Azula's Visit

After several weeks have passed, the time has finally come. Azula will soon be visiting Macai at his town in Nyarri. She got her friend Ty Lee to accompany her, unfortunately, Mai will not be able to tag along with her.

It is a cold morning, in Nyarri. The sky is a blue-grey color, and it is 5.55 Celsius (42 degrees) outside. Macai waits outside of his home, talking to Zyger to kill time. Zyger: "You impressed me with that last air trick that you did. You know the mountain squirrels watch you every time."

Macai chuckles, "Yeah I know. I see those little guys watching me in the distance. I got distracted and messed up a couple of times. Then I could hear Hazo shouting, 'Macai, do not lose your concentration!'"

Zyger responds, "It's hard for you to get on his bad side though. He really likes you."

Macai comments, "Well, I've never been late or made any mistakes that were too great. I do think he's less strict than my father though."

Zyger: "No kidding. What did he tell you about the spirituality of fire?"

Macai: "He said that fire is not just an expression of anger or rage. He said it is an 'extension of yourself' and that I should learn how to control it calmly and naturally. The power in firebending is linked to the natural energy that binds all things in existence."

Zyger: "Really?"

Macai nods. Macai has a brief flashback and sees himself standing in his front yard across from Hazo. Hazo's arms are extended. Hazo: "Macai, I traveled the world. I saw people from the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, and Fire Nation. In all of them I noticed certain trends that exist within all people. Humanity, love, and adversity that plagues all people. I will never forget the things that I learned but the best benders are stable benders."

Hazo continues. "Rage comes and goes. A consistent bender can fight when motivated or when hurt. The best bender has control and doesn't only rely on one emotion. Rage can make someone more powerful for a brief time, but it eats away at a person like a parasite. I've seen it happen to too many of my comrades and allies in battle."

Macai questions, "But isn't firebending different? Doesn't heat correlate with rage?"

Hazo: "Heat correlates with passion and feeling. We fight with a purpose, but it doesn't have to be about revenge or some unstable emotion. Rage opens people up to mistakes and emotional imbalance. Think of all the great Fire Nation leaders who fell so drastically because they could not control their rage. The Fire Nation education system doesn't go deep into it, but I can give you some sources to study it more deeply if you would like. But don't tell your father, he might not like this teaching."

Macai: "Interesting, I think my passion was always my source. I've never been too focused on rage. Nothing happened in my life to make me want to live off rage. I know a lot of benders who focus on hurting, wanting revenge on their enemies, or to prove themselves and pave their legacies. My father always wanted me to prove myself, but I never felt insulted when others did well. I just wanted to make things work for me."

Hazo: "That's good Macai, but when you finally go to war your outlook may change. When you reach a setback and you may change your mind. Life is full of ups and downs. One thing this nation doesn't teach us much about is the downs will come for all of us. No matter how smart, strong, or adaptive you are. But the strongest will adjust and adapt."

Macai nods his head. Hazo continues, "So when things get tough, remember to stay consistent. Do not allow your rage to blind you or you lose yourself forever. People often try to block the pain out with rage and hatred but it only lasts so long. You have to look at things as they are, but remain driven and productive."

Macai scratches his head. Hazo comments, "I know it's confusing at this moment, but remember what I said. It will come in handy one day."

Macai: "Yes, master. I am so excited for the tournament, I hear it's a big deal in this city."

Hazo nods his head. "This city is known for doing well in the tournaments. They have defeated the Fire Nation Capital a couple of times in the Nationals and winning in the city is a huge test."

Macai laughs. "Then I can honor both Nyarri and the Fire Nation Capital when I win this year." They both laugh.

Hazo comments, "Just stay focused, work on the basics. Stay sharp and remember what you learned in training. Stay consistent, do not allow your emotions to blind you or it will affect your performance."

Macai: "I heard Zuko did well in the Capital tournament. He didn't win, but he went very far."

Hazo shakes his head. "He did. He is very talented and I have no doubt he would be even better if he were appreciated more and was in an environment that was more conducive to him."

