard's nose. The woman falls over then Iroh rotates his blade and throws the spear into the spearman across his position. The remaining ax man and firebender hesitate. The captain's eyes widen, "What are you idiots waiting for?! Take him down!"

The axman charges first then the firebender follows suit. Iroh jumps forward and slams his right leg into the Firebender's face. The ax man swings horizontally at Iroh's neck and Iroh crouches. Iroh rolls and pushes the axman into a wall. The axman hits his head and collapses. The captain gets in his battle stance, "Just you and me then! Bring it on, General Iroh."

Iroh enters his battle stance and smirks. Iroh springs at his opponent and the captain leaps back at him. Iroh swiftly knees the officer in his stomach and the captain moans. Iroh shifts his body and pops the captain with a straight right hand. The blow puts the captain to rest. Iroh emerges from the prison and runs for several seconds before an arrow is fired directly at his face.

Iroh leaps right and looks up to notice Sonna. Sonna shoots again and Iroh slides forward then Iroh launches himself off of the ground and lands only a few feet away from the 31st archer. Sonna raises an eyebrow, she is surprised by his physical abilities. Dade lunges behind Iroh with a spinning diagonal attack, "SUPRISE!!" Iroh turns and latches onto Dade's helve.

Dade's eyes widen, he is surprised by Iroh's incredible timing. Iroh picks up Dade and throws him into Sonna, knocking them both out. Iroh laughs, "So these are the excellent 31st marines?" Macai emerges in his battle stance.

Macai: "At last, General Iroh, we finally meet again. It has been a long time since I last laid my eyes upon you. I had some respect for you back then, even with what Azula said about you. But now, now I see. You are a weak traitor, just like your nephew."

Iroh adds, "And your friend Kett."

Macai: "You heard?" Iroh nods his head. Macai: "No matter, you will pay for your crimes against your birth nation. Then you will be executed. Perhaps I'll end you right here."

Iroh chuckles, "You'll need a lot more men to beat me, son."

Macai clinches his fist, "You underestimate me!" Macai gallops at the former battlemaster and swings at Iroh with a diagonal right kick. Iroh leaps backward then bends down.

Iroh: "Ah, I think I blew my back out."

Macai slowly moves toward Iroh and ignores his comment. Iroh rises and throws sand at the commander's face. Macai crosses his arms to cover his face. Iroh charges at Macai. Macai backpedals and pounds his right fist into Iroh's belly. Iroh grins and Macai swings at the old general with a hefty left hook. Iroh ducks then pounces forward.

Iroh knees Macai in his stomach. Macai panics then rotates his body and slams his left hand into Iroh's right cheek. Iroh backpedals then Macai swings at second time at Iroh's left eye with his right hand. Iroh rotates his head left then grabs Macai's arm and pulls him forward. Iroh swiftly lifts Macai up and hurls him into the ground. Macai: "Oof."

Iroh stomps Macai in his face, knocking him out. Macai: "Ouu!!" Iroh peers and notices the eclipse is over. A powerful dark orange flame flies at Iroh's head. Iroh flips forward and the flame explodes a few feet behind an unconscious Macai. Iroh notices Kanna on his right. Rosh emerges on his left. Iroh: "Ahh, so you are Kanna. I've heard about you. And Rosh, it's so good to see you. I always enjoyed your insights during our discussions, it is a shame to see Macai has dragged you down this path."

Rosh replies, "I chose this path on my own, I could have left any time."

Iroh responds and extends his arm, "It's never too late to jump ship."

Kanna: "Sorry, he has a family with us. You betrayed yours."

Iroh: "I have my own new family and they feel more like family than some of my own."

Kanna kicks a dark orange ray of fire at Iroh's face. Iroh turns his body, elongating both of his arms, then Iroh pours a powerful orange flame into Kanna's. They both explode on impact, particles of dust fly in every direction briefly disorienting them all. Iroh's flames are interesting. They are like average orange flames on the exterior, but they have a white interior. This makes them hotter than most orange flames (which tend to have yellow interiors).