Macai asks, "But I thought the strong thrive?"

Hazo: "Well, that is true to some extent. However, some people need a little more development to become strong enough to become resilient. Some people are late bloomers and don't adapt as quickly as others. But once they learn something, they master it. I've had a few soldiers under my command that were like that. They were abandoned and nearly given up on until I made them some of the best troops in my unit. Then people started sending the rejects to me and I made them elite."

Macai: "Sounds like a real fairy tale."

Hazo: "It's a skill you should learn as a future officer. How to deal with what you have and make the best out of your warriors. You need to get to know each and every one of them. You need to develop a bond with them and figure out how to nurture their growth. Learn their strengths and weaknesses and communicate with them. It is so sad that the Fire Nation does not teach its future officers this."

Macai agrees, "They just focus on efficiency, training people how to be lethal, winning at all costs, getting the best recruits, and punishing failures."

Hazo responds, "It's not realistic. Even many who start off the best haven't faced as much adversity and can crumble under the right circumstances. That's why you must analyze their flaws early on by getting to know them. Then address them."

Macai bows in respect. "So much wisdom. Between you, my father, and Zyger I think I'll be a legendary officer."

Hazo smiles. "What did Zyger teach you?"

Macai: "A lot of things that made me more street smart."

Hazo replies, "That's very useful."

Macai: "Oh I know and Kett teaches me stuff too. He's such a good friend. What do you think about the class war out here?"

Hazo: "It's unfortunate our nation can't be more united. I think we all have different roles, but we should respect those below us. I mean, you were born above me and I above many. In the end, above simply means a role of bigger scale. Not better or worse as a person. But project of scale doesn't make the General any better than the private or the Governor over the average lawyer. We are all part of one whole that cannot function without cooperation."

Macai nods his head. "I will do my best to apply these teachings and make the Fire Nation a better place."

Hazo smiles, "Excellent. There may be hope with people like you."

Macai: "I don't know what my girlfriend will think of this. It will take a while to get these ideas around to her. I'll try to start with little steps and get her to gradually start valuing her soldiers more and bonding with them. Imagine that."

Hazo: "Hopefully she listens to you. That would be great if the Princess endorses such teachings, but remember who her father is. As long as she lives to impress him, I don't know if that will ever be a thing."

Macai: "Why, do you know Ozai well?

Hazo: "Not well, but from what I've heard from my superiors... he doesn't seem to be much of one for soft tools. He wants to push people by being hard on them. Which doesn't work for everyone and she doesn't respond kindly to feedback. Perhaps when she is older she will see things more in her own way."

Macai: "I'll have to think about this. Maybe things will change."

Macai's flashback ends. Zyger: "Thanks Macai, I'm glad you spoke highly of me."

Macai: "Of course Zyger, you're like an uncle to me."

Azula Returns

Azula enters Nyarri in a dark blue carriage with Ty Lee beside her. Azula is asleep during the long ride and Ty Lee peeks her head outside of the carriage and gazes at the town. Ty Lee: "Hey, hey Azula wake up!" Ty Lee pokes Azula and Azula's eyes quickly widen as she snaps into consciousness. Azula fires a blue flame at her friend and Ty Lee quickly ducks.

The flame burns through the right side of the carriage. Ty Lee slowly raises her head. "Oh great, now it's going to be colder during our ride back."

Azula looks at Ty Lee. "Well, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't startle me."

Ty Lee gasps, "I startled you? I thought you don't get scared."

Azula explains, "I don't, it was just a reaction because I was caught off guard."

Ty Lee: "Azula, take a look outside. Isn't it beautiful?"

Azula glances outside and makes a poker face. "It's ugly."

Ty Lee grins, "Come on now, it's gorgeous."

Azula: "Are you on spice, Ty Lee?"

Ty Lee: "Look, at the mountains in the background, just beautiful. I wonder what the people are like."

Azula: "I hardly care to be honest. I'm just here for Macai."

Ty Lee responds, "Well you should at least become familiar with the place Macai is at."

Azula: "He'll only be here for a short time, then this nightmare will be over."

Ty Lee extends her arms. "Nightmare? No, it's an adventure."

The carriage stops. Azula asks the driver, "Are we at Macai's estate?"

The driver replies, "Not yet, there are several children in front of the carriage. They know it's you and they're asking for autographs."

Azula: "I don't have time for autographs."

Ty Lee looks at Azula like a sad kitten. Azula looks back at her friend. "What?"

Ty Lee: "But Azula, they're children."

Azula: "And? This will help them grow up, they can't get everything that they want."

Ty Lee: "Please take a few."

Azula: "Oh, fine." The carriage briefly stops and several children get their autographs signed by Azula while downtown. A distant Uriah and his friends watch as they notice Azula getting autographs.

Uriah looks at Kaneko and Takagi. Kaneko: "Geeez, who is that and how do the children know who she is?"

Takagi: "I've heard rumors that Macai has a girlfriend that's a royal and that he's from the Fire Nation Capital."

Kaneko: "That makes sense, he always stuck out. I knew he was some kind of noble, but I didn't think he was from the CAPITAL."

Uriah: "Do you know anything else about his girlfriend?"

Takagi: "Apparently, she's a big shot."

Uriah nods his head as the carriage departs. Uriah: "Wait a sec, come with me." The teens depart and follow Uriah as he runs in front of a specific vague two-story building within a local plaza.

Takagi: "What are you looking for?"

Uriah points at a poster. "This!" The poster shows a picture of the Fire Nation Royal Family, with Fire Lord Ozai at the center and Princess Azula below him. Takagi and Kaneko's jaws drop.

Kaneko: "That's that girl. That must be his.."

Uriah: "Yep. He's dated the Fire Nation Princess. This guy is a big shot. Probably had Palace Training at the Capital too."

Kaneko tightens his fists. "If we had half the training of that spoiled brat, we'd fold him in half."

Uriah responds, "The training is still solid here and we have more heart than those prunes ever will. Even so, we might have found ourselves an opportunity."

Takagi: "What do you mean?"

Uriah elaborates, "If we can beat him in the tournament, we will be seen as big shots. All of the higher-ups probably know who he is. That will be big opportunities for us in the military. We might become Captains or get a higher position than we could have otherwise gotten. You know my dad's a man with words, I'll make sure we get the best deal we can. Just wait until I tell him this."

Kaneko asks, "But we couldn't beat him before?"

Uriah: "That's why we should be nice and cordial to him first."

Takagi interjects, "But he won't trust us. He never did."

Uriah: "That may be true, but the tournament won't be in the next few months. For now, we get on his good side and keep being polite. Do it for our future, then when the time is right, we put something in his tea. There is a local plant called Kefari. It affects people one day after it's consumed, so he'll never see it coming. There is always a village celebration before the tournament begins, I have no doubt his friends will invite him to the city tournament. So, we can get him at that time."

Takagi: "How does it affect people?"

Kaneko: "My dad's a farmer, I know exactly how it works. He told me the sages use it and the fire monks in the mountains. The planet throws off someone's reflexes and endurance. It makes someone's muscles heavy and makes it more difficult to fight. That would ensure his defeat."

Takagi: "But how do we make sure that we're the ones to defeat him?"

Uriah responds, "As long as he loses, it doesn't matter. Because then, we all can pass him up in the tournament. The biggest thing is to not do it in the first round, we should wait until the second or third round. Let him get a win or two to convince the people that he's still the real deal. You know we're all top benders, so we'll make it to the tournament because not everyone gets picked for it. There are only three rounds before the quarterfinals anyway."

Kaneko: "I think we should wait until round three. Keep the people convinced but what if he beats one of us before then? Since fight selection is random."

Uriah: "Oh well, but it's worth a try. It's not a foolproof plan but, it's not a bad one either. Even if we fail, we also get payback for what he did to us before if he loses. That royal scum has it good enough and will still have it better than us after he loses. So, we might as well ensure he loses. If we're lucky his girlfriend will dump him, his people will reject him, and he'll fall into a depression."