The dust clears and Iroh pops two rapid flames at Rosh. The flames aren't particularly fast, but Iroh's shot placement is excellent. They are fired from angles that make them surprisingly difficult to block. Rosh leaps over the fireballs and blasts a large stream of red-orange flames at the former general. Iroh intersects his arms to block the flame but stumbles back several feet.

Iroh flips back on his feet as Kanna and Rosh move toward him. Rosh threatens, "Don't make us kill you."

Iroh takes a deep breath, "I'm just getting warmed up!" Iroh rapidly punches two flames at Kanna and Kanna cartwheels in the right direction. Rosh fires two red-orange flames at Iroh and Iroh blocks them. Iroh lowers his right hand and launches a stream of fire from the ground below in Rosh's direction. Rosh spins right to avoid the stream then Iroh sways his hands in the left direction like a waterbender.

The stream of orange fire from the ground expands and emerges in Rosh's direction. The flames are too great and overwhelm Rosh. Rosh shouts, "Waaaaaahooooee!" The captain rolls several feet back and stream flows from his armor. An irritated Kanna hops forward and kicks an enhanced rod of dark orange fire square at Iroh.

Iroh pulls his hands together then shifts them, dousing the flame. It is incredibly difficult to douse Kanna's flames because of their highly explosive nature, yet Iroh does it with relative ease. Iroh flings another two rapid flames at Kanna, and the scout skips right. Iroh shoots a ray of orange fire at the agile marine when she lands.

Kanna slides left. Iroh waits for Kanna's momentum to near its end then he pulls his right hand back and diagonally tosses an awkward fireball at the girl's neck. Kanna flips right and extends her hands to fire a line of her own fire at Iroh. Iroh notices Kanna's motions and expeditiously readjusts. Within fractions of a second, Iroh extends his right hand and propels a flame into the left side of Kanna's stomach. Kanna: "Ugh!"

Interestingly, Kanna is much faster and more agile than Iroh. Macai is moderately faster than the general and Rosh is a touch faster than him. However, Iroh's timing is superior to Kanna and Rosh's. Iroh is able to maximize his speed and outpace quicker opponents with his experience, resourcefulness, and sharp mind. Iroh is also capable of making difficult decisions in less than a second. None of the 31st members have ever fought someone quite like him.

Iroh looks around at the unconscious marines then hurries toward the rock formations outside of the prison. As Iroh gets closer to his exit, he hears a swish of fire zoom behind him. Iroh leaps left and a beam of white flames flows a few feet behind him. The explosion rocks the ground and Macai closes in. Macai: "That last fight was without bending, so let's have another go?"

Iroh giggles, "You are so stubborn and headstrong. Just like my nephew." Iroh sighs, "And like my niece and brother as well. I was once like you, then I learned humility."

Macai interrupts, "Enough with the lectures old man, just fight me."

Iroh replies, "As you wish." Iroh fires two rapid flames at Macai's high guard. Macai rolls forward then rotates his body and kicks a horizontal fire whip at Iroh's legs. Iroh leaps over the fire whip and blows a surge of orange-white fire at Macai. Macai dives left then maneuvers back up and ready for action. Iroh pumps his left hand forward, launching a flame at Macai's gut.

Macai lowers his right arm and blocks the flame. Iroh stretches his left hand and pumps another flame at the commander's face. Macai tilts his head right and pulls out his right hand as he pumps a flame at Iroh's neck. Iroh tilts and extends his right arm, blocking the flame. The veteran leaps forward and pulls his hands down.

A hot stream of orange fire glides down toward Macai's position. Macai flips left and extends both of his hands, firing another stream of fire at the general. Iroh pours his own stream of orange fire into Macai's. The beams hit each other and initially are at equal standing. Macai shouts in rage, "You had a LEGACY, but when you die, you'll just be remembered as a turncoat."