Takagi: "Works for me."

The Princess Arrives

Macai is looking out of the window then he glances at Zyger. Macai: "She should be here by now."

Zyger shrugs his shoulders. "It is a long ride from the Capital to here. We both know that. Who knows, perhaps she had some sort of detour."

Macai looks out the window a second time and notices her carriage arriving. Macai: "Oh, I see her and I see Ty Lee sticking her head out of the carriage."

Zyger smirks. "Classic Ty Lee."

The carriage stops a few feet in front of Macai's home and two Fire Nation guards stand before it. Azula knocks on the door with Ty Lee beside her. Zyger opens the door. Zyger: "Ty Lee, hi. It's always a pleasure to see you. I was not expecting your visit."

Ty Lee: "Well, Azula said she wanted company. Happy to be here."

Azula: "Is Macai here?"

Zyger: "Of course, I just wanted to acknowledge our special guest. Welcome Azula, if you want to lose at foosball again, let me know."

Azula: "No thanks, I'd rather win at pool."

Zyger: "Against Macai? Good luck beating me. Just don't break the table when you lose, ok."

Azula: "Don't get beside yourself Zyger, back then I was just a kid. Now I'm a teenager and almost an adult. You can't beat me now."

Macai responds, "Hey Zula, did you miss me?"

Azula looks across at Macai and smiles. Then she runs and hugs him. Then Azula looks at Macai. "Of course, I did." Azula and Macai hug each other a second time. Ty Lee chuckles and glances at Zyger.

Zyger: "Awkward."

Macai kisses Azula and wraps his arm around her. Azula: "So, how is it here in Nyarri? That's what the town is called right?"

Macai: "Yes, it's different but not bad."

Azula: "Not like the Capital."

Macai: "Of course not, nothing is like the Capital. But I like it."

Ty Lee looks at Zyger, "Aren't they so cute together?"

Zyger: "I must admit, they are as cute as two Kwala Bears in a tree nest when they are together." Zyger wonders if it can really last.

Macai looks at Azula, "I'm thinking we could tour the upper side of town and see the noble territories."

Azula says, "Ok. That works."

Macai responds, "One of my neighbors is hosting a cook-out celebration. I would like you to come and check it out."

Ty Lee: "That sounds so fun."

Azula smiles, "Of course. I'd love to."

Zyger: "Alright have fun."

Macai: "No Zyger, I want you to come, and I want my mom to come too." Zyger nods his head. Macai: "Please give me one second to contact my mother." Macai walks up to his mother's room and knocks on the door.

Yosari: "Come in." Macai opens the door and enters her room. The walls are light blue, and the floor is the color of sand. The ceiling is the same color as the floor and there are light brown dressers throughout the room. Yosari is sitting on her massive bed with a light blue comforter and is shuffling through several papers.

Macai: "What are you working on?"

Yosari: "Oh just, trying to mobilize people in this town. Reaching out to nobles to work against the class wars that haunt this community."

Macai: "I'm going to a cookout, you should check it out, mom."

Yosari responds, "Oh I don't know, I still have work to do."

Macai: "Mother, please. You will like it."

Yosari hugs her son. "Ok, I'll come. Can you give me a couple of minutes?"

Macai: "Yes, of course."

Macai sprints downstairs. Ty Lee: "Is she coming?"

Macai: "Yes, but she just needs a couple of minutes." Suddenly Zyger hears a knock at the door. Macai nods for Zyger to open it.

Kanna and Kett enter. Azula looks, "Are these two of your new friends?"

Kanna: "Yes, Princess."

Ty Lee looks across at Kanna, "Oh, I like your boots."

Kanna smiles, "Thanks I like to wear boots. It just makes me stand out a bit, you know?"

Ty Lee: "Definitely."

Azula: "Wait, what is are your names?"

Kanna: "I'm Kanna."