Iroh loses some of his ground and Macai's white fire storm begins to push Iroh's flames back. Iroh: "And what will you be remembered as, a slave? Someone who did whatever the Fire Nation's bidding was, to his own detriment?" Iroh concentrates and begins to push Macai's white flame back.

Macai: "No! We will win this war and our stories will be told. I will be remembered as a hero who upheld my duty. For the glory of the Fire Nation!" Macai and Iroh's flames hit equal footing again.

Iroh: "The truth does not depend on who wins. The truth is not relative, it is absolute! The truth stands with the forces of light and righteousness. You fight to defend a lie and every lie will die in time. If not now, then it will another day. Unfortunately, destiny is written, and it is not on your side. I may be hated now by many of my own, but I will ultimately be remembered as a man who stood by the truth. A man who made the hard decisions to look beyond my nation into the greater truth and there I found strength."

Iroh continues, "You have so much potential Macai. Not just in physical attributes or tactical brilliance but in all areas. Unfortunately, you chose to stay blind, and this will forever hinder your growth. Much like my niece, Azula. I would have taught her if only she was willing to listen but, in the end, the truth will emerge over all lies and propaganda. I hope you accept it before it becomes too late, we all have a choice."

Iroh focuses and his flames begin to overpower Macai's. Macai's fire is driven by anger, hatred, and raw power. While Iroh's flames are driven by passion, love, his advanced technique, and greater spiritual forces. Macai's flames are also limited by his own fear which is stored deep within him. It is not the fear of being harmed, it is the fear that comes with all who willfully live in inquity.

Deep down Macai knows he is wrong, but he doesn't want to accept. He's fought in enough battles to become aware of this. Macai fears losing everything his life has been built around and everything he has ever worked for. Like Zhao, Eyre, Ozai, Azula, and so many others in his nation, Macai cannot stomach the idea of losing his privilege and purpose. Iroh pushes further and Macai's white flames are completely overtaken by Iroh's orange fire.

Macai is blasted away by Iroh's stream of orange and white fire. Macai passes out and slides several feet back. Dade and Sonna wake up. Iroh runs toward the rocks as Sonna bolts an arrow at him. Iroh leaps forward and sprints ahead. Sonna fires a second arrow at him and Iroh ducks. Sonna pounds a third arrow at the fleeing veteran and Iroh rotates his body to see it head-on.

Iroh catches the arrow and takes a step back. Sonna aims again at Iroh while Iroh ignites his hands with orange fire. Iroh chucks the arrow at Sonna and sends it flying toward her with a surge of orange flames. Sonna dives right and Iroh flees beyond her line of sight.

Dade tends to his injured commanding officer and checks his pulse. Kanna gets up and moves behind him. Dade: "He's alive, Intel Command isn't going to be happy about this one. They're definitely going to give us a hard time for this flop."

Kanna throws her hands up, "Forget those imbeciles, they don't seem to know what Iroh is capable of. We also had to deal with this during an eclipse and without much preparation."

Rosh groans as he gets up, "Did we get Iroh?" Kanna shakes her head. Rosh shrugs, "Well, at least we tried."

The Journey Continues

Later that day, Macai meets with Captain Pion in an office to debrief. The office has dark red walls, Pion has a maple brown desk, the ground consists of grey carpet, and the ceiling is black. Captain Pion: "Failures."

Macai responds, "That's easy for you to say."

Pion: "You had an entire squad of your best operatives, and you also caught him off-guard. It should have been an easy victory."

Macai: "We didn't have much time to prepare, he was a legendary veteran."

Pion: "I thought you were an upcoming legend? He also failed at Ba Sing Se; he isn't that great."

Macai: "Come on, you are in the Intel Ops. You know more about him than you told us. More than most people know. I also know he was a top general in the Fire Nation, one of the best firebenders of all time. You must be joking."

Pion: "He is washed up and lost his heart after his son died. This defeat will not look good at all, your assignment placement will go from top tier to the second tier. It's still above average, but your team is definitely overhyped. Get used to working more like an average marine unit again, because you can't handle the top level."

Macai shouts, "We beat General Gambo's forces! We took down Earth Kingdom Commandos! We fought monsters in Sarchanna. Ozai will vouch for me!"

Pion: "Those monsters don't have any stats. The other victories like against Raggus were second-tier. Above average, but not top level."

Macai: "We pulled those missions off with a brand-new commander and many new officers."

Pion: "Just give it a few months Macai, build yourself back up."

Macai: "You are intolerable, I would have liked to see an intel squad attempt that mission."

Pion responds, "You are lucky Ozai wanted your unit to have the opportunity, otherwise an intel squad would have done it, and we would have had Iroh."

Macai: "That's easy to say behind a desk. Plus, two of our marines in that team were non-benders."

Pion: "I thought they were elite. Azula uses Ty Lee and Mai."

Macai replies, "This isn't about Azula, and they didn't beat Iroh."

Pion: "Azula's team captured Iroh and took down the Avatar, you USELESS nincompoop."

Macai grunts, "Just give me my next assignment."

Pion: "There currently aren't any assignments for you. I must thank you though, your unit has helped wipe out a lot of resistance groups. Our enemies have largely dialed back and we've already dispatched missions to the few active teams. But we get the feeling they will try to re-emerge with another big plan. Don't worry though, Ozai is getting a final army ready. He's preparing an invasion force that will wipe out the Earth Kingdom forces for good. Soon this war will be over."

Macai: "Perhaps I can assist with that."

Pion dismisses him, "I will do everything in my power to make sure you ARE NOT part of that. Ozai has been embarrassed by your recent failure; he was promoting you. Your father has been even more ashamed by it."

Macai becomes tense, "I'll embarrass you if you keep talking."

Pion: "You better watch yourself boy, get out of my office!" Macai storms out of the building and Rosh pats him on the back.

Rosh: "Cheer up, at least we finally get a break now."

Macai pouts, "Those ungrateful buffoons. I've done everything I can for this nation and the minute I slip up; they treat me like utter garbage. I can't believe this."

Rosh reassures Macai, "It's alright. Destiny is strange. A lot of legends had difficult seasons before they experienced big breakthroughs."

Macai: "Yeah I guess."

Meanwhile, Sonna and Dade chat about the situation in the Prompt Adjudicator's cafeteria. Dade: "I can't believe they are treating us like this."

Sonna: "Everything is political. Goshal doesn't like Macai so he is using this loss against him. And Ozai doesn't like bad press, so he's staying out of this. Eyre has unrealistically high expectations, so he is also displeased."

Dade comments, "I heard Eyre hasn't talked to Macai at all since his defeat. I think Eyre might ghost him for a while. I heard he did that to some people he mentored if they failed badly."

Sonna: "I don't see why this is a bad failure. This mission was a set-up from the start by the intelligence community. It would probably be a risk for them to take the assignment, so they send it to the 31st instead."

Dade: "But we are known for succeeding in risky assignments."

Sonna: "That's true but, I get the feeling they knew Iroh was a huge risk. They knew he could fail but then they attack a new young commander for failing something that is really hard to accomplish. Our nation needs to work on its standards."

Dade: "I hear they wanted to share this information with the public, so now Macai would be getting bad press. There are wanted posters of Iroh throughout the Fire Nation. All they had to do was say Iroh escaped, rather than shaming Macai. Fortunately, Eyre didn't allow that to happen. Eyre blocked that order and got Ozai to agree to not allow it to be reported."

Sonna: "That would have been awful. We are supposed to be on the same team, but it feels more and more like this nation is just a never-ending power-hungry contest. I'm sick of it."

Dade: "Same."

Kanna steps between her friends, "How are you guys holding up?"

Dade: "We're holding up alright. We're just wondering how Macai is holding up."

Kanna raises an eyebrow, "That's a really good question. I think he can handle this one, but it's going to be tough to bounce back from. We just need to take it day by day and appreciate the good things we have in life. Life is not all about status and fighting. We have what really matters; friends, a loving family, security, food, shelter, clothes on our backs, bathing, and so much more."