Kett: "Kett."

Azula: "Are the others at the party?"

Kanna: "Yes, we just wanted to see how things were going."

Azula: "Then it sounds like the event isn't that fun."

Kanna: "Oh it's fun, we just wanted to see the Fire Nation Princess and Macai's girlfriend."

Azula looks at Macai and motions for him to get closer. Macai obeys. Azula whispers, "Let's talk in private, just for a second."

Macai: "Now?"

Azula: "Yes, now." Macai escorts Azula to his room. Kanna tries to follow them and Ty Lee stands in front of her.

Ty Lee: "Looks like she wanted to talk with him in private. Sometimes she does that. It's best you don't interfere. I'm open to talk to you. I'm sure they won't be long." Ty Lee smiles.

Kanna takes a breath. Kett: "It's fine, Kanna."

Azula looks at Macai in their room. Azula: "Please don't go around telling everyone I'm your girlfriend. Normally I wouldn't care, but I'm not sure what people would think about my boyfriend being in the Nyarri mountains."

Macai responds, "Azula, everyone in the Capital knows we have been dating for years."

Azula: "But they don't know that you're here."

Macai: "So what?"

Azula: "I don't know. Just wait, before you tell everyone. Let me think about how this message will be received."

Macai: "Are you ashamed of us?"

Azula: "Macai, of course not. I just don't know if I want a bunch of peasants knowing my personal business."

Macai: "Azula, they're good people."

Azula: "That may be true, but they're not in our circle, Macai. You know this game will only last so long. Things are going to change after you graduate and when you're back on the big stage. You might still know some of these people if they move up and get decent ranks. But a lot of them and their families don't need to know of us personally. I heard that the school you are going to isn't even the noble one and not all of your friends are noble."

Macai: "Azula, you have to trust me. They're good people just like us. I'm not running to tell people about us either. Some things just happen. I can't hide everything."

Azula: "Fair enough, I'll try to not overreact next time. This is all so different for me. I can't imagine what it's like for you here."

Macai: "It's fun. Even the public school is decent. A lot of the things I enjoy aren't there, but they sure know how to have a good time and I mean it. They have a lot of fun games and some of these kids have a killer sense of humor."

Azula: "Ok, but now that I think about it maybe we should tell people that I have another name. Something like Amira. Tell them that's my name and my father is a Doctor from another town. Let's say Shu Jing."

Macai: "I don't think that's going to work. This is a small town and word travels fast. One messenger walked in a public place and proclaimed that you wanted to meet with me. He said Princess Azula."

Azula nods her head. "Yeah and I did sign autographs because Ty Lee begged me. So half the town probably knows now."

Macai: "No point in hiding, I never liked lying anyway. So let's just take it to them. Let's let them know who we are. What are you afraid of Azula? People have been dissing you all of your life. People have been dissing me all my life and I don't even do anything crazy."

Azula gasps, "Macai, are you implying that I act crazy?"

Macai responds, "Azula, all I'm saying is that conflict is going to happen. No point in trying to avoid it."

Azula tightens her fists. "You know I'm not afraid of conflict!"

Macai: "Then let's just get out there and show people who we are. Who cares? We've got this. Azula, you and I are a statement. When we walk together in a room, we are powerful. Whatever they throw at us, we can get through together. With faith and determination."

Azula nods her head. "You're right, Macai. Let's show them that we are the BEST couple in existence."

Azula and Macai exit the room and notice Kanna and Ty Lee chuckling. Azula: "What is it?"

Kanna: "We stood outside the door and didn't hear everything. But you both started getting louder and louder."

Ty Lee: "We heard you guys start talking about conflict and being the BEST couple in existence." Macai looks across the room and notices Zyger and Kett laughing. Macai looks right of him and notices Yosari.

Macai responds, "Oh whatever. Mom, are you ready to depart?"

Yosari answers, "I've been ready, but it's all good son. I know you have a special guest. Now let's go have a good time."

Azula responds, "Thank you, Yosari."