Dade: "Please relay that to Macai, but I think he'll tune that out right now."

Sonna: "Macai was raised to care so much about little things that don't really matter. Without his status, he doesn't have much going for himself. With his mother gone, now all he has is us. It is important for us to support him and comfort him during these tough times."

While Macai and Rosh are walking, Macai takes a few steps away from his friend. Rosh: "What are you doing?"

Macai: "I'm going to just get some fresh air."

Rosh: "Ok, be safe me friend." Macai nods and walks off. Macai sits down on a bench in the Capital and looks up in the sky. The teen takes a deep breath. It is almost his sixteenth birthday and he doesn't even want to celebrate. Macai feels a tense feeling in his stomach and takes another deep breath.

Macai smells tea in the distance and walks in front of an outside tea vendor. An elderly man is serving tea from a mobile wooden cart. Tea vendor: "Hi there youngster. Oh, you are the famous Commander Macai! How is your quest going against the Earth Kingdom?"

Macai gulps, "Oh you know... It's going, well."

The tea vendor frowns, "What's wrong? You seem sad."

Macai: "That's because I have a lot on my mind right now. There is a lot riding on me."

Tea vendor: "No matter what happens, destiny will find its way. All you can do is do your part and do what you know is right. Then you can always say, you did what you needed to do. Leave the rest to the will of the universe."

Macai: "You've got a point."

The tea vendor asks, "What kind of tea would you like?"

Macai: "A dark cinnamon blend please."

Tea vendor: "I'll have that for you right away." Macai takes a sip of his tea and exhales. Macai smiles as he tastes the rich and delicious flavor of the hot leaf juice. Later that day Macai, returns to his office. He notices something is wrong before he opens the door. Macai sharply kicks the door open and enters his battle stance.

Macai immediately breaks his stance when he notices balloons, confetti, and several 31st marines. There are also some crew members of the ship that wait for the Commander. Rosh is in the center of the formation with Kanna on the right and Dade on the left. Rosh: "We wanted to celebrate."

Macai asks, "What's the theme?"

Dade: "For having a great commander. We've won a lot of victories. Though this one wasn't on the battlefield, it is recognizing how much we have. Because when we're always winning we often forget everything we need to be grateful for. People who lost more than us often fight just to have things that we take for granted."

Macai: "Well said Dade." Macai hugs Dade.

Rosh: "Break it up, this is a group hug session."

Kanna asserts, "Yeah."

Macai: "I just had to hug him for his excellent point, all of you get over here." Rosh, Sonna, Basin, Arret, Samira, Cosal, and several others join the group hug. Macai: "Now what?"

Rosh: "Next we'll eat cake, the crew band will come, and we'll play cards. We can also hit the den and play pool and ping pong afterward."

Macai: "Sounds like a plan, I wish this ship had a checkboard."

Dade: "No one can beat me at pool here. I'll also draw a picture of everyone while people are eating and talking. I've got mad art skills."

Kanna smiles, "Yeah Dade is a pretty good artist. I also have a mahjong set for whoever's interested."

Dade replies, "PRETTY good? NO, I'm EXCELLENT."

Sonna: "You never showed me one of your pictures."

Dade takes a breath, "I was afraid you wouldn't like it, but I've been practicing recently. Prepare to be amazed." Dade creates a quality picture of the team.

Rosh looks at the picture, "No way, this is good enough to be a B-rated comic."

Sonna: "I like it, I think it's A level, well maybe A- or B+."

Macai: "Works for me, I'm not going to rate it though."

Cosal grabs Macai by the shoulder, "How ya feeling boss?"

Macai nods, "Loved."

Cosal smiles, "That's what we like to hear."

Samira points at Macai, "You're the man Macai."

Basin: "What she said."

Sitting on the Sidelines

About a week later, Macai and the 31st regiment hear about a famous fight that took place while they are still docked at the Capital harbor. Macai, Dade, and Rosh are chatting inside Rosh's chamber room.

Macai: "I wanted to get your opinion on Azula's recent events."

Dade: "Ohhhhh, yeah I remember that story."

Rosh laughs, "I told you so."

Macai shrugs, "You told me so?"

Rosh: "Yeah I told you so, I told you she was going to drive people away. I am not surprised that she FAILED at Boiling Rock. She talks about everyone else. She talked about you letting Jarue escape when she herself has now failed twice. At the Drill and at Boiling Rock."

Macai: "She'd probably talk about us losing to Iroh, but we're both two and two in failures."

Dade: "But Rosh, she took down Ba Sing Se from within."

Rosh counters, "They were incompetent."

Dade retorts, "I heard Long Feng was cunning."

Rosh: "Clearly not, if he was outsmarted that easily." Macai laughs. Rosh continues, "But seriously, Azula has been abusing Ty Lee and Mai for years emotionally."

Macai: "But they BETRAYED our nation! Not just Azula..."

Rosh: "Mai never cared that much about the nation Macai, she was always indifferent about everything."

Macai: "So you're saying she's a terrible person."

Rosh shakes his head, "No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying she never was as zealous as you or Azula. Even Zuko was much more nationalistic than her."

Macai crosses his arms, "And you think that's ok?!"

Rosh: "Not all of us can be the same Macai."

Macai parrots, "She betrayed our country for a boy. Zuko! I also can't believe he betrayed our state!"

Rosh: "Zuko already betrayed us. Did you forget about his uncle's actions?"

Dade: "He didn't really betray us. It was his uncle that did. Did you expect him to betray or try to kill his uncle?"

Rosh: "That's true, I thought he got in trouble for killing Zhao?"

Macai informs Rosh, "He didn't kill Zhao, Zhao was taken by the water spirits. Or something like that..."

Dade: "I hate talking about this honestly. It's really too bad Zuko is going to be imprisoned when this is all over or killed. Ty Lee and Mai are going to rot in cells for a while, maybe Azula will forgive them one day. After like a year or some months."

Rosh moans, "I'm so glad she stood up to Azula though."

Macai interrupts, "This is not about standing up Rosh, she betrayed our people!"

Rosh: "Yeah, I think we need to can this convo." Macai nods and Dade feels awkward.

Dade: "Can't wait to see our last mission, seeing how our enemy is almost done for. Ozai is planning his last stretch, so I'm sure we'll get some assignment."

Rosh: "Maybe someone will give us a shot at redemption."

Macai: "I've been praying on that."

Dade: "Praying? You aren't religious Macai."

Macai: "Well, I've changed a bit recently. Spent some time alone and I've started to rethink a few things."

Rosh: "Maybe you should consider a faith Dade."

Dade: "Oh Rosh, don't you have a strange faith."

Rosh: "Strange? I don't believe in a bunch of deities and I don't worship the sun or dragons. That makes me different."

Macai: "Why would anyone worship the dragons, they got killed?"

Rosh: "I hear some of our ancestors did."

Macai asks, "Some of your ancestors?"

Rosh: "No, some of the early Fire Nation descendants."

Macai: "Oh by the way, this stays in this room. Only Kanna and Dade have an idea about your faith."

Rosh darts his eyes at Macai, "Yeah, why did you tell them without letting me know?"

Macai responds, "I mentioned that you had a strange faith by accident in a good convo."

Rosh: "Fair enough, I guess it happens. You know the Firelord wants people to believe in the sun worshipping faith, the universal belief of the spiritual energy that binds us all though without something that drives it besides balance, or to be agnostic. I'm sure he'd make an exception for those who worship him. But my family has always worshiped our Heavenly Creator. He watches after all beings and controls the flow of circumstances. All occurrences fit his natural plan which cannot be compromised."

Dade: "Interesting..."

Rosh: "Yeah."

Dade: "So the Creator is a firebender?"

Rosh: "Macai thought the same thing. No, he created all of the elements."

Dade: "If you believe that, then why do you think it's ok for us to dominate?"

Rosh: "I think he has a special plan with our nation. I heard he has a powerful group of servants who carry out his work across this world, they are a group of giant lion turtles. But they now do most of their work in spirit."

Dade looks at Macai, "That is ridiculous."

Macai: "It's his faith. I personally think there is a greater purpose behind things. I used to think we were the arbiters of our own destiny. I used to think the powerful individuals forged our own paths. That there were no gods or there was no one great entity. But right now, I'm certain there are spiritual forces that guide everything."

Dade: "Ok, I obviously believe in the spiritual forces, that's just obvious. I believe that because look at the Moon Spirit and the other ones that manifest themselves at times in history. Even though I've never seen one, I've dreamed about a few. But I don't think anything guides them really, they just exist. I think religion is too complicated for us mere mortals to understand."

Macai: "I doubt it would be like that. If everything has a purpose, then there will come a time that we will all have the option to learn. Iroh told me something that, has forever shaken me."

Rosh: "But I thought he was a traitor?"

Macai responds, "He is, and he still deserves to die but he had a point."

Rosh: "What about Kett? Do you still want to kill him?"

Macai: "With Kett, I was angry that day. I think we need to take him and question him first. Let's try to pick his brain. It might takes months of interrogation to get anywhere with him. He's far gone now. I felt like I was talking to another person, I didn't want to believe that he was the Vindicated Avenger."

Dade: "How did we end up back here again, to talking about defectors?"

Macai: "It was the religious statement. Iroh is very religious, more than all of us. I also noticed the Waterbenders were the most spiritual and the Earthbenders were still more than our nation. Yet we are winning the war against them, I guess science and our own wills mean more than anything."

Dade: "Yeah, but maybe people draw more to religion when times are desperate. Which is why we aren't as religious, because we're on top. We also are the most advanced scientifically."

Rosh: "But the more dominant our science becomes the more spiritual power our enemies obtain. Look at the Sarchanna monsters, the Moon Spirit's attack at the Northern Water Tribe, and other things like that. I wouldn't be surprised if the Avatar returned."

Macai: "Woh, don't talk like that!"

Dade: "Maybe the spiritual forces are ramping up just to teach us Fire Nation forces a lesson for thinking we don't need them as much anymore and that we are greater than them."

Macai: "I have heard there are many fronts in this war. I have also heard that an army often loses when it abandons a major front. But we're so close to victory, so that lesson must not be absolute. I mean, it is almost impossible that we'll lose now."

Rosh: "Anything is possible if the Creator wills it."

Dade: "Your creator is not a foregone conclusion Rosh."

Macai: "If the Universe wills it."

Rosh: "The creator, the universe is just a conglomeration of spiritual forces. Some light and others dark. Many think it's about a balance. A balance is important for a lot of philosophy and personal habits, but a creator is needed to ensure light shines over darkness. One supreme creator who prioritizes good over evil and ensures it prevails."

Dade: "Alright, I've had enough of this discussion. Who cares anyway?"

Rosh: "Who cares? Are you paying attention to the world we live in?"

Dade: "Hear me out. The water tribes believe in a moon and ocean god or goddess. The earth kingdom believes in an earth or nature goddess. There are agnostic people everywhere. If everyone has a different religion, how can we all be right? We can't but I think there is a better chance that we're all wrong?"

Macai: "The answer will become clear enough in time. In the meantime, let's just live our lives."

Rosh declares, "Like Iroh said Macai, we all will be exposed to the real truth then have a chance to accept or reject it. There are not a bunch of different alternative facts, the truth doesn't change for anyone. Let's live our lives with meaning and purpose. Not aimlessly. Let's make an impact. How do you want to be remembered?"

Macai points at Rosh, "On that, we can agree."

Rosh: "Ok but how do you want to be remembered?"

Macai puts a finger on his chin, "I'm not completely sure yet. Great commander, check... Great fighter, check... Intelligent, check. Still, something is missing. But I am young and have time to figure it out, hopefully."

Dade: "Well, as long as we are still here with you, we'll help you find that answer